Strongest Guard

C2006 The Dust of the Rising Wind and the Setting of the Bright Pearls

C2006 The Dust of the Rising Wind and the Setting of the Bright Pearls

Xianhua Club, a place with hidden impurities.    


Many people knew that there was a secret gambling den here, which attracted the majority of the gamblers.    


In China, gathering people to gamble was strictly prohibited.    


However, even though this casino had existed for so many years, it had never been affected in any way. Even outsiders like Lao Mai knew that this was because the owner of the casino was an important person with an extremely high status.    


Unfortunately, no matter how big a character was, once they broke the nation's laws, they could not avoid the consequences of being sanctioned.    


There would always be people who would not care about the background of this casino and dared to make a move on them.    


Supreme Security Office Great Seat Jinghong Ming personally led the team, and was preparing to eradicate this tumor along with some of the dangerous characters inside it. This meant that after dawn tomorrow, there would no longer be a place for gamblers to amuse themselves.    


However, more than ten minutes ago, Gu Tong, the actual owner of the casino, did not know her ending.    


She was simply blinded by another matter.    


He had planned to clean up the mess as soon as possible and bring his men away from this place.    


She didn't expect that in the short time she came back, a thief who didn't care about his life would sneak in and steal the little thing that she thought was a treasure.    


Fortunately, there was a group of Flame Valley people here. No matter how powerful that little thief was, he should never think of leaving this place unharmed.    


She saw that the other party had dodged her pounce and rushed out of the room with the dog cage in his hand.    


As Gu Tong chased after him, she wanted to shout for someone to stop the little thief.    


Unexpectedly, without waiting for her words to leave her mouth, she saw a scene that made her mind go blank.    


The thief actually threw down the dog cage, raised his hands and kneeled on the ground, and yelled for mercy.    


Gu Tong wasn't the only one who was confused.    


The Flame Valley people who had just walked out of the resting room and were preparing to leave did not know what had happened. They were also stopped by the old man who had suddenly appeared, kneeling down and begging for forgiveness, making them lose their ability to think.    


It was during this moment when everyone was stunned.    


Elder Fang's body swayed, one of his feet hooked onto the dog cage on the ground, and he abruptly pulled back.    


The iron cage slid out from the ground and hit Gu Tong's calves like a cannonball.    


The woman was wearing a pair of stiletto shoes. She was walking with her toes on the ground. She suddenly lost her balance and fell forward.    


It was also at this time that Elder Fang hit one knee on the ground, and the white crane flapped its wings back and forth for two and a half weeks.    


He picked up the cage and stepped on Gu Tong's butt. Then, like a cat, he ran back into the boss' office.    


Tsk tsk tsk, this butt is truly quite flexible.    


It would be perfect if he could pinch it twice more.    


Elder Fang praised in his heart as his hands moved nonstop.    


He checked the open window in the room and calculated the distance between him and the roof of the building next door. Then he swung his arm and threw out the dog cage in his hand.    


If it was an ordinary Little Infant, they would have been thrown out of some kind of shockproof air cushion with such force. After landing, they would have suffered irreversible damage.    


However, Elder Fang was not worried about this.    


This little kid could already drink and fight with beasts. His running and crawling speed was not much slower than his old bones.    


A light fall was nothing.    


After all, it was better than staying here and being killed sooner or later.    


"Hu!" The sound of the wind breaking could be heard.    


The dog cage flew through the night sky in a beautiful parabola, and then with a jingling sound, it fell onto the roof of the building next door.    


Elder Fang had no time to look closely.    


He was only slightly relieved when he confirmed that Little Infant did not fall down the stairs and die.    


And then he started to run again, ready to step on the window sill and jump out.    


Unfortunately, while he was running, he heard a sound of a concealed weapon attack from behind him, forcing him to dodge.    




A high-heeled shoe shattered the window and flew out.    


"Catch him!" Gu Tong bellowed right after.    


With that said, over a dozen men from the Flame Valley rushed into the room.    


Elder Fang did not dare to think about escaping through the window anymore.    


If he had just jumped out and someone casually threw something on his back, his old life would have gone to King Yama already.    


He took advantage of the time before those guys could get close to him and unfurled his tattered cloak, then jumped over ten meters away and hid behind the desk.    


As he landed, Elder Fang reached out and took out a handful of copper coins from the bottom of the broken cloth bag he was carrying.    


Round square hole money.    


Starting in the Han Dynasty, it was once a necessity for countless poor people to live on in China.    


In ancient times, the sound of coins falling into broken bowls was the most beautiful music in the beggar's life.    


What Elder Fang had seized at this moment was definitely not the antique copper coin that had been circulating around for thousands of years.    


It was only a few high quality imitations. However, when they fell into his hands, they became weapons capable of killing people.    


A handful of bronze coins spilled out along with the swing of Elder Fang's arm.    


It was no different from a bullet fired from a shotgun. The group of Flame Valley practitioners who had pursued them with murderous intent and charged at the forefront of the group had not expected that such a unique concealed weapon would shoot towards them.    


When he became aware of the danger, it was too late for him to dodge.    


The man's face, chest, shoulders, and ribs were all cut by a copper coin.    


"Be careful, there are concealed weapons!"    


The injured man issued this warning before he fell to the ground.    


Those who were still charging from behind reacted instantly and turned their bodies, looking for cover.    


From beginning to end, only half a minute had passed.    


By the time everyone was in hiding, both sides had yet to figure out what to do next.    


The entire Xianhua Club Building was drowned out by the sharp sounds of fire alarm.    


A fire?    


Gu Tong, who was rubbing her butt as she stood up, was momentarily stunned. She then saw the security guards who were guarding the stairs leading to the fifth floor running towards her in a hurry.    


Before he could get close, he shouted at the top of his lungs, "Madam Hu, it's bad! A policeman has rushed in!"    


Hearing Internal Protection's words, Gu Tong's inner activities suddenly became rich.    


Within the entire Pearl, who didn't know that the Xianhua Club was covered by him, Hu Daodao.    


How many years had it been? No one had dared to cause trouble here?    


Now, even though a large number of police officers had suddenly rushed in, she did not receive any advance notice.    


What did this mean?    


It was clear that Hu Daodao had cut off all ties with her.    


He planned to use the casino's cover to push her into a situation where she would never be able to get out.    


"Damn Hu Daodao, you're ruthless!"    


Gu Tong gritted her teeth in hatred.    


However, even if he were to grind his teeth into pieces, it would be useless. At this very moment, the most important thing was to quickly escape from this place.    


Thinking of this, she stuck her head into the room and shouted, "Don't worry about that thief, hurry up and leave!"    


All of the Flame Valley users finally stopped struggling.    


The one who was injured, who had been pulled out by two people, fled toward the back gate of Xianhua Club together with Gu Tong.    


In the blink of an eye, the building was emptied of people.    


Elder Fang stuck his head out from behind the desk and observed for a while. After confirming that there was no danger, he finally let out a sigh of relief.    


After a moment of relaxation, he suddenly became nervous again.    


He jumped over the desk and sprinted to the open window. He stomped on the windowsill and was about to jump to the top of the opposite building with all his might.    


Who knew that there would suddenly be several rays of light coming from downstairs, dazzling his eyes.    


"The people upstairs are not to be touched. Raise your hands and give up. Otherwise, we will open fire."    


A dignified shout came from downstairs.    


When Elder Fang had gotten used to those light beams, he looked down and saw many special forces officers in black uniforms pointing their guns at them.    


He was so frightened that he quickly raised his hands and did not dare to move.    


That was a police officer with a gun.    


Only a fool would not listen to the police's warning if he were to lose his life.    


It's just that... what should I do with the Little Infant?    


Elder Fang raised his hand and looked at the rooftop on the opposite side. He saw Lee Sujin sprawled on the edge of the rooftop and also looking towards him.    


The little Ghost Infant crawled out of the broken dog cage, and was no longer bound.    


One old and one young, looking at each other through the air.    


Elder Fang did not dare to move.    


Lee Sujin gave him a deep look and then turned around and quickly disappeared from his sight.    


Where was she going?    


Elder Fang's heart was filled with doubt.    


However, the dense barrage of gunfire surrounding the Xianhua Club did not allow him to catch up and investigate.    


The casino which had been a secret location of Xianhua Club safe and sound for many years had suffered a devastating blow tonight.    


Under the lead of the Supreme Security Office, countless of special police officers, fully armed, rushed into the gambling den.    


The chaos began less than three minutes before it subsided under the forceful intervention of the police.    


Perhaps tomorrow's headline would be a tribute to the destruction of a large gambling den by the police.    


However, as the mother of Casino Owner, Gu Tong …    


Right now, she had no mood to think about tomorrow's matters. All she wanted was to escape from this place as soon as possible.    


It went straight to the outside world. As long as they walked to the end of the tunnel, and opened the cover of the next tunnel on the ground, they would be able to enter a certain parking lot, and then get in a car and drive away.    


Their speed was extremely fast and they had successfully reached the ground.    


He was only a hundred meters away from the parking lot.    


Under normal circumstances, to people who were born in the Flame Valley, it would merely be a matter of scampering for a few steps.    


But tonight, this short distance of a hundred meters had become a distance they would never be able to cross.    


All of a sudden, lights blazed on this dark path.    


Countless police cars had blocked off the intersection, and the armed police pointed their guns at them.    


Gu Tong's heart went completely cold.    


Especially when he saw a tall and valiant middle-aged man striding towards her with big steps, smiling as he extended his hand.    


"Hello, Madam Hu. I'm Jinghong Ming."    


Jinghong Ming's smile was enough to warm his friend and freeze the enemy's blood.    


Whether it was a man or a woman, they would all be infected by October's cold-blooded Jinghong Ming's smile.    


However, there was one person other than Lee Nanfang.    


On the roof of the car park on the other side of the river, Lee Nanfang had his hands behind his back as he gazed into the distance.    


However, after looking at it for a good five minutes, his eyes began to ache. He couldn't tell what was happening over there.    


"Damn, if I had known earlier, I would have brought a pair of binoculars here to watch a good show."    


He turned around and jumped down from the rooftop, walking towards Cephae Linna.    


We agreed to give her five minutes.    


Not many, not many.    


Cephae Linna's hair was lifted up by the night breeze.    


Lee Nanfang reached out his hand lightly and tightened his grip on the collar of Cephae Linna's suit.    


"The wind is blowing. Let's go."    


With that, the two of them walked away. Neither of them took a glance at Hu Daodao, who had fainted from the pain.    


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