Strongest Guard

C1953 Kungfu

C1953 Kungfu

What did Lee Nanfang miss?    


Of course it was the foreign mother and daughter who had been hunted down that night.    


He vaguely remembered that night, after killing someone, he heard the sound of a police car and hurriedly left.    


If you thought about it with your toes, you could guess that the mother and daughter had already been rescued by the police.    


If you think about the existence of a phoenix among tens of thousands like Boss Lee, any woman who sees him once will remember him deeply in her heart.    


If Comrade Police pulled the mother and daughter over to identify them, what else could he hide?    


Damn it, he had made another mistake.    


At that time, I should have worn a Nanfang stocking on my head to hide my face, while advertising my Nanfang stocking.    


Lee Nanfang sighed in his heart. He felt that he wasn't someone who would lie.    


This was just a lie, and it was about to be exposed.    


"Lee Nanfang, I'll give you one more chance. Tell me honestly, between midnight and two in the morning on March 3rd, where are you?" Think carefully before answering. "    


Captain Wang's voice became more severe.    


Now that things had progressed to this point, this old policeman was very sure that Lee Nanfang had an irrevocable connection with the shooting.    


Lee Nanfang thought for a long time before raising his head and continuing to persevere with his thoughts. He said loudly, "I'm in the school right now. Do you believe me or not?"    


There was no helping it, since the lie had a beginning, so he had to stick to it.    


In any case, he didn't want to get into trouble with the entire assassination organization. He decided that in the future, he wouldn't care about these matters even if he was beaten to death.    


As matters stood, they could only place their hopes on the cause of the dark night. Due to their panic, the mother and daughter pair could not remember his appearance at all.    


The interrogation room quieted down.    


Captain Wang took a deep breath, turned his head around to look at his colleague, and gave a signal with his eyes.    


The man immediately stood up and walked out.    


Lee Nanfang did not care about what would happen next.    


They just wanted to quickly settle this issue and go to the hospital to find Ye Xiaodao. They wanted to think of a way to earn 100 million in one month.    


Time slowly passed.    


In an office, upstairs in Lee Nanfang's interrogation room.    


The same silence occurred between the three women.    


However, the silent atmosphere here was clearly softer than Lee Nanfang's.    


"Did you really only know Lee Nanfang for one day?"    


Bai Linger looked at the innocent Gulina and asked this question for the third time.    


The adorable Officer Bai could not believe it no matter what that Gulina dared to beat someone up for that scumbag just because they just got to know each other.    


Yesterday, after Bai Linger regained her composure, she carefully recalled the events that had transpired at that time.    


She tried to consider things from another's point of view. If she saw a strange woman attacking Lee Nanfang, she would definitely want to anger Gulina like she did before and do something even more extreme than what this female university student did.    


Because Lee Nanfang was his man.    


Whether it was her beating and cursing, or Patriarch Yue, Miss He Lan, Nanfang, or other members of the Metrological Union beating and cursing, there was no problem at all.    


But the others couldn't.    


Even if she dared to touch even a hair of Lee Nanfang, she would still rush forward to fight with her life on the line.    


It was precisely because of this thought that Bai Linger felt that Gulina must have also been harmed by that scumbag Lee Nanfang.    


If the wood had already been laid, and the raw rice had long since been cooked into cooked rice, she would have no choice but to accept her fate and address herself as Gulina and her sister.    


If there was room for redemption.    


Then she would follow the Director's advice and teach the young girl a lesson. As a student, one should focus on her studies and not on those bad kids. Before she graduated, she should think of a suitable target.    


However, after thinking about it so much, she also did not expect that the relationship between Lee Nanfang and Gulina would only stay at the level of knowing each other.    


It had only been a day or so since they had interacted with each other.    


How did that scumbag Lee Nanfang do it?    


To be able to make a girl wholeheartedly protect him in such a short period of time.    


This was too unbelievable.    


It was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.    


Not to mention Bai Linger, even Gulina herself was shocked.    


She didn't know why she subconsciously cared so much about that guy called Lee Nanfang.    


She didn't even know what the guy was like.    


Compared to the shock and silence of Bai Linger and Gulina, the third woman in the room seemed much calmer.    


Mai Qing crossed her legs and rolled her eyes at Bai Linger, like a big sister in the martial arts world. She snorted coldly, "Officer, you seem to have changed the topic. We're here to explain the corpse on the Flowery Mountain yesterday morning, not to discuss the relationship between a man and a woman. Could you please be more professional and not waste our time? "    


Why was Mai Qing here?    


Speaking of which, it was all because of Lee Nanfang.    


On the first day Lee Nanfang arrived at Mingzhu, he had a special relationship with this little girl who had several hundred boyfriends a year. He even gave her two hundred thousand yuan for free.    


Although Boss Lee did do it on a whim, he did a great thing in order to save the young girl.    


However, from Mai Qing's point of view, Lee Nanfang's money was the first time he had bought her.    


Beauty Mai hated the feeling of being in debt. She just wanted to quickly return what she had to return to Lee Nanfang.    


Then he would go on fishing for Kai-zi and live a life where he would live a life where he would not have to worry about food and clothing.    


Coincidentally, Lee Nanfang happened to be Gulina's boyfriend at the hospital yesterday.    


Of course, she would take the initiative to approach Gulina and ask her questions.    


At first, Mai Qingcai's intention was to ask Gulina how was the martial arts of Lee Nanfang's bed and whether it was possible for her to bring her an unprecedented feeling of comfort.    


Although Beauty Mai had never had any practical experience, she had a lot of theoretical knowledge.    


He had long since heard that the first time he did something like that was extremely important to both men and women.    


If you don't get a good experience the first time, it will create some psychological trauma that will affect your future happiness.    


She only wished that Lee Nanfang was a man with rich experience, living well, and being strong enough.    


He must not be the kind of young master whose body was emptied by alcohol and sex, which would end in two seconds.    


Her first time would be treated as if she had been bitten by a mosquito. She definitely wouldn't take it to heart.    


However, the result had greatly exceeded her expectations.    


Gulina didn't know Lee Nanfang from the start. Other than knowing that guy's name, she didn't know anything else.    


How was he going to let Beauty Mai gain any more experience?    


Disappointed, Mai Qing didn't let Gulina go.    


In any case, she had nothing better to do all day, so she might as well stay by Gulina's side and wait for Lee Nanfang's appearance.    


Unexpectedly, Lee Nanfang didn't arrive. Instead, he was summoned by the police.    


Mai Qing had already decided to be inseparable from Gulina. Of course, she would follow along with them to the police station.    


Simply recording a statement wasn't as strict as she thought. She was qualified to sit with Gulina and be questioned personally by Officer Bai.    


The affidavit was not recorded for long.    


However, Mai Qing obviously realized that this policewoman in front of her was definitely not a drunk person.    


He asked a few questions about the murder case.    


On the contrary, he kept asking about Gulina's boyfriend.    


What's going on? Is Lee Nanfang really so rare?    


Even the policewoman was so concerned.    


What was the background of that guy?    


Forget it, who cares what kind of background he had. Anyway, staying in the police station made Beauty Mai feel uncomfortable all over.    


Especially since Bai Linger had asked the same question time and time again, it made her feel even more bored. That was why she put on such a bad look and purposely went out to insult the police.    


Unbeknownst to her, she disliked Bai Linger.    


Bai Linger was quite disgusted with this bad girl.    


Officer Bai was trying so hard to solve her husband's emotional problems. What are you, a little girl, messing around for?    


"This female classmate, please do not obstruct our police work, may I? "It's time for me and this student Gu to talk. Please leave for the time being and go downstairs to the resting room to wait."    


Bai Linger frowned and kept her cool.    


What kind of scene hadn't Beauty Mai seen before?    


She had changed several hundred boyfriends this year, and was not only aiming for those poor students in School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu.    


Just say that the police station --    


Cough cough, I can't say it, I can't say it.    


In any case, Mai Qing has seen so many big scenes, how could she let a little policewoman like you intimidate her?    


"I say, Auntie, were you working just now?    


Did he really think that others would not be able to see the wronged look on his face when he was snatched away by others?    


If I were to say, you're so old, you should take care of the children at home.    


Wearing a police uniform all day long and wandering around everywhere, he would always have a cold personality. Not to mention men, even women would have to avoid him if they saw him.    


Tsk tsk tsk tsk.    


He was wearing a police uniform, which was called seduction, and it was also called love and fun.    


Why did it become a family planning poster when it was your turn?    


Quickly go home and look in the mirror, learn how to put on makeup, skin care is not good.    


Do you think I'm right?    


Auntie! "    


The moment Mai Qing opened her mouth, her mouth was like a string of cannon shots. The words that came out of her mouth were simply stupefying.    


Especially at the end, he even heavily shouted "Auntie" at Bai Linger.    


Bai Linger felt a surge of anger rushing up her head. She wished she could drag this little girl into the confinement room and teach her a lesson.    


"Little girl, didn't your parents teach you manners? "Also, your words just now already constituted the crime of insulting a national staff member. I can definitely lock you up in the Reflection Chamber. Do you believe me?"    


"I do, of course I do. I also believe you, you haven't been in bed with your husband for at least half a year, that's why you're so angry. "    




Bai Linger stood up in anger.    


She was only doing it subconsciously and didn't even think about hitting him.    


Unexpectedly, Mai Qing covered her head and screamed, "Police aunt hit me!"    


This time, he definitely provoked all the staff from the offices on the second floor.    


Gulina was also very angry. While the other Uncle Policeman was trying to appease Officer Bai's anger, she urged Mai Qing to wait downstairs.    


Mai Qing raised her eyebrows. "Just wait and see. I wouldn't want to stay here." Student Gu, I'll wait for you for ten minutes. If there's no more news about you, I'll make a ruckus at the police station and rescue you. "    


After saying that, she stuck out her tongue at Bai Linger, grimaced, and walked out.    


What else could Bai Linger do?    


He tried to take a deep breath to calm his anger.    


Mai Qing didn't care about what the two continued to talk about. She just went downstairs out of boredom and prepared to find a place to wait.    


However, before he could enter the lounge, he saw a familiar figure from the corner of his eyes.    


"Why is he here!"    


Mai Qing's curiosity instantly exploded.    


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