Strongest Guard

C1097 Blood Stain of Great Marriage

C1097 Blood Stain of Great Marriage

Lee Nanfang took the initiative to ask for this wedding. In order to meet the needs of her lover, Hua Yeshen had spent all her energy on this during this period of time.    


To Hua Yeshen, the wedding was just an act of the lover fighting against the unfaithful Yue Zitong.    


In the end, no matter what the result was, it couldn't compare to the fact that they were already an established husband and wife.    


That was why she felt so relaxed.    


However, when Helan Xiaoxin appeared and Hua Yeshen figured out the main purpose of Yue Zitong's wedding, she suddenly felt a great sense of crisis.    


This sense of crisis prompted her to hope that this wedding would be successful. She wanted to let everyone in the world know that she and Lee Nanfang were a couple that no one could break apart!    


As for someone as carefree as Hua Yeshen, after sensing the danger, she wanted to prove something in a mundane way.    


Thus, the wedding she had given to her lover became an important ceremony for her to protect her happiness.    


However, Lee Nanfang was currently in a state of absolute stupefaction. He just wanted to put everything on hold and figure out what was going on before speaking again.    


Hua Yeshen was about to say something when she suddenly jumped towards Yue Zitong who was walking toward the east hall.    


Although Lee Nanfang was in a completely stupefied state, after he noticed Hua Yeshen's sudden action, a thought suddenly appeared in his subconscious mind, "She wants to kill Aunt!"    


Yue Zitong was a half-assed special agent, so dealing with three to five street hooligans wasn't a problem.    


However, if she was ambushed by the ferocious person who once tortured Lee Nanfang into a Stinky Sock, no matter how many lives she had, it wouldn't be enough.    


Why would Hua Yeshen suddenly attack Yue Zitong?    


Lee Nanfang subconsciously thought that once she saw the situation reversed and sensed that she was going to lose her husband, she would lose her rationality out of fear and anger. That's why she wanted to kill Yue Zitong without a care for her own safety.    


This was not what Lee Nanfang wanted to see.    


Since we are all brothers' women, even if there is a big misunderstanding, we can sit down and drink our tea. If you have something to say, then just say it.    


At the worst, you guys can divide it up, you're the one in '35, she's the one in' 46, and I'm off Sunday --    


It had to be said that Boss Lee's thought process was really weird. Seeing Hua Yeshen opening her arms and pouncing towards Yue Zitong, those who reacted quickly among the onlookers also let out a warning shout. He still wanted to use this method to solve the problem.    


Ai, this is a man.    


If the heavens did not thunder, it was already someone's fate. Otherwise, he would not have the chance to change his expression and shout, "Night God, don't —"    


Night God, don't be rash.    


This was what Lee Nanfang wanted to say, just as Jack had warned Yue Zitong when he noticed something was wrong: "Zitong, little —"    


Holan Fusu wanted to say, Zitong, be careful behind the scenes!    


The two men only had enough time to utter two words before Yue Zitong sensed their presence and turned around abruptly!    


Then, the three of them, as well as the hundreds of people gathered at the entrance of the two great halls, saw a thing as thick as a chopstick pouncing towards Yue Zitong's chest.    


After a very soft "puu" sound that could be heard by thousands of people, bright red blood slowly bloomed like a bright plum flower in front of Hua Yeshen's chest, at a speed that was more than ten times slower.    


When the La Plum blossomed, Hua Yeshen fell from the sky like a white swan that had been shot by a hunter.    


Red clothes fluttered in the wind, and her beautiful hair scattered. Her pale face carried a miserable smile.    


No one instructed or warned Yue Zitong.    


Completely out of instinct, Yue Zitong suddenly turned around after receiving the reminder. With an exceptionally smooth movement, she grabbed onto the ground with both of her knees. Then, her body glided forward rapidly as she opened her arms.    


Coincidentally, Hua Yeshen fell from the sky and landed in her embrace.    


The two women tightly embraced each other.    


Under the gazes of over a hundred people, Hua Yeshen's beautiful head still slowly tilted backwards, as if it was moving in slow motion.    


When everyone saw the miserable smile on her face, she looked at Lee Nanfang.    


He raised his right hand with much difficulty and lowered it halfway towards Lee Nanfang.    


Dark red blood flowed from the corner of her pale lips like small snakes.    


It fell onto the crimson bridal dress, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.    


Hua Yeshen didn't suddenly throw herself at Yue Zitong out of embarrassment and anger.    


It was because she had discovered that someone was plotting against Yue Zitong that she pounced forward in time to use her delicate body to block the chopsticks that had a greater destructive power than that of a shot fired from a gun.    


Witnessing all this with their own eyes, everyone immediately understood what was going on. A stern and cold shout came from behind Lee Nanfang, who suddenly widened his eyes and opened his mouth to yell: "Where do you think you're going!"    


This should be Hu Mietang's voice.    


He had discovered the person who was going to plot against his aunt.    


Lee Nanfang thought so in his heart.    


Who that person was, why did he want to assassinate Yue Zitong, and whether Hu Mietang would catch the murderer or not — etc., Lee Nanfang did not care.    


He didn't even turn around to look back.    


He didn't even know that when he regained his senses, he had already knelt in front of Yue Zitong and snatched Hua Yeshen away from her arms.    


"Night God!"    


Lee Nanfang's thought process seemed to have slowed down as he finally shouted out those two words. Only then did the entire world seem to have woken up.    


Shouts, shouts, cries of children, and people not only flew into the air and crashed into the crowd like kites, the reality in the west hall became chaotic, like a flood bursting through a dam, it poured into the center of Lee Nanfang's brain.    


He still didn't see what was going on behind his back. He just kneeled on the ground and hugged the woman in his arms tightly. He roared out her name and lowered his head to look at her.    


Instead of being like a chopstick, it had drilled into Hua Yeshen's back and exited from her chest.    


It's -- it's a chopstick.    


White ivory chopsticks, heavy enough, expensive, Hua Yeshen specially bought for the wedding.    


Seeing fresh blood spurting out from his chest, Lee Nanfang shouted Hua Yeshen's name like crazy, while the scene from before surfaced in his mind once again.    


To be exact, the chopsticks were like bullets, moving at high speeds in the air.    


If Hua Yeshen hadn't pounced on Yue Zitong in time and used her delicate body as a meat shield, then this chopstick would have pierced through the back of Yue Zitong's head and burst out from her throat.    


"Who is it? Who wants to kill me? Is … Is she alright? "    


Yue Zitong finally understood what was going on. She shouted and reached out to grab the chopstick, trying to pull it out.    


This was her natural instinct. As long as she could take out the chopsticks, Hua Yeshen would be fine immediately. She turned over and sat up, smiling as she thanked him.    


However, just as her hand was about to touch the chopsticks, it was opened by Lee Nanfang: "Move it away!"    


With a light slap, Lee Nanfang's hand slapped the back of Yue Zitong's hand like it was a slap. It was really painful.    


However, it caused her to wake up and mutter, "Nanfang —"    




Lee Nanfang suddenly raised his head. His face was covered in blood that spurted out from Hua Yeshen's chest. He looked like a devil.    


Especially those eyes, which turned red in an instant, slowly became crazed and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Are you satisfied now? Now, are you satisfied!? "    


"What, what am I satisfied with?"    


Yue Zitong's face turned pale. She wanted to ask Lee Nanfang why he asked her this question, but after her eyebrows suddenly trembled, she understood why he asked that question.    


Lee Nanfang was asking her if she was finally satisfied now that things had come to this.    


Back then, Lee Nanfang, as the unmarried son-in-law of the Yue Clan, had displayed his godly might in the British Island s. He had saved Old Fei and the others, who were among the hundreds of people who had died honorably, and earned great benefits for the Yue Clan.    


However, the Yue Clan was not satisfied with this.    


They also wanted to use Lee Nanfang's ashes to hold a wedding to extract the last bit of his value.    


This was a bit too much.    


No matter who brought up this matter, they would say that the Yue Clan had let down Lee Nanfang.    


If Lee Nanfang was really dead, then so be it.    


But he was still alive.    


After a narrow escape from death, he finally escaped from the Small Desert Island and reentered society.    


The first piece of news he received after re-entering society was that he had been repeatedly used by the Yue Clan as a tool to obtain benefits. He had been used again and again, to the point that he did not let go of his "ashes".    


What's more, Lee Nanfang was not a very generous person.    


Therefore, on the night of Yue Zitong's Yin wedding, after turning into a ghost and forcing a girl to do her, she implored Hua Yeshen to hold this grand wedding.    


If Yue Zitong saw that Lee Nanfang hadn't died, regardless of whether she betrayed Little Nephew or not, she would have sat down rationally to have a good talk with him. Instead of showing her lofty attitude in front of so many people, she would have casually turned around after being admitted her wrongs — Hua Yeshen wouldn't have held back chopsticks for her.    


All of this was because of Yue Zitong!    


It was her. Despite their love for each other that was even higher than the heavens and deeper than the seas, she had become crazy just for the sake of the family's bullshit.    


After Lee Nanfang appeared, she used a great show to gain the sympathy of everyone present. Her success made the victim turn into a heartless scum.    


This caused Yang Xiao to be angry.    


Other than Yang Xiao, who else could throw out a chopstick at the speed of a bullet?    


Other than Yang Xiao, who among the thousands of people present dared to hurt Patriarch Yue without permission?    


Lee Nanfang didn't blame Yang Xiao.    


He did feel sorry for Hua Yeshen and thought that she was a bit of a fool.    


He hated himself even more — after discovering that the groom was Helan Xiaoxin, he shouldn't have let his imagination run wild, causing Night God to hesitate. He thought he still cared about her attitude towards Holan Fusu, so when he saw that Yue Zitong was in danger, he rushed over without thinking.    


Hua Yeshen wanted to use this method to make up for the mistake she just made.    


Or it could be said that Hua Yeshen wished to use her death to prove to Lee Nanfang how much she loved him!    


In order to love him, she could even sacrifice her life to save the other woman he loved.    


The rage and self-blame from Yue Zitong was so high that it made Lee Nanfang's eyes bulge. He glared ferociously at Yue Zitong and was about to — use one hand!    


A hand covered in blood, yet still gentle, gently pressed against his mouth.    


He looked down and saw Hua Yeshen smiling happily. She said in a low voice, "Nanfang, will the wedding continue?"    


She was clearly about to die, but she didn't care.    


Just like how she would not regret saving Yue Zitong.    


If the Heavens were to give her another chance, and she were to throw her hand at Yue Zitong after discovering the King among the crowd, she would still pounce on him without hesitation.    


Hua Yeshen did this only because Yue Zitong was the woman her husband loved deeply.    


He only wished that her wedding could continue.    


She had been wandering outside for so long that even in her dreams she wanted to have a real home.    


In the family, there was a man who deeply loved her.    


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