Strongest Guard

C1975 Laughing Foolishly in the Sunlight

C1975 Laughing Foolishly in the Sunlight

Which one was she?    


Of course it was the daughter of the foreign mother and daughter that Lee Nanfang saved two days ago in the fruit forest behind School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu.    


Anyone could clearly remember this mixed blood loli with a head full of black hair with just a glance.    


During the day, Lee Nanfang had seen her through the window of the café.    


At this moment, he took a closer look under the lights of the wok powder stall.    


She was clearly a little princess, and should have been protected by the palm of her hand.    


But now he was wandering around the river powder stall like a beggar.    


A few female university students saw her and shouted as they came closer.    


Thinking about it, it was the cute little loli who ignited the sympathy of those young girls. One by one, they rushed to send the child something to eat.    


The mixed blood little loli did not refuse anyone who came. Bowing and thanking them in various ways, she allowed the female university students, who were filled with sympathy, to 'rub their heads and kill' them a few times. Then, she carried the begging food and turned around to walk down the road.    


Lee Nanfang looked at this scene in shock.    


After a long time, he finally regained his senses and wanted to jump down...    


Well, forget it.    


What about the fifteenth floor? Boss Lee wasn't as abnormal as Yang Xiao, so how could he just jump off a building to play?    


He could only watch helplessly as the little loli disappeared into the night.    


If they were to chase after it now, it would be very unlikely for them to catch up.    


However, Lee Nanfang's brain did not stop thinking.    


This was extremely strange.    


Two days ago, when he first saw the mother and daughter, they had more than a dozen elite bodyguards. This was enough to prove that they came from a wealthy family.    


To be able to have over ten bodyguards, such treatment was comparable to Avril and Suya Qier's women.    


Coming to China and being hunted by assassins, there must be a reason that was unknown.    


Lee Nanfang didn't consider that.    


He simply felt that after the mother and daughter pair were saved, it was only natural for him to look for Uncle Policeman for help.    


Even if he didn't trust the Chinese police.    


It's okay to go to their embassy and seek asylum.    


Ming Zhu wasn't a small town. Embassies from other countries also had offices here.    


Even if they couldn't find the entrance to the embassy, they could still save themselves.    


With just the little loli's ability to nod and bow a few times in exchange for a lot of food and drinks, to borrow a phone and make a call home from a foreign country, that was still a matter that could be solved in a few minutes.    


Why did it look like it was begging along the street?    


More importantly, where did the little girl's mother go?    


The questions in Lee Nanfang's heart were simply more than the sesame seeds on a sesame seed cake.    


When he turned his head and saw the owner of the River Powder, his eyes lit up. He hurriedly said, "Big Brother, wait a moment. Let me ask you about something."    


"Hey, bro, speak."    


"Just now, I saw a seven or eight-year-old little girl wandering back and forth in front of your stall. What was that?"    


"Hmm? That little girl is here again? "    


The man with the river powder was stunned, he subconsciously rushed to Lee Nanfang's side, standing beside the window and peeking out.    


In the boundless night, besides his wife who was still in front of the stall greeting guests, he couldn't see the little girl's figure at all.    


"Big brother, there's no need to look anymore. That young lady took the food and drinks someone gave her and has already left."    


Lee Nanfang explained.    


The river powder seller scratched his head and asked, "Brother, do you know that little girl?"    


"Uh, sort of. I've seen her before."    


"Ah, brother, you know her, that's easy. "Hurry up and think of a way to send that child home. If you keep wandering around, you'll get caught and sold by the traffickers sooner or later."    


The man who sold the river powder definitely had a kind heart. He explained the whole story to Lee Nanfang seriously.    


Actually, it was just these few days.    


Almost all the university students, business people with stalls and workers on the construction site knew of this mixed breed of female beggar.    


She could not speak Chinese and spoke a foreign language that no one could understand. Every time it was near dark, she would begin to wander around the area.    


No one knew who she was, and no one knew where she came from.    


Often, when it was time to eat, he would turn around and leave.    


Everyone was very busy, so no one had the leisure to care about what happened to a little girl.    


There were also people who were nosy and had followed that little girl before.    


Unexpectedly, the little girl was not big, but she was a shrewd person. She often disappeared in the blink of an eye.    


But surely she must live nearby.    


This place called School of Fine Arts of Mingzhu Region, belonged to the outskirts of the Mingzhu City Region, and was filled with buildings. There were many workers and homeless people.    


That kind of cute little girl, she might just run into someone who was up to no good and capture her.    


The man who sold the river powder had also consulted with his wife about it. If it really didn't work out, he would bring the child home to recuperate, or call the police to call for help.    


He just forgot about it as soon as he got busy.    


Lee Nanfang was so nervous and excited when he said that he saw the little girl just now.    


"Oh, what a beautiful child. He looked like Xiaoming Xing who walked out of the TV. How did he end up as a beggar? Brother, if you're a kind-hearted person, hurry up and think of a way to help her find her family. If this goes on, I'm really worried that I won't see her again. "Alright, let's cut to the chase. I'm busy with my business and in a hurry to leave."    


The man sighed and waved his hand, preparing to leave.    


Lee Nanfang turned around and looked downstairs again. In the dim light of the road, he couldn't see anything.    


What else could he do?    


He couldn't run out in the middle of the night and look around for people like he was a blind cat looking for a dead mouse.    


With a jolt of his mind, he once again called out to the river powder seller.    


He reached out to Lao Mai for a few hundred yuan bills and wrote down his phone number.    


"Big Brother, my surname is Li and this is my phone number. If you see that little girl again, you'll definitely help me keep her and call me first. "    


"Sure, brother. Leave this to me. But, this money … "    


"Take it!" Eldest brother, don't try to make excuses with me, otherwise, I'll go down and destroy your stall right now. "    


Lee Nanfang glared fiercely.    


The man who sold the river powder was so scared that his whole body shivered.    


What kind of person was this?    


I don't want his money and I'm going to smash the guy I eat.    


He couldn't afford to offend her. He couldn't afford to offend her.    


Trembling in fear, he kept the money and promised Lee Nanfang once again before turning around and leaving.    


As for Lao Mai, other than gambling, he didn't care about anything else.    


Anyway, as long as the God of Fortune did not leave, there was nothing for him to do.    


Zhang Luo opened the box and picked up a serving of Stir-Fried River Powder for a special meal.    


Lee Nanfang was a generous person.    


Whatever it was, he did his best to not think too much about it.    


Anyway, he had already saved the mother and daughter once.    


If they were to encounter any more danger, it was not something Lee Nanfang could predict, nor something he could control.    


There were so many people in need of help in the world, even if Boss Lee was a philanthropist, he couldn't care less.    


Eating peanuts and drinking cold beer.    


After having a full meal and a good night's sleep, this would definitely be the most beautiful thing in the world.    


Lee Nanfang was asleep.    


Furthermore, he was sleeping soundly.    


However, as the main person in charge of the police task force, Bai Linger hadn't had a good night's sleep for several days.    


It was another sunny morning.    


Bai Linger splashed her cheeks with cold water and braced herself.    


He had originally only been investigating a shooting case, but now a strange 'zombie murder' had been unexpectedly brought out.    


Especially last night, there had been a major incident with the Pearl Wildlife Zoo.    


Two unknown people and a lioness died tragically in the zoo.    


The wounds on the dead man's body were exactly the same as those on the previous two brainless robbers.    


On the police side, they were definitely rushing over at the fastest speed possible.    


However, he was still unable to catch the assailant on the spot.    


This gave Officer Bai, who wholeheartedly wanted to solve the case, an incomparable headache. She was unable to rest well for the entire night.    


He only felt that the person in the mirror had become much more haggard.    


"Hmph, the bureau chief was still talking about how that scumbag could help me solve my case. Where is he now? What can he help me with!?" I still have to rely on myself. I, Bai Linger, cannot live without Lee Nanfang. "    


Little Ling'er cursed a few times.    


And then he suddenly remembered a famous saying of a certain someone.    


"When I woke up in the morning, I would smile foolishly in the sunlight for three minutes. This day is definitely a happy one, full of good luck."    


Thinking of this, Bai Linger lowered her head and cursed under her breath, "Damn Lee Nanfang."    


After swearing, he actually walked to the window and smiled foolishly at the bright sunlight.    


Three minutes was neither long nor short.    


Bai Linger was laughing so hard that the muscles on her face were sore. She felt that she shouldn't have listened to the nonsense of a certain someone. She put away her smile and wanted to start cursing again.    


But who would have thought that luck would come just like that?    


"Officer Bai, our investigation is progressing."    


Captain Wang had yet to enter the door when his excited shout reached Bai Linger's ears.    


Bai Linger, of course, turned her head in surprise and saw Captain Wang holding onto a piece of information. He couldn't buy it, so he stuck his hand on the small whiteboard used to comb through the case.    


"Officer Bai, two clues."    


One of them was about Yuv Qingmei, Miss Yuv.    


We have already investigated thoroughly, and found out that her residence is in the villa number 9, row 3 of Chinese Parasol Tree.    


The comrades who had been in contact with her earlier had confirmed that Miss Yuv was currently living inside.    


"I'm thinking that if I need her to help me solve that zombie murder case, I'll need you to personally take care of it, Officer Bai."    


As Captain Wang spoke, he shot an apologetic glance at Bai Linger.    


There was no other reason other than the fact that the information they had gathered regarding Miss Yuv was indeed shocking.    


He had thought that Yuv Qingmei was just an ordinary civilian, but who would have thought that she would be involved with so many important figures in the register?    


With Captain Wang's status, it was not enough for him to pay a visit.    


This was like an ordinary commoner wanting to meet with the great leader of a province.    


Forget about meeting each other, it was unknown whether they could even walk through the door of the big boss' residential complex.    


Captain Wang was truly powerless.    


They could only place their hopes on Officer Bai.    


No matter what, she was sent by the Supreme Security Office, so she should have the qualifications to speak with Miss Yuv.    


Captain Wang looked at the side of Bai Linger's face.    


As for Bai Linger, she stared at the information provided by Miss Yuv as her eyes glittered brightly.    


"Sure, Captain Wang. I'll go meet this Miss Yuv."    


Thirty years ago, she could help that former Captain Hu with a special case.    


Thirty years from now, there would be no reason to refuse our legitimate invitation.    


"Even if he refuses to do it himself, at the very least, he will be able to help us solve our case."    


Bai Linger was filled with confidence.    


His gaze followed the information paper and subconsciously asked, "Yes, didn't you say there were two clues? What is the other clue?"    


"Reporting to Officer Bai, it's about the foreign mother and daughter being hunted down."    


Captain Wang pointed to the information and said, "We found their previous residence."    


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