Strongest Guard

C727 Show Me Something Better

C727 Show Me Something Better

When he first saw this car, Lee Nanfang didn't care and just frowned.    


The car was coming from the opposite direction. It was moving very fast, as if it were in a hurry to be reincarnated.    


However, when he saw the car turn left and drive towards the hospital, Lee Nanfang understood that the car was meant to bring patients to the hospital.    


But the driver must have been a two-handed knife. He turned left without even turning on the direction light.    


Fortunately, the car behind him was still far away, otherwise, it would be very easy for him to get into a car accident.    


"This must be Female Driver, right?"    


Just as this thought surfaced in Lee Nanfang's mind, the white car turned a corner and sped past him, allowing him to see who was driving.    


The driver was indeed Female Driver.    


Min Rou.    


Although Lee Nanfang only managed to glance at her once in time, he recognized her and quickly guessed why she came to the hospital.    


Min Rou had a mother who had a bad heart. She went to the hospital every few days.    


For this reason, no matter if it was renting a house or buying a house later, Lao Min chose a small district that was close to the central hospital.    


It seemed that Aunt Min had a heart attack again. Min Rou, who was taking charge of the construction of the new factory on the banks of the Yellow River, went back home in a hurry.    


However, what about Lao Min?    


When Lee Nanfang saw Min Rou, he subconsciously stopped the car.    


He could swear to the heavens that he had never intentionally hurt this girl before, but due to some strange circumstances, she was still heavily injured. She didn't hesitate to leave the city and rarely returned.    


Sometimes, harm is like happiness. It's completely one-sided.    


Lee Nanfang hopes that her injury scar will improve as soon as possible and start a new life for her.    


He was not a good match for her.    


Except for Chiang Morann, none of the women around him were easy to deal with.    


Min Rou, who was born with a pure and kind personality, was soon crippled by those women as soon as she got too close to him.    


To be good to her, he had to stay away from her.    


This was Lee Nanfang's current attitude towards Min Rou.    


From afar, he saw Min Rou supporting Aunt Min as they got off the car, carefully walking towards the emergency room building.    


She seemed to have lost a lot of weight. Wearing a small white windbreaker made her look extra wide.    


Lee Nanfang heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Aunt Min could still walk slowly.    


For a person with a weak heart, as long as he is able to walk, it means that his condition isn't too serious.    


Lee Nanfang didn't hurry to start the car as he watched the mother and daughter walk into the emergency room. He rolled down the window and lit a cigarette as scenes of when he met her flashed through his mind.    


She even remembered that she had specifically sent him a WeChat message.    


Through that WeChat, Lee Nanfang found out that Yue Zitong and her people were messing around on the internet. As a result, he left Qingshan in a fit of rage and returned to 800, almost dying from a snake's kiss.    


The past was unbearable to look back on.    


However, when she thought of the pouting Little Rou'er, who was pure and innocent, she still felt a hint of sweetness in her heart.    


He took out his cell phone and logged on to the WeChat account that Min Rou had requested for him.    


He logged in to see her profile picture to make the sweetness in his heart even stronger.    


With only two WeChat friends, one of them was obviously a grumpy aunt who was too shameless to talk about it.    


Ignore her.    


But he couldn't help it.    


No matter what, the two of them had now reconciled. They were determined to be a model couple, weren't they?    


They were both an exemplary couple, and their relationship was like glue. They had complained about it in the morning, so it was entirely possible for them to send red packets to flirt with her for a bit.    


Yue Zitong's Weibo message changed once again.    


Extremely cocky — The Undead!    


"Damn, no wonder she claimed to be a widow last night." The deceased was the little widow's idea. Your husband is still alive and well, how could he just die? "    


After seeing this name, Lee Nanfang was very angry. He immediately typed out with his thumbs: "Hurry up and change your name!"    


No one answered.    


It seemed like Yue Zitong was busy.    


Lee Nanfang sent another angry emoji: "Within eight hours, you must change your name. Otherwise, humph. "    


Just as Lee Nanfang was about to close the chat, Yue Zitong replied, "What else could I do?"    


"Otherwise, I'll smash your butt apart!"    


"You can bear it?"    


"What do you think?"    


"I said you can't bear to leave."    


"Then try it."    


"Aiyo, I'm so scared. "Little girl, which ass do you want to hit?"    


After Yue Zitong sent this message, she sent a few more small videos.    


The phone was hidden under the table. The skirt was lifted, revealing a pair of shiny black silk legs, which made Lee Nanfang react immediately.    


There were some things that were truly very strange.    


Let's use a couple as an analogy.    


The old couple slept in the same bed every night. The man had touched the woman's body enough to see that he was full. If he didn't provide some extra services, he wouldn't feel anything.    


But why, when a body that could not be more familiar, after the video was uploaded, the attraction for the husband would skyrocket and the beast blood could not help but boil?    


This question was actually worth for those authority figures with mouths full of nonsense to study.    


Lee Nanfang's eyes lit up as he typed quickly: "Do you dare to let me see a better place?"    


"Why would I not dare?"    


Yue Zitong refused to back down and replied, "Humph, but I can't just watch for nothing. The body of a dying person was very valuable. "Look at the two hundred legs, the four hundred legs with legs, look — forget it, you can't look at the place where you were born, but you can look at the eight hundred. I'll show you the place where you grew up."    


Due to her sex appeal, Lee Nanfang didn't mind being taken advantage of by her, so he immediately replied, "Okay, I'll give you 800."    


"If the goods are not paid for, this widow refuses to deliver the goods. "In a small business, if you don't trust me, you don't owe me anything."    


"Fuck, isn't it just 800 dollars?" "Four red packets, just you wait."    


Lee Nanfang cursed and sent a few red packets consecutively.    


On the screen, the Undead had already received a red packet.    


Not a single one was left.    


But why hadn't she sent any video yet?    


Three minutes had passed.    


Lee Nanfang urged, "What, go to the suite or the washroom?"    


"Wait a moment, I will send Little Du away. "Five minutes at most."    


Yue Zitong quickly replied with a pleased smile on her face, "Little girl, you are too naive. Do you really think that aunt would dare to give you such great benefits during a meeting? "Just wait, huh."    


Just when she was thinking about the video of Lee Nanfang waiting for her and the impatient look on his face, she couldn't help but laugh out loud. Deputy Director Wang's voice sounded at the side of the meeting room with a heavy tone: "Director Yue, everyone. I think it would be best for us to reduce the production of Fairy Beauty Silk Socks first. "    


"I agree with Deputy Director Wang's suggestion. On the morning of the second day of Wuhan Iron and Steel Group's show, more than a dozen customers called and asked directly if they could temporarily terminate the cooperation. "    


"Although Nanfang's Hei Si shines brilliantly, but the price will definitely be on the high-end route. Did they really think that all consumers could wear black silk technology? "Humph, those people really do not have the business ethics that they should have."    


Deputy Director Qi, who had rushed back from the Lin City to participate in the emergency meeting, was more worried than anyone else right now.    


They would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.    


No matter how good he was here, there was still the Great God, Director Yue, on board.    


But in Lin City, it was different.    


If the Fairy Beauty stocking were to be severely impacted by Nanfang's black silk and the market were to fall, it would inevitably decrease its production and even reach the end of the road. Then, would there still be a need for the Lin City subplant?    


As the company's upper echelons spoke one after another, they all looked at Director Yue, who was sitting in the middle position, out of the corner of their eyes.    


Honestly speaking, even though everyone had a serious expression, they didn't think that Kaihuang Group would be mocked by Nanfang's group.    


The reason was very simple. Director Yue was the boss of Nanfang Group.    


Everyone had watched yesterday afternoon's live broadcast.    


Right now, his face was full of seriousness. He was just showing Director Yue his attitude.    


Of course, it would be wrong to say that they were just pretending.    


They were all worried that Lee Nanfang was not going to pay for the boss' money.    


The reason was simple — it was said that the Lady Boss almost cuckolded Lee Nanfang.    


However, the problem shouldn't be too big. Didn't you see Director Yue playing with his phone with a smile on his face?    


If Director Yue hadn't performed her unparalleled charm and subdued that brat Lee Nanfang, she wouldn't have had the mood to play with her phone.    


Director Yue was finally reminded by the enthusiastic comments of his subordinates that it was best not to be careless during a meeting.    


It was fine if he was just a minor errant, but why was he still acting like he was in the prime of his life?    


Those who could see Director Yue's charm were all veterans in society. Of course, they weren't dumb enough to show surprise on their faces. They still pretended to be serious and frowned at the hands on the table, as if they would get flowers if they continued to stare for a while longer.    


Yue Zitong didn't hide anything as she put down her phone and lightly said, "Just now, I used my phone to make a final communication with Director Li of Nanfang Group."    


Don't look at how when Yue Zitong mentioned Lee Nanfang in private, she would always call him Scumbag Lee, Little Nephew, or a good girl.    


That's what smart women do.    


Only those silly Young Women would disrespect her husband in front of outsiders.    


At that time, she might have felt great, but she didn't know that in the eyes of others, there was already a halo of 'idiot' on her head.    


When the higher ups heard this, they immediately became highly focused.    


Everyone was very clear that the final communication between Director Yue and Chief Li would affect the future of the company. The status and income that individuals currently enjoyed would have to be taken seriously.    


Yue Zitong purposely paused after saying that sentence. She raised her teacup and took a sip, before continuing, "Although I am very close with Director Li, you know. However, business is business after all, and cannot be confused with personal feelings. "    


In fact, they could be confused.    


The higher-ups silently said in their hearts.    


After everyone had their fill of suspense, Director Yue said with a smile: "However, after my great efforts, Director Li finally agreed to cooperate with us."    


Before she finished her sentence, Deputy Director Wang suddenly led the applause.    


In an instant, the meeting room was filled with thunderous applause.    


Although everyone was certain that the identity of Director Yue as the boss of Nanfang Group, and that his Kaihuang Group would not be so low that it would lose his job, hearing her say so with their own ears, they became calm.    


Deputy Director Qi even asked excitedly, "Director Yue, how do you and Li always cooperate?"    


"We will buy a portion of the shares in Nanfang Group."    


"How much stock?"    


This time, even the mature and steady Deputy Director Wang couldn't help but ask.    


Director Yue raised his right hand and opened his fingers.    


The joy on Deputy Director Wang's face froze and he said in disappointment: "Only 5%."    


5% of the shares were purely due to face and dividends. They were far from being able to affect the company.    


Director Yue smiled, his red lips slightly parted: "Not 5%, 50%."    




Deputy Director Wang and the rest all opened their mouths in unison.    


Little Du, who was filling the cup with water for Director Yue, almost knocked the cup over with his trembling hands.    


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