Strongest Guard

C1978 Not Suitable to Stay Long

C1978 Not Suitable to Stay Long

No matter who it was, while they were thinking about it, if they were suddenly attacked, they would definitely die.    


But Bai Linger was still an elite in the police force.    


Years of police training, did they just muddle through?    


Almost subconsciously.    


Bai Linger drew back and followed up with a standard side kick.    


Results --    


His kick missed.    


Her graceful body completed a beautiful rotation in the air.    


Bai Linger's feet touched the ground as she retreated a few steps back. When she looked closely, she nearly rolled her eyes in anger.    


The black shadow that had just pounced over was actually a huge pet dog.    


He couldn't see the breed of the dog, but judging from its appearance, it must be some kind of ferocious dog with a pure bloodline.    


When you stood up, you were as tall as an adult.    


The timid one would be scared to death if she saw it.    


It was fortunate that Bai Linger had a strong mental fortitude that allowed her to resolve the crisis at the first possible moment.    


Of course, a dog didn't matter.    


What was important was that there was a thick dog rope tied around the dog's neck. At the other end of the rope was a vicious woman who was laughing to her heart's content.    


"Damned girl, if I let you sound the horn to scare me, I won't be able to scare you to death!"    


The mad woman with the dog cursed loudly.    


Bai Linger was so angry that her eyes turned black. She stretched out her hand to touch the gun at her waist.    


It is only natural that the murderer should be allowed to kill you for condoning the murder of a police officer.    


Even if he couldn't kill you, a crazy woman, or a dog, it would still be a matter of time.    


Bai Linger was so angry that she was stupefied. In her heart, she wanted nothing more than to find an outlet to vent the anger in her heart.    


Unexpectedly, the scene before her eyes made her not know whether to laugh or cry before she even had the chance to open the hidden buckle of her gun holster.    


Dogs were much more sensitive to danger than humans.    


Bai Linger's sudden burst of killing intent scared the dog. It turned around and ran back to its own den.    


With such a large dog, how could a mad woman hold it back?    


That crazy woman was still laughing, but her body had been twisted into a blur by the dog rope in her hands. He lost his balance and fell to the ground. A dog dragged him to the mansion across the street like a dead dog.    


"Ah, stupid. Stop, stop. The nose that I just put up -- "    


The tragic cry of a mad woman echoed through the sky.    


Bai Linger's mood immediately improved.    


"Hmph, this is what you call 'evil will be rewarded with evil'."    


She swore at the mad woman who had been dragged away, and strode away in the sunlight.    


When they walked out of the residential area and got back into the police car, Bai Linger's mood had completely calmed down. She started to recall the conversation between her and Miss Yuv.    


If not for the sudden appearance of the pale faced young woman on the second floor, Bai Linger would have believed Yuv Qingmei's words and re-examined the zombie murder case.    


However, because of Wang Lian's appearance, Little Ling'er had a deep suspicion of Miss Yuv.    


In the whole of Ming Zhu, only Miss Yuv knew about zombies.    


Previously, he had thought of asking her to help solve this case.    


But from the looks of it, she was the most suspicious one.    


Should I have someone keep an eye on this place?    


Thinking of this, Bai Linger turned her head to look at Chinese Parasol Tree's gate, then helplessly shook her head.    


Who knew what kind of monsters and demons lived here?    


If they really applied to monitor the villa, they would be scolded by the higher-ups.    


Bai Linger shrunk her neck and gave up on the idea.    


He turned around and patted the driver's shoulder and said, "Little Zhao, inform Captain Wang and ask him to help check the surveillance around Chinese Parasol Tree. See if there are any suspicious people around these past few nights."    


"Yes, Officer Bai."    


Little Zhao agreed and quickly put on his Bluetooth earpiece. He then quietly picked up Captain Wang's call.    


When he looked at Little Ling'er again, the crafty smile on her face could no longer be concealed.    


No matter how well you hide it, Bai Linger, the elite of our police force, can still find some clues about you.    


It would be best if he didn't commit any crimes.    


If she really did commit a crime, then don't blame Officer Bai for turning hostile.    


Little Ling'er smiled as she lay down on the back of the car.    


Some could not help but think of that arrogant "Madam Hu".    


What was that woman doing?    


Why did he have to call Miss Yuv his master?    


As her thoughts drifted further and further away, Little Ling'er slowly fell asleep with her eyes closed.    


No wonder.    


Ever since she came to Ming Zhu's room, she had not had a good sleep for three days and three nights. Just now, she had drunk another cup of Yuv Qingmei's self-made "Spirit Calming Tea".    


Little Zhao, who was driving, had just ended his call with Captain Wang. Just as he was about to report it, he heard a light snoring sound coming from the back seat.    


In the rearview mirror, he saw that the White Team was asleep.    


Little Zhao wisely shut up, slowed down his car, and drove back towards the police station.    


The effect of the Spirit Calming Tea was to calm the mind and calm the mind.    


Pure nourishment.    


He believed that Little Ling'er would definitely be able to get back to work in high spirits after waking up from her sleep.    


There was one more thing that could help people sleep faster.    


That was — wine.    


However, those who woke up with a hangover would have a headache. They wouldn't be in the mood to do anything.    


Lee Nanfang couldn't even remember how much he drank last night.    


Lao Mai only knew that after finishing the cold beer case, he found two bottles of white wine.    


There was a whole bottle and a half, and Lee Nanfang drank them all himself.    


The Black Dragon that had been helping him to cure the alcohol paralysis didn't know if it still hadn't recovered from its injuries before, or if it looked down on Lao Mai's poor quality liquor.    


In short, he just refused to give up and allowed Lee Nanfang to digest the liquor by relying on his own body.    


The result was, of course, great.    


After waking up, Lee Nanfang felt like his head was about to explode.    


He walked to the bathroom and splashed the cold water on his head. Only then did he feel much better.    


Last night when they entered, the apartment was still extremely clean and tidy. After a night of hard work, these two men had ruined everything.    


Then he looked at Lao Mai.    


That old boy was lying on his stomach between the sofa and the coffee table, hugging a bolster and mumbling to himself. He frowned and mumbled, "Wife, I won't bet, I promise I won't bet for the rest of my life."    


Lee Nanfang felt like laughing when he saw Ye Zichen's expression.    


No bet?    


Who would believe such nonsense?    


Last night, they even talked about wanting to die on the gambling table for the rest of their lives.    


Looking at the time, it was already 5 PM.    


It was time to go back to the casino and get to know each other.    


After last night's experience, Lee Nanfang knew that he couldn't rush to win money from that casino. The most important thing was to get familiar with each other in the early days.    


It was only when he was qualified enough to go up to the second floor that he could truly make money.    


Thus, going there for a few hours every day was a necessary task.    


Plus, he needed a partner that could help him earn money.    


This Lao Mai was helping him spread the wealth.    


As he thought of this, he walked over with the intention of waking up that old brat with a kick.    


Unexpectedly, he had just raised his leg.    


The sound of a key opening the door suddenly rang out, causing him to quickly pull his leg back and look over his shoulder.    


Anyone who could open the door with a key now was only Mai Qing.    


If she saw your father here, wouldn't she be saying something about selling off the first night?    


Lee Nanfang pondered whether he should find a place to hide.    


Unfortunately, there was no place for him to hide in this fart sized apartment.    


In a daze, the door opened.    


Mai Qing carried two large bags and walked in. When she raised her head, she saw Lee Nanfang, not to mention how shocked the girl was.    


"Why are you here?"    


When Mai Qing asked the question that normal people would ask, she looked down and saw Lao Mai, who was lying dead asleep on the ground.    


Why is Lee Nanfang here? Let's go to hell with this question first.    


Beauty Mai looked at her father and immediately threw down what she was holding as if she was looking at a mortal enemy. She rushed over and raised her leg to kick him.    


"You scum, you beast!    


You still have the face to come back?    


You're not welcome here. Get out.    


Get out!    


I've heard that yesterday you dared to bring a knife to the hospital to look for my mother.    


Who gave you the guts to use a knife to threaten my mother.    


Where's the knife?    


Where's the knife?    


I'll stab you to death! "    


Holy shit.    


It was too terrifying. When this woman went crazy, she was even more powerful than a beast.    


Lee Nanfang was so scared that he quickly retreated to a far distance. He squatted by the window and watched Mai Qing kick her. His short skirt was flickering and his pretty butt was faintly discernible.    


Today, Mai Qing had changed her clothes once again.    


It was no longer the sexy qipao from before, but a student attire.    


No matter how you looked at it, it looked like a young girl in a sailor suit had walked out of a Japan cartoon.    


Especially under the miniskirt, it had two long legs with black threads. It was definitely a beautiful weapon that could kill any man's heart.    


Lee Nanfang was happy to see it.    


This was too much for Lao Mai.    


The old boy was still sleeping soundly when he was kicked in the back by the small, pointy heels. He was in so much pain that he kept on rolling and crawling, wailing and groaning.    


This father and daughter pair could be considered a wonder of the world.    


Until Mai Qing actually picked up a fruit knife on the tea table, Lee Nanfang couldn't just sit there and watch anymore.    


Lao Mai still had some use, how could he be stabbed?    


Besides, watching a young girl kill her father was definitely not done by a gentleman.    


Lee Nanfang quickly rushed over and hugged Mai Qing with one hand while grabbing the knife with the other.    


He pulled the young girl and retreated.    


Mai Qing was so angry that her eyes turned red. She struggled desperately in Lee Nanfang's arms.    


Unfortunately, it was useless.    


However, it was not so easy to get rid of the women that were controlled by Boss Lee.    


"Mai Qing, alright, alright. Calm down. You can't really stab your dad to death. "    


"I, eh? Lee Nanfang, you still haven't said why you're here. Why are you with that old beast? "    


Mai Qing's attention turned back to Lee Nanfang and glared at him fiercely.    


Lee Nanfang only scratched his head awkwardly: "Uh, he and I can be considered as friends."    


"Gambling friends?"    


Mai Qing froze for a moment, and the fire that had just started to subside once again became the second eruption of the volcano.    


"Lee Nanfang!" You, you gamble with him? Scram, get out of my house, I don't accept gamblers. Get lost, I don't want to see you! "    


Mai Qing waved her arms and legs, kicking and kicking Boss Lee for a good while.    


What kind of person is Lee Nanfang?    


That was a scum that was known far and wide.    


If Aunt Yue were to punch or kick him, he would have to endure it.    


If you, a little girl, dared to attack Boss Lee, wouldn't you get tired of living?    


Lee Nanfang was furious. He reached out his hand to pick Mai Qing up, took two steps forward and threw her on the bed.    


He raised a big hand and lifted up his skirt to reveal a small round butt. Then, he gave it a fierce slap.    


'Bang! 'a loud sound was heard.    


The entire room instantly quieted down.    


Without waiting for Mai Qing to react, Lee Nanfang turned his head and shot a look at Lao Mai. "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and run."    


After saying that, he took a big step forward and dashed out of the door.    


It was not a good place to stay for long.    


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