Strongest Guard

C1856 Little Granddaughter Yang Coffin Coffin

C1856 Little Granddaughter Yang Coffin Coffin

Xiliang Village was still that small village in the outskirts of Qingshan that was about to be demolished.    


It had been more than half a year since the government sent out the demolition notice.    


Village Head Old Man Wang had personally witnessed how the once boisterous village turned into such a desolate place.    


However, Old Man Wang was not sad at all.    


As long as the houses were settled, all the villagers would be able to take the huge amount of money they would never be able to make in their entire lives. They would be able to live a better life by living in a big house in the city.    


Only a fool would reject such a good thing.    


However, the only thing that made Old Man Wang uncomfortable was that once the bulldozers entered the village, they would start moving the soil.    


The ancestral graves on the west side of Xiliang Mountain also had to be moved along with them.    


Tell the truth.    


Old Man Wang wanted to be charming and didn't want to touch the grave.    


It was said that the ancestral tombs of the Xiliang Village were extremely precious grounds that were rarely seen in a thousand years. It was said that the ancestors that were buried here were people, and there were even emperors among the later generations.    


It was only later on, when the emperor who came from an unknown life moved the ancestral tombs away, did he manage to prevent Xiliang Village from becoming a tourist area for the imperial mausoleum.    


Old Man Wang was convinced by this.    


Who would dare to say that their ancestral tombs were bad?    


If not, could he wait for the demolition?    


Could it turn the children in the village into a second generation, a third generation?    


Therefore, Old Man Wang really didn't want to move the ancestral tombs away.    


He had made an application for a small request to the government to keep the ancestral tombs.    


Old Man Wang didn't know whether this request was accepted or not.    


He saw that the housing was about to be built and the time to move was about to come, but the government still did not reply. He became anxious.    


Even if it didn't work.    


Give me the letter so I can give up.    


In any case, Old Man Wang had been the village chief for dozens of years and was an old Party member, so he wouldn't do anything to make things difficult for the government.    


But if you don't say anything about it, it's too annoying.    


Old Man Wang thought, could it be that the leaders at the top had different opinions regarding the Xiliang Village Ancestor's tomb?    


Well, it must be a disagreement.    


Otherwise, he wouldn't have gotten stuck with a village old man for such a small matter.    


From this, we can see that the higher ups are willing to help us farmers keep our ancestral tombs.    


That's a good thing.    


We need to think of a way to help the Leader share his worries and make the Leader's opinion more consistent.    


Therefore, Old Man Wang started to go door to door to look for the villagers, jointly writing an application form and then reporting it to them to try to win it over.    


This could also be considered as bringing peace to the ancestors and bringing peace to the future generations.    


However, Old Man Wang felt that something was amiss as the matter of the joint application was being handled.    


Why are there always some outsiders coming to the village every few days?    


At the beginning, it was a young man who looked like he was from the Northern Frontier.    


When he came, he was carrying two boxes on his back, so he asked Old Man Wang about Xiliang Mountain.    


Such a large mountain was right in front of his eyes, yet this young man couldn't see it.    


Old Man Wang wasn't scolding on the spot because he was in a good mood.    


Old Man Wang pointed down the road and felt that something was wrong as he watched the young man enter the mountain.    


I'm not discriminating against a region, the main thing is that young man looks like a ghost, no matter how you look at him, he doesn't seem like a good person. Thinking about how there were many thieves in the Northern Frontier, Old Man Wang decided to be more careful and climbed to the top of the mountain to wait and see when that kid would come out.    


He waited from early morning until dark.    


The young man finally came out.    


He had actually come out from the wild forest at the east of the Xiliang Mountain, where one could not see the borders.    


The eastern side of Xiliang Mountain was sparsely populated. Ever since Old Man Wang was born, no one had ever been there.    


The main reason was because the mountains were complicated and the forest was dense, so no one dared to enter.    


This Northern Frontier kid is good.    


Being unfamiliar with a place like this, to be able to find a way back after roaming around in the forest for an entire day, that was truly amazing.    


He had two boxes on him, why was there only one left?    


Watching the other party leave, Old Man Wang could not understand no matter how hard he tried.    


He suspected that the kid had stolen some valuable item and used it as a place to bury his treasure.    


However, they couldn't bury anything in the mountains. Besides, there wasn't even half of a treasure buried here.    


Forget it, forget it.    


In any case, since they had all left, they did not do anything shameful in the village. As a Xiliang Village Village Chief who was about to die in name, what was he worrying about?    


However, the more Old Man Wang didn't want to worry, the more the matter looked for him.    


Within two days, another outsider had come to find him.    


When he opened his mouth, he immediately asked if he had seen anyone from the Northern Frontier.    


What kind of status did Old Man Wang have? That was the village head who had worked in the revolutionary development work for decades. At this time, he couldn't tell what was wrong with him, and he couldn't even survive until now.    


Facing two fellows who obviously weren't good people, he shook his head and said that he had never seen them before.    


The two of them did not speak much either, as they held their phones up to take photos of the entire Xiliang Village, its contents, and everything else before leaving.    


Old Man Wang was confused.    


Weren't they the ones who called people over? Why did they start filming the scenery instead?    


For this reason, he was puzzled for an entire night.    


When they turned the sky around, it was already early in the morning. It was still at the village entrance, and there were still two people who went to find Old Man Wang.    


Old Man Wang didn't dare to slight the person who came this time.    


He was holding a work permit. He was a member of the national department from Beijing who specialized in investigating criminal cases.    


After confirming that the documents were real again and again, Old Man Wang faced the two leaders from Beijing and spoke everything he knew.    


He had said what he shouldn't have said.    


and also applied to the two little leaders, could they please pass a message to the Qingshan City government, allowing them to keep the ancestral tombs.    


The two junior executives agreed quite well.    


Old Man Wang was also very happy.    


After the junior leader left, he quickly busied himself with the matter of the joint application.    


Once again he traveled through the village.    


Of course, he also saw the new tenant in the house at the western end of the village.    


This family of tenant was definitely a person that Old Man Wang had a whole new level of respect for.    


An old man brought his two granddaughters, who were also twin granddaughters.    


Her granddaughter was beautiful and in her twenties, like a fairy from a painting.    


The old man was even more powerful. He had white hair, white eyebrows, and a white beard.    


Old Man Wang felt that he was ashamed and didn't dare to say anything while standing in front of them. He only knew that they were staying here temporarily.    


After all, there were a lot of tenants staying at Xiliang Village. Old Man Wang wasn't someone who checked his account, so he didn't care about all that.    


Besides, he was too busy trying to save his ancestors' graves.    


How could he have the time to care about these people?    


It wasn't easy for him to complete the joint application, so he rushed to the municipal government and submitted it.    


Old Man Wang felt that he had let down half of his worries.    


Think about it, if there were requests from the villagers and two young leaders of the capital were to help with the communication, it would be difficult for Chengdu.    


As a result, the sky turned dark.    


The people from the city moved in with a notice and stuck it on the wall of Old Man Wang's house at the village entrance.    


When Old Man Wang saw what was written on the notice, he nearly fainted from anger.    


"Announcement of the Government of the southern mountains of the Qingshan City on the move:    


All tombs situated near the Xiliang Mountain are to be moved to the Southern Mountain Funeral Home within three days of the death of the family members. The government has allocated special funds to purchase the tombs and replace them.    


Three days later, if there is no relocation, the demolition office will arrange for special personnel to assist the police department and the funeral department to help the relocation.    


Thirty days later, the Xiliang Village began its construction.    


If no grave is found at that time, the family members shall be investigated through police intervention and disposed of in accordance with the State regulations on the administration of funeral and interment.    


A fine of up to 5,000 yuan shall be imposed for violation of the regulations.    


I hope that the villagers of Xiliang Village will cooperate more and more. "    


Large notice paper, short and clear.    


The last page was the red stamp of the District Administration.    


Seeing this, how could Old Man Wang not be angry?    


He felt that the two leaders from Beijing had passed the message incorrectly.    


Otherwise, how could such an outcome occur?    


The ancestral tombs that were originally not needed to be moved could no longer be moved in the blink of an eye. Who was going to seek justice for this?    


How the village people make fun of Old Man Wang is "carrying a wife on the brick bed in the dark - busy", this is secondary.    


The key point was that the higher-ups had already issued an order for them to move, so they had to move as soon as possible.    


All families told each other, please count the days and find monks and Taoists to transcend their ancestors.    


A series of preparations for moving the earth and moving the graves were completed.    


On the second day after the demolition notice, the entire Xiliang Village became extremely lively.    


Over a thousand Xiliang Village villagers had gathered at the ancestral grave on the west side of Xiliang Mountain, surrounding them were many outsiders who had rented out a place to watch the excitement.    


Old Man Wang, who was frowning, had no choice but to accept reality. He threw a handful of yellow paper into the sky, clapped his hands, waved his shovel and was the first to dig his ancestor's grave.    


No one could say how long Xiliang Mountain had existed for.    


In the past, there was no mention of property rights in cemeteries.    


The ancestors of the village had been buried here for generations.    


It was obvious who belonged to whom.    


Of course, there were also those desolated tombs that had not been cleaned for many years, families that gradually lost their descendants.    


There were also graves without even tombstones. No one knew whose family they belonged to, and no one knew who was buried underneath.    


The villagers did not care about the graves, and did not dare to care about them.    


They just needed to wait for three days before the higher-ups would send someone over.    


The whole process of moving the graves, the ruckus, did not seem too chaotic.    


Even though Old Man Wang was old and had not done much menial work for many years, he was still in a bad mood. After digging a few times, he was exhausted to the point of gasping for breath. He tossed the shovel in his hand to his eldest son and ran to the top of the mountain with a cigarette in his mouth.    


When the cigarette was half smoked, it suddenly turned its head.    


He saw the village's western end that was renting a house here, an old man and his granddaughter, the immortal's family.    


Seeing this family, Old Man Wang's eyes were a little dazed. He nodded with a silly smile as a form of greeting. He quickly took out a crumpled cigarette case and wanted to pass a cigarette to the old man.    


However, his hand stopped halfway there.    


I said it earlier, that old man had a white forehead and a white beard, just like Old Lord Taishang in Journey to the West.    


How could such a person casually smoke his five dollars a box of cigarettes?    


Thinking of this, Old Man Wang wanted to retract his hand.    


Who knew that the immortal-like old man opposite him would snatch away a cigarette before he could stop.    


"Bro, thank you. These two granddaughters of mine are so strict with me that they never let me smoke them. "Excuse me, can you borrow a fire?"    


The words of the immortal-like old man were actually earth-shattering.    


Old Man Wang immediately felt comfortable all over his body. He gave the lighter to Su Bai and smiled, "Bro, now that you call me Bro, I feel much better. I'm not afraid of you making fun of me. Look at your temperament, tsk tsk tsk, it's not like you're an ordinary person. I was embarrassed to talk before. "Hey, that's all there is to it. What is your name?"    


"Haha, old bro, you are praising me."    


The immortal-like old man chuckled and cupped his hands towards Old Man Wang, saying, "This old man's surname is Yang, and my family lives in Xichuan.    


This is my granddaughter, Yang Feifei.    


That's my granddaughter, Yang Guanguan. "    


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