Strongest Guard

C1937 Fatal Family Heirloom

C1937 Fatal Family Heirloom

The first time Lee Nanfang saw the Portrait of Ladies, he was attracted by the patterns on the censer.    


He sank into a state of dizziness and blankness.    


At the time, he only felt disgusted.    


With a shake of his hand, the painting fell to the ground, and all feeling disappeared.    


Thus, from then on, when he saw the same painting, he subconsciously avoided seeing the patterns on the incense burner and didn't pay too much attention to it.    


They had originally thought that this situation was a problem with the painting itself, so anyone who saw it would have the same strange feeling.    


But he didn't know.    


When Jinghong Ming and the rest saw the same scroll, even though they had taken a magnifying glass to examine all the details, they did not see the same situation as Jinghong Ming.    


This was sufficient to prove that the strangeness of the Portrait of Ladies would only affect Lee Nanfang alone.    


What is the result of the impact?    


It was exactly what Lee Nanfang was going through right now.    


He was once again focused on thinking about the direction of those patterns and was attracted to it. The memories in his mind had undergone a tremendous change.    


Countless small black snakes gathered together, twisting and transforming like a giant python coiling its body.    


It was also like a bottomless whirlpool.    


The twisting of the vortex created an enormous attraction, as if it wanted to pull his soul out of his body.    


Everyone had hallucinations.    


Since it was a 'hallucination', it meant that it was a fake. He only needed to stir the crowd and wake up.    


But Lee Nanfang might not be able to wait for someone to pull him out of the illusion and bring him back to reality.    


The Black Dragon that had been lurking in his body all these days, ignoring all external matters, was like a traveler who had seen water in the desert.    


He flew up into the air, ignoring the corrosion of the spiritual qi in Lee Nanfang's body, and charged up with all his might.    


From the dantian's aura sea to the brain's consciousness sea, it was no more than half the height of a person.    


The Black Dragon, Teng Fei, would easily travel thousands of miles in the midst of an illusion. However, it wasn't difficult to change its position in Lee Nanfang's body.    


It only needed to rush into the sea of consciousness.    


He pushed Lee Nanfang's own soul out of his sea of consciousness.    


He was going to let the illusion, which appeared out of thin air, suck Lee Nanfang's human side away completely.    


As a result, no one could stop the Black Dragon from taking over its body and wreaking havoc everywhere.    


Was this considered bad luck?    


He didn't believe that beating Lee Nanfang to death just because of a whim of wanting to paint a picture when he was accompanying Gulina to a life and death lesson.    


Of course, he didn't have the energy to think about the reason for this.    


He only knew that he was going to die.    


The feeling of true death.    


The center of the whirlpool formed by countless small, patterned snakes seemed to link to another world.    


In the darkness, a voice told him that this was his final destination, urging him to hurry over.    


He didn't want to go.    


He knew very well that a paper man without a good eye would have no chance of survival.    


Let alone giving him six souls, even if there were sixty or six hundred paper men without eyes, how could they captivate his soul?    


He used all his strength to retreat.    


He wanted to live.    


He did not want to die without knowing why.    


However, he didn't have any strength left in him.    


He could only watch as the whirlpool spun faster and faster, and the attraction of the center of the whirlpool became more and more intense as the paper man of another world got closer and closer.    


Perhaps, in the next second, his consciousness would be completely sealed at the other end of the whirlpool.    


Suddenly, a delicate shout exploded in his ears.    


Someone shoved him hard behind him.    


He flew head first towards the center of the whirlpool.    


When he was about to fall into the endless abyss and never be able to reincarnate again, the vortex disappeared, and countless little snakes disappeared.    


He just hit his head on the drawing board and rolled onto his back, gasping for breath, feeling the taste of being alive.    


"Lee Nanfang, are you alright?"    


Gulina's anxious face appeared before him as she asked anxiously.    


The black dragon let out a roar as it slowly returned to his dantian's aura sea and curled up.    


Lee Nanfang knew that he survived.    


In that crucial moment, it was Gulina who had pushed him away, pulling him back from the illusion.    


He wanted to say thank you.    


It was a pity that he did not have any strength left in him. He could not even make a sound.    


The surrounding group of students felt baffled.    


Everyone just looked at the guy painting, holding their brushes. They just stood there in a daze and didn't do anything for a long time.    


Everyone got impatient and wanted to urge him to finish painting, but Beauty Gu suddenly reached out and pushed him.    


The seemingly strong and robust man was actually knocked over. His drawing board was also knocked flying. The brush cut a long gash on the picture scroll.    


A work of art was destroyed just like that.    


"What? How boring."    


Amongst the crowd of students, there were a few girls who were already extremely jealous of Gulina, and they loudly expressed their dissatisfaction.    


It was unknown whether she was blaming Gulina, or jealous that Campus Belle Gu could find a talented boyfriend like Lee Nanfang once again.    


In any case, ordinary people could not understand what just happened.    


Gulina ignored the weird looks from the surrounding people. She squatted down, gently held Lee Nanfang's arm and pulled him up.    


The two staggered away from the crowd, went to a hill not far away, and sat down.    


Lee Nanfang finally recovered some strength. He turned around and looked at Gulina, wanting to thank her.    


However, Gulina was the first to speak and asked anxiously, "Lee Nanfang, did you have a Qi deviation just now?"    


"Qi deviation?"    


"Yes, I've seen you like this before. No, it's not what you look like. I have seen it before, and there were also people who attempted to draw that painting. They nearly died and were saved by my master. "    


As Gulina spoke, she shifted her gaze to the drawing board that lay flat on the ground in the distance.    


An unfinished painting drew her long memories.    


That was when she was a teenager. As her master travelled around, she had once visited a place that seemed like a paradise on earth.    


The mountain forest there was dense.    


Strange flowers were everywhere in the valley. The beautiful insect butterfly bird crane was dancing in the air. The cute swimming fish didn't shy away from humans at all as they surrounded her and played around.    


In the middle of the valley, there was a simple wooden house.    


A handsome uncle lived in the cabin.    


Her uncle's eyes were always filled with a deep sense of warmth when he looked at her master.    


Unfortunately, his master seemed to be used to showing others face, always mocking and ridiculing that old uncle.    


Gulina, who had already become sensible at the time, had completely fallen in love with that fairyland. She was really afraid that her master would anger that old uncle and chase them out.    


Fortunately, the old man was always polite to his master.    


Gulina couldn't remember how long they had lived there.    


She remembered only that it had been the happiest time of her childhood, and she vaguely remembered the unfinished paintings piled on the walls and tables of the cabin.    


One day, when she was tired of playing, she went back to the cabin.    


He saw his Master sitting by the window, while the Old Uncle was painting according to his Master's appearance.    


She knelt quietly by the table and watched the beautiful scroll slowly taking shape under her uncle's hand.    


Gulina couldn't remember what it was.    


He only knew that at a certain moment, the old man suddenly froze on the spot. After a long time, he did not continue writing. Two streams of blood slowly flowed out from the old man's eyes.    


The young Gulina screamed in fright.    


Only then did her master realize that something had happened. He jumped out of the window and kicked the old man away.    


After landing on the ground, his Master picked up the Xuan paper on the table and glanced at it. With a huge rage, she tore the paper into pieces and shouted at his wife, "You still can't forget her!"    


With that, her Master pulled her away from the valley.    


Young Gulina, go ask your master what happened to your uncle.    


His Master only replied with four words, "Qi deviation."    


It was too long ago.    


It was only when she saw Lee Nanfang in the same posture, holding a paintbrush and standing still on the spot for a long time without moving, that she remembered Gulina's memory.    


She also didn't know what Lee Nanfang was going through.    


However, she was very clear that Lee Nanfang was in a dangerous situation at that time, which was why he would make a move at such a crucial moment.    


There were some things that the heavens had probably long since arranged.    


If those strange Portrait of Ladies scrolls were to appear in Lee Nanfang's life, it would definitely leave a deep impression on him.    


That thing could have a huge effect on him. Sooner or later this would happen.    


When Lee Nanfang was in danger, who would appear and save him?    


Perhaps, Gulina, who had experienced such an incident, was such a key figure.    


If it wasn't for Gulina.    


Lee Nanfang would never know that his heart yearned for a family heirloom and the ability to take away his life.    


"Gulina, thank you."    


Lee Nanfang was sincere to finally be able to say the words of thanks.    


Gulina smiled sweetly. "No need to thank me. It's good that you're fine. We're friends. If you are friends, you should help each other. "    


With that, the girl stretched out her hand, pinched Lee Nanfang's face and smiled, "Luckily, your condition isn't too serious. Do you know that the uncle I remember has blood flowing out of his eyes? He's especially scary. I wonder how that old uncle is doing now. I really want to go to that valley again and see how those little animals that I played with have grown up. "    


Gulina stood up, opened her arms, and took a deep breath.    


The pure hearted girl didn't notice her gentle push just now. To Lee Nanfang, it was extremely important.    


She only simply recalled the happy times of her childhood, and many sighs of emotion arose out of thin air.    


Lee Nanfang wasn't an idiot.    


He could hear the anticipation in Gulina's words.    


Even though he was filled with hope, he didn't ask anyone to do anything.    


However, he still went along with Gulina's words and said with a smile, "Where is the place that you mentioned?" I'll take you back and take a look. "    




Gulina excitedly turned her head around, but her expression immediately changed. "No, master won't let me go back. I understand now that Master must have loved that uncle a lot, but he still has someone else in his heart. Master, she will never go there again in her entire life, and she will definitely not allow me to go there. "    


"Haha, I'll think of a way to help your master. You just have to tell me where it is. I promise that I will bring you back as soon as possible to take a look. "    


Lee Nanfang's tone was full of sincerity.    


He only wanted to continue to help Gulina fulfill her wish and repay this lady for saving her life.    


Perhaps it was Lee Nanfang's resolute eyes that gave Gulina a lot of trust.    


She smiled slightly: "I only remember that place has a giant panda. Thinking about it, it should be in Sichuan's Wolong."    


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