Strongest Guard

C1326 The Machinery of the Decapitation Operation Was Fully Accounted for

C1326 The Machinery of the Decapitation Operation Was Fully Accounted for

"Black, Black Dragon Army!"    


Michel was already scared, but after seeing the flag, he staggered.    


Sui Yueyue turned around abruptly and asked in a raspy voice, "What Black Dragon army?"    


"The Black Dragon Army was a group of mercenaries that had been active in South America for over twenty years. We all know that it's because of them that there are no other mercenaries over there to develop their businesses. "    


Michel, who had lost his soul, was completely unconscious. He started to describe to Sister Yue the Black Dragon Army that she knew.    


Actually, Michel had never been on good terms with the Black Dragon army.    


Because of her and Great Coler's mercenary army, the business development was limited to Eastern Europe and the Middle East.    


They began to pay attention to the Black Dragon Army. It was during that mission two years ago, after almost all the members of the Divine Dragon Army were wiped out, they began to study the two armies.    


Two dragons, one in Eastern Europe, one in the Middle East, one in South America.    


On the surface, the two dragon armies did not seem to cross blows.    


However, Michel and the others thought it was painful and after studying it, they were surprised to find that the two seemingly unrelated dragon armies indeed had a necessary relationship with China.    


The same East Asian face, the same state-of-the-art single-combat equipment, the same — the dragon as a totem.    


The dragon was the totem of the descendants of the sun.    


This is known to the people of the world.    


Logically speaking, if the two dragon armies really are made up of China's elite army that has been secretly formed, then they should keep a low profile.    


But they did not.    


They just had to put out the dragon flag, in South America, in Eastern Europe, in the Middle East.    


The Chinese authorities had also stood out to fend off the doubts of the western powers: "Could it be that all the countries that use the dragon flag, organizations and individuals, are our people?"    


No one dared to say so.    


This was because in some countries in Europe and the United States, dragons were also used as totems.    


Especially the East Ocean, South Korea, and the countries of Southeast Asia.    


If it were to be said, wouldn't it mean that they would have to admit that these countries were all vassals of China?    


Thus, the voices of doubt slowly died down.    


Everyone only knew that within the two dragon armies, the divine dragons were slightly easier to deal with. This was because they liked to fight face to face, so they could be considered open and aboveboard.    


But the Black Dragon?    


It was a bunch of assassins and scheming ancestors.    


Not to mention that he had always appeared and disappeared mysteriously, he would often look for opportunities to harass the mighty America from time to time.    


Causing America to become extremely annoying, he dispatched several brave soldiers to attempt to get rid of the Black Dragon Regiment.    


In the end, it was not what he had expected.    


Dragons came and left without a trace.    


Only he looks for you, but you can't find him.    


This was Michel's comprehensive understanding of the Black Dragon Regiment. Any more and he wouldn't know.    


If Michel didn't see the flag with the black dragon on it, he wouldn't be able to confirm that it was the legendary Black Dragon Regiment.    


But how did they get here from South America?    


Michel couldn't be sure, it was said to be the Black Dragon Regiment that was secretly controlled by the Chinese military, Sui Yueyue — but he could be sure!    


Suddenly, she understood.    


She laughed hoarsely in her heart, "Ha, ha, ha. Ah, Sui Yueyue, Sui Yueyue, you think you're very smart and scheming.    


He could easily play with Lee Nanfang, Yue Zitong, and even Jinghong Ming, Qin Yuguan.    


Actually, you just got played with.    


Qin Yuguan, Jinghong Ming, and the others, who knew what kind of hero they were, how cunning they were. They had seen so many storms, how could they cooperate with you obediently just because of a mere Lee Nanfang?    


They are only using you to do what they can't do!    


Ha, ha, ha.    


I finally understand.    


He understood why these enemies that suddenly appeared would come to the entrance of the cave at the right time tonight.    


This is the result of my uncles secretly reporting this.    


Why did they bewitch these people into sneaking an attack on Opium Poppy Valley?    


It was all to borrow their power to reduce those loyal to me.    


Otherwise, this Black Dragon Army, which Michel was afraid of, would have appeared a long time ago.    


At the very least, they would issue a warning for me to be on guard, right?    




Sui Yueyue, you're simply too ridiculous.    


He didn't even realize that he had fallen into those old foxes' traps. He even took the initiative to not allow his comrades to take a single step out of the camp, no matter what happened!    


Those poor men of mine who were ambushed have all been killed, right?    


This is a family that I have painstakingly nurtured over the past half year.    


And just like that, they were easily buried.    


After they were killed by the enemies, the old foxes' men came out of nowhere to kill the enemies.    


This … this was watching from the sidelines.    


No, the mantis stalks the cicada, while the yellow sparrow stalks the cicada.    


After this battle, all the brothers who were loyal to me were killed, except for the few who were with me.    


Will there be a second way for me to continue to build my country, with their help, in addition to obediently obeying the words of those old foxes, who say that to be a good puppet is to reclaim the land for the continent?    


Ha, ha, ha.    


I was too clever with my calculations and missed out on my beloved's life.    


When the situation is settled, is there still a way for me to survive?    


If I knew this would happen, why would I have treated Lee Nanfang like that?    


I'll be his lover, my poppy queen, won't I?    


Seventh Uncle Qin, Tenth Uncle Jinghong, it's true that you are tall.    


My little girl Yueyue, she is full of admiration for you.    


"No, it's a hundred thousand, a million, ten million points."    


Thinking up to this point, Sui Yueyue could no longer control her emotions. She faced the sky with her head held high and laughed out loud.    


"Sister Yue, what's wrong?"    


Jack was startled by Lili's sudden, wild laughter. He quickly took her arm and asked her what was wrong.    


"Get out of the way, you get out of the way, make me laugh, laugh, laugh! "Ha, ha, ha."    


Sui Yueyue laughed wildly as she pushed Michel away, staggering towards the west.    


On the other side, Lee Nanfang, who had completely gone berserk, was still killing people, killing people!    


With a hoarse howl, Lee Nanfang kicked a elite from one of the three kingdoms who was in his way, and pounced towards the next target.    


The elite of the three kingdoms who had been kicked away by him crashed heavily into a tree at his waist.    


With a 'kacha' sound, his spine completely broke.    


He didn't even make a sound before falling to the ground dead.    


Lee Nanfang raised his fist high and threw himself at the man who turned around to avoid the punch without even looking at him.    


"Fuck, it's Ye Xiaodao!"    


Ye Xiaodao led the Black Dragon Army and rushed out of the forest. After instantly slaughtering all the armies led by Camon, they ran over to wake Lee Nanfang up.    


Master Dao and Lee Nanfang have been good brothers for many years.    


Naturally, he understood this fellow very well.    


That included his martial arts value.    


But exactly because he knew Lee Nanfang very well, after running over, he immediately noticed that something was wrong. Without any hesitation, he turned around and ran.    


In this state, Lee Nanfang wasn't someone that Master Dao could deal with.    


He had to get out of the way.    


The consequences of not dodging were definitely not good.    


At this moment, Lee Nanfang, who had been driven away by evil, didn't even know who Ye Xiaodao was.    


Even when Master Dao was reporting his family's name, he could go as high as 800 miles against the wind.    


Lee Nanfang didn't stop his charge.    


"I'm Ye Xiaodao — F * ck, you're crazy."    


Fortunately, Master Dao was nimble and agile, and his positioning was fluid and fluid. Thus, he was able to dodge Lee Nanfang's second punch in an instant.    


Seeing a bloody man crazily rushing towards Ye Xiaodao, the warriors from the Black Dragon Regiment that followed Ye Xiaodao to kill him obviously wouldn't sit idly by and watch. A few of them immediately shouted and rushed over.    


Can't shoot.    


That would hurt Ye Xiaodao.    


"Don't come near me, please don't come near me."    


Ye Xiaodao rolled for the third time. When Lee Nanfang's right fist grazed Lee Nanfang's shoulder and smashed into a bowl-thick tree, breaking it in half, Ye Xiaodao didn't forget to yell: "Retreat, all of you, retreat!"    


When Ye Xiaodao shouted the last word, "Retreat," he no longer seemed like a person.    


It was like the final howl of a wolf that had been stabbed in the throat and was on the verge of death.    


The few Black Dragon soldiers who were already within five meters of Lee Nanfang finally understood the great fear contained in Ye Xiaodao's roar.    


As expected of an expert who ran off after noticing something bad.    


The three of them simultaneously turned around, threw away the guns in their hands and rolled onto the ground.    


However, although they reacted quickly, Lee Nanfang's reaction was even faster!    


As soon as one of them pounced, he felt a sharp pain on his right ankle.    


Lee Nanfang actually managed to grab his ankle in the middle of the air.    


This guy was so scared that he immediately let out a scream.    


If screaming was effective, then there wouldn't be so many Three Kingdoms elites dying at the hands of Lee Nanfang.    


Lee Nanfang laughed strangely. Just as he was about to swing his arm and smash it into a tree, a wild laughter came from behind him.    


It was a woman's laugh.    


It was crisp, pleasant, and filled with a sense of desolation.    


The woman's voice had always been sharp, and it attracted a lot of attention.    


What's more, Sui Yueyue had already gradually entered the insane devil's realm.    


This laughter was extremely tempting to Lee Nanfang.    


He was about to throw the person in his hand out when he stopped.    


And then he turned around!    


Under the moonlight, he saw a woman. Laughing hysterically, she staggered towards him.    


"Ha, haha."    


Lee Nanfang also laughed a few times.    


He let go of the person in his hand and walked toward Sui Yueyue, his nostrils flaring as he slowly walked towards her.    


Compared to the soldiers that could break his waist with a wave of his hand, Lee Nanfang was more interested in Sui Yueyue.    


Or rather, he was more interested in women.    


He was now completely under the control of the evil Black Dragon.    


The Black Dragon's interest in beautiful women had always been extremely great.    


That included choking off her slender and slender neck!    


With a crashing sound, the soldier that walked past the door of hell immediately took out his gun after landing. He turned on the safety, aimed at the back of Lee Nanfang's head, and was about to pull the trigger!    


Just in time, a foot kicked the pistol away.    


It was Ye Xiaodao.    


Ye Xiaodao did not dare to drink anymore. He was really afraid that it would attract Lee Nanfang's attention and then turn back.    


The only thing he could do was to shake his head vigorously towards the stunned soldiers, signalling to everyone that they should not act rashly.    


Ye Xiaodao was Lao Qin's direct disciple, so he had to give him face.    


However, no one understood why he had not allowed everyone take the opportunity to shoot that terrifying demon.    


As a result, everyone watched as the bloody demon slowly walked up to Sui Yueyue.    


"Lee Nanfang, do, do you know who I am?"    


Sui Yueyue laughed until she felt weak all over, but she still used her loudest voice to ask this question.    


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