Strongest Guard

C1962 The Fastest Way to Make Money

C1962 The Fastest Way to Make Money

On the noisy street at dusk.    


A black-haired half-blooded girl who looked like a doll was lying outside the window of the café. Her eyes were wide open, and she looked over. It was definitely a fight between a man and a woman.    


No matter who saw it, they would involuntarily shout out, "So cute!"    


At least, when Lee Nanfang, Gulina, and Mai Qing saw this girl, their first reaction was this.    


However, the girl's dirty face and muddy clothes did not match her temperament at all.    


He was like a little princess of some European royal family who had drifted into the civilian world to be a beggar.    


"Where did this little girl come from? How did she become like this?"    


The kind-hearted Gulina reacted immediately. She walked to the window and waved at the little girl, gesturing for her to come in.    


Immediately after, like a ferocious tiger descending from the mountains, Mai Qing rushed to the window, pressed her face against the window and screamed, "The Van Sloane's children's clothing, ah, this outfit is no less than thirty thousand, it's real! "Oh my god, even little beggar is richer than me these days?"    


They were really different people, and the things they cared about were also different.    


Campus Belle Gu was concerned about the little girl's situation. Beauty Mai actually cared about the little girl's value.    


Compared to that, Lee Nanfang's focus was relatively simpler.    


He recognized the little girl.    


It was the daughter of the foreign mother and daughter he had saved the night before.    


"Stand there and don't move!"    


Lee Nanfang shouted and ran out of the café.    


As he was sitting here, he was thinking about why the police didn't bring out the mother and daughter pair to identify him.    


Now that he had met the person in question, he immediately understood what was going on.    


The mother and daughter must have met with some other trouble and not been rescued by the police.    


That won't do.    


A mother and daughter pair who were targeted by the Professional Killer's organisations were scurrying all over Ming Zhu city, there was a chance that they would meet with an assassination attempt again one day.    


It didn't matter if they were in danger.    


After all, there were so many people on earth living in deep water and suffering, so Lee Nanfang had no obligation to take responsibility towards them. Why would he care about the life and death of a bunch of unfamiliar mothers and daughters?    


But the problem was, once they were caught.    


Before he died, he would definitely accept the hitman organization's inquiry and ask them who was the one that killed the previous killer that they sent out.    


Lee Nanfang didn't believe that these two women could carry all kinds of torture with them and not reveal his identity.    


At that time, all sorts of trouble would come rushing in endlessly.    


This completely deviated from Boss Lee's pursuit of a safe and secure life.    


So, he had to capture the mother and daughter, find a way to secretly throw them into the police station …    


No, the police can't send it.    


Sending it to the police station, wasn't that obviously exposing his identity?    


It was imperative to capture the mother and daughter.    


Or, just kill him.    


It was either that, wherever they came from, they would secretly send them back to where they came from. No matter what they did, they had to make sure that they didn't say anything about the whole process of being saved.    


Thus, after he shouted, he rushed out at the fastest speed he could muster.    


And his aggressive attitude had obviously frightened the little girl.    


As if she was a colleague of Lee Nanfang's, the little girl immediately turned around and jogged away.    


Gulina and Mai Qing did not know what happened and simply followed Lee Nanfang outside.    


When they finally got out of the café.    


Within the scope of his vision, there were only countless young students walking out from the School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu. Where could he find a little girl?    


Even if he couldn't find it, he had to.    


More importantly, he took this opportunity to shake off the two women behind him.    


Lee Nanfang had an idea. He shouted to Mai Qing and Gulina, who were chasing behind him, "I'm going to look for that little girl. We'll meet again when we have time."    


The gentle night wind carried his words over.    


Then, like the wind, he disappeared into the crowd in the distance.    


Mai Qing and Gulina were stunned on the spot. Only after a long while did they regain their senses and stomp their feet in unison.    


"You owe me money, yet you just run away like that?"    


"How can he leave just like that? The therapist I found for him came here quickly."    


The two beauties, whose focus were completely different, were extremely angry at Lee Nanfang for leaving without saying a word.    


Lee Nanfang was clear-headed enough to not see the mixed blood girl. After getting rid of the two women, he circled around the School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu a lot.    




He cursed under his breath and had no choice but to give up trying to find the mother and daughter.    


He turned around and headed towards the hospital in Mingzhu.    


This morning, he left home to start fighting for his 100 million goal.    


He had to spend the whole day, but not only did he not earn a single cent, he even bought coffee and put it in for two hundred yuan.    


I can't go on.    


He had to find Ye Xiaodao and come up with a strategy to earn money.    


Better to go back to Europe and get the money.    


He firmly believed that as long as he and Ye Xiaodao set out together, it wouldn't be too difficult for them to earn enough money in a month.    


However, he had to wait for the real hospital.    


It was only then that he realized the difficulty was not making money.    


But before you're ready to make money, God has his way with you.    


In front of the ward where he met Ye Xiaodao, there came from a woman's voice that all the adults could understand.    


Looking through the glass door, one could see a young and pretty nurse sitting on Master Dao's body, hugging that leg covered in plaster and swaying left and right.    


Ye Xiaodao, this animal!    


He would never let go of the woman that had appeared beside him.    


At that moment, Lee Nanfang no longer had any thoughts of making money with an animal.    


There was no other way.    


When Master Dao fought women, he was bound to take the initiative. But now, he was suppressed because of his bad behavior.    


Do you still expect him to go to Europe in a wheelchair and work for Boss Lee?    


Just pretend I didn't come!    


Lee Nanfang pointed his middle finger at the door and turned around to leave.    


There was no way to go to Europe for a job. It was more important to find another way.    


However, just as he turned around, a sharp scream suddenly resounded through the entire hospital corridor.    


Who was so f * cking lacking in manners? Didn't they know that the hospital was forbidden from making a ruckus?    


Boss Lee, who was of good character, looked towards the source of the voice with anger. He saw a female nurse in a nurse's uniform rolling and crawling out of a ward not far away.    


He didn't care how many things he had knocked over along the way. He just shouted at the top of his lungs, "Murder!"    


The big sister nurse nurse's body was comparable to a heavyweight boxing king of the world, but her appearance made her look like a delicate little girl who was frightened.    


There was really no one left in this contrast.    


Lee Nanfang quickly turned his body to the side and dodged the janitor's sister who came running over like a tank.    


Lifting his head once more, he nearly burst into laughter at the sight before him.    


In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen patients were surrounded by them in front of the ward that the nurse had taken out.    


Everyone was already shouting so loud and clear. If someone wanted to kill someone, these ambitious people would still come up and watch the show.    


If you're the kind of person who can move easily, forget it.    


Each of them was either riding a crutch or a wheelchair. If something really happened, they wouldn't even be able to run in time.    


From this, it seemed that there was a good reason for a lot of people to live in the hospital.    


However, since there were so many sick people fearlessly joining in the fun, Boss Lee, a strong and robust man, squeezed into the crowd with great curiosity. It wasn't something incomprehensible.    


There was a man and a woman in the room that were said to have been used for "killing".    


The woman was lying on the sickbed, looking like she had just recovered from a serious illness. Her eyes were tightly shut, and her intense breathing caused her chest and abdomen to move up and down rhythmically.    


From Lee Nanfang's point of view, he could clearly see the appearance of the 40-odd year old aunt.    


Needless to say, this little aunt had already stepped into the ranks of middle-aged women, but she looked quite handsome.    


The willow leaf curved eyebrow cherry mouth had a mature charm that most young girls did not have.    


What made Lee Nanfang even more surprised was that the little aunt had a familiar aura between her brows. She always felt that she was very similar to someone he knew.    




If it was on Qingshan, it would be easy to explain.    


After all, Boss Lee knew too many people in the Green Mountains' boundary that it was understandable that he would feel a sense of familiarity.    


But this is the pearl.    


He did not know many people here, so how could he feel that the little aunt was so familiar with him?    


As he was wondering, he slowly shifted his gaze to the man standing by the sickbed.    


The man was as thin as a twig and had a vulgar temperament, but his face was rather pleasing to the eye.    


He was also in his forties or fifties, and looked a lot like the person on the bed.    


Presumably, when this man was young, he could be considered handsome enough to bewitch millions of young girls.    


Unfortunately, the handsome little brother grew up to be a wretched uncle. He even held a small fruit knife and pointed it at the neck of the sick woman.    


Why was there such a scene?    


The middle-aged man opened his mouth and roared, giving Lee Nanfang an answer.    


"Take the money!" If you don't give me the money, I'll kill you! "    


The words came out viciously.    


After Lee Nanfang heard this, he immediately lost all interest.    


Those who were in debt would use a knife to threaten him. There were too many of these things in the world, what was there to see?    


I want to use a knife to force someone to ask for money.    


He didn't even need to read any further to guess the result.    


That man was clearly a coward. Not to mention holding a knife, even a gun wouldn't necessarily hurt a single hair on his head.    


In the end, it was just the hospital's old policeman Zhao who quickly took the guy to the police station and locked him up.    


Maybe someone had already called the police.    


Lee Nanfang really didn't want to see anyone in police uniform again, so he had a thought. He turned around and wanted to leave the crowd early.    


Unexpectedly, just as he turned half his body, the conversation between the two stopped on the spot.    


"I don't have any money."    


"You have no money? He's lying to a ghost! Without money, how did that damned Mai Qing treat your illness? "Don't even think about lying to me. If you can't take out the money today, I'll be a fool."    


Lee Nanfang didn't even hear what the two people in the ward said next.    


He once again examined the middle-aged man and woman's faces and immediately knew where that familiar feeling came from.    


Ninety-nine percent of them were Mai Qing's parents.    


That night in the hotel room with Mai Qing, he had listened to her recount her experiences.    


The girl had a sick mother and a gambler's father.    


Ye Zichen got two hundred thousand from Boss Lee to treat his mom.    


This meant that Mai Qing's father, who had stolen a huge gambling debt, must have come to ask for money from the two of them.    


Lee Nanfang never meddled with other people's business, but when this matter was related to Mai Qing, he had to take care of it.    


More importantly, when he thought of Mai Qing's gambler father, his train of thought was immediately roused.    


A problem that had troubled him for a long time had finally been found.    


Was there a faster way to make money than gambling?    


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