Strongest Guard

C1959 Bile Don't Enter

C1959 Bile Don't Enter

The unarmed Boiler was completely attracted to it.    


After having just drunk half a tael of wine, the alcohol suddenly surged upwards. He stretched out his hand bravely and his entire body trembled in excitement.    


When he recalled that he had been eating alone for the past ten years, he had never enjoyed having dinner with a beauty before.    


Without saying a word, the bachelor Boiler picked up the female corpse and walked into the office.    


The dead girl was placed on a chair, half of the stick supporting her body, and two matchsticks lifted her eyelids.    


Meng Meng's large eyes looked over.    


Boiler felt like his own wife, quietly watching him eat, not to mention how blissful she felt in her heart.    


He listened to the wind and rain, drank the wine, ate the biscuit, and was accompanied by beautiful women.    


This kind of life was practically the equivalent of not exchanging it even for a deity.    


However, when there was only a single bite left of the biscuit, he drank it all down.    


On a whim, the bachelor Boiler reached out his sesame seed cake covered hands and placed the last bite of the sesame seed cake next to the woman's mouth.    


If he really had a woman, she would definitely be a person who doted on his wife. Otherwise, how could he bear to take a bite out of the sesame seed cake that was so rare to see by most people at that time?    


It was originally a playful action, so there wasn't much hope.    


Who knew that the female corpse actually opened her mouth, swallowed the sesame seed cake, and also bit onto Boiler's finger.    


"What?" Can a female corpse open her mouth to eat? "    


Bai Linger's exclamation was definitely the voice of the hearts of everyone present.    


Lao Lee blinked his eyes unhappily as if he was very unhappy. While he was speaking, someone actually interrupted him.    


Bai Linger was aware of her current situation and quickly waved her hand, "Comrade Lao Lee, please continue."    




Lao Lee was lost in thought again. "The moment the female corpse opened her mouth, the head of the bachelor Boiler buzzed as if it had exploded.    


He was so frightened that he quickly pulled back his hand.    


The sesame seeds on his fingers were licked clean by the female corpse. The teeth that bit together cut through his fingers.    


He was scared and frightened, and his scalp went numb from the pain. At that moment, he rolled his eyes and fainted.    


When he woke up again, it was his colleagues who had woken him up.    


When the bachelor Boiler opened his eyes, he remembered the incident before he fainted and was so scared that his lips were trembling. He wanted to tell his colleagues how terrifying it was.    


Maybe he turned to look at the other side.    


Half of the stick was lying on the floor, while the other two matchsticks were lying on the chair.    


He dared not speak.    


In the crematorium, moving the corpses randomly was punishable by punishment.    


What's more, the police would never dare to say that the body was lost.    


Being scolded was a small matter.    


If he lost this job, the bachelor Boiler would only be asking for food for the rest of his life.    


His successor didn't have much of a doubt in his mind. He only thought that he was drunk and had fallen asleep on the floor.    


Then, he asked how the corpse was being handled, and the bachelor Boiler casually took out a handful of black ash from under the corpse furnace and placed it into the bone ash box, treating it as if he had completed the mission.    


After filling out the work log, he went back to his dorm and slept.    


When he had fully recovered and regained his consciousness, the thoughts of the lone Boiler was much calmer than before.    


Anyway, this matter had been fooled.    


As for where the female corpse had gone to, he didn't care.    


It was impossible for a dead person to run away on long legs. He guessed that it must be because he was scared so much last night that he was so dazed that he might have burnt the corpse.    


When he returned to work, the sky had darkened once again.    


Those few days, the crematorium business was pretty good.    


That night, he sent another male corpse over for cremation. After last night's shock, the bachelor Boiler drank two taels of wine to strengthen his courage.    


However, when he really went to burn the corpse, he did not know what happened. His head tilted to the side and he fainted in the morgue.    


It wasn't long before he fainted.    


At most, he would only need half a night's worth of time.    


When he woke up, he was completely stunned.    


He did not know when, but he had managed to sit on the chair in the office. In front of him was a small table, and on the table was a cold sesame cake and a wine cup that had been completely drunk.    


This was nothing.    


The most terrifying thing was that it was right in front of him.    


The man who should have been burned last night was sitting in the chair, his whole body propped up by half a stick, two matchsticks raised to his eyes, staring at him wide-eyed.    


The bachelor Boiler was so scared that he almost peed his pants. Without saying anything further, he carried the corpse and let everyone see everything burn inside the crematorium.    


He had thought that once he was burnt to ashes, everything would come to an end.    


But as it turned out, this was just the beginning.    


For the next few days, it was his turn to take the night shift. Almost every night, a dead body would arrive.    


Each time he was ready to burn the body, he passed out in the morgue.    


After waking up in the middle of the night, he was back to sitting face to face with the corpse.    


After a few tries, the bachelor Boiler could no longer take it anymore and took a long leave.    


It is also because of this leave that everything has been answered. "    


Lao Lee stopped here.    


Everyone was captivated by his story. When it came to critical moments, what did you mean by suddenly stopping?    


Anxious, Bai Linger wanted to open her mouth to urge him, but she found Lao Lee's index finger knocking on the aluminum alloy corpse table nonstop.    


Just as he was wondering what this action meant, a nimble young forensic doctor came to a realization and quickly went to get a glass of water.    


Lao Lee moistened his throat with saliva.    


Then, it was time to calmly continue with the story.    


The bachelor Boiler, who was already frightened of corpses, did not dare to return to the crematorium after taking a long leave of absence.    


He was prepared to stay in the mountain for a few days. After things had settled down, he would go back after the divine gods and buddhas had blessed him enough.    


However, no one expected that it wasn't long after they fell asleep that night.    


The single Boiler sat up on the bed and walked down the mountain. He didn't stop and returned to the crematorium.    


At that time, the other Boiler on the night shift suddenly saw him return.    


He was just about to go up and ask him why he was back.    


As a result, he realized that the Boiler didn't have any expression in his eyes at all. Without saying a word, he ran straight to the mortuary, picked up a corpse and returned to his office.    


He held the dead man's body up with the other end of the stick, then took out the match stick and opened the dead man's eyelids.    


When he sat face to face with the corpse, he extended his finger and stuffed it into the corpse's mouth. There was no longer any movement.    


His colleague, watching all this happen, wanted to wake him up, but that guy just stayed that way.    


This fact was too scary.    


Boiler, who was on duty that day, quickly scuttled out and the first thing he did was to call the police.    


When the police arrived, they just so happened to see the bachelor Boiler wake up from his slumber.    


She withdrew her finger from the mouth of the corpse and sat down on the ground, completely dumbfounded.    


Asked him how he got back from the worshiping mountain, he had no recollection of it.    


However, since the first day when he went to mess around with the female corpse, he told the police everything that happened after that.    


"Lao Lee, you mean to say, every day when that single Boiler woke up, he would see a corpse sitting opposite to him.    


"That's right!"    


When Lao Lee's story came to this point, Captain Wang couldn't help but ask that question.    


Lao Lee's affirmation was not too surprising.    


It was a very understandable thing.    


That single Boiler must have received a huge shock and produced the symptoms of a sleepwalker, which was why he was able to perform such a bizarre action.    


Similar incidents were recorded in the Chinese police database.    


There were two anti-drug police who were working together to track down the drug lord.    


When the two of them completed their mission and prepared to return to their home country to submit evidence of the crime of those drug dealers, they were chased by the drug dealers.    


The two of them supported each other and vowed that regardless of life or death, they would return home together.    


Unfortunately, the reality was too cruel. After several gunfights, one of them died on the way.    


The other wanted to take his comrade's corpse back.    


However, the drug dealer was still being pursued. He had no choice but to bury his comrades in the ground and continue forward with all the evidence.    


However, what was unexpected was that after the anti-drug police officer's stomach hit the road, every time he found a hidden place to rest, he would wake up and find the corpse of his comrade lying beside him.    


At first, he felt panic and fear.    


He believed that the drug dealer had found the body of his comrade and used this method to intimidate him.    


In his rage and fear, he ran for his life.    


However, the corpses of his comrades seemed to be following him closely.    


As long as he stopped to rest and woke up, he would be able to see his comrade appearing beside him.    


As a front-line officer, he was not afraid of death.    


He was also not afraid of a bunch of drug dealers using this method to threaten him.    


He was just furious. Those people were disrespectful to the dead, and in their impatience, they were going to fight to the death with the drug dealers.    


Who knew that they would actually put their lives on the line when the time came?    


It was only then that he noticed that the people chasing after him had long since disappeared.    


At the same time, the person who came to pick him up also found him.    


No matter what, it was good that he was still alive.    


After completing all the missions, he brought the corpses of his comrades back to the country.    


This drug enforcement officer only wanted to have a good rest.    


But that night, everyone saw him rushing into the morgue as if he was sleepwalking. He carried the corpse of his deceased comrade with him and ran for his life. Then, he returned to his living quarters and went back to sleep.    


Faced with such a strange situation, the leader immediately sent a psychiatrist to treat the anti-drug police.    


Final conclusion.    


The idea of bringing his comrades home was deeply engraved in his mind.    


Thus, no matter where his comrades were, he would unconsciously run back to their positions after falling asleep, bringing his corpse with him as he fled for his life.    


Such camaraderie was truly admirable.    


However, the mental trauma was truly a pity.    


Therefore, from that moment onwards, the course of psychological counseling began to take place in the classes of the Police Force Academy.    


This case was also something that all the police officers had to know when they were in school. This was to prevent more police officers from suffering the psychological trauma of working in high risk and thus losing their normal life skills.    


Thus, when Lao Lee told the story of the unarmed Boiler.    


Captain Wang and Bai Linger naturally thought of the case they had studied at school.    


They could completely understand the suffering of the bachelor Boiler.    


However, there was another important question: "Lao Lee, where did the first female corpse in your story go?"    


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