Strongest Guard

C1921 A Dream Back to a Millennium

C1921 A Dream Back to a Millennium

Is Lee Nanfang happy now?    


Definitely not.    


Not everyone has the courage or the determination to hit the telephone pole with their head.    


No matter how strong Boss Lee's physical fitness was, the moment before he fainted, he still felt a sharp pain coming from his forehead.    


However, this pain only lasted for an instant.    


After the pain, he lay on the ground with his head held high, unconscious. He had no idea what was happening around him.    


In his heart, however, there was still a sense of indelible battle intent, which was precisely the raging battle intent aroused by Gulina's Gongsun Jianwu.    


Lee Nanfang stood on top of the four-horse chariot.    


With a wave of his hand, millions of warriors roared and charged forward, breaking through the city in one fell swoop.    


The excitement of victory welled up.    


Lee Nanfang opened his mouth wanting to laugh out loud, but instead a foot suddenly reached over and kicked him out of the station wagon.    


He didn't feel any pain as he fell off the carriage.    


On the contrary, the person who appeared in the car made Lee Nanfang feel deeply puzzled and surprised.    


That person should be hiding in the Black Fog, as if any random gust of wind could blow him away. It was exactly him, using a huge force that Lee Nanfang couldn't withstand, that kicked Boss Lee out of the car.    


"Bastard, did you see that!?    


This is my million strong master, this is the place where I conquered the city all those years ago.    


Thinking about how high-spirited I was back then, I want to see your expression to live all day now.    


Follow me!    


I'll show you what happens to those who dare to disobey us. "    


The group of black shadows on the chariot roared loudly. Under the lead of the horses, the chariot brazenly moved forward.    


It was like an invisible rope that stretched out from the chariot one day and tied Lee Nanfang's hand. Lee Nanfang was pulled up along with the chariot as it moved forward, stumbling and following it.    


Having experienced so many special dreams, Lee Nanfang was sure to immediately guess that the black shadow was none other than Sui Emperor Yang, Yang Guang.    


However, for the past year or so, Yang Guang had been an emperor wearing a golden-armored dragon robe.    


Why was there only a black shadow left now, and why was it that it could disappear at any time?    


Before he could come to an understanding, the chariot had already charged into the city ahead.    


Looking over, under the watch of countless soldiers, the commoners in the city kneeled on both sides of the street and shouted, "Welcome, Prince Jin!"    


Lee Nanfang knew the term "King Jin".    


Ever since he knew that the Black Dragon in his body was Yang Guang's incarnation, he had carefully looked up Yang Guang's life story.    


In the early days of the emperor, Yang Guang, as the King of Jin, led troops to fight in all directions to unify the country.    


Bringing with him huge military merits, only after returning to the imperial court did the class replace his own Yang Yong and become the crown prince.    


In other words, the war in front of him happened before Yang Guang became the emperor.    


So where is this place?    


And why was the Black Dragon bringing him to this place?    




A loud shout from a soldier interrupted Lee Nanfang's thoughts.    


Raising his head to look, he saw a soldier running towards him. He knelt in front of the chariot and shouted, "Reporting to Prince Jin, the imperial city has taken over. Empress Chen's whereabouts are unknown."    


"Bastard!" "I must find Imperial Concubine Zhang, who is by Chen Shu Bao's side. I want to have a good look at that legendary woman and see what she looks like to repay the regret of a thousand years ago."    


Yang Guang commanded from the chariot.    


Lee Nanfang also understood.    


Before him was a war from a thousand years ago, and the Black Dragon had brought him back a thousand years in order to see a woman he had not seen a thousand years ago to fill up his regret.    


What kind of woman was she a thousand years ago that Yang Guang was so worried about?    


Lee Nanfang raised his head and thought for a long time. The three keywords Prince Jin, Chen Shubao, and Imperial Concubine Zhang echoed in his mind for a long time before he finally remembered that legendary girl.    


Zhang Leehua.    


Before Sui Dynasty, during the period when there was nothing major, the crown prince of the Chen Dynasty chose a concubine, and he selected Zhang Leehua, who was only ten years old at that time, to enter the palace.    


What kind of beauty could a ten year old girl have?    


However, that crown prince of the Chen Dynasty, Chen Shu Bao, had taken a fancy to her and raised her as his little daughter-in-law.    


A few years later, Zhang Leehua grew up to be thirteen or fourteen years old.    


Chen Shubao, who went from the crown prince to the emperor, had built a pavilion specifically for Zhang Leehua to live in.    


The civil and military officials of the Chen Dynasty were all good at praising horses and writing poems to praise Zhang Leehua's beauty.    


It was said that Zhang Leehua had once stood in the attic, dressed up beautifully, walked to the railing, and pretended to look into the distance. The officials of the Chen Dynasty gathered below the pavilion to discuss national affairs. When they raised their heads and saw Zhang Gui Fei, they all kneeled down and called out, "Big Sister Fairy."    


This scene made Chen Shubao extremely happy. With a wave of his hand, everyone gave him a hundred taels of gold.    


If Zhang Leehua had simply been pampered, that would have been fine.    


But she herself was not a delicate little girl.    


It was said that Zhang Leehua was very eloquent and had a good memory. She was good at observing Chen Shubao's expression. She was highly valued by the ladies of the palace, and everyone in the harem greatly appreciated her and vied for her benefits.    


Zhang Leehua was also proficient in praying, and she used the ghostly ways to confuse Chen.    


There had once been a variety of sacrifices in the Chen Palace, gathering many witches and letting them beat drums and dance.    


This step by step established Zhang Leehua's beautiful name as a "fairy sister".    


With this experience, Chen Shubao doted even more on Zhang Leehua.    


Not only did he get people to compose poems to praise his Imperial Consort Zhang, but he also got people to compose songs to praise him.    


Among them, the most famous melody was "Jade Tree Courtyard Flowers". This piece of music was once quoted as a poem by the great poet Li Shangyin of the Tang Dynasty. There was a famous saying in the poem that was absolutely well-known by everyone.    


"A merchant's daughter knows not the hatred of her country, yet she still sings' Courtyard Flowers' across the river."    


This poem had been circulating for over a thousand years and had even appeared in the textbooks. It had even passed the college entrance examination's Chinese Language exam and was speaking about a piece of music that represented the popular song of the nation's demise.    


These were all knowledge points.    


It was really hard for Lee Nanfang to know so many things and have the opportunity to be a cultural person.    


Cough cough, I'm almost done with the water.    


Back to the present.    


Zhang Leehua and Imperial Consort Zhang were the bane of all women, and this matter was well-known.    


Later on, it didn't matter how this great beauty wreaked havoc in the imperial court, causing the Chen Dynasty to lose even the slightest bit of combat strength.    


The most important thing was that Prince Jin, Yang Guang, who was in charge of unifying the Central Plains and battling everywhere, had heard of Zhang Leehua's legend.    


With Yang Guang's temper, how could he let such a great beauty go so easily?    


Yang Guang was elated. He commanded his army to attack the city and destroy the Chen Dynasty just to find that Zhang Leehua.    


However, the historical result was …    


Yang Guang didn't wait until he saw Zhang Leehua, but he was stopped by Zhang Shi Ge.    


After Gao Yu said a lot of things, Yang Guang felt dizzy and dizzy. He just remembered to say, "I shouldn't marry Zhang Leehua."    


Hearing that, Yang Guang just nodded casually.    


That Gao Feng immediately sent people to kill Zhang Leehua.    


When Yang Guang came back to his senses, he realized that all the beautiful girls that he had been yearning for were dead without a trace, so how depressed he must be in his heart.    


This resentment lasted all the way until Yang Guang became Emperor Suiyang. That high end result was too tragic.    


At this moment, Lee Nanfang was not looking at history.    


It was just a dream that appeared out of thin air after he fainted.    


Although he didn't know why he had such a weird dream, he was sure that he would meet Zhang Leehua in the dream.    


Therefore, when a soldier came to report that he had found Imperial Consort Zhang.    


Even though he could not see the expression of the black shadow on the chariot, he could feel how excited he was.    


Another person rushed to the front of the chariot and shouted, "Martial King Zhou, extinguish Yin Shang, kill Da Ji. "Now that the Chen Dynasty has been pacified, we should not marry —"    


Before that person could finish his words, the black shadow on top of the chariot angrily roared, "Should not marry your sister!" It urged the chariot to directly trample that fellow into a meat patty and rushed into the palace.    


Lee Nanfang followed the chariot and arrived at a dried up well in the backyard of the Chen Dynasty Imperial Palace.    


A man, two women, and three others were kneeling there.    


Lee Nanfang also knew the identities of those three people.    


According to the historical records, the Sui Dynasty had dispatched troops to attack the Chen Dynasty and to conquer the Taicheng of the Chen Dynasty.    


Chen found out that the Sui army had arrived, so he hid in the well with Zhang Leehua and his concubine Kong.    


Soon after, some soldiers of the Sui army peered into the well and shouted loudly. However, no one answered him from the bottom of the well. The soldiers of the Sui army then pretended to scare the people inside the well, saying that they would throw down rocks to seal the well.    


Only then did Chen Shou Bao start shouting in fear.    


The Sui Dynasty soldiers dropped the ropes and started pulling on the people, only then did they start pulling on the people. It wasn't until they pulled the people up that they could see that it was Chen Shu Bao, Imperial Concubine Zhang, and Kong Gui who were hanging on a rope.    


There was a man and two women in front of him. They should be Master Chen's concubines, Zhang Leehua's Imperial Consort, and Zhang Leehua's concubine, Kong Gui.    


While Lee Nanfang was thinking about this, the black shadow Yang Guang ordered his men to drag the man away and kill him.    


Then he turned to the two women and giggled, "Two beauties, quickly raise your heads and let me take a look."    


With that, the two women slowly raised their heads.    


Lee Nanfang also curiously went up to see what was going on.    


The woman on the left raised her head and Lee Nanfang was shocked. It wasn't Zhang Leehua, it was Gulina.    


When he turned to look at the woman on the right, he was even more shocked.    


The pale-faced, bloodless woman smiled, revealing two rows of sharp teeth.    


That look, Lee Nanfang would never forget it even until death.    


"Wang Lian!"    


When Xiliang Mountain climbed out of the thousand year old tomb, he saved Lee Nanfang's female corpse in one breath.    


The female corpse, who still had a smile on her face, didn't seem to mind at all.    


The point was that she was holding a baby in her arms.    


The little baby was like a doll, giggling as he jumped towards the shadow on the chariot, Yang Guang, with his two calves in his mother's embrace.    


The black shadow, Yang Guang, never thought that this would be the situation.    


He twisted his body in shock and roared as he shook off the Ghost Infant on his body.    


The Ghost Infant spun in the air and laughed even more sharply, falling into Lee Nanfang's arms.    




A short syllable came out from the Ghost Infant's mouth. Lee Nanfang lowered his head and saw the little guy opening his mouth and instantly biting his shoulder with his little sharp teeth.    




Lee Nanfang, who was in pain, suddenly sat up.    


The palace vanished.    


Millions of soldiers were gone.    


There was also no tank or shadow Yang Guang.    


There was only the soft bed in the hotel, and the Ghost Infant in his embrace that was giggling at him, even licking the blood on his mouth with its little tongue.    


"Where is this place?"    


Lee Nanfang did not understand the situation in front of him, so he asked subconsciously.    


From the window of his room, a voice responded, "Ming Zhu Hotel."    


Hearing this voice, Lee Nanfang immediately turned around.    


Yang Xiao, whose silver hair was as white as snow, slowly turned around and gave him a coquettish smile.    


"Why are you here?"    


Seeing Yang Xiao, Lee Nanfang felt even more that he didn't have enough brains.    


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