Strongest Guard

C1383 Who Can Save Her?

C1383 Who Can Save Her?

"Are you serious?"    


Lao Hu was stunned for a while before he muttered.    


Helan Xiaoxin corrected him, "I'm not 'playing', I'm serious."    


Lao Hu shook his head slowly: "I don't believe it. It's not that I don't believe you. Rather, I don't believe that my writing can be as good as what you said. "    


"Second Uncle, please trust me."    


Helan Xiaoxin stood up from the ground and spread out the words on her hands. "If you don't believe me, then find a professional to appraise this when we get back to the city." When the time comes, don't say that you wrote it. "    


Hu Mietang's eyes slowly lit up as he looked at the words.    


The silver moonlight gently sprinkled on the characters. As the night wind blew, the xuan paper floated on the surface of the water and lightly swayed, making the four words on it seem as if it was alive.    


National luck, Dragonpulse!    


These were the four words that Lao Hu casually wrote tonight while he was immersed in his thoughts.    


As he wrote these four words, he did not even realize that he was writing.    


However, all of his mind and spirit melted into these four words the moment he waved his hand.    


That was why the four words seemed to be filled with unspeakable spirit.    


It was also the only reason why he could attract Helan Xiaoxin's attention and bring them back before he left.    


"Second Uncle, what do you mean by 'National Fate Dragonpulse'?"    


Helan Xiaoxin's soft voice woke Lao Hu from his daze.    


"Now that you know it, it won't do you any good. Just like why those people want to kill you and why someone came to save you. But I promise you, you'll understand this later. Helan Xiaoxin, stop questioning me. When you learn that there is a very big secret waiting for you not too far away from your path of life, will you feel that your life has become especially interesting? "    


Lao Hu smiled and took the letter from Helan Xiaoxin's hand. After examining it for a moment, he casually threw it on the ground.    


"Second uncle …"    


Helan Xiaoxin was shocked and was about to go get it when Hu Mietang turned around and left.    


His speed was extremely fast.    


Helan Xiaoxin was needed to jog to catch up, there was no time to pick up the words.    


Buddha's Boogie was also running.    


She wasn't jogging like Helan Xiaoxin, but using all her strength to run as fast as she could.    


She wanted to shake off the white-haired, very handsome man.    


She had only said one word to this man: "Who?"    


When the man came out, Buddha's Boogie shut her mouth, turned around, and dashed out.    


After seeing the man's white hair and white eyebrows, Buddha's Boogie knew who it was. He was extremely handsome.    


He also knew that no matter how powerful she was, even if she possessed the world's most magnificent Heavenly Demon Divine Art, she would only be crushed to death in front of this person.    


So she just wanted to run.    


Using the fastest speed possible.    


Buddha's Boogie only dared to turn around and look after running with all her might for ten full minutes.    


There was no one behind him.    


There was only the brush where she had run, the shrubbery where she had fallen, and the scattered moonlight that fell through the treetops.    


Buddha's Boogie didn't relax even though she didn't see the man.    


This was because she knew very well that the moment she stopped, the other party would appear in her line of sight like a ghost. His handsome face would have a faint smile.    


Therefore, she didn't dare to stop at all. At most, she would just take a deep breath, hoping to suppress the extreme fear in her heart and calm her mind down a little.    


She did it.    


She clearly knew that the only way for her to get rid of this person's evil scheme was to find Hu Mietang.    


At this moment, only Lao Hu, who was almost killed by her, could protect her.    


As she sprinted, Buddha's Boogie raised her head to look at the moon. After quickly determining the direction from which she should go, she turned around once more and, like a hurling athlete, jumped over a clump of shrubbery. In the sparse forest, she pounced towards the two-story building.    


Now she finally understood why Hu Mietang said that Helan Xiaoxin would not die before he left.    


Because Yang Xiao had come.    


Why did Yang Xiao come to such a desolate place?    


This was all because of the Tianzhu Sect's operation this time around, and had been leaked in advance a long time ago.    


Those people who had avoided her for hundreds of years naturally knew very well that the head of Lee Nanfang's six great souls could not die. That was why they invited their king to come over and protect her.    


Since Tianzhu Sect wanted to kill Helan Xiaoxin at all costs, just so that Lee Nanfang's future trip to the Western Kunlun Mountains would not be possible.    


Then those powers that had been waiting for Lee Nanfang's arrival would naturally want to protect Helan Xiaoxin. With Hu Mietang's IQ, he didn't need to spend too much time thinking about this. Thus, he didn't need to worry about her safety after falling into the trap of luring Lee Nanfang out of the mountain.    


In fact, it was just as Lao Hu expected.    


Yang Xiao had indeed appeared at the most opportune moment.    


Since she had appeared and was responsible for assassinating Helan Xiaoxin's senior sister, how could she possibly survive?    


She would even take the opportunity to kill the Patriarch of Tianzhu Sect, Buddha's Boogie, who had been hiding in India for thousands of years, in order to avoid those powers.    


Buddha's Boogie only hoped that she could reach Lao Hu before Yang Xiao killed her.    


Although she wasn't sure if Lao Hu would protect her or not.    


However, other than seeking for Lao Hu's protection, who else could she look for?    


"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"    


Buddha's Boogie kept cheering herself on, as if she would run even faster if she could do that.    


She didn't care at all that her long legs had been cut countless times by the thorns.    


The ankle was even broken by the edge of a stone.    


Blood dripped onto the soles of his feet.    


Before they came here tonight, Buddha's Boogie was sure that if she wanted to deal with Lao Hu, she would have to use her Heavenly Demonic Divine Art.    


When dancing the Heavenly Demon Dance, of course, you can't wear too much clothes.    


That way, it would be inconvenient to take them off.    


As a result, when she was running at her fastest speed, the hem of her long black robe had long since been sliced into pieces by the branches and brambles. When the wind blew when she was running, it was possible to see her long legs, or even the area below her waist.    


But what was there?    


To Buddha's Boogie, who was cultivating the [Sky Demon God Art], leaving was not a big deal.    


Furthermore, she was in a hurry to escape, so why would she care about such things?    


The more anxious she was, the faster she moved. Buddha's Boogie finally fell to the ground and stepped on her right foot with her left.    


Fortunately, when her chin hit the ground, it did not touch the rock.    


Otherwise, it would not be as easy as chewing on mud.    


Even if he didn't break the jaw bone, it would still break his skin.    


Broken phase.    


Buddha's Boogie still didn't mind.    


At this moment, fear had completely taken control of her, prompting her to spring to her feet and continue running.    


He didn't even dare to look back.    


That was because she was afraid that if she turned around, she would see Yang Xiao and lose the ability to run due to fear.    


Finally, when the black robe was torn in half by the strong momentum, a tearing sound could be heard and the two-story building appeared.    


He also saw a person sitting in a window on the second floor. That person was hugging his bent left knee as he looked up at the moon.    


Buddha's Boogie was overjoyed as she screamed, "Hu Mietang, save me!"    


Buddha's Boogie didn't even have three seconds to fly from a distance of tens of meters away before she reached the window.    


Because she was too fast, Buddha's Boogie was just about to hit her head on the wooden pillar and grab it in time. Under the momentum of the inertia, she spun around the pillar three times before she managed to recover from the inertia and regained her balance.    


He suddenly raised his head.    


She shouted again, "Hu Mietang, save, save —"    


Suddenly, she couldn't say a word.    


Something that was originally formless, called fear, seemed to have morphed into something tangible, suddenly blocking her mouth.    


Not only did it block her mouth, it also caused all the blood in her body to congeal in an instant.    


The only people who remained standing were those who were holding the pillars and raising their heads. Their gazes locked with the people who looked down from above.    


He was speechless for a long time.    


That person was dressed in white, with white hair and white brows. Under the white moonlight, he looked like a fairy that had descended from the immortal realms.    




Who else could it be other than Yang Xiao?    


Yang Xiao smiled proudly as he looked at the dumbstruck Buddha's Boogie by the window.    


Her teeth were also so white.    


It was neat and tidy.    


It was as if he had carved it with the purest of white jade.    


"I knew you would escape here, so I didn't chase after you. Instead, I came here to wait."    


Yang Xiao was really captivated by her intelligence and wisdom. At the corner of his eyes, all of them were brimming with an indescribable sense of pride.    


If it were Buddha's Boogie instead of her, she would definitely display an expression of admiration to the point of prostrating herself in front of him. Her flattery was like the Yellow River water that came from the heavens.    


That way, Yang Xiao would be happy.    


As long as she was in a good mood, it wasn't impossible for her to let Buddha's Boogie go.    


It was a pity.    


Buddha's Boogie wasn't someone who could flatter and flatter people like Sister Xin.    


Thus, Yang Xiao lowered his head and waited for her for a whole minute. Before he could hear what he wanted to hear, the pride on his face was gradually replaced by the evil Evil Qi.    


How could she give face to someone who didn't give face to King Yang?    


She didn't even put on any airs, landing lightly on the ground like a white crane.    




After smelling a unique body scent, Buddha's Boogie finally woke up from her fear. She screamed for her whole life and abruptly raised her right foot!    


Side kick.    


When she kicked sideways, she was holding the post with both hands.    


This way, he would be able to concentrate all of his strength on his right leg. He would not have to worry about falling to the ground if his body leaned too far forward.    


This kick was definitely the most powerful kick that Buddha's Boogie had ever thrown in her life.    


Their target was only Yang Xiao's throat.    


Don't look at how sexy and coquettish this shoe looked under the moonlight after losing its shoe. In fact, it was no less than an iron rod. If it were to kick Yang Xiao's throat, it would definitely be able to break it immediately.    


On the toes of this small foot, there were nearly half an inch of long nails.    


Under the moonlight, the fingernails appeared eerie dark blue.    


This is not nail polish.    


It was an extremely poisonous poison that could seal one's throat with blood!    


The corner of Yang Xiao's mouth hooked into a cruel sneer as he faced the foot that was about to hit him.    


She did not move.    


Buddha's Boogie was ecstatic. Once again, she screamed out with a voice that would definitely exceed a hundred decibels, "Ya!"    




Under the moonlight, he sent out a series of Phantom Shadow's beautiful feet and ruthlessly kicked Yang Xiao's throat?    




Buddha's Boogie clearly saw that Yang Xiao didn't move, but why didn't her kick hit something substantial?    


It was as if Yang Xiao, who was standing under the moonlight, was an illusion.    


Buddha's Boogie's kick had only passed through the shadow.    


Yang Xiao, of course, was not a mirage created by the laser beam.    


Buddha's Boogie tried so hard not to kick her, but because her dodging speed was too fast.    


If someone were to record this scene with their cellphone, they would be able to clearly see that when Buddha's Boogie's foot was about to kick her, her neck suddenly seemed to snap, and she snapped backwards.    


He just happened to dodge.    


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