Strongest Guard

C2009 In the Nick of Time

C2009 In the Nick of Time

On the main road leading to Bund at Pearl Airport.    


Lee Nanfang held the steering wheel with one hand and his phone with the other.    


With a gloomy face, he said, "I got it." After ending the call, he pressed down the throttle even harder.    


When he saw Lee Sujin appear on the news at the airport, he had a bad feeling about the situation. He immediately went to Su Ya's car and rushed to the target location.    


Halfway there, he suddenly received a call from Zhan Hsingshen.    


After finding out, Yang Xiao jumped to the 8th floor to personally save Lee Sujin regardless of his body.    


Lee Nanfang cursed "fool" countless times in his heart.    


Couldn't he do such a thing?    


Yang Xiao couldn't even stand properly, why did he have to try to be brave?    


What if the traitors of Flame Valley had already arrived at Ming Zhu and were looking for an opportunity to assassinate her? With her current body condition, how many people could she block?    


The more Lee Nanfang thought about it, the more agitated he became.    


I can't wait to get my car out of the plane.    


But no matter how fast he drove, he couldn't change a single fact.    


That is, the Grand Hotel of Mingzhu was definitely dozens of times closer to the center of an event compared to the airport.    


While he was still running down the road.    


Yang Xiao had already arrived at the scene.    


Yang Xiao, who was slightly pale, gasped for breath for a moment before raising his eyes to look at the center of the crowd.    


The millet was safe.    


However, the restless crowd around her had truly frightened her quite a bit.    


Even Bai Linger couldn't make Lee Sujin let down his guard.    


The beige was circling the lamppost with great fear.    


Under the street light, Bai Linger was also walking around the telegraph pole.    


She squeezed her way through the crowd and discovered, to her frustration, that a lamppost was not something that anyone could climb up with their bare hands.    


The police command center had already informed the fire brigade to rush to the scene. A dozen or so firemen were carrying air cushions and a word ladder, struggling and approaching from the crowd.    


It wouldn't take long, at most two to three minutes, for all the rescue equipment to be in place.    


However, the behavior of that strange infant made Bai Linger unable to calm down.    


Blind people could see that this child's mental endurance had reached its limit. He could jump down and jump into the crowd at any moment.    


The onlookers who weren't afraid of death still didn't know how dangerous a little kid was.    


When they found out, it was too late.    


No one could imagine how much chaos such a child would cause in such a situation.    


Bai Linger could only try her best to appear gentle as she kept talking to Lee Sujin to comfort him.    


It's a pity -- it's useless.    


The child never calmed down.    


Bai Linger was so anxious that she wished she could take out her gun and shoot them to warn the crowd, creating a quiet environment.    


The irritable Little Infant suddenly stopped moving.    


Lee Sujin grabbed onto the lamppost on top of the lamppost and turned his head to look in a certain direction. Tears were flashing in Meng Meng's big eyes.    




Bai Linger was stunned.    


Could it be that with her amiable appearance and maternal love, that child mistook her for a mother?    


Doesn't look like it.    


While he was still in a daze, a wave of surprised shouts erupted from the crowd.    


Bai Linger snapped out of her daze and turned to look behind her.    


In the distance, at the edge of the vast crowd, a figure in white seemed to be flying in the air, stepping on the shoulders of countless people as he rapidly approached.    


Flowing Water for Qing Gong?    


Make a movie with a steel wire?    


Bai Linger's little brain couldn't digest such a shocking scene at once.    


She wasn't the only one. Everyone was dumbfounded.    


Only those who were selected by Yang Xiao and stepped on his shoulders didn't have time to be stupid.    


The distance between both sides was getting closer and closer.    


When Bai Linger saw the face of the man in white, she felt that she didn't have enough brains.    


"Yang Guanguan? How could it be her! "    


Little Ling'er blurted out the doubt in her heart.    


As she finished her sentence, Yang Xiao had already gotten close to her.    


To an ordinary person, the four to five meter tall lamppost was nothing in King Xuanyuan's eyes.    


When she gently stepped on the lamppost, Lee Sujin, who couldn't suppress the surprise in his heart, put forth his strength in his limbs and directly threw himself into the arms of Yang Xiao's mother.    


What a lovely reunion.    


Yang Xiao lowered his head to look at the millet in his arms and showed a kind smile.    


At that moment, his entire body seemed to be filled with power. He lightly tapped the lamppost under his feet with one foot and instantly flew up more than ten meters away, landing at the opening of a balcony in a nearby building.    


The next step, he would fly out once again and rise again. He followed the path that Lee Sujin took before and went around the building, heading "flying" further away.    


From beginning to end, only a few seconds had passed.    


Only when Yang Xiao's figure completely disappeared from the field of view did the countless onlookers finally react.    


"Chase after him!"    


He didn't know which one of them was willing to risk his life to roar out these two words.    


Everyone pushed and shoved and wanted to chase in the direction Yang Xiao left in order to have a good look at that guy who could fly, and find out where he went.    


The ones with the most excitement were the media reporters.    


Legend has it that the long-lost Qing Gong actually appeared in this world.    


This kind of news was even more shocking than the police destroying dozens of gambling dens.    


The whole scene suddenly became extremely chaotic.    


Push, stomp, scream, everywhere.    


As for Yang Xiao, he didn't care about what was going on behind him.    


She only had one idea, and that was to take Lee Sujin away from the public as soon as possible.    


She wanted to have a relatively quiet childhood, instead of being treated like a monster or dragged to some secret institute for research.    


Therefore, the path he took when he left would definitely be those places that ordinary people would not be able to walk to.    


This time, he walked higher and higher, further and further away.    


Even the Spider Man of the America would have to shout Master at King Xuanyuan if he were to display his Qing Gong.    


He didn't know how long he walked for.    


When Yang Xiao reached the edge of the 20th floor's rooftop, he turned around and looked at the building.    


More than ten cars came from who knew where and blocked up all the surrounding crossroads, cutting off all the onlookers who were madly chasing after them.    


In one of the cars, a familiar figure jumped out.    


Seeing him, Yang Xiao's heart completely relaxed.    


Jinghong Ming.    


Only Director-general Jinghong was able to mobilize such a force within such a short period of time, minimizing the potential impact of the incident.    


Jinghong Ming raised his head to look at Yang Xiao on the rooftop. Without saying anything, he made a hand gesture and pointed at Nanfang.    


That was obvious.    


He wanted Yang Xiao to go that way.    


Over there, with the members of Soaring Dragon's Twelve Birthsouls on standby, they would send Yang Xiao back to the safe zone as soon as possible.    


Understanding Jinghong Ming's gesture, Yang Xiao felt more relaxed. He lifted his leg and was about to walk from the rooftop to the interior of the building.    




The moment she raised her leg, a pair of invisible hands seemed to pull all the power out of her body in an instant.    


Yang Xiao felt his vision darken as he fell down while hugging Lee Sujin.    


Even Jinghong Ming, who had experienced countless storms, was shocked by such an accident.    


What was going on?    


It's fine, why do you want a free fall?    


"Quick, air cushion, quickly support the air cushion!"    


Jinghong Ming's reaction speed was definitely fast. He did not waste any time thinking about the reason for Yang Xiao's situation and first told them the solution.    


However, there was only Jinghong Ming in the world.    


The surrounding policemen didn't have such fast reactions.    


Everyone looked up at the free fall of Yang Xiao and was stunned.    


At the critical moment.    


The Great Elder, who had been chasing Yang Xiao, finally appeared.    


The moment he saw the king fall from the 20th floor, the grand elder was scared out of his wits. He was sure of the various air-conditioning devices in this apartment building, and he was using everything he had learned in his life to the extreme.    


With a speed that was even faster than gravity, he took two big steps and charged straight up.    


When Yang Xiao reached a dozen storey building, he finally caught His Majesty's body with one hand.    


He caught it.    


But what was the use?    


Thinking back to the time when Chiang Morann jumped off the building, Lee Nanfang saved her. The huge force of the falling body almost pulled him down.    


Fortunately, there were enough fixed spots at that time to let Lee Nanfang offset this force.    


However, it was difficult for the First Elder to make any further rescue measures while holding someone in one arm and hooking an air conditioner with the other.    


After all, he was a man of flesh and blood, not a real living immortal.    


Everyone saw the two figures pause in midair.    


With a "kacha" sound, the air-conditioner external device that was used as a fixed point tilted down.    


The Great Elder had no other choice but to tightly hug the king before falling down as well.    




Those Special Police Comrades, who had just calmed down, instantly became alert again. At this moment, someone finally made a move and hurriedly went to search for a cushion of air.    


However, no matter how fast they were, could they compare to the speed of a free fall?    


This was the moment of life and death.    


Two figures, one east and one west, crossed the police cars blocking the intersection at the same time. Like two birds flying, just like the Great Elder, they stepped on those air-conditioners and charged forward.    


Jinghong Ming, who was downstairs, saw everything clearly.    


One of them, dressed up as a nun, was Yuv Qingmei, Miss Yuv.    


Elder You was a step too late to follow the grand elder and track the king's whereabouts.    


At this moment, seeing such a dangerous scene, of course he would ignore everything and rush forward to save her.    


As for the other one …    


"It's you!"    


When Elder You, who was flying upwards, saw the person who had acted at the same time as her, he couldn't help but cry out in alarm.    


As for the strange man with the white sideburns, he grinned and chuckled, "Plum, long time no see."    


A short conversation.    


The two of them raised their heads at the same time and looked in the direction Yang Xiao and the others fell.    


Elder You swung his whisk, wrapping it around a fixed spot. The man with the white sideburns waved his long sleeves, wrapping it around the support frame of the external air-conditioner.    


The two of them reached out their free hands to catch Yang Xiao.    


Then, with the help of their arms, the Head Elder lowered his body slightly, wanting to jump onto an air-conditioner and pull Yang Xiao to a safe place.    




The external facilities of this dilapidated building had been in disrepair for a long time. They could not support three people just now, let alone five people now.    




The support point that Elder You sought was tilted and the tail of the horsetail whisk snapped.    


In an instant, it was not only the Great Elder who failed to make use of the momentum and continued to descend.    


Even Elder You lost his balance and fell to the ground.    


All of Yang Xiao's strength was poured into the white haired man's body, causing his sleeves to tear apart.    


At this point, the number of people who might have died from the fall had increased to five.    


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