Strongest Guard

C2100 A Man Who Is Still Alive and Shot

C2100 A Man Who Is Still Alive and Shot

General Hospital of Mingzhu could be considered Lee Nanfang's territory.    


There was no need to explain the relationship between Chiang Morann and him.    


Just a few days ago, he caused such a stir in the medical realm here, and he had already become the most admired by all the doctors and nurses in the entire General Hospital of Mingzhu.    


It would be too easy to ask the police where the seriously injured soldiers were.    


However, he had never expected that the ward would be empty.    


When Lee Nanfang asked the nurse on duty again, he found out that two hours ago, Han Chengxiong's family forcefully brought home the patient who was left with only half of his life, regardless of the hospital's objections.    


It was also at this moment that Lee Nanfang realized that things were not as simple as he thought.    


Was it just Mai Qing and Han Chengxiong's deal that had failed, a sudden and contradictory event?    


Perhaps it was a sudden thing in itself, but there must have been more hidden issues behind it.    


On the surface, Han Chengxiong was a celebrity entrepreneur.    


Making a money trade with a female university student was a matter of course.    


How could he allow such a thing to spread to the ears of the police?    


Plus, as a big boss who was worth hundreds of millions, there was no need to keep trying to capture this poor female student.    


Even if he could get into court and win the case, how much did he expect Mai Qing to compensate him?    


More importantly, if Han Chengxiong was seriously injured, he wouldn't be able to arrange this.    


The only person who could get the evidence to the police station was his family.    


But this was even more unreasonable.    


Han Chengxiong's real wife wouldn't just sit by and watch her husband curse his name and get involved in some dirty business.    


As for his father-in-law who worked in politics, he definitely did not wish for things to get out of hand and affect his career.    


It was something that shouldn't have happened.    


Why did it all become so strange?    


Just because Han Chengxiong was stabbed, they became so angry that they lost all reason?    


What a joke!    


There must be something wrong.    


Lee Nanfang realized that the situation wasn't right. The first thing he thought of was to go to Han Chengxiong's house and ask him about the reason.    


A light rain fell on the night of the pearls.    


In a villa in the northern side of the Pearl District, Lee Nanfang tugged on the stockings on his head and leaped towards a villa like a ghost.    


When he went to the hospital just now, he was going to use Lee Nanfang's unique way to talk to Han Chengxiong.    


However, he did not realize how complicated the situation was, so he did not make any preparations.    


But it was different now.    


When problems go far beyond normal understanding and worry, it is absolutely necessary to be prepared in advance.    


At the very least, he couldn't be seen entering Han Chengxiong's house late at night.    


If Bai Linger found out about this, it would bring her quite a lot of trouble.    


Of course, a single stocking wouldn't be enough to stop Lee Nanfang's heroic aura. In the end, Bai Linger still recognized him. That wasn't something he could stop.    


It was drizzling late at night.    


At Han Chengxiong's house in front of them, the lights were on.    


Lee Nanfang quickly snuck over with the intention of sticking close to the window and taking a good look at the situation inside before rushing in like a god to surprise the family with the surname Han.    


However, before he got close to the yard fence, he suddenly felt a trace of danger.    


This was a life-and-death crisis that was enough to cause even the sleeping black dragon to slightly raise its head.    


He abruptly stopped his steps and quickly retreated.    


Even though his speed was extremely fast, he still attracted a lot of attention.    


"Who is it!"    


A shout came from the dark corner of the courtyard.    


What was surprising was that there were actually hidden sentries in Han Chengxiong's house.    


If it was simply a bodyguard hired by a wealthy businessman, then it wouldn't be a big deal.    


However, Lee Nanfang could clearly see that the person who rushed out from the dark corner was holding a hand holding a small sword.    


What made him even more confused was that the person who shouted just now didn't speak Chinese, but Oriental.    




Why would there be a Chinaman in Han Chengxiong's home?    


The doubt in Lee Nanfang's heart deepened.    


At the same time, they could see the brightly lit villa in front of them. The door opened and a group of people rushed out with weapons in hand.    


That movement, that grandeur, they were definitely well-trained armed men.    


No one said anything. The leader frowned and looked at Lee Nanfang, then raised his hand and made a gesture.    


Following that, four or five fellows quickly climbed over the fence and formed a semicircle as they chased after Jiang Chen.    




Just from the actions of these people, Lee Nanfang immediately guessed the identity of the other party.    


It was an organization that caused incomparable headaches to the world's officials, with tens of thousands of different types and sizes. It was distributed to every corner of the world.    


As long as they had money, there was nothing they couldn't do.    


Why would there be a mercenary appearing in Han Chengxiong's home, and it was Dongyang's mercenary organization that set foot on Hua Xia's Ming Zhu's land.    


Lee Nanfang thought a lot at this moment.    


However, no matter what he thought about, he would firmly stop his steps and charge back.    


On the land of China, it seemed that armed terrorists were not allowed to appear.    


Since they let him meet them, then these Oriental people would stay behind forever and give him some useful information.    


Xiao Yu in the dark night became Lee Nanfang's best cover.    


After changing his path, he circled around half a circle and charged to the back of the other side's encirclement. While moving, he held the remnant spirit Military Thorn in his hand and accurately stabbed the last person's neck.    


The special noise alerted the others, and the remaining four quickly turned around.    


However, what awaited them was an ice-cold piercing pain and the power in his entire body being drained along with the fresh blood.    




The sound of thunder covered the sound of gunfire.    


All five of them were lying unconscious on the path that led to the villa complex.    


When Lee Nanfang looked back, he found that the courtyard of Han Chengxiong's villa was empty.    


The remaining mercenaries did not run away, nor did they chase him out. They chose to retreat back into the villa.    


This could only prove that there was something very important inside the villa.    


Or a quick transfer.    


Or destroy it immediately.    


Lee Nanfang did not dare to delay any longer, he burst out with all of his power and directly ran into the house through the door.    


The lights went out.    


What followed was a continuous stream of spear light.    


The gunshots lasted for half a minute before they stopped.    


Waiting until the ceiling light in the living room on the first floor was turned on, only three corpses remained in the room, and a half-dead person with his arms broken and his feet stepped on by Lee Nanfang.    


"Who are you people? Where's Han Chengxiong? "    


Lee Nanfang immediately asked the two questions that he was most concerned about.    


Unfortunately, what he got in return was a strange sneer. The East Ocean Mercenary who had lost both arms did not even scream out in pain. All he got in return was a weird cackle filled with curses.    


"Damn it!"    


Lee Nanfang frowned deeply and kicked the other party unconscious.    


Following that, he looked up at the second floor of the villa.    


He remembered clearly that when he had sensed the situation during the battle, there had only been ten people in the entire villa.    


Five had been poured outside, leaving behind four on the first floor.    


There was also the leader of the group of mercenaries, who was hiding somewhere in the room on the second floor.    


From the looks of it, Han Chengxiong could not be here.    


Only by capturing the leader could he get to the bottom of this.    


There was no need to think too much about it.    


He flew out, jumped up on the banister, and was just about to stop in front of one of the bedrooms.    


'Bang! 'a loud sound was heard.    


The bedroom door was like a cannonball that had been shot out by a cannon, and it flew straight towards him.    


The huge impact made Lee Nanfang shudder. He only had time to cross his arms in front of his chest.    


Another loud sound rang out.    


The wooden door smashed into pieces on Lee Nanfang's body, while he broke the stone railing behind him and fell into the living room on the first floor.    


I can't remember how long.    


He had fought so many battles without suffering any injuries, yet he had actually capsized in such a small ditch.    


The residual soul Military Thorn flew out.    


Lee Nanfang felt his arms go numb and involuntarily trembled slightly.    


That attack just now was too terrifying.    


Before he was possessed by the Black Dragon, even if he used all his strength, it would be impossible for him to blast out a door and create a force no less powerful than that of a cannonball.    


Was he even human?    


How could a normal person do this?    


Without time to think, the Black Dragon in his dantian raised its head and warned. Lee Nanfang used all of his strength and rolled on the ground, grabbing the residual soul Military Thorn and flew to the back of the thick sofa.    


Behind him, a series of bullets hit the ground, creating countless sparks.    


Accompanied by the sounds of gunfire was a certain someone's maniacal laughter.    


It was a good thing that there would always be a time when the bullets ran out.    


When the gunfire stopped, so did the laughter.    


Just as Lee Nanfang wanted to relax, he suddenly realized the crisis and quickly tilted his head.    


The sound of air being torn rang out. A slightly rushing bullet was thrown out like a spear. It went through the back of the sofa and finally smashed into the wall, shattering into pieces.    


If Lee Nanfang had hesitated for even half a second, the gun would have pierced through his head and he would have died.    


This was definitely not something a normal human could do.    


Even if it was in exchange for Jinghong Ming's life, it would be impossible for him to use the gun as a spear and pierce through the thirty centimeter wide back of the Solid Wood.    


It doesn't make sense.    


If Dong Yang had such a powerful expert with such explosive power, he could dominate the entire mercenary world by himself.    


Lee Nanfang's eyebrows were twisted into pockmarks. From the sound above, he was sure that that person jumped down from the second floor.    


Without the slightest hesitation.    


With a flying kick, he kicked the Solid Wood's sofa in front of him away like a soccer ball.    


His intention was to block the opponent's actions.    


In the end, he saw an even more shocking scene.    


The man only opened his hands, and the huge Solid Wood sofa was ripped into two pieces.    


Before Lee Nanfang could complain about how awesome the other person was, he picked up a fallen gun, aimed at the target, and pulled the trigger.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Three shots.    


It hit!    


The bullet hit the man accurately in the chest.    


It gave Lee Nanfang an unreal feeling.    


The other party had clearly displayed a great amount of strength, so how could he not be able to dodge bullets? Could it be that this freak who only pursued strength and gave up on speed?    


That shouldn't be.    


Even if his speed wasn't fast, he should at least have the awareness to dodge it.    


It's fine to just lie down and let Lee Nanfang treat you like someone important.    


Lee Nanfang was confused.    


He had clearly thought that this would be a fierce battle, but who would have thought that he would be able to solve this problem in three shots?    


If he knew that it would be such a simple task, he would have avoided the fatal flaws of the other party and left him alive.    


He shook his head helplessly, got up, and casually tried to throw the gun aside.    


However, this movement came to a halt midway.    


That's not right!    


The man was still standing there.    


Lee Nanfang's heart leaped to his throat as he looked in disbelief. No matter how much he didn't want to admit it, he had no choice but to say it.    


That man was still alive!    


The man who had been shot three times in the chest slowly raised his head.    


Only then did Lee Nanfang see clearly that the other party's face was horribly twisted.    


What was even more unacceptable was that the other party's eyes were bloodshot.    


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