Strongest Guard

C1906 Sclerotinaceae

C1906 Sclerotinaceae

Lee Jing had been waiting for this moment for a long time.    


Just now, Lee Nanfang tried to hug Chen Xiao, but failed twice. He wanted to stand up again, but abruptly sat back down.    


All of this was not sufficient proof that he was drunk.    


Lee Jing was waiting for Lee Nanfang to get drunk.    


Chen Xiao's snores echoed within the quiet room.    


After a long period of silence, the Black Dragon in Lee Nanfang's body finally raised its head and controlled something it didn't like to spread outwards.    


Spiritual energy was something that one could neither see nor touch.    


Along with Lee Nanfang's breathing, slivers of Qi were emitted from his body and mixed into the air. Naturally, it would be absorbed by the other two people in the room.    


Lee Nanfang really enjoyed this process.    


While stretching, the Black Dragon didn't only disperse the spirit energy in his body, but also slowly seeped into his limbs and bones, enjoying the process of Lee Jing's service with him.    


At the same time, the numbing effect of the alcohol on him grew smaller and smaller.    


As Lee Nanfang's consciousness gradually cleared up, he slowly became the active one.    


When the Black Dragon was satisfied, it curled up again and returned to the deep part of Lee Nanfang's Dantian.    


Boss Lee, who was completely awake, sighed helplessly as he looked at Lee Jing, who had collapsed.    


It is also typical of the "before the thing hungry as a wolf, the matter regretful intestines" mentality.    


Of course, there was also a wry smile on her face.    


This little girl found a helper to help her deal with Lee Nanfang.    


In the end, she slept like a dead pig and was enjoyed by her best friend.    


Lee Nanfang was very familiar with how to do this kind of thing.    


He took Lee Jing's long coat and covered her with it. Then, he picked up Chen Xiao and walked out of the lounge, thinking about the top floor.    


He didn't have any dirty thoughts, he just wanted Chen Xiao to find a more comfortable place to sleep.    


Walking in the hallway of Jindi Club, the surrounding area was filled with clamorous and disorderly sounds. Chen Xiao, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to have been disturbed from her good dream.    


On her delicate face, she frowned and burrowed into Lee Nanfang's chest with all her might.    


Seeing this, Lee Nanfang immediately sped up.    


Coincidentally, the Elevator Door had opened, and a person walked out.    


Anyone who saw a fellow in hospital clothes hugging a beautiful woman sleeping soundly would be stunned.    


The person who walked out of the elevator was no exception.    


Lee Nanfang felt that the guy was a bit familiar. He thought, "He's definitely the kind of person that we met a few times when he was working in the clubhouse."    


In any case, it was impossible for him to serve a man.    


Familiarity did not mean that he recognized her.    


Lee Nanfang smiled politely at that person and walked into the elevator.    


That person seemed to have gone silly, as he stood motionlessly on the spot, waiting until the Elevator Door closed up. Only then did he suddenly turn his head to look.    


Through the gaps between the slowly closing Elevator Door s.    


Lee Nanfang saw a hint of viciousness in that person's eyes. He wanted to take a closer look, but the elevator had already started moving up.    


"Who is that person?" I can't remember. Who cares. "    


There weren't many people in the entire Green Mountain that Lee Nanfang could worry about.    


That guy was probably just a nobody. There was a little friction between them.    


However, he didn't dare to take revenge on Boss Lee. He could only express his inner feelings with his eyes.    


As Lee Nanfang thought this, he was immediately tossed to the back of his mind by that scum who couldn't even remember his name.    


But the problem was, was the third son of the Yue Clan in Beijing a nobody? Yue Qingke, the son of the Yue Clan?    


Of course not.    


Besides, there was not just a trivial friction between Lee Nanfang and Yue Qingke.    


Boss Lee's memory definitely decreased.    


He stole his wife and got her to give him a child.    


Just a moment ago, he passed by the Elevator Door's mouth and did not recognize Yue Qingke. Wasn't this a bit too much to talk about?    


Actually, it wasn't Lee Nanfang's fault that he didn't recognize it.    


He had never sat across from Yue Qingke and talked to him.    


Not just sitting face to face, neither of them had ever met before.    


The first time the two of them came into contact, Yue Qingke had sent two of his men, who were the highest officials in the Yue Clan, to kill Lee Nanfang.    


In the end, Lee Nanfang had the residual soul Military Thorn and made the two highest ranking soldiers retreat in fear and trepidation.    


From then on, Yue Qingke hated Lee Nanfang as much as he hated Lee Nanfang, and was afraid of this scumbag.    


He wanted to kill this guy, but he never dared to face him head on.    


As for Lee Nanfang, he had only seen the picture of Yue Qingke.    


Real people are always different from pictures.    


Coupled with the change in Yue Qingke's own aura, it was difficult for him to connect the current him with the cowardly man from before.    


No one had thought that the first time two people with deep enmity confronted each other was in this kind of situation.    


Why did Yue Qingke come back to Qingshan?    


Let's not talk about this for now.    


Just Lee Nanfang.    


He carried Chen Xiao to the top floor of the clubhouse. Under the bewildered gaze of the staff, they entered the most luxurious suite in the clubhouse.    


He gently placed the girl on the bed. He wanted to leave immediately, but he was a little worried.    


Thus, he boiled some water, poured himself a cup of water and placed it on the bedside before heading out.    


Lee Nanfang also knew that if he didn't leave now, he might eat Chen Xiao on the spot with the power of the flames in his heart that Lee Jing had provoked.    


It was rare for him to act so righteously. However, just as he reached the door, he heard a sound of someone hanging his throat from behind him.    


When he turned around, he found that Chen Xiao had already half sat up with one hand on the edge of the bed, ready to vomit.    


If he were to puke on the bed, it would be too disgusting if he were to lie on it and sleep.    


More importantly, Chen Xiao could not hold herself up any longer. She lay back down again and started retching. It was just too dangerous.    


Unbeknownst to him, there were many people in this world.    


It is when you look up to the sky, you spit out dirt, and the filthy stuff blocks your organs and suffocates you to death.    


He sighed, "Troublesome."    


Lee Nanfang turned around and rushed back, hurriedly picked up Chen Xiao and ran into the bathroom.    


After tossing and turning for a while, Chen Xiao seemed to have recovered some of her senses.    


Her soft body wrapped around Lee Nanfang as she said in a unclear voice, "Dad, let's continue drinking."    




Ye Zichen was already so drunk, and treated Boss Lee like his damn dad, and yet, he was still drinking.    


Lee Nanfang was so angry that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He raised his hand and viciously slapped Chen Xiao's butt.    


A crisp smack sounded out, causing Lee Nanfang to jump in fright.    


When he had beaten up Chen Xiao earlier, he had always had a sense of propriety, so he considered whether this little girl could handle it or not.    


In the end, he had unconsciously used all his strength just now and missed his limits.    


This was probably enough for Chen Xiao to bear.    


Sure enough.    


Chen Xiao cried out in surprise, her small hands covering her buttocks.    


Her rosy and delicate face was twisted into a pinch as her mouth curled. Tears immediately flowed out from her watery eyes.    


Lee Nanfang felt bad, but his expression became even more vicious as he glared: "You still know pain, but it proves that there's nothing wrong with your brain. Don't pretend to be stupid, drink some water, rinse your mouth, and just sleep here for the night, then go home tomorrow!"    


As Lee Nanfang spoke, he broke the hot water on the table.    


Chen Xiao still wanted to straighten her neck and ignore it.    


Unfortunately, Lee Nanfang reached out his hand to pinch her ear and immediately made her surrender.    


The tears that filled his eyes miraculously withdrew and he no longer spoke nonsense.    


Chen Xiao obediently picked up the cup and rinsed her mouth. She turned around and looked at Lee Nanfang pitifully.    


How about this, this little girl was a monster.    


When one wanted to tempt others, one was able to utilize all kinds of moves.    


When it was time to be aggressive, he cursed.    


When it was time to show that a girl was weak, it was definitely not a problem.    


Seeing that Lee Nanfang's face still didn't look good, Chen Xiao carefully held his hand and shook it gently. She said timidly, "Uncle, the Lun family is really drunk. Don't be angry."    


Just this one sentence.    


Lee Nanfang felt goosebumps all over his body. He couldn't help but shiver as he tried to break free of Chen Xiao's restraints.    


There was no helping it, he knew her too well.    


To put it harshly, this was a male nanny.    


Even ghosts couldn't stand such a cute look, let alone Lee Nanfang.    


Unexpectedly, he had used too much force in that earlier action.    


He backed out while Chen Xiao, whose entire body was limp, fell to the ground and coincidentally crashed into the toilet lid.    


It's my birthday.    


Can you not be so unlucky as a person?    


Lee Nanfang rushed back while trembling with fear. He quickly helped Chen Xiao up and asked anxiously, "Chen Xiao, are you alright?"    


"Ah?" What's the matter with me? "    


Chen Xiao looked at him with dazed eyes.    


If not for the small red bump on her forehead, Lee Nanfang would have suspected that what happened was an illusion.    


Alright, this round was enough to prove that this girl was truly drunk.    


If it weren't for the fact that they were drunk, who would have a head injury and not even a bit of pain?    


Lee Nanfang couldn't help but feel angry and amused. He took a towel and washed it dry with hot water before covering Chen Xiao's face with it.    


Although his actions were a bit rough, but was his original intention good?    


He wiped Chen Xiao's face randomly, picked her up again, and threw her back on the bed.    


In the end, this girl took advantage of her slight sobering up and began to step forward again. She flipped over and got up, kicking away the high heels on her feet and loudly shouting, "I'm hot!"    


Without a care, he began to pull up his clothes.    


Her stomach was exposed to the air, and the lower half of her robe was covering her head. Her arms were tied up by her body.    


Then a muffled voice could be heard, "Hey, Uncle, why did you turn off the light?"    


As soon as she finished her sentence, Chen Xiao covered her head with her clothes, raised her hands high into the air, and collapsed forward.    


God knows if she would be able to open her eyes for the rest of her life if she were to fall.    


Lee Nanfang didn't even have time to scold her. He rushed over and quickly caught Chen Xiao, hugging her tightly in his arms.    


"Chen Xiao, can you stop messing around? Sigh, sorry for the trouble."    


Lee Nanfang was completely helpless. He reached out and took off Chen Xiao's clothes.    


Seeing the light again, the little girl was like a little baby who had just played a game, shouting "daybreak" before wrapping her arms around Lee Nanfang and hugging his neck tightly.    


The strong smell of alcohol hit Lee Nanfang's face and made him dizzy.    


There was no other reason. The devilish Chen Xiao hugged him tightly and continued to struggle.    


Lee Nanfang's body was different from ordinary people. Even though he had just vomited, there was still a Black Dragon waiting for the right opportunity.    


After Chen Xiao's teasing, he couldn't help but react.    


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