Strongest Guard

C2254 Only by Giving Oneself to Others

C2254 Only by Giving Oneself to Others

Yang Xiao himself was the guardian of the Flame Valley at Mount Kunlun, where the Dragonpulse of the world originated.    


The appearance of the dragon aura meant something.    


If Master Empty had said that the aura that hurt her was evil, she definitely wouldn't have narrowed her eyes.    


From a certain perspective, Yang Xiao was the spokesperson for the Dragon Qi.    


To her, the dragon aura was only beneficial and harmless.    


Then, why didn't she feel that aura that she was afraid of, was it the aura of a dragon?    


She thought that she was the person who understood the qi of the dragon the best in the world.    


However, he did not know that the Dragonpulse in the world were split into different types.    


There were both land dragons of high mountains and water dragons of great rivers.    


The dragon eye of a land dragon Dragonpulse is Karakorum, and the dragon eye of a water dragon Dragonpulse is in QIngling County.    


The two Dragonpulse s on land and water perfectly conformed with the laws of heaven and earth, separating men from women.    


At the same time, land and water are intrinsically incompatible, just like the alternation of day and night.    


To put it more bluntly, the land dragon and the water dragon were brothers that disliked each other.    


Each of them had their own territory, and no matter what, they would not interfere.    


Yang Xiao, on the other hand, was a guardian of the Dragon Eye. Once she stepped into the Dragon's Eye's area, it would be equivalent to not declaring a fight. How could they not mess with her?    


No matter how evil Yang Xiao was, his martial arts were peerless in this world. In front of the powerful Water Dragon, she was nothing more than an ant.    


Especially since she was pregnant.    


Even if she wasn't pregnant right now, after coming to the opponent's territory, even if she had thousands of supernatural powers, she still wouldn't be able to use them.    


"Benefactor Yang, the moon is round and the sky is twilight. If there was a mountain, there would be a great river. If there was a land dragon, there would be a water dragon. "It's not surprising that you barged into someone's territory and were hit by a unique aura.    


Drinking another mouthful of wine, the unfathomable look on Master Empty's face became heavier and heavier: "Forget about you, even if it's the six people in Almsgiver Lee Nanfang's house, it's best for them to not enter QIngling County. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable. "    


Master Empty said that the six women in Lee Nanfang's house were Night God and Xiaoxin.    


Yang Xiao was stunned and blurted out, "Why, can't they go as well?"    


Master Empty softly spat out two words: "Paper man."    


Legend has it that among the women who served Scumbag Lee wholeheartedly, there were six of them. They were paper men that were taken away from the funeral when Emperor Yang's dragon body was moved to eight hundred Monarch Valley.    


The six paper men came to the mortal world in succession after Lee Nanfang was born. They waited for his fortune with different identities and faces.    


According to folklore, although these six were currently beautiful and lively, they were still unclean and evil reincarnated paper men.    


And the place where the water dragon's dragon's eye was located was so holy that no evil could invade it.    


Hua Yeshen and the rest were not unique existences like Yang Xiao.    


If they trespassed into QIngling County, the damage they would suffer would be absolutely destructive — They would be burnt to ashes and disappear forever.    


Yang Xiao's face was unsettled for a moment before he slowly asked, "Seven days ago, I heard Yang Tiantian's laughter that night. Unparalleled, evil. After the incident with Nanfang, I heard from my wife that she had changed her entire personality when she was only 800 years old. It was as if she was no longer the same person as before. Did she belong here? She didn't come to QIngling Mountain to wait for Nanfang, or to search for Eldest Sister Yue Zitong? "But, must we go home?"    


"She's not the same as she was?"    


Master Empty's voice suddenly became ethereal. He raised his head and looked out of the window. A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Benefactor Yang, some things are fate in the first place." Manpower was something that could not be changed. Furthermore, he couldn't use a person's mentality to view certain things. I advise you. Or he could just stay here and rest. Or, let's return to eight hundred. "    


"You don't need to tell me where I'm going."    


Yang Xiao showed his emotionless face again and said coldly: "I won't go to QIngling County, and I will restrain Night God and the others. However, I won't return to eight hundred either. who tried to hurt me while I was unconscious -- "    


Master Empty interrupted her, "Benefactor Yang, Long Zi is safe."    


Yang Xiao's eyebrows immediately rose and the corner of his mouth curled up.    


She could hear that Master Empty was trying to persuade her to stop killing for the sake of her children.    


Seeing that she seemed to be wronged, Master Empty felt sorry for her and thought to himself, "Benefactor Yang, in a few years, you might have a chance to meet the person who protects the Water Dragon's Eyes. When that time comes, I hope that you can show mercy. "    


Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment before he smiled charmingly.    


Help, help.    


There was a light knock on the door.    


Master Empty did not say anything. He was a guest and a respected monk. Of course, he would not say "please enter", nor would he personally open the door.    


Yang Xiao waited for a moment, but before the old pervert could react, he could only personally say: "Come in."    


It was the Night God.    


Compared to when Yang Xiao escorted Yang Tiantian to the south, the night god now looked much more beautiful. His skin color was enough to make people jealous …    


Of course Yang Xiao knew what was going on.    


It was just that the Night God and the others had accompanied Lee Nanfang at sea.    


Thinking about how she escorted Yang Tiantian all the way down and almost hurt her child, but Ye Shen and the others were extremely romantic with Lee Nanfang at sea, Yang Xiao couldn't help but feel angry and let out a cold snort.    


The God of Night's heart immediately trembled as he lowered his head in panic and greeted her with a humble bow.    


"Whatever. It's good that he didn't die …"    


After Yang Xiao said this, he realized that she shouldn't have this kind of mentality.    


She was a big devil who could make children stop coughing and crying. How could she be as jealous as a peddler?    


Empty and shameless, but with her hands clasped together, she whispered congratulations to Almsgiver Yang, saying that she had grasped a layer of consciousness and was getting closer to that of a normal person.    


Yang Xiao couldn't be bothered with the old thief's congratulations. He frowned and said, "What you should say, what you should do, you've finished. Why aren't you leaving?"    


The old monk was stunned, "Benefactor Yang, you just crossed the river and you already destroyed the bridge at such a fast speed, isn't it too fast? Moreover, Benefactor Shen still hasn't returned. "    


To Almsgiver Yang, destroying a bridge after crossing a river was simply a daily activity.    


As for Master Empty, when Benefactor Shen returned, he was mainly worried about the steamed bass and roast duck wings and other places like that — while the high monk was eating meat, what kind of high monk was he?    


In order to help Master Empty maintain the glorious image of a monk, Almsgiver Yang impatiently waved his hand, signalling for him to quickly leave so as to not anger This King.    


Master Empty sighed long and hard as the world went downhill.    


Although they were both people on the same bed, Nightmare was still a little afraid of Yang Xiao.    


Especially when the two of them were alone, she wouldn't know whether to stand or stand after pouring Yang Xiao water.    


Seeing that she had nowhere to put her hands or feet, Yang Xiao sighed and asked awkwardly, "Your sister, is her mental state abnormal?"    


Although Yang Xiao "accepted" Shen Qingwu as his wife, he also tactfully agreed to give up his husband to help her give birth to a child.    


But the bald and empty man promised Shen Qingwu a grand wedding and a gold medal host to let the world know that the great King Xuanyuan, who was a woman in his own right, had a woman as his wife.    


Such bullshit, even Yang Xiao, who never cared about the secular world, felt embarrassed.    


However, Shen Qingwu cried tears of joy …    


Shen Qingwu's happiness was built on Yang Xiao's depression.    


Hua Yeshen could tell from the king's tone of voice that she found this rather awkward, so she asked softly, "Why don't I talk to my aunt in detail? Maybe she can get over it. "    


Yang Xiao immediately shook his head: "Don't. What if she commits suicide after you told her about it? After all, she had been following me all the way south. And when I was in danger, I would show up in time. There is no way to repay the debt of saving our lives, and we can only repay it with our bodies — what, am I wrong? "    


When she said "only with your body", she realized that the Night God's expression was extremely plentiful.    


How could the Night God dare to say that the king was wrong? He only bit his lips and shook his head with all his might.    


Yang Xiao, who was very different from ordinary people in the brain, didn't care whether he said something wrong or not and changed the topic.    


Other than not wanting to marry Shen Qingwu, what she wanted to know the most was what the father of her child was doing now.    


What could Lee Nanfang do?    


A broken fishing boat accompanied by a graceful Little Beauty, along with various ladies, was queuing up in the middle of the night to send off the benefits …    


In short, Lee Nanfang had a very comfortable life a few days ago.    


He'd even forgotten how his aunt had died.    


Night God reckoned that his elder sister's spirit in heaven would definitely gnash her teeth and curse this fellow. Her conscience was extremely bad.    


However, Lee Nanfang's blissful life ended 16 days ago.    


That was because Night God and the others had received a call from their master's wife, forbidding them from continuing to follow that broken fishing boat and deliver benefits in the middle of the night.    


This confused the wives greatly.    


Everyone could ignore the words of others.    


However, his wife's words were a golden law that was hard to follow.    


Even the most rebellious Helan Xiaoxin didn't dare to defy him.    


After listening to Nightmare's speech, Yang Xiao said in a soft voice, "Looks like the Blunt Vanquisher has long said hello to his wife, and won't allow you to follow him any longer."    


Night God was puzzled. "Why?"    


Yang Xiao was silent for a moment, and then said: "QIngling County, is me, is a forbidden area for the six of you. I got in, I got hurt. If you barge in, you will vanish into thin air. "    


The Night God's face immediately paled.    


Although Yang Xiao didn't say too much, Night God believed that she definitely wouldn't lie.    


"You don't have to worry. Since he was already here, it meant that he had everything under control. Nanfang would be fine. I'm just curious why he has to go to QIngling County. "Yang Tiantian, who exactly is she?"    


It turns out that pregnant women get tired when they put too much thought into it.    


Especially since Yang Xiao had just woken up.    


When she felt the little life in her stomach move, it was filled with dissatisfaction. She immediately stroked her belly and whispered something with a face full of tenderness. Then, she changed the topic. "Are there really dregs like that among the students of South Heaven?"    


Night God immediately replied, "He might be more trash than you think."    


"Hurry up and tell me, is there that trash?"    


What the old monk said was right, Yang Xiao was getting more and more close to the point.    


Otherwise, she wouldn't have such a gossipy mindset.    


"That scum, he thinks that the good show he orchestrated is flawless. Hmph hmph, but he never would have thought that the couple in his family was the real trash of his ancestors. "He secretly sent people to harass me, then when he timely used the hero saving the beauty to strike up a conversation with me, I reckon that our couple stopped playing twenty years ago."    


If one were to ask a scum of the student of Nantian, upon hearing Nightmare's words, they would definitely cry out that they had been wronged.    


Shen Yue, who had been scolded as scum, did not know that the three hoodlums, who had harassed the Night God, were specially sent by his good brother to help him pick up girls.    


At a restaurant, he saw the Night God silently waiting to be summoned by the king.    


If he didn't call his good brother Shangguan Rourann as soon as he saw such a beauty, would he still be considered as brothers?    


Shangguan Rourann, on the other hand, couldn't go since she wanted to meet Yang Xiao, so she sent three hooligans there to catch up.    


She brought her good brother home, but he had arranged for her to stay in the hotel. Not to mention the old gramps, she hadn't even seen her parents. Shangguan Rourann felt that she had lost a lot of face and that she had let down Shen Yue.    


When Shangguan Rourann found out that her good brother had seen a top-notch young lady in a restaurant, she sent someone to harass her and give her a chance to save a beauty. In order to make up for her regret, she barely made up for it by sending someone to harass her.    


As for who the young woman was, Shangguan Rourann didn't care.    


However, Shangguan Rourann would help him settle the matter when the young woman's reputation had been ruined by her good brother.    


Shen Yue didn't know.    


Furthermore, he could swear to God that he was only admiring the Night God and not having any dirty thoughts at all.    


When the hooligans started to pester her, Shen Yue immediately stood up and quickly chased them away. She then politely comforted her elder sister not to be afraid — Night God instead gave her a big slap on the face.    


Shen Yue was a student of Nan Tian. Even if she wasn't an expert like Lee Nanfang, she was still a second-rate expert, right?    


However, when Nightmare sent a big slap over, he actually couldn't dodge. Half of his teeth had been loosened.    


At that time, he was furious and rushed over with a growl.    


As a result, Night God gave him a vivid lesson, letting him know what a true expert was.    


If it wasn't for the fact that Shen Yue was angry from embarrassment, and wanted to risk her life to unleash the Residual Soul's black thorns, Shen Yue reckoned that the attack that Night God had given him would have been even more severe.    


The Night God snatched the black thorn and laughed coldly: "Heh heh, is there a problem with Nan Tian's eyes? I actually accepted a scum like you as my student. "    


Just one sentence was enough to make Shen Yue completely dumbstruck, so she hurriedly asked for her name.    


"After you learn how to be a good person, you can ask Nan Tian."    


With these words, the Night God left.    


While Shen Yue, who had suffered a heavy blow, was sitting by a river in a daze, she received a call from Shangguan Rourann.    


Shangguan Rourann asked him if he had picked up that top quality young woman. She also lamented that if it wasn't something important, he would definitely rush over and personally help his brother.    


Only then did Shen Yue realize that Shangguan Rourann had arranged those three hooligans.    


Shen Yue naturally didn't care to speak of such an embarrassing truth.    


Thus, this fellow laughed out loud and rubbed the palm mark on his face. He replied that he was not a despicable person, and that he had just righteously saved the young woman and received her sincere gratitude.    


Shangguan Rourann scolded him angrily. He was just like Shabi who didn't understand the wind or the emotions …    


For the sake of being a good brother, Shen Yue endured it.    


Besides, Shangguan Rourann went on to say that after he went to see that important person and was pointed out his shortcomings, he even asked for Shen Yue's advice on how to overcome his fear of water.    


The big man told Shangguan Rourann that if a good brother wanted to overcome his fear of water, he would be thrown in the river eighteen times a day.    


As long as you drown more, you won't have to be afraid --    


"What kind of big shot is this?" "What a blabbermouth."    


Shen Yue was about to stand up and return to the hotel after finishing her conversation with Shangguan Rourann in anger, but then she raised her eyebrows.    


He saw another beauty.    


Little Beauty.    


He was dressed normally, and his clothes didn't fit him at all. As he rolled up his pants, his calves revealed his creamy calves.    


Next-door maid, no, this is the next sister's spokesperson.    


The little sister next door was very happy and did not notice that there was someone by the river. After picking a Small Yellow Flower, she turned around and walked quickly onto the river bank and asked crisply: "Meteor, do you think this flower is beautiful?"    


"You are much more beautiful than a flower."    


Shen Yue said in her mind without thinking.    


Before he could finish his words, he heard a man's voice from the shore, "You are so much more beautiful than a flower."    


Wow, a soul-linked soulmate.    


While Shen Yue was lamenting in her heart, the girl giggled and tiptoed, raising her Small Yellow Flower: "Meteor, help me put it on."    


Lee Nanfang had already corrected Miura Qingying many times, don't call him Meteor.    


This name sounded very pretentious.    


However, Lil 'Light had been taught repeatedly — seeing that she was currently homeless and extremely beautiful, Lee Nanfang still forgave her.    


After helping her put the flowers on her hair, Lee Nanfang turned around and looked at the young man on the grass by the shore. He didn't seem to care and naturally hugged her slim waist, turning around: "Let's go, I'll take you to lunch." "Whatever you want to eat, just say it."    


"Meteor, do you have money?"    


"How vulgar of you to mention money whenever you like?"    


Lee Nanfang frowned and strode forward. He said shamelessly, "No."    


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