Strongest Guard

C2026 The Legend of the Dragon of the Green Mountains

C2026 The Legend of the Dragon of the Green Mountains

The five words that Elder You had inexplicably spoken had baffled everyone.    


Jinghong Ming couldn't stand it any longer and asked anxiously, "Miss Yuv, what are you talking about? Could it be some Tang Shi and Song poem? "    


"Yes, I said a word.    


For more than 30 years, I have been traveling all over the world. To this day, I still have a deep memory for such a phrase.    


After hearing what Taoist Yuan Ke said just now, I felt even more strongly that this poem has an inseparable relationship with the matter we are currently discussing.    


All I know is hearsay.    


I don't know if I can help Director-general Jinghong answer the question. "    


Yuv Qingmei was clearly an extraordinary woman who was swift and decisive.    


At this moment, no matter how you spoke, you would at least learn to keep others in suspense.    


Just say what you want to say.    


In any case, there were countless information analysis experts in the Supreme Security Office.    


It was all the experts' business to know what the answer would turn out to be.    


Just tell me what you know.    


Fortunately, Yuv Qingmei didn't keep everyone waiting for too long. After brewing her emotions a little, she started reciting a poem.    


" One Chisel Plum Siyu.    


The willow twists the poplar meets the parasol tree, this dynasty thinks Yu, the foot has the mound.    


Who was the God King? Who would be able to keep a high profile in a water pavilion?    


Sleeping under the cover of the locust trees, one step, two wells, one place, two cities.    


If you ride a earth dragon to receive nine cauldrons, the sea will be quelled within a day's time. "    


This poem was written by a famous general with the surname of Qi in the Ming Dynasty.    


The content of the word comes from, full of legendary color.    


In the Ming and Chong dynasties, Qi Yuanjing, a famous rebel general, was ordered to go to the coast of Dong Province to fight against pirates.    


In the middle of the journey, the army encountered a great flood that was rarely seen in a hundred years. General Yuan Jing led his team and changed the route, avoiding the flood. However, they unexpectedly arrived at a county town called Yu.    


When General Yuan Jing learned of this, he knew that this was the place where Da Yu treated the water.    


On a whim, he went to the mountain where King Yu treated the water.    


General, good wine.    


After a fit of drunkenness, he wrote down this poem.    


Accompanying this poem was a legend that one could not tell whether it was real or fake.    


According to legend, General Yuan Jing slept under a giant locust tree after being drunk on Zuoqiu Mountain.    


Drunk and hazy, he seemed to see a nearby well. It split into two, with only one step between the two wells.    


It was because he was drunk that he was able to see such a miraculous thing.    


With a sneer, he shook his head, trying to find a water source to wash his face and sober up.    


Who knew that when she turned her head and looked at other places, she would discover that everything had become a double.    


Standing at the peak of the mountain, he gazed down from above into the distance.    


One city transformed into two cities, and two cities appeared before them.    


Before General Yuan Jing could figure out what was going on, the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook violently.    


Then, a huge dragon rose up from the ground, and the famous general himself just happened to be standing on the dragon's head.    


It turned out that the two wells that had split into two were the dragon's two eyes.    


The Pagoda tree that he had been resting on was a dragon's horn.    


He stood on the dragon's head and looked back.    


He saw nine cauldrons on the back of the dragon and immediately guessed that they were the legendary King Yu's Nine Cauldrons when he contacted the place where King Yu treated the water.    


He rode the huge dragon. The huge dragon carried the nine cauldrons and flew up into the sky in an instant.    


They headed east until they reached the shore.    


With the help of the dragon and the power of King Yu's nine cauldrons, it took only one day for the General Yuan Jing to finish killing all the pirates and return triumphantly.    


When he returned.    


The colossal dragon landed and sank into the ground.    


Of the two cities that had appeared, one had sunk underground alongside the colossal dragon.    


Only the dragon horn and dragon eye protruding from the head of the dragon remained outside.    


The longan was still a well.    


The dragon horn was still locust wood.    


The city hadn't changed.    


However, the King Yu's Cauldron and the ancient city underground could not be found.    


At this moment, General Yuan Jing woke up.    


Remembering everything that had happened in the dream, he sighed with emotion and improvised the poem.    


As soon as the poem was written, the local gentry who accompanied General Yuan Jing to the place where he hung, saw it and immediately called him "God".    


It was because, under the encouragement of Da Yu's water treatment, there really was a strange place called "One Step, Two Eyes Well".    


There were also three towering ancient trees, the "dragon locust".    


General Yuan Jing had just arrived. He shouldn't have known about this, but he had dreamt of it in a single dream. If he wasn't a god, then what was he?    


At this point, Yuv Qingmei turned to look at that Taoist Yuan Ke in the blink of an eye.    


Everyone followed her gaze and looked over. They were all shocked.    


Putting everything else aside, this was the place where the Great Yu governed the waters.    


This was exactly the place that Old Daoist Yuan had just described.    


More importantly, Old Daoist Yuan also said that in the past, Yuen Tiangaang's ancestors hid the existence of King Yu's Cauldron and when they set up the Five Elements Great Formation, they borrowed the three ancient locusts on the ground.    


Is there any connection between them?    


Everyone had just begun to have doubts like this when they saw Elder You turn his gaze back to the Great Elder.    


"The word I heard was just a introduction.    


The thing that really left a deep impression on me was another story.    


Whether the story is true or not.    


I think that Grand Elder should have some sentiments and thoughts.    


It was time to reveal the secrets that he had kept for many years.    


For the sake of some bullshit Dark Bane, he had caused countless people in the Flame Valley to suffer for thousands of years.    


Great Elder, don't you think that this is unfair? "    


Yuv Qingmei stared at the Great Elder as she asked this question.    


She did not expect the Great Elder to answer her, but she continued to speak along with the story she had just told.    


It was hard to tell if the dream of a great anti-evil general like him was real or fake after he got drunk.    


However, the facts of history did not allow anyone to refute them.    


It was an iron-like fact that General Yuan Jing had led his army to defeat the pirates and achieved victory over them. He had prevented the pirates from invading China for hundreds of years.    


Perhaps he had truly obtained the protection of King Yu's Dragon Cauldron.    


Or perhaps, it is related to that underground dragon that appeared out of nowhere.    


There were countless legends about the King Yu's Cauldron.    


However, there was only one story related to that dragon.    


Speaking of which, this True Dragon couldn't help but mention the Grand Canal in Beijing.    


According to historical records, most of the rivers in the Dong Province area of the Beijing and Hangzhou Grand Canal were dug out by Sui Dynasty.    


It was also the legend of this underground dragon that had been circulating around since then.    


According to legends, before Sui Dynasty, there were only mountains and no Xiliang Mountain.    


In fact, even the entire Great Yu Dynasty was just a barren mountain forest. The only place where people lived was on the riverbank of the ancient Tempest.    


The ancient Tempest River was a man-made river dug in order to clear the ancient Yellow River during the period when the Great Yu River was controlling the water.    


History has been going on for thousands of years.    


And after the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang, took charge, in order to make it convenient for going south, he ordered the excavation of an artificial river, connecting the Qiantang River, the Yangtze River, the Huai River, the Yellow River, and the Sea River to the south and north.    


This was the beginning of the Grand Canal.    


It was definitely impossible to move the soil around in such a huge fortifications. At that time, someone suggested using some of the artificial rivers left behind by the ancient times.    


The Tempest River was one of the many ancient artificial rivers that could be used.    


At that time, the official who was responsible for the construction of the Ancient Tempest River had led people to investigate the path through the river. When they arrived at a certain place, they were suddenly blocked by a great locust tree that grew in the middle of two short mountains.    


The official ordered the tree to be cut down.    


However, an old village guard stood in his way.    


He insisted that the tree was the dragon's reverse scale.    


If he were to cut down a tree, it would be equivalent to pulling out the scales of an underground True Dragon.    


That officer didn't believe it. He had his men kill the old village guards, cut down the Pagoda tree, and dig his way to the place along the route he had previously planned.    


Nothing happened at first.    


However, on the day that the ditch was connected with the river, torrents of water suddenly poured down from the sky, drowning everyone in the area.    


Everything within a few hundred miles was buried under the flood.    


The great water never stops.    


It was only later on that someone changed the route and dug up the Grand Canal before the water was taken away.    


The water had been drawn away.    


However, other than a mountain, two wells, and three trees, there was nothing else in this place. Even the ancient Tempest River was nowhere to be seen.    


After Yang Guang found out about this, he wanted to send someone to find out the truth.    


But it was just in time for the duke's rebellion at that time that this matter was delayed.    


Until the end of the Sui Dynasty, when Li Tang was established.    


It was only then that the investigation of the situation was brought up again.    


And the person who investigated the cause of the ancient city's destruction was Yuen Tiangaang.    


Yuen Tiangaang measured the land, explored the terrain, and even dug up the ground to check the situation. In the end, he finally solved the mystery of the falling flood.    


The original topography of the place should have been the shape of a dragon's head.    


There were four trees, two fangs and two horns.    


The two wells were the dragon's eyes.    


A short mountain was a bulge on the forehead of a dragon head.    


There was also a river that the dragon's mouth spat out.    


Through the map and the story of the ancient Yu Dynasty, Yuen Tiangaang was able to determine that during the ancient times, King Yu stood on the head of a dragon to cure the water, and with the help of the true dragon's spitting of water, this part of the land was protected for thousands of years.    


However, after that water treatment official from Sui Dai came here, he pulled out one of the dragon's teeth.    


Without a fang, the dragon was enraged.    


The dragon's mouth spewed water that caused the flood.    


It was also because of this that Emperor Suiyang was able to destroy a country by angering a real dragon.    


The matter had been investigated thoroughly.    


Once upon a time, the entire head of a True Dragon was buried by the mud and sand brought over by the flowing water.    


His original appearance could no longer be seen.    


Yuen Tiangaang then reported to the Tang Clan's Li Er, saying that the matter was settled and there was no need to investigate too deeply. All he needed to do was to move a group of people over.    


From then on, there were people who began to reproduce.    


"If, let me guess.    


I would rather believe that the ancient city that was once hidden might have something to do with the Shule Ancient City of the northern border.    


And the so-called Rebellion Generals flying on dragons is a bit similar to the scrolls flying in the air with people you guys are talking about.    


Of course, this is only my guess.    


After all, the Dong Province and the northern border were thousands of kilometers apart.    


He couldn't, could there really be a dragon that could take a city and run all over the place.    


More importantly, I've heard of the Green Mountain Dragon's words before, but I've never heard of any Northern Frontier Dragon.    


It's just a story.    


Whether or not we can solve some of these questions is unknown. "    


As Yuv Qingmei finished her sentence, she spread out her hands and fell silent.    


The people in the room were also silent as they shook their heads and smiled bitterly. They kept having the feeling that Elder You's story was meaningless.    


But at this moment, a voice came from beyond the beaded curtain.    


"True dragons can fly. It's not that many things are not related, it's just that we are unable to understand it."    


The voice came from afar.    


Everyone looked towards the source of the voice.    


He then saw Master Empty walk in through the curtain and clasp his hands towards the room: "Everyone, do you mind if I ask for a cup of tea?"    


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