Strongest Guard

C1386 Enduring Humiliation and Bearing the Heavy Burden of the Asura Dao

C1386 Enduring Humiliation and Bearing the Heavy Burden of the Asura Dao

After Buddha's Boogie said those words, she was fully prepared to be killed by Yang Xiao.    


This result was also a form of relief for her.    


In the eyes of Lao Hu and the others, the Tianzhu Sect that had been passed down for thousands of years in India was a sect that was established by a group of people who had no dignity, no future, and only lived to survive.    


But who would have thought that the creator of Tianzhu Sect was actually one of the six great Dao Masters of Shura Tao, King Xuanyuan?    


The reason why the Shura Tao Master hid his name and hid in that dirty place was so that the Shura Tao could be passed down forever.    


They clearly had the most glorious origins, and their Shura Tao was the same as the other five. They were all the six closest trusted aides of the Princess of Yi City, with the most noble bloodline flowing on them, yet they were still hiding in that place, hiding themselves for over a thousand years.    


That was because when the Shura Tao Master had left the Flame Valley back then, he had already determined that King Xuanyuan's grand wish could not be achieved.    


If they had to do it, it could only be said that they would be going against the heavens. Everyone was like a moth flying into the fire, with no signs of life.    


This way, the line of the Yicheng Princess would completely disappear from the face of the earth.    


To ensure that, no matter how many years passed, the image of the Princess of Yi City would never cease to burn in front of her. The Shura Tao Master finally walked on this path after a long and difficult decision.    


For so many years, they had declared to the outside world that all the generations of Buddha's Boogie were Silai who had nothing to do with the Eastern Divine Region, namely the Black Robe Holy Maiden.    


The only reason why they had survived in India was because the Silai could not survive in their former lands.    


And the ancestor deity statue that their sect worshipped was the greatest princess of Sui Empire, Yi City.    


In order to completely confuse the outsiders, they had to bear with marrying the lowliest woman in India, and let their noble bloodline be tainted. They were afraid that their Flame Valley would find out.    


After thousands of years of bloodline inheritance, Buddha's Boogie from the previous generation of Shura Tao gradually became a standard Indian.    


However, they firmly believed that the purest Chinese bloodline still flowed within the deepest part of their bloodline.    


They only hoped that one day, the mighty King Xuanyuan would be able to clearly realize how unrealistic it was for her to regain her grand aspiration for Sui Empire.    


Along with the rapid development of modern science, especially of the military, the Shura Tao was more resolute than ever before in his ancestor's worries.    


How correct it was to choose this path.    


They even dreamed that after the King gave up on his unrealistic illusions, they would use the same amount of time to purge the tainted bloodline from their bodies, generation after generation — in the end, only the purest of Sui Empire bloodline would remain.    


At that time, they would once again rely on King Xuanyuan to drive them.    


It might sound simple, but if one were to really do all of this, especially the sin that one had suffered during this period, it would actually be like a stomach full of tears.    


Especially after this generation's Buddha's Boogie took over the position, she felt an unspeakable disgust at the way Shura Tao existed.    


It was really hard to understand. How could a group of noble people like Shura Tao endure humiliation for so long, and even purposely tarnish their own noble bloodline?    


Such a life was worse than death for her.    


She prayed more than once that King Xuanyuan would die in front of the statue of the princess of Yicheng!    


At the very least, he would forever stay within the Flame Valley and would never come out.    


Then Buddha's Boogie would lead her brothers and sisters out of that sewer place, and, like her ancestors, she would hold her head high and bask in the sunlight of the Divine Land she yearned for.    


She was waiting for an opportunity.    


Waiting for a good opportunity to let King Xuanyuan die, or perhaps forever stay in the Flame Valley.    


The opportunity had finally arrived.    


The Great Elder of the heaven, was definitely the only person within the Flame Valley who was proficient in the arts of Profound Sect.    


Therefore, he could see that Dark Bane, whom King Xuanyuan had been waiting for a thousand years, had finally broken out of the world of darkness and descended into the world of mortals.    


However, he was not the only one who could see through all of this.    


Shura Tao born from the Flame Valley, and even the other three, even if one was willing, one would be able to see, if their Dao Lords, could still pass down certain things.    


Humans shouldn't think about it.    


Back then, when he had left the Flame Valley together with Shura Tao and the other three, Dao Lord Dao Lord knew that it was just wishful thinking. That was why he had waded into the ocean and engaged in the extremely profitable trade, allowing his bloodline to mix with each other and never mention anything related to Flame Valley ever again.    


Of course, he wouldn't continue to pass down the ancient Profound Sect techniques.    


This was because King Xuanyuan's group's Profound Sect technique, which was also known as the Dragon Eye, was much more profound than the God Swords that came from the martial arts world.    


Naturally, it was much more unique as well.    


If humanity still continued to pass on these things, then they would be discovered by the heavens sooner or later. After confirming that they had completely betrayed King Xuanyuan, the experts from the Light Faction went all out to hunt them down.    


Since he had already decided to break away from King Xuanyuan's control, then he might as well do it to the best of his abilities.    


Thus, after they went to Europe, they completely abandoned the technique of Profound Sect and lost it.    


Concentrating on the route of trafficking in human beings, he didn't have to worry about exposing his whereabouts, his daily life was also very comfortable.    


The Hell Tao of the Six Paths, after leaving them, did indeed work loyally for the Flame Valley.    


It was a pity that their hard work had not paid off.    


Under the Heavenly Dao which gradually deteriorated and Hungry Ghost Tao which merged with each other, under the pressure of increasingly dissatisfied desires, they gradually declined, becoming laborers who created wealth for them.    


Because they were worried that they would not be satisfied with being squeezed out, they decided to join forces with the Heavenly Dao and Hungry Ghost Tao to use schemes and tricks to cause the sudden death of a certain generation of Hell Tao Dao Lords.    


The Profound Sect techniques of the Hell Tao had also been lost since that generation, causing the later generations to completely fall into the hands of those who only knew how to create wealth.    


As for the beasts — who knows where they are hiding now?    


Anyway, he would not care about the Shura Tao.    


They only wanted to do their best to pass down their noble traditions and hide in the dirtiest place in the world.    


They had created the Tianzhu Sect in India, and used the later generations of the West Lai as a cover. Only then did the techniques of the Profound Sect manage to be passed on with great difficulty.    


That was why Buddha's Boogie was able to see this when the Great Elder noticed Dark Bane's arrival.    


Then, she was terrified.    


According to the passed down in the sect from generation to generation, Buddha's Boogie was very clear that once Dark Bane goes to the Flame Valley, his blood will be spilled. After King Xuanyuan restores Diurnal Male and Night Female to her body, he will have the qualifications to start something and bring his subordinates into society.    


However, there was no doubt that before King Xuanyuan could recover his ambition, the first thing he had to do was to find the four that disappeared a thousand years ago.    


Find them.    


Kill them!    


For anyone who betrayed the King, and betrayed their Flame Valley, death would be the most comfortable result.    


She had to do something for herself, to become the disciple of the sect that numbered in the hundreds and thousands. If she could continue to live, even if she had to endure the humiliation and live, there was nothing she could do.    


Assassinating King Xuanyuan, who had already entered society, to solve the problem at its root was undoubtedly the best solution.    


However, she was also very clear that no one, no organization, could kill King Xuanyuan.    


Even for many countries, King Xuanyuan can't die.    


It was because there was something on King Xuanyuan that allowed them to clearly understand their own country's luck with the Dragonpulse.    


If not, no matter if it was Dongyang from eighty years ago or the current Huaxia, they all had the ability to flatten their Flame Valley to the ground, but did not use modern weapons to do so.    


Therefore, Buddha's Boogie never had the thought of assassinating King Xuanyuan.    


Then, there was only one way to save thousands of disciples and let King Xuanyuan forever remain within the Flame Valley.    


Lee Nanfang couldn't go to Flame Valley.    


Compared to the impossible task of assassinating King Xuanyuan, assassinating Lee Nanfang seemed much easier.    


Not to mention hiding in the dark, he used a sniper rifle to break Boss Lee's head, letting him die along with the dragon hidden in his body.    


Simply using the simplest and most direct way to face each other was enough for Buddha's Boogie to have absolute confidence.    


She had the Heavenly Demonic Divine Art.    


Even the Unrivaled Expert Lao Hu had to bite the tip of his tongue to escape from the illusion, let alone Lee Nanfang, who was famous for being a pervert.    


But killing Lee Nanfang wasn't as simple as Buddha's Boogie had imagined.    


Because of her identity as the Black Robe Holy Maiden, she was invited by Lao Hu to come to Huaxia last year and saw King Xuanyuan and Lee Nanfang once again.    


From then on, he was sure that King Xuanyuan would secretly observe every move of Lee Nanfang.    


Your Majesty will never allow anything to go wrong with Lee Nanfang.    


Therefore, whoever tried to assassinate Lee Nanfang had to deal with King Xuanyuan first.    


To Buddha's Boogie, this was the same as returning to the path of assassinating King Xuanyuan. It was impossible.    


Fortunately, other than the two ways to solve the problem by assassinating King Xuanyuan and Lee Nanfang, there was a third way.    


Lee Nanfang had six great souls. If he wanted to go to Flame Valley, he had to absorb enough from these six great souls.    


Simply put, Lee Nanfang had to do something that couldn't be said for these six women and absorb the Yin essence within them before he could appear in front of the Flame Valley's Xuanyuan Deity.    


Otherwise, even with King Xuanyuan's personal protection, he wouldn't be able to step past the meridian point!    


Some of those things that protected the Flame Valley were things that tore the Eastern Ocean Warriors into pieces more than eighty years ago. They wouldn't allow the Black Dragon to cross the meridian line without Lee Nanfang amassing all six great soul essences.    


Reasoning things to this point, for Buddha's Boogie, who had to do something to save thousands of people, things were much simpler.    


Through the unique Profound Sect passed down from the Shura Tao, Buddha's Boogie found out who was the leader of Lee Nanfang's six great souls.    


Helan Xiaoxin.    


As long as he could make Helan Xiaoxin disappear, one of Lee Nanfang's six great souls would be missing.    


Even if he absorbed all of the Yin essence from the other five souls within one or two years, he would still lack one, and would never be able to step past the meridian point of Flame Valley.    


Was it difficult to assassinate Helan Xiaoxin?    


Not hard.    


Buddha's Boogie thought it wouldn't be difficult.    


However, she never expected that Yang Xiao would appear when she was meticulously planning to move away from Lao Hu and create the best opportunity to assassinate Helan Xiaoxin.    


When Buddha's Boogie saw Yang Xiao, her first reaction was to run!    


But would she be able to escape?    


She could only die.    


But before she died, she could say all these things that she had suppressed in her heart for over a thousand years, while holding in her Shura Tao for a thousand years.    


She wanted the great King to wake up from his beautiful dream of restoring his Sui Empire.    


This, could also be considered as the last time that his Shura Tao served the emperor.    




Would the proud and arrogant king give her the chance to say these things?    




Yang Xiao had already raised his right foot.    


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