Strongest Guard

C1887 Ancestor Wang Shizhong

C1887 Ancestor Wang Shizhong

To lose one's voice, as the name implied, meant that one was unable to make a sound.    


A mute doesn't know how to speak, so it's not called speechless.    


Only a normal person who was suddenly speechless could be called a person who had lost his voice.    


There are many reasons for this.    


For example, crying without a sound. A person's heart was broken to the extreme. He was crying so hard that he couldn't even make a sound.    


Another example would be the two people who loved each other without making a sound. After being reunited with each other for such a long time, there should have been a lot of things to say, but no words would come out. They could only look at each other silently.    


Also, it was so nervous that it was completely silent. For example, the young man who participated in the first interview was still fine outside the door. After entering the interview room and seeing the interviewer, he became speechless all of a sudden.    


In short, only when a person had an extremely violent emotional change, would they lose their voice.    


However, Lee Nanfang was clearly calm and didn't have any change in his mood, but he suddenly lost his ability to speak.    


The chants that Yuen Tiangaang left behind were clearly on his lips.    


He couldn't utter a single word.    


Not only did such an abnormal reaction cause him to feel fear, it also caused Shen Qingwu and the Great Elder to become nervous.    


"Lee Nanfang, what's wrong?"    


Shen Qingwu urged urgently.    


Lee Nanfang opened and closed his mouth, "I-- ahem. I can't say it. I can't say it at all."    


"Why can't you say it?"    


"How would I know what was going on? It's just that I can't say those words."    


Lee Nanfang frowned. He couldn't understand his own special situation no matter how hard he thought.    


Just then, the Great Elder reached out his hand and patted Lee Nanfang's shoulder, "Lee Nanfang, don't try anymore. If my guess is not wrong, you should have been struck by the forbidden spell within the Profound Sect.    


After saying this sentence, the Great Clan Elder looked up at the Xiliang Mountain in the distance and could not help but sigh, "Tian Gang, you are indeed worthy of being a first generation Profound Sect expert. You are actually able to cause a Profound Sect technique that has long been lost to you, to still be effective after more than a thousand years."    


The arts of Profound Sect encompassed everything.    


There was the reading of fortune, the Feng Shui Graveyard, the eight trigrams of reincarnation, the dao of alchemy, and so on. No one had ever been able to thoroughly understand this type of knowledge.    


The Curse of Forbidding Words was one of the mystical arts.    


According to legends, in ancient times, there were many schools of thought, and the founders always had one or two unique skills.    


In order to prevent this kind of unique unique skill from being stolen, they would invite people from the Profound Sect to cast a forbidden spell.    


Anyone who was hit by this spell would have their special secret deeply engraved in their minds, but they would never be able to tell anyone else about it.    


A mouth cannot speak, a pen cannot speak.    


If he were to say it out loud, it would only cause his internal organs to be damaged, causing him to bleed out of his seven orifices and die abruptly.    


A very strange incantation had long since been lost.    


However, he didn't expect that it would appear on Lee Nanfang today.    


Maybe it was fated by the heavens that Lee Nanfang could only find out about this secret and solve it himself.    


Hearing the grand elder's explanation, Lee Nanfang tried again. He still couldn't say the incantation, so he had no choice but to give up.    


He had already said what he needed to say.    


What can't be said, even if I kill him, he won't be able to say it.    


Shen Qingwu could not accept such an outcome.    


The woman was flustered and exasperated, she couldn't do anything to Lee Nanfang, so she could only turn her head and look towards the Xiliang Mountain together with the Great Clan Elder, and said fiercely: "What bullsh * t Forbidden Spell, I don't care. "Tomorrow, I will gather some people and flip Yuen Tiangaang's tomb upside down. I want to see if there's anything else inside."    


This woman was really something, she wanted to dig someone's grave if there was any disagreement.    


The Great Elder, on the other hand, chuckled and said, "Miss Shen, your wish may not be fulfilled."    




"Because according to the abilities of the Sky Class, he buried himself in Xiliang Mountain and only brought this single secret into the ground. He had already thought of a way out a long time ago. Until this heavenly secret is exposed to the light of day and is known by future generations, his tomb will completely disappear, and his corpse will turn into ashes, never to be seen again. "    


"How can a dead man, who is just a skeleton, destroy his own tomb? Is it as strange as you say? "    


Shen Qingwu's face was filled with disbelief.    


Thinking about it, no normal person would believe such a bizarre thing.    


However, the answer given by the Grand Elder was something that no one could refute.    


"If Sky Class did not count this day, how could he have placed his body around his grave? "When Lee Nanfang came out, all the corpses that were alerted had probably left long ago. Now, the entire tomb has been completely devoured."    


That's right, just as the Great Elder had said, the tide of corpses had long destroyed Yuen Tiangaang's tomb.    


Over the past thousand years, that ancient tomb had always remained in the ground.    


There were countless corpses around, but none of them had destroyed the tomb.    


Actually, it was because the stone walls surrounding the tomb had something that stopped the corpse from moving forward.    


Lee Nanfang dug his way out of the tomb's wall, destroying the original stability and giving the corpses a way in.    


He couldn't wait to eat.    


Not to mention tomorrow morning, even if Shen Qingwu brought her men there to dig, they would only be able to dig out a pile of green flagstones, as well as countless corpses that gnawed on Yuen Tiangaang's bones and coffin, and died from poisoning.    


Since Yuen Tiangaang could become a supreme expert of the Profound Sect, of course, he could count certain things after his death.    


Inside his coffin, there was something that could combine with the corpse aura to produce poison.    


Once an ordinary grave robber opened the coffin, he would be poisoned to death.    


Only those who were said to be immune to poisons would be able to obtain the secret he had kept for a thousand years.    


After this secret was passed down to his descendants, the corpse came back and began to flock to the coffins and bones. As it ate, it was affected by the poison smeared on the coffins and died on the spot.    


Whether it was tombs or corpses, not a single one remained.    


Only then did he fully display the grandeur of a great family that was capable of hiding their names and their skills.    


Although Shen Qingwu did not want to accept such an outcome, she could not change anything. She appeared to be flustered and exasperated, and frowned deeply. "Alright, everyone in Profound Sect is extraordinary.    


Then, had he not calculated that someone would bury their broken leg at Xiliang Mountain's side?    


In the end, I still don't understand, whether this Xiliang Mountain has the possibility of promoting the birth of an emperor or not.    


Also, what did Lee Nanfang just say? What did he mean by anxious to cover up the past?    


Why did Lin Kangbai choose to bury his short leg here? "    


From an ordinary person's point of view, Shen Qingwu asked the question she was most concerned about.    


Even if the hidden dragon of Xiliang Mountain was in the sky and it was not a Yin Dragonpulse, if the great situation of Feng Shui here could give birth to a generation of emperor, it would still be a very important matter.    


Its severity was no less than that of the Yin Dragonpulse.    


However, only Yuen Tiangaang and Lin Kangbai could answer these questions.    


Anyone who encountered such an outcome would not be flustered and exasperated.    


Seeing Shen Qingwu's anxious expression, the Great Elder chuckled and pointed at Old Man Wang, who was beside her.    


"How amazing is a Hidden Dragon in the Sky? It's fine if you just ask the generations of people who live here. Brother Wang, after hearing so much from us, shouldn't you say a few words? "    


As the Great Elder said this, Lee Nanfang and Shen Qingwu looked at Old Man Wang with great surprise.    


Honestly speaking, as an old man from the village, he really didn't put anyone else in his eyes.    


Old Man Wang's identity was nothing in the eyes of those big figures. He was just a speck of dust.    


Therefore, no one was bothered by the presence of this old man in the village when they were talking.    


The key to the answer lay in this person that everyone ignored.    


Isn't this shocking?    


"This morning, Brother Wang and I were at the top of the Xiliang Mountain and had a chat.    


However, Lee Nanfang just said that he accidentally broke through a passageway under your great-grandfather's tomb.    


If my guess is not wrong, that passage should be the Art of Acupoint Charging of the Yin and Yang.    


The tomb opened up a golden well, but instead of letting go of gold and silver and wealth, it went straight down to the coffin.    


I don't believe that a man who has cultivated for generations can do such a strange thing.    


Brother Wang, your great-grandfather's tomb was directly chosen at that location, so it must be purposely to cover up Yuen Tiangaang's thousand year old tomb.    


Dare I ask, what abilities are your Wang Family hiding?    


Or could it be, you guys still have an expert guiding you from behind? "    


The Great Elder seemed to be talking casually to Old Man Wang, but in reality, he was thinking very quickly. He tried to detect any unusual signs from the old man's body.    


Earlier on, when the Great Elder observed Old Man Wang's face, he already felt that this person was out of the ordinary.    


How many people in this world could live to two hundred and sixty years old, that is to say, to a hundred and twenty years old?    


Absolutely rare.    


It just so happened that Old Man Wang had this kind of longevity noodles.    


And it wasn't just Old Man Wang himself. All of the men in their family had the appearance of someone who had lived a long life.    


This was the same as their ancestor's grave, in the midst of the Hidden Dragon Institute's influence over Tianfeng Water, the West White Tiger's position of wealth was a little out of place.    


Based on Lee Nanfang's experience, it was already suspicious enough.    


The Great Elder thought back to the entire Feng Shui situation in the entire Xiliang Mountain. Only at the edge of the dense forest in the northeastern part of Western Paradise, where the Azure Dragon and Black Tortoise positions intersected and the Wang Family Ancestors were buried, would the effects of longevity occur.    


Therefore, Old Man Wang must have been hiding something.    


Unless it was a person with great attainments in Profound Sect, they would definitely not choose it with such precision.    


Not only did it not destroy the entire potential of the Hidden Dragon in the sky, but it also received kindness from it for generations.    


The Great Elder had observed countless people in his life, but he had slightly misjudged Old Man Wang.    


With this thought, he directly asked.    


And Old Man Wang's performance was enough to prove that the Great Elder's doubts were not wrong.    


The old man in the village didn't feel nervous at all, he only cupped his hands together and bowed deeply towards the Great Clan Elder, and said softly, "Old deity, I don't dare to lie. Actually, there has always been an expert protecting our family in the wilderness and forests to the east of Xiliang Mountain.    


Fortunately, you asked.    


I can tell you about it.    


It's because that expert said that I absolutely cannot reveal the secrets of the Xiliang Mountain on my own accord.    


This time, speak clearly.    


Then the mission that I passed down from my Wang Family generation after generation will be completely accomplished, and I, this old man, can also set my heart at rest and go to the city to enjoy life. "    


Old Man Wang's honesty was exchanged for the elder's comfortable smile.    


If a small man from a village had a skill that even the Great Elder couldn't see through, how terrifying would it be?    


Fortunately, the problem was not this old man.    


"Old deity, I won't hide the truth anymore. This old man is also an important figure in my ancestors." "Dare I ask, do you know King Zheng of Sui Mian, Wang Shichong?"    


Old Man Wang's words made the other three people look up to him.    


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