Strongest Guard

C1939 Professional Qualification for Detective

C1939 Professional Qualification for Detective

"Hey, come out quickly. The people from Criminal Police are here, if they see you destroying the scene, they will definitely not let you off! "    


The intern policeman who was watching the scene became anxious.    


Amongst the large number of police cars that had arrived, there was clearly a car led by the Criminal Police of the Mingzhu City Bureau.    


Yet, he had an ignorant fellow wandering around the cordon.    


How could he not be anxious?    


Actually, Lee Nanfang was more anxious than him.    


Earlier, when he coaxed the police officer to grab the pen and paper, he wanted to push them away and then remove all evidence that he could not destroy as quickly as possible.    


Although it might not be perfect, at the very least, the police should be able to make a preliminary investigation, and not be able to tell that it was a man-made murder.    


Unexpectedly, the young policeman was not lured away.    


The people from Criminal Police had also come.    


Time was of the essence, so he didn't care about that much. He pretended to walk back and forth subconsciously, but in reality, he was trying to wipe away Yang Xiao's footprints.    


He took out his phone with one hand, opened a photo page, and threw it directly to the intern policeman.    


"Don't yell at laozi. I'm a registered detective with the authority to investigate the scene. If you don't believe me, then take out the photo on your phone and let your leader see."    


In order to help Yang Xiao get rid of the evidence, Lee Nanfang had taken out everything he had.    


The picture he showed the junior cop was actually his European detective qualification.    


An intern had never seen anything like it.    


There was a pile of foreign letters on the certificate. The only thing he could understand about it was the German police badge.    


He really wanted to curse loudly.    


Don't you feel that it's nonsense to use a German detective's qualification certificate that you don't know the authenticity of in front of the Chinese police?    


There was no official profession in China like a detective.    


However, the group of leaders at the foot of the hill were already beginning to walk in their direction.    


He did not dare to stand guard over so many leaders, making a ruckus here, exposing his work mistakes and allowing an outsider to enter the scene.    


He could only grit his teeth, take Lee Nanfang's phone and run towards the police force at the foot of the mountain.    


Finally, he lost his special gaze and stood to the side, watching.    


Lee Nanfang finally grasped the opportunity. He quickly turned around and squatted down. He wiped the dead's blood with his hand and destroyed the small handprint on the collar of the dead body.    


He had just finished such a difficult task and was trying to think of a way to wipe the blood off his hands.    


Suddenly, a familiar and tender voice came from behind him.    


"Who's the one smoking at the scene? Don't you know that the ash from the cigarette will float in the wind and can destroy any traces of the smoke!?"    


No one knew the owner of this voice better than Lee Nanfang.    


Other than Bai Linger, which other female comrade could speak with such a heroic and domineering manner?    


Why did she come to Ming Zhu?    


Weren't they suspended by Director Zhang to think about it when they returned home?    


Lee Nanfang froze on the spot, as if he was a real man caught by his real wife. He was so scared that he was flustered, rubbing his bloodied hands against his pants legs.    


At this moment, the conversation behind him didn't stop either.    


"Hey, who is that person?"    


"Reporting to the leader, he said he was a detective and had the authority to investigate the scene. This is his qualification card."    


"Detective? You- Captain Wang, when your people were working on a case, they were this bold. Did they read too much on the internet and even trust things like detectives? "What kind of witness … Uh, Lee Nanfang?"    


Bai Linger's mood was definitely going through ups and downs.    


No matter what, she would never have thought that the photo that a little police officer with pearls holding up his phone would actually show the face of that scumbag Lee Nanfang.    


Few people could understand German.    


However, the photo of the certificate would not change the perception of others because of the language of the documents.    


Where did the certificate come from?    


What was going on?    


She snatched the phone away, unable to believe her eyes.    


As for the members of the joint task force formed by the Ming Zhu and Dong Province, all of them had complex expressions on their faces, as they didn't dare to interrupt this violent Little Policewoman's thoughts.    


Despite Bai Linger's young age, she was the only female in this group.    


But his position in the entire task force was definitely the highest.    


Where did this task force come from?    


It was this morning that the newly formed "Pearl's 3.3s" investigation team was formed.    


Last night, the shooting incident that happened in the small forest to the east of School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu was personally experienced by Lee Nanfang, and was also personally decided by him.    


Such a big commotion would definitely attract special attention from the police.    


In the incident, fourteen people were killed, all of them foreign citizens, and almost everyone was armed with dangerous weapons.    


China was so peaceful, but such a terrifying thing actually happened.    


The Pearl police station was not qualified to handle this matter alone.    


Seemingly at the very first moment the case was decided, Supreme Security Office was reported.    


Supreme Security Office's reply was also very quick, which was to immediately set up a special task force and carry out investigation. They had to solve the case in the shortest amount of time possible.    


It would be fine if it was just that simple a request, but in the instructions sent back by Supreme Security Office, they had specifically mentioned that this case would be handed over to Dong Province and the Pearl Police Department to handle together. The requirement of naming the members by name was to let the "national star police", Comrade Bai Linger, be in charge of the entire process of solving the case.    


Ming Zhu police, who had received orders from their superiors, were completely befuddled.    


It was obviously a big case of Ming Zhu, why did they have to act together with the Dong Province?    


Not only was it a joint operation, why did they even need to let the Dong Province's police take the lead?    


Sure, everyone knows that Bai Linger.    


A star police officer, an absolute star police officer.    


But a little girl, how much ability could she have, where did she get the qualifications to be the highest commander of this cross-province operation?    


The Pearl Police Department was furious.    


However, orders from their superiors had to be carried out.    


He didn't care whether it was dawn, and directly called Dong Province.    


This kind of high-level joint operation would definitely be negotiated through the top leadership of both sides' police departments.    


The Qingshan City Board Bureau's Director Zhang, who was also holding the position of Dong Province's deputy, definitely had the qualifications and the obligation. Climbing out of bed in the middle of the night, he ran over to the Provincial Hall Office Building and participated in an emergency conference call.    


After hearing that it was Supreme Security Office, they asked Bai Linger by name to go to Ming Zhu to carry out a mission.    


How could an old fox like Director Zhang not know the truth?    


This was definitely something that Lee Nanfang had done, if he had any big achievements, it would all fall to that little girl, Bai Linger.    


While they were having their meeting, Director Zhang called Bai Linger without any hesitation.    


Little Ling'er, who had been asked to think at home for the past few days, received a call from Director Zhang in the middle of the night.    


Just as he was about to say "hey", a confused expression appeared on his face.    


Director Zhang explained the situation to him politely.    


The general meaning was …    


Bai Linger, you stinking girl, you're lucky again. Quickly bring your trusted subordinates to Mingzhu and the comrades there. We'll start a joint operation and solve a major criminal case as soon as possible.    


Time to think is over, let you go and make a meritorious contribution.    


Don't sleep in that lousy beauty sleep of yours in the middle of the night.    


Just like that, Bai Linger fainted as she walked out of her house, rushed to Provincial Hall, and was pushed into a police car by Director Zhang, delivering Ming Zhu.    


Waiting for the pearl.    


It was only then that Little Ling'er realized what had happened.    


No matter what setbacks she had encountered in the past two days, as a professional Criminal Police employee, Officer Bai would definitely integrate into her role immediately.    


He would immediately go to the scene to investigate and gather the nearby surveillance.    


Finally, before dawn, he had found three clues.    


First, the identity of all the dead in the shooting case.    


After a face search, it was soon revealed that one of the dead men was an internationally famous wanted criminal, a killer codenamed "Spotted Dog".    


The other thirteen were employees of a well-known Greek bodyguard company.    


The police immediately contacted the Greek embassy and demanded that the Greek side provide the services of the dead bodyguards.    


As for the reason behind the shooting, all they needed to do was send back the results.    


Secondly, when the shooting happened, a black shadow came out from the direction of School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu and went to the scene of the crime.    


Even though the scene was a forest, there were no surveillance videos left behind.    


However, there was one thing that he could be certain of, and that black shadow was definitely involved in this case.    


He had not seen so many bodies at the scene. Most of them had been killed by bullets, and only one guy's head had been twisted off.    


Then, he would search for the black shadow from the School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu.    


Thus, this morning in the school's small garden, everyone saw countless of Uncle Policeman.    


Thirdly, there were two less guns among the items and corpses that he had found at the scene of the shooting.    


The dead are not terrible.    


The scariest part was the fact that there were people running around with guns.    


Investigate immediately the whereabouts of the missing gun.    


This work was also quite smooth.    


Early this morning, someone reported that a bank near School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu's ATM was destroyed, and there were still bullet shells left at the scene.    


When the surveillance cameras came out, they would see two guys holding guns against the ATM's head, engaging in robbery.    


Enlarging the surveillance footage, it confirmed that the two thugs from Brain Watt were holding two guns that had been lost in the shootout.    


Bai Linger immediately ordered Ming Zhu to inform the media, informing them of the robbery and searching for the armed robbers.    


From the beginning of the case to the end of Bai Linger's schedule.    


Two in the morning to eight in the morning.    


It had only been six hours and he was already showing some results.    


The policemen at Ming Zhu's side were unhappy.    


It was originally a big case, but he didn't expect that the progress in solving the case would be so smooth. He estimated that in less than a day, he would be able to conclude the case.    


What Bai Linger did, they, the Pearl Police Department, could definitely do as well.    


Why did this foreign girl suddenly steal away all the limelight?    


In particular, the police had just received a call from someone who had found two dead bodies in the suburbs.    


Those closest to him who arrived at the scene first judged that the identity of the deceased was the one they were looking for, the two thugs with the brain.    


With such a smooth process, the police finally became agitated, and Mingzhu's police force resisted.    


As for Mingzhu's Criminal Police Squadron, they either intentionally or unintentionally ridiculed Little Ling'er on their way here.    


After all, a big case meant a lot of work.    


Giving a good honor to someone else for no reason at all would cause anyone to feel unbalanced in their heart. This was the normal course of action.    


But was Little Ling'er the kind of person who could be mocked so casually?    


When she was young, her identity was that of a vice director of Dong Province. The captain of the Radiant Pearl Criminal Police was even lower in terms of rank by half a level.    


He dared to point fingers at White Deputy Bureau.    


You deserved it. You were scolded in front of Little Ling'er's men just now.    


Besides, Bai Linger's scolding was right.    


When would the Chinese police approve of a German detective?    


Of course, if this detective was a scum, then it was a different story.    


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