Strongest Guard

C2019 There's a Kid Behind You

C2019 There's a Kid Behind You

Lee Nanfang should have guessed it.    


Previously, Lv Mingliang had told him that Ming Zhu was in the midst of an international medical exchange, and almost all of the A Rank hospitals in China had sent out teams to participate in this exchange.    


The first chief surgeon of the General Hospital of Jinghua certainly had the qualifications to participate in such a grand gathering.    


Lv Mingliang also said that the people who came to General Hospital of Mingzhu to learn and communicate yesterday were the doctors' groups in Qingshan and Beijing.    


Coincidentally, they met with a medical accident called General Hospital of Mingzhu, so everyone stayed and helped.    


In that case, it was a normal thing to meet Chiang Morann here.    


Perhaps, when he was chatting with Lv Mingliang alone, Lao Lv also planned to mention Sister Morann.    


It was a pity that Lao Lv was pulled away before he could finish his sentence.    


It didn't matter, now that they met, didn't it just prove that the fate between them was deep?    


Since the last time they parted in General Hospital of Jinghua, half a year had passed.    


Lee Nanfang, whom Chiang Morann had been thinking about day and night, had actually appeared in front of her under such a surprise.    


Thick thoughts immediately turned into tears, rolling in his eyes.    


Chiang Morann opened her arms — oh, no, there was a child in her arms.    


Sister Morann almost threw Little Infant out of her arms just to protect her lover.    


She hurriedly hugged the child and took a step back. Then, she carefully observed Lee Nanfang from top to bottom. Finally, she confirmed that it was the man she loved, causing tears to instantly gush out of her eyes.    


"I … I missed you."    


Chiang Morann's tears fell onto the face of the Little Infant in her arms.    


The little guy only felt a chill on his face as he squeaked and waved his little claws, as if he was a child trying to wipe away his mother's tears.    


These tears also fell on Lee Nanfang's heart.    


This made him realize that there were still people in this world who were bitterly thinking about him.    


"I, too, miss you."    


Lee Nanfang opened his arms and pulled Chiang Morann into his arms.    


It was hard to express his guilt, so he could only hug him to express his apology.    


After hugging for who knows how long, Little Infant, who was between the two of them, opened his mouth and started crying as if he was not used to Lee Nanfang's aura.    


The two of them hurriedly parted ways after being jolted awake.    


Chiang Morann hugged the child and rocked it gently to comfort it.    


Lee Nanfang looked at the scene in front of him and felt warm. But why was it so awkward?    


This was an infant ward. Chiang Morann was holding a child in her arms. It was nothing strange, but the problem was that the other children were still in their cribs.    


Why is this guy in front of me so special?    


Moreover, when Sister Morann comforted the child, her eyes revealed a look akin to a mother.    


This — awkward.    


It was incredibly awkward.    


Chiang Morann finally managed to hold the child in her arms, and when she looked up and saw Lee Nanfang's strange gaze, she couldn't help but burst out laughing. She pursed her lips and snorted, "What are you looking at? I can only look for someone else. "    


"Ah?" Silently, you … "    


"What 'I'? Look at you, do you really think that I would do something that would let you down? "Hehe, don't worry, this child is the foster son I found for us."    




Lee Nanfang felt like he didn't have enough brain juice.    


When did a foster son suddenly appear out of nowhere? He didn't even know about this.    


Actually, this child didn't appear for long.    


It would take at most two months.    


When Lee Nanfang was still on the mission at Shule Ancient City, a preterm baby born in General Hospital of Jinghua was like a medical miracle.    


The mother's name was Xu Jia.    


A girl who used to have a bad style.    


There was no need to explain more about what had happened.    


Everyone should remember that after that girl gave birth to her child, she identified Chiang Morann as her big backer and asked Dr. Chiang to name her child.    


Chiang Morann followed the flow and tolerated her foster son.    


And --    


"I named him Li Xiangnan. To you, I hope that when he grows up, he will be a man who can stand on all fours like you. "    


Chiang Morann said.    


Lee Nanfang immediately felt comfortable.    




It was still Sister Morann who was pleasant to listen to.    


I'm a man of my word. How many men can there be compared in this world?    


"The mother of Xiang Nan was still a student. After giving birth to the child, perhaps she knew that being a mother should serve as a good role model for the child and become much more stable.    


I advised her to go back to school.    


No matter what, he would still live with his mother from the south.    


All this time, I have been taking care of the south.    


Coincidentally, Ming Zhu is holding some kind of medical exchange meeting, I heard that General Hospital of Mingzhu's specialization in infant and young children is at the top of the country.    


I came here with him, asking the experts to examine his body.    


He was a premature infant, and no one thought he would survive until he was born.    


But that's how he grew up.    


How else could it be called a medical miracle? "    


Chiang Morann smiled and shook her head helplessly, "I really didn't expect that I would encounter a medical accident after arriving at General Hospital of Mingzhu. I wonder if their specialised medical standards are all boasted. "Oh, right. Nanfang, why are you here too?"    


"I, ha, don't mention it. This is a long story. "Anyways, I was forced by a group of reporters to come here to hide for a while."    


Lee Nanfang casually pointed out the reason for Ye Zichen's appearance.    


Unexpectedly, Sister Morann's expression instantly changed.    


"A reporter?"    


She was stunned for a moment. Then, she quickly walked to the front and gently opened the door a crack.    


This was great.    


Countless flashes of light shone through the gap in the door, almost scaring Sister Morann into sitting on the ground.    


She jerked her head back.    


"Nanfang, stay here and don't run around. I'll go inform Dean Qin. "Damn it, why is the reporter here? Isn't this adding to the chaos?"    


With that, Chiang Morann ran into a ward.    


A moment later, the ward was in chaos again.    


Dean Qin, who he saw just now, walked out of the ward covered in sweat. As he walked, he questioned the people beside him harshly: "How did those reporters get the news? Don't you understand that their arrival will only affect our work? "    


Unfortunately, no one answered Dean Qin's question.    


There was only chattering from the crowd.    


"Bad news, bad news. We can't let the media know about this. It will definitely affect our hospital's reputation."    


"What do you care about reputation now? Hurry up and think of a way to cure those children!"    


"President, this is bad. There are more and more reporters outside." The security guards called us internally to say that they couldn't stop us at all. "    


The crowd was noisy.    


There were so many medical personnel who were in a panic, and all of them were scared when they met with something even bigger.    


At this time, the subordinate beside the Principal suddenly pushed his way to the front with his phone and hurriedly said, "Dean Qin, it's the call from Mayor's office. I want you to explain the situation."    


As soon as he said that.    


The noisy corridor instantly became deathly silent.    


It's over.    


This matter had alarmed the Leader.    


The problem became more complex.    


Dean Qin's face was pale. He took a few deep breaths and finally suppressed the panic in his heart. He said with a trembling voice, "Everyone be quiet. Everyone continue to study the treatment. As for the phone number for Mayor's office, take it over! "    


Following Dean Qin's order.    


Finally, the Medical Specialist swarmed into another treatment room.    


I don't know what they want to study.    


However, there was one thing for sure. Everyone wanted to hide far away and let Dean Qin settle what he had to say to the Leader.    


There was nothing he could do about it. After all, he was the highest leader of General Hospital of Mingzhu.    


The higher the status, the greater the responsibility.    


Lee Nanfang saw from afar that Lv Mingliang followed the crowd into the clinic with a heavy expression, while Chiang Morann waved to him not to wander around, also going to the clinic to help.    


The corridor quieted a little.    


Everyone was worried about the current problem and ignored the outsider, Lee Nanfang.    


Lee Nanfang was quite happy, he turned around and sat on the resting chair in the corridor.    


Anyway, he was not in charge of the hospital.    


The reporters outside would be lured away by the people from the academy sooner or later.    


At that time, he could just find a chance to leave.    


However, the moment he sat down, his curiosity made him unable to sit still again.    


What happened in this hospital?    


Especially when he saw Dean Qin, who destroyed his family and ran to the end of the corridor to pick up the phone.    


He couldn't suppress his curiosity and pretended to be aimless. He quietly got up, like a leopard cat, and chased behind Dean Qin. He pricked up his ears and eavesdropped on other people's conversation.    


"Mn, I am Qin City.    


The situation now was very complicated.    


A total of 32 newborns and 15 infants with special conditions were identified as being a new type of infectious virus.    


We are working on the treatment.    


Ah, we are not trying, we will do our best!    


Guaranteed to give the government and people a satisfactory account.    




You want to release the news to the media now?    


This — this isn't so good.    




Have the families of the patients gone to the city hall yet? We have already soothed them before.    


OK, OK, I got it, Leader.    


Now is not the time to think about responsibility. I'll get someone to open the news to the media right away.    


This time, we are definitely going to solve the problem perfectly in front of the public.    


"Thank you, Leader."    


Dean Qin wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead as he answered the call on his cell phone.    


When the call ended, the old dean's eyes looked out the window at the sky, filled with an vicissitudes of life.    


Lee Nanfang was a bit mesmerized by what he heard.    


It was only when the dean turned around that he was jolted awake and hurriedly pushed open the door to the ward to hide.    


He was temporarily hiding out here.    


What if Dean Qin found out, then he would directly throw him out.    


He was counting on the hospital to help him attract the attention of the reporters, not just after he was thrown out of the hospital.    


Lee Nanfang bent over and peeked outside through the window of the ward's door.    


It was only when Jack strode down the corridor that he breathed a sigh of relief.    


But as soon as he relaxed, he felt a cold sensation on his neck, as if something was crawling around on the back of his neck.    


Suddenly, Lee Nanfang was so scared that all the hair on his body stood up.    


Could he have met a ghost?    


He suddenly turned around and extended his hand towards his back to launch a Ferocious Tiger's Heart.    


Who cares if you are a human or a ghost, you dare to stand behind us, Boss Lee?    


When Lee Nanfang was halfway there, he immediately changed his direction and quickly avoided the thing behind him. Then, he twisted his body and took two steps back.    


So dangerous.    


I almost made a big mistake.    


Behind him was not a ghost at all, but a little kid who was just a few months old and was scratching his neck.    


What the hell.    


Lee Nanfang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He pretended to be a bad uncle and glared fiercely at him.    


In the end, with this glare, trouble came.    


The little kid's originally dazed face suddenly twisted, and his small mouth opened into a smile as if he was about to burst into tears.    


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