Strongest Guard

C1368 Bai Ling'er Marry Me

C1368 Bai Ling'er Marry Me

"Scram, scum!"    


Although Bai Linger was usually carefree and full of manliness, in terms of being intimate with men, even if one were to say that they couldn't compare to the He Lan Demoness, they would still have to admit their inferiority in front of Yue Zitong.    


After being bitten by Lee Nanfang, her delicate body trembled and had an indescribable feeling, which made Xinn'er jump. She quickly retracted her hand as if she was electrocuted.    


Luckily, Lee Nanfang opened his mouth in time to prevent her skin from being cut by someone's sharp teeth when she retracted her hand.    


Lowering her head, Bai Linger grabbed a few tissues and wiped her two fingers. She couldn't stop muttering, "Don't, don't disgust me, alright?"    


Lee Nanfang was a bit confused: "I only bit your finger a little, how did it become disgusting you?"    


"I feel like I'm being, uh, disgusted by you. My hands haven't washed -- "    


Just as she said that, she was interrupted by Lee Nanfang: "Ah, I know."    


Bai Linger then lifted her head, pretending to be calm as she stroked her short hair and looked at him. "What do you know?"    


"You are, how do you say?"    


A hint of mischief flashed across Lee Nanfang's eyes: "I'm going to tell you a joke and you'll understand."    


"What joke is this?"    


Bai Linger was a little curious, but she came to a realization soon after. With a light pat on the table, she said, "Smelly scum, you're not allowed to say it."    


"You know what I'm going to say?"    


"I don't know."    


Bai Linger's answer was straightforward. "But I know that nothing good will come out of a dog's mouth."    


"Ivory wouldn't be so valuable if you could spit it out from a dog's mouth."    


Lee Nanfang chewed on the skewer as he said slowly, "It seems that our Officer Bai's thoughts are not as pure and innocent as her appearance suggests. She's actually very dirty too."    


Bai Linger was unwilling and questioned, "What part of my mind is dirty? Okay, you tell me. I want to see if your dog mouth can spit out ivory. "    


"First of all, there's no way for a dog to spit out ivory."    


Lee Nanfang made a few corrections before he began to narrate his best story.    


"Speaking of which, there was a touch, and her right hand, with five slender fingers, appeared on the internet. These five fingers, thumb, ring finger, little finger are stained with pretty nail polish. Only the fingernails of the index and middle fingers were of the original color. These two nails looked better than the other three fingers. So, touching it with his hand, he asked complacently, "What can my friends tell from this?"    


Lee Nanfang picked up another string and smiled obscenely: "Guess, what's the Godly reply for the netizens?"    


Bai Linger didn't know how to tell these kinds of stories, but she was a good talker.    


Furthermore, she also wanted to know the God's reply, so she asked, "What is it?"    


Lee Nanfang forced a smile and said slowly, "If you want to, then come find me. Why bother with two fingers?"    


As soon as he finished, he burst out laughing.    


When he was out of breath from laughing, he did not forget to hold his head with his hands. He was afraid that Bai Linger would go crazy.    


Bai Linger didn't lose her temper.    


Ye Zichen looked at Lee Nanfang in confusion, while his eyes were filled with ignorance.    


She could clearly tell that this fellow was just teasing her or taking advantage of her, but she couldn't figure out how he did it.    




After thinking for a full ten seconds, Bai Linger, who could not come up with a solution, curled her lips and cursed. She then raised her right hand and turned it around, looking at the two fingers on her hand.    


Lee Nanfang could not laugh anymore.    


Adults like Officer Bai, who was adept at reasoning, only needed to know what was going on once they heard it. Yet, she acted like a retard after not understanding it for so long. Her IQ was truly worrisome.    


Anyone who used such profound methods to fool someone with a poor IQ would be a retard.    


Lee Nanfang didn't want to be a retard, he just regretted it a little. He shouldn't have teased Bai Linger with such dirty jokes.    


Officer Bai, who was filled with righteousness and wholeheartedly working for the people, was like the purest snow lotus on a mountain, making Scumbag Lee instantly feel ashamed of his inferiority.    


He couldn't help but want to apologize to her.    


Just when Lee Nanfang was about to open his mouth, Bai Linger suddenly raised her hand and slapped his head.    


His face was flushed red and he looked extremely humiliated and angry. It was as if he wanted to pull out a gun and eliminate this scum of his.    


She looked at her two slender fingers and finally understood the meaning of that paragraph's divine reply.    


After realizing that her finger was bitten by Lee Nanfang just now, she suddenly pulled back after being shocked and subconsciously said that she didn't wash her hands. When she was not healthy, someone thought of something.    


He, he actually mocked her, using these two fingers to do --    


How could Bai Linger, who had never done such a thing before, not be enraged when she came to her senses?    


Could he ignore Lee Nanfang, who was begging for mercy with his hands covering his head, and violently smash at him with his pair of small fists that were like rain?    


"Smelly scum, scoundrel, why are your thoughts so dirty and corrupt?"    


After pressing down on Lee Nanfang's head and hitting it over a hundred times, Officer Bai's anger finally lessened a little.    


Letting out a long breath, she raised her head and discovered that her surroundings had been completely surrounded by the eating crowd.    


Everyone stared blankly at Bai Linger. Under the light of night, they committed murder on the street.    


Lee Nanfang also saw it and said shamelessly, "Bai Linger, as a police officer, you actually beat up an innocent citizen in the street in front of everyone. "Heh heh, I'll see you in court."    


"You …"    


Bai Linger's eyes immediately widened. She looked as if she wanted to fall out with him.    


Fortunately, he immediately realized that this was happening under the watchful eyes of everyone present.    


She believed in Scumbag Lee's character. If she were to make another move, this guy might just roll onto the ground and wail like a ghost.    


Who could guarantee that the onlookers in the crowd didn't have people who didn't know the truth? Did they really think that a police officer would commit murder in the streets, take a photo with his cell phone, and post it on the internet?    


If that were the case, Bai Linger would probably drown in the saliva of tens of thousands of angry youths.    


Her illustrious reputation would go down the drain.    


However, she was just pissed that Scumbag Lee intentionally disgusted her, so she forgot that it was in public, okay?    


He really did what he was afraid of.    


Just as Bai Linger realized that the situation was getting out of hand, she saw several people holding their phones and pointing them in their direction.    


Bai Linger panicked and whispered, "Lee Nanfang, you won't stop until my reputation stinks."    




God, what a pity. Lee Nanfang only wanted to tease Officer Bai. How could he let her reputation go bad?    


Bai Linger didn't say anything else. She stood up and turned around to leave.    


She believed that the scene of her violently beating Lee Nanfang was captured by the crowd who didn't know the truth.    


Even if she forced Lee Nanfang to explain, it would probably be useless.    


In this world, there would always be a group of scum who feared that the world would not fall into chaos.    


However, they could not let this kind of people encounter such a situation. Otherwise, they would definitely use their sh * t stick function and not let the world know of this matter. They would not give up until everyone knew about it.    


It was just like how they talked about the Peng case many times. The Red Cross' ostentatious rich sects were all people who added fuel to the fire, setting off a never before seen discussion climax in Chinese history. This resulted in the quality of China's citizens regressing to slavery society in just one night.    


They would definitely be pleased with themselves for being able to have so much power.    


Only when their wives went out to give birth and had no one to care about them did their parents taste the bitter fruit they had planted that year. They wished they could cut off their mouths and feed it to the dogs.    


With the rapid development of modern information, the power of public opinion has also shown a power that has never been seen before, changing the fate of many people.    


People were also particularly afraid of this sort of public opinion.    


It was the same with Bai Linger.    


Thus, when he realized that something was wrong, his first reaction was to run.    


She can't threaten people who take pictures. Hand out all your cell phones to your aunts, or you'll be killed.    


He could only instinctively flee.    


However, just as she walked a few meters away, her arm was grabbed.    


She turned around and saw that it was Scumbag Lee.    


"Alright!" Lee Nanfang, you are about to kill me, stop playing. "Is that okay?"    


Bai Linger flung her arms violently, her eyes misting over as she almost screamed out those words.    


Be a policeman and a protector of the masses.    


It was Bai Linger's biggest dream when she was young.    


She had always strived for this dream. In the end, after a lot of hard work, her dream had finally come true.    


She greatly valued the results of her efforts, so after all these years as a police officer, she had always wanted to be a good police officer.    


She thought so, and she did.    


Although she was sometimes a bit domineering when facing people like Scumbag Lee, but when she passed the food street tonight, there were people who continuously greeted her and even joked around. This proved that even though she had been suppressed and excluded by Cousin Wang over the past year by Sun Tang, she still hadn't forgotten her original intentions.    


She had solved many problems by using the power conferred on her by the state to help those who lived outside the country.    


Lee Nanfang didn't know that the bosses on the street already treated her as one of their own.    


Although she didn't really care about things like false names, she definitely didn't want her positive image to be destroyed just because of a joke of Lee Nanfang's.    


This was something that she deserved and treasured.    


Thus, when he realized that the thing she treasured the most could possibly be lost, he would be lost, and even fear.    


However, she didn't hate Lee Nanfang because of this, she just blamed him a little.    


Lee Nanfang did not shake off his hand. Instead, he suddenly fell to one knee.    


What was going on?    


Bai Linger was stunned.    


Not only was she shocked, even those who didn't know the truth but also wanted to stir up trouble and upload the video of Bai Linger hitting someone were also stunned.    


However, their reactions were much faster than Bai Linger's.    


Scumbag Lee, who was being abused just now, knelt down on one knee towards Bai Linger. He wanted to beg for something from her.    


These people's blood started to boil as they quickly raised their phones again and aimed at the two of them.    


They decided!    


He wanted to use the real scene to record how a certain policewoman had bullied a good citizen to the point of kneeling down and begging under the watchful eyes of the crowd.    


They would also call on all their compatriots to join together and give the policewomen, and indeed the police as a whole, a fair and just question.    


As for the reason why Scumbag Lee was beaten so badly by the policewoman, they were — f * ck, people who only feared that the world would be in chaos. Who would care about that?    


Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw those people pointing their cellphones at her. After a moment of blankness, Bai Linger sighed softly, "Hey, Lee Nanfang, are you trying to kill me?"    


"Linger, marry me."    


Lee Nanfang didn't care what Bai Linger said. He raised his head and looked at her as he said loudly.    




How many times had Bai Linger been stunned today?    


It seemed like it had happened at least ten times.    


However, compared to the current stupefaction, the previous stupefaction was not a big deal.    


She just wondered if there was something wrong with her ears.    


Otherwise, Lee Nanfang wouldn't loudly propose to her here.    


"Bai Linger, marry me."    


Lee Nanfang shouted out these words with an even louder voice.    


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