Strongest Guard

C1936 Inexhaustible Painting

C1936 Inexhaustible Painting

Lee Nanfang felt that some things were definitely not without reason.    


For example, when he was sitting on the school bus, the radio would ring all the way, but there was only one message left in his head.    


"Last night, two robbers robbed a bank with guns."    


He couldn't help but wonder what kind of robber would take a gun to rob a bank in the middle of the night.    


Don't the bank need to get off work?    


What are you doing with a gun?    


Pointing at the camera of the ATM, threatening the machine to spit out money?    


Either the newsletters had something wrong with their brains, or the robbers had Waters.    


What was even more laughable was how could the robbers have guns in their hands?    


This was China, not an evil capitalist country. Guns were not something that could be found all over the streets.    


Especially last night, in the fruit forest near the School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu, a strange battle had suddenly occurred. A group of foreigners were chasing after them with guns in the vast earth of Hua Xia, it was simply too strange.    


And that hitman, why did he come all the way to China to complete a mission?    


What was the identity of the mother and daughter duo?    


There were too many things that could make people suspicious.    


However, luckily, those problems were solved by the police and didn't have anything to do with him, Lee Nanfang.    


The only thing he needed to do was to follow Gulina and ensure the safety of this mission.    


Being with a group of students and going out for fun was definitely a life experience that Lee Nanfang had never had before.    


The young people who walked out of the ivory tower would not consider how many dark sides there were in this world.    


When they got out of the car and got close to nature, they would cheer and take out the drawing board they brought with them, letting them see the most beautiful scenery. As they drew, they would leave the brushes in their hands on the paper.    


It was the same with Gulina.    


Gulina's performance today was much more lively compared to her previous training sessions.    


With a friend like Lee Nanfang by her side, the originally boring classroom became more interesting.    


The young girl's thoughts were very simple.    


He wanted to have a friend by his side and discuss with her which direction would be more beautiful when she propped up the drawing board and looked for a suitable person to draw with.    


Lee Nanfang was a mortal.    


In his opinion, no matter how beautiful the scenery was, it couldn't compare to a person's beauty.    


Therefore, he pretended to fool Gulina as he started to draw on a cluster of flowers in the mountain.    


Meanwhile, he had also set up his drawing board and was looking at Gulina, who was surrounded by flowers.    


Who was saying that Lee Nanfang didn't know how to draw?    


As Black Ghost, who was once a terror in Europe, had left his unique skull mark on the scene after each crime had been committed, wasn't that just painting?    


People all said "drawing the skin and skin of a tiger is hard to draw the bones."    


He could even draw the skeleton so vividly. If he were to draw anything else, it would be as easy as flipping his palm.    


Gulina had casually borrowed the drawing board in front of her.    


Even though this girl had an immortal aura, she wasn't a fool that didn't eat the world.    


She knew her advantage.    


It was that as long as Beauty Gu stood somewhere in the school, shouting out what she needed, countless people would fight over what she wanted and bring it to her.    


He had never used this trick before.    


That was because the friendship that she needed the most wasn't something that anyone could give her.    


Today was the first time she did this for Lee Nanfang.    


It didn't matter whose drawing board it was.    


The most important thing was to keep Lee Nanfang, his friend, by his side.    


It is easier to worry about one's personal gains and losses when one has spent a lot of effort to obtain something.    


Although they had only met twice and met each other for less than a day, Gulina always felt that when Lee Nanfang looked at her, he was completely different from the others.    


This guy's eyes were clearer, and didn't hold any distracting thoughts.    


She liked being friends with people like that.    


Then, when Lee Nanfang agreed to accompany her to sketch, she was afraid that this guy would suddenly go back on his word and borrow such a drawing board as soon as possible.    


Time was of the essence.    


The tools are not particularly complete.    


The only thing Lee Nanfang could use to leave marks on the drawing paper was a simple box of colored pencils.    


But that didn't bother him.    


Mi Fu, an ancient calligrapher, once described a man with superb skills as someone who said, "A single check on his calligraphy skills shows that he could make a feast out of rice."    


This meant that experts didn't need too many complicated tools to accomplish their task.    


Even if he were to write a single tick, he would be able to see through the calligraphy skills. With just a bowl of rice, he would be able to create delicious delicacies.    


When killing and cooking, Lee Nanfang would always put his whole heart and soul into it, as if he was completing a work of art, bringing things to the extreme.    


Then, when he actually did art creation, he became even more engrossed.    


The attitude of a person in doing something is always related to his or her life experience.    


Like Gulina.    


Having traveled the world with his master since he was young, he had practiced the Gongsun Sword Dance almost every day for the past ten years.    


This was how a fairy's aura came about.    


A habit that she had formed all year round would make her completely concentrated on the task at hand.    


It was needless to say about Lee Nanfang's character.    


In comparison, the surrounding student unions didn't have the good qualities of the two above.    


Many of them had lost their patience after only a few minutes of writing. From time to time, they would change their angles in an attempt to draw something different.    


After walking around, he found that there wasn't any finished product. Instead, it was just the paper that he brought along, which was a waste and cleanliness.    


Since the body of the painting was gone, what was there to draw for? Let's go see how others drew it.    


The group of students didn't have much time to calm down before they started to move about in groups of twos and threes.    


The scope of activities has been expanded.    


Naturally, he would focus his attention on the two people who had been immersed in artistic creation from beginning to end.    


"Hey, come over quickly and take a look. Campus Belle Gu's beautiful."    


"Shh!" "Be quiet, don't disturb Campus Belle Gu's painting."    


"Ah!" Look, quick, look, this Sloppy Uncle is an expert as well.    


The group of students were chattering nonstop. They were shocked in their hearts, but they did not dare to speak loudly. All of them stared with widened eyes at the paintings in their hands.    


Needless to say, Beauty Gu's scenery was vivid and vivid.    


On the other hand, someone from the student committee scrutinized Lee Nanfang for a while before pouting, "What? The painting isn't Campus Belle Gu at all?"    


"Are you for real? Let me see." "No, that's not right. This is Campus Belle Gu. She looks quite similar."    


"It's just that they look alike. Look at the surrounding background. It's not the same thing at all."    


The students' Party members gathered around Lee Nanfang and chattered.    


The noise grew louder.    


Lee Nanfang seemed to be completely immersed in his creation and didn't even hear the surrounding people's discussion. Even his target for sketching had already left the place and didn't care about it at all.    


Gulina was attracted by the discussions of the students. She put down the brush in her hand and walked behind Lee Nanfang.    


She really did not expect Lee Nanfang to have such good painting skills.    


With a single black pencil, he depicted the scenery vividly and vividly.    


Especially the woman in the painting.    


Looking at that face, Gulina actually had the feeling of taking out her phone, setting it to sketch for herself, and taking pictures.    


A talented man would always gain the favor of a woman. Especially when all of his talent was used on a woman, it would be easier to capture the heart of a beautiful woman.    


When Gulina looked at Lee Nanfang's serious face while he was painting, she felt a sweet feeling in her heart.    


However, this sweetness only lasted for a moment before her mind suddenly echoed the words that her Master had taught her.    


"Nana, every good thing about men. "Don't easily fall in love with a man, or your life will be ruined."    


His Master's voice was like a thunderclap that shook Gulina's mind.    


She was so frightened that she quickly turned her head to look around.    


Where was her master? It was just that this one sentence was too memorable and made her involuntarily recall her master's words.    


Clutching his chest, he let out a long breath.    


She quickly calmed herself down, turned her gaze away from Lee Nanfang's face, and focused her attention back on the painting.    


Only after looking through the entire painting did he discover something strange.    


Just as the surrounding classmates were discussing, the person in Lee Nanfang's painting indeed looked very similar to Gulina.    


However, the other scenes in the painting had nothing to do with the scenery in front of his eyes.    


The Gulina in the painting seemed to be wearing a Tang suit with a dignified posture. She held a pickaxe in one hand and a small flower basket in the other.    


The atmosphere was strange.    


It was clearly a painting made with ink and a pencil.    


It was amazing.    


How did Lee Nanfang come up with the idea to draw such a scenery?    


Also, why did the simple outline of the painting give him a very familiar feeling?    


Gulina pondered for a moment before her eyes lit up.    


She remembered that the painting by Lee Nanfang was too similar to the painting in the school museum.    


Had this fellow seen that painting?    


Well, that must be it.    


Gulina thought of the origin of the scene in the painting, which should have been less novel.    


However, the colorless outline in front of her eyes continued to stir her memories. The more she looked at it, the more it gave her a special feeling of déjà vu.    


This sort of familiarity was definitely not a treasure from the school museum.    


It came from a long, long time ago.    


She remembered seeing someone like Lee Nanfang to copy that antique scroll.    


Who was that person?    


And when and where had she seen such a scene?    


Gulina was lost in thought.    


Lee Nanfang was also lost in thought.    


He didn't realize it himself. When he went to sketch the portrait of Gulina, the scene on the "family heirloom" appeared in his mind unknowingly.    


His heart moved as he wished, his brush as he pleased.    


Very quickly, he outlined the details of the family heirloom painting. Only when it was time to draw the censer did his hand freeze.    


He felt as if he had fallen into a trance, forcefully wanting to draw the complete outline of the censer in the Portrait of Ladies s. However, no matter what, he could not form the complete figure of the censer in his mind.    


The image of a three-legged, two-eared, three-legged, four-legged censer was constantly changing in his mind.    


It was as if there was something rotating in front of his eyes. The only thing that he remembered clearly was that on the walls of those censers, there were patterns similar to those of small black snakes.    


Since he couldn't draw a complete censer, he decided to draw the patterns on it first.    


However, when he turned his attention to those patterns, the densely packed little black snakes began to move again.    


To gather, to spread, to regroup, to form.    


It looked like countless little snakes, but also like a gigantic python.    


Lee Nanfang froze on the spot. Sweat slowly oozed out of his forehead as his heartbeat continuously accelerated. He felt dizzy and nauseous at the same time.    


He opened his mouth to retch, but no sound came out.    


He closed his mouth and tried to take a deep breath, but it caused him to feel suffocated.    


At this moment, the Black Dragon in his body slowly lifted its head and soared into the air in excitement.    


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