Strongest Guard

C1984 An Assassin Who Seeks His Own Death

C1984 An Assassin Who Seeks His Own Death

Angel — Hu?    


Lee Nanfang's eyes widened when he heard the loli's self-introduction.    


He couldn't believe that the name of this little Greek girl used the surname 'Hua'.    


Your mixed blood, could it be mixed with the blood of Greece and China?    


If that's the case, how can you not understand Chinese?    


Forget it, don't think about such useless things for now.    


Lee Nanfang felt that it was meaningless to continue chatting with a girl with a different language. He might as well go to her mother and ask her about it.    


Seeing the little loli staring intently at the food on the other stalls while swallowing her saliva, he knew that she was starving.    


Ye Zichen waved for the boss to make a fast food for him, then held the little girl's hand and walked forward.    


"Take me to see you, Mom."    


Under Angel's lead, they made seven turns and eight twists.    


After passing through several construction site littered with trash, they finally arrived in front of a unfinished building.    


No wonder this little girl had turned into such a dirty girl in just a few days.    


Along the way, Lee Nanfang felt like he could take a broken bowl and ask for food on the street.    


He walked into the building.    


A foul stench assaulted his nostrils.    


In such a messy place, of course, there were all kinds of remnants. Think about it, in a beggar's nest, who would specially look for a fixed place to poop and pee in?    


It was hard to believe that this pair of noble mother and daughter would choose to settle down in such a place.    


When he saw Blonde later, he would have to teach her a good lesson.    


She knew she had to hide from the killers.    


How could he allow his daughter to run out and beg for food? Was the motherly love drama he acted out that night all deceiving ghosts?    


With Angel's footsteps, he stepped onto the bare staircase.    


The sense of justice in Lee Nanfang's heart exploded. He was unhappy with the golden-haired lady's actions of not caring about the life and death of the child, and was thinking about how to teach her a lesson later.    


However, when he reached the tenth floor, he stood at the entrance to the corridor.    


His ears twitched as he heard a low cry.    


Angel wanted to turn around and say something, but Lee Nanfang stepped forward and covered the little loli's mouth, picked her up and ran towards the end of the tunnel.    


The distance was getting closer.    


The woman's faint struggles and cries for help became clearer.    


In a certain bare room on all four sides, Lee Nanfang saw a man holding down Blonde with all his might. In the end, he laughed viciously and stretched out his hands to tear off Blonde's clothes.    


Angel also saw this scene.    


Her small body burst out a huge power and broke away from Lee Nanfang's embrace.    


"Mom, let go of my mom!"    


Angel's wails echoed through the empty building.    


She rushed to the man's side and tried to push him away with all her might.    


However, he was pushed away by the beast and fell to the ground.    


When Angel, ignoring everything else, got up again and was about to rush back, a thick arm wrapped around her once more.    


Then, Lee Nanfang kicked the man hard on the back.    


'Bang! 'a loud sound was heard.    


The moment his body hit the concrete wall, the shaking seemed to want to collapse the whole building.    


In Boss Lee's life, the one he hated the most was a man who used force against women. Of course, he used all of his strength to kick.    


He thought that this kick would be sufficient to kill that person.    


However, after seeing the other party roll in the air, he had borrowed the momentum of the ground to absorb most of the force and used his back to smash against the wall.    


Lee Nanfang realized that things were not that simple.    


The man was dressed like a homeless person or a construction worker.    


However, the fact was, the other party was obviously an assassin who had come prepared.    


The moment his back hit the gun, the man with the naked upper body pulled out a gun from his waist.    


The gun was pointed at Lee Nanfang.    


And then —    


And then there was no 'then'.    


Lee Nanfang didn't move at all and just sneered at the man.    


The assassin raised the gun arm horizontally. After slightly trembling for a good while, he powerlessly lowered it.    


The person who took Lee Nanfang's ruthless kick, even though the majority of the impact was gone, still suffered serious internal injuries. Do they still want to shoot under these circumstances?    


You must be joking!    


Lee Nanfang gently put down Angel, who was still struggling.    


After the little loli landed on the ground, she immediately pounced towards her mother to check out the situation.    


Lee Nanfang turned around and looked around, not daring to relax.    


He had had a suspicion when he saw Angel at the end of the street.    


He suspected that the killers who were chasing after the mother and daughter had already come looking for him just to lure him out. He was someone who had once killed an early job and caused their mission to fail.    


That was why they didn't make a move and allowed the mother and daughter pair to live.    


Tonight, Lee Nanfang followed Angel out of the building.    


The killer hiding in the dark finally saw the main character, which was why he put on the act of a homeless girl trying to confuse Lee Nanfang in this way.    


He took advantage of his lack of vigilance and suddenly made a move, taking both him and the mother and daughter in one fell swoop.    


It was a pity that the assassin in front of him had overestimated himself.    


He had even underestimated the strength of Lee Nanfang's kick.    


He clearly had the opportunity to face the enemy head on, but he didn't use it. Yet, he still wanted to play such crafty tricks, and it aroused Lee Nanfang's anger.    


If you aren't seeking your own death, then what is it?    


The assassin sat against the wall, spitting blood. He didn't even have the strength to regret.    


On the surface, he was the killer.    


Then shouldn't those hidden in the dark show themselves?    


A strong sense of crisis erupted from his heart. Lee Nanfang quickly tilted his head and a bullet flew past his hair and nailed him into the opposite wall.    


In the next moment, he suddenly activated it and grabbed the mother and daughter pair with both hands and rolled them on the ground.    


The three of them left their original positions and retreated to a corner of the room.    


Another two bullets followed like shadows, striking the place where they were previously at.    


Soon after, it became completely silent.    


A sniper, on top of a building a hundred meters away.    


From above, he could see most of the room through the open window of the unfinished building.    


The only place out of sight was the corner Lee Nanfang was hiding in.    


The sniper could determine Lee Nanfang's position.    


It was a pity.    


If the bullet could not penetrate the thick wall in a short period of time, then the sniper would not be able to finish the sniping immediately.    


Lee Nanfang could only hide here. If he wanted to leave, he would have to pass under that person's gun.    


Under the tranquil night sky, a chilling aura spread out.    


Lee Nanfang couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.    


He had long guessed that there would be trouble, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.    


He had just been in a back-to-back position, so the sniper in front of him might not be able to see his face.    


However, an enormous assassin's guild would definitely be able to rapidly narrow the target's range through their physique and height, and would not give up until they had him in their hands.    


The sniper couldn't leave.    


If the other party left, then Boss Lee would have to be on guard against cold guns that came out of nowhere.    


But the problem was, he couldn't possibly fly to the top of the opposite building to kill someone.    


It truly was worthy of being called the famous "Rodman's Killer Organization". Before completing the mission, they had already thought of a way out of failure.    


The two assassins obviously wanted to leave one alive and go back to report.    


The two sides remained in a deadlock.    


Lee Nanfang tried to think how he could get rid of the sniper on the rooftop of the building that was 100 meters away in the shortest time possible in order to prevent the sniper from sending his message out.    


Unfortunately, he still did not expect the people from Rodman's Killer Organization to be this cautious.    


At this moment, the sniper was whispering something into the Bluetooth earpiece. He had already reported everything about Lee Nanfang to the public.    


The result was the same whether the sniper died or not.    


However, if they could live, who would choose to die?    


"Mission failed."    


The sniper said the last few words into his Bluetooth earpiece before ending the call.    


And then the muzzle of the gun shifted slightly.    


'Bang! 'a light sound was heard.    


The sound of the bullets being fired was reduced to its limit by the silencer on the muzzle.    


Through the sniper lens, the scene in front of Lee Nanfang could be seen.    


The assassin, who was leaning against the wall and vomiting blood, had been shot through the middle of his forehead and had completely stopped moving.    


He had really done the wrong thing.    


After the mission had failed, would an assassin take care of his comrades that he could not take with him, and then quickly evacuate?    


Lee Nanfang almost vomited a mouthful of blood.    


If he met with an assassination organization that wouldn't even let their own people get away with it, what could he do in the future?    


No, something had to be done.    


As he thought of this, he pulled off the suit jacket from Angel's body and threw it into the air. Then, he rolled forward as fast as he could and grabbed the gun from the dead killer in the room.    


On the roof of a building a hundred meters away.    


The sniper confirmed that his comrade was dead. He was about to pack up and leave.    


Unexpectedly, he suddenly saw a black shadow appear at the window.    


He was stunned for a moment, and then let out a sneer.    


Using clothes as a cover was something he had done a long time ago. How could he hide it from his father's Fiery Eyes of Truth?    


Anyway, the mission could no longer be continued.    


If you want to play with me, I won't serve you anymore.    


The sniper retracted his gaze and quickly retreated.    


However —    


The next second, he saw through his aiming lens that the black figure in the window had landed. An incredible scene appeared before his eyes.    


In a room a hundred meters away, the Chinese man who caused their mission to fail was kneeling on one knee with a gun held horizontally in his hand. The gun was aimed right at the eye he put behind the aiming lens.    


The sniper was somewhat confused.    


Wasn't the black shadow just now used to disrupt their vision and make it easier for them to escape? Why didn't that fellow escape?    


The gun in his hand, under such circumstances, would he still want to hit someone a hundred meters away?    


Before that, he hadn't even turned his head back. How could he be sure where his target was?    


Several questions popped up in the sniper's mind.    


Unfortunately, he would never be able to ask these questions.    


Lee Nanfang directly gave him the answer.    


Flames burst out from the muzzle and bullets shot out from the pistol. They accurately penetrated the aiming lens and nailed the bullet into the sniper's eye socket.    


A crashing sound could be heard.    


The sniper rifle fell from the top of the building with the death of its owner.    


If this was the past, he might not have been accurate.    


But now it was different.    


Lee Nanfang had been trained by the demons in the Soaring Dragon Special Forces and sparred with the Sharpshooter Little Sheep.    


His spear skills were at least a hundred times better than when he was training in Europe.    


Finish it.    


Lee Nanfang threw away the gun in his hand and looked at the mother and daughter in the blink of an eye.    


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