Strongest Guard

C1142 The Love of a Despicable Man

C1142 The Love of a Despicable Man

When Yang Xiao was online, he never looked at current affairs politics or international news.    


Because she felt that she understood all these things.    


Regardless of whether it was her ancestor, the long-distance marriage of the nomadic Princess Sui, or any of Flame Valley's King Xuanyuan, they were all very familiar with the power field's scheming.    


On the surface, they seemed friendly, but in reality, they were secretly stabbing each other.    


She hated this kind of life with the mask on. This was the main reason why, after she became King Xuanyuan, other than a trustworthy Great Elder, the rest of the Great Elder joined hands to make her a real puppet.    


When she was in Flame Valley, she even disdained this kind of scheming and scheming game, let alone coming into the real world.    


Besides, even if she was concerned about national affairs, what was the use of having financial affairs and all that?    


She wasn't the king of this world.    


Therefore, Yang Xiao only read the gossip news online.    


Although the authenticity of these eight trigrams was questionable, she was still engrossed in it.    


No matter how savage or terrifying she was, she was still a girl that had just turned 20 years old.    


Every young girl had a huge amount of gossip hidden deep in their bones.    


No one would have thought that the cold Yang Xiao would actually fall for a certain male star in Hong Kong.    


This infatuation was completely different from those brainless fans who forced their parents to cut off their waists to sell their kidneys in order to support their idols. She only liked the songs sung by the male stars.    


Whenever the male star's voice sounded, her empty heart, which had been at a loss ever since she was old enough to see no future, calmed down.    


To be able to remind her of her happiest days, the corner of her mouth would always secretly curl up into a sweet smile.    


Of course, if a certain celebrity found out that there was such a pervert among his many fans, he would immediately think of something, run over to her and use all of his skills to show off his manhood. Then he would kneel down with flowers and diamond rings in his hands, look at her lovingly and say, "I love you, marry me …"    


Then, his head would immediately look back.    


In this world, other than some scum, there was no other man who could live to wait for her reply after saying those words to Yang Xiao.    


However, would someone like Ye Zichen kneel down and say "I love you" to Yang Xiao, who chopped off his head in order to live?    


The answer was obvious. No.    


People always feel that what they can't get is the best.    


Yang Xiao, who used to be able to shield himself from this kind of situation, was seen through by Zhan Hsingshen last night. Now, all that was on his mind was Lee Nanfang.    


"What did Lee Nanfang do now?    


With whom?    


Did he think about the mysterious King Xuanyuan and miss him?    


I must not have thought that I had come to his lair, Qingshan, and was waiting here for his return.    


Would he be happy or scared if he saw me with Yang Guanguan and Yang Xiao's identities in the future?    


Actually, with my abilities, I can use force to hold him hostage and accompany him by my side forever.    


If he doesn't agree, then I will wrench off his women's heads! "    


After talking to himself, Yang Xiao reached for his glass of water subconsciously and touched it on the floor.    


The crisp sound of the broken glass woke her from her reverie.    


Then, he jumped in shock and shivered all of a sudden.    


She suddenly realized that she had been possessed, because of a man, because of — love.    


"So, we, King Xuanyuan, also have love. It's just that our love has never had a choice. And I've never had anyone who can completely accept our love and accompany us until our hair turns white. "    


After being stunned for a long time again, Yang Xiao, who was very pale, shook his head forcefully, trying to shake off the feeling of being unable to say anything to others.    


However, the more she forced herself not to think about it, the more her mind was focused on going against her. Lee Nanfang's smiling face became even clearer.    


There even seemed to be a faint voice that said, "Come, come. Aren't you hopelessly in love with this bro? Then come over to this guy's arms, I'll give you something to eat - don't force yourself. King Xuanyuan    


If you are so tired, why do you need to follow in their footsteps when they have already passed away at such an early age? It would be better to abandon those unrealistic ambitions and fly with your brothers under the moon. How about that? "    


"Not good, I will kill you!"    


Yang Xiao suddenly opened his eyes and raised his right hand. His five claws formed a hook and pierced the table heavily.    


This table with the desktop computer was the Solid Wood's.    


However, after Yang Xiao viciously stabbed down with his claws, he actually managed to pierce through the four centimeter thick table.    


Lee Nanfang, who was still lingering around her, suddenly disappeared from her mind.    


It seemed that this guy was truly afraid of death.    


"As long as you're afraid of death, it's fine."    


Yang Xiao sneered sinisterly, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.    


When she opened her eyes again, her eyes had already regained their clarity.    


He started to surf the internet.    


Out of habit, Yang Xiao opened one of her favorite entertainment media websites.    


As usual, she pulled the keyboard to type in the name of her favorite celebrity on the site's search engine.    


Although Yang Xiao's five fingers were as white and tender as spring onions and could pierce through one's head, she was indeed short when it came to typing.    


Not to mention the Chinese pinyin, which would make one's head spin if they thought about it carefully.    


Simply the gestures of typing.    


She could only type out the middle finger of her left and right hand like a chick pecking rice. This made her strongly suspect that the other eight fingers were useless. Should she cut them off and drag them down?    


She knew that this type of typing method, which she desperately tried to change but could not change, was known on the internet as the 'handicapped hand' party.    


Luckily, no one had seen her typing with two fingers, or else they would have laughed at her.    


Such a beautiful girl, yet she had such an ugly posture when tapping the keyboard. Shouldn't she be mocked?    


"Whoever dares to laugh at me, I will break their head. "Hrmph."    


Yang Xiao snorted and looked down at his right middle finger. Just as he was about to hit a button, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a line of words that would interest any girl if they saw it.    


The love of a despicable man.    


When a despicable man combined with the two words' love ', the girls couldn't help but pay attention to him.    


Yang Xiao also temporarily gave up on searching for her idol celebrity. He picked up the mouse and clicked on the page.    


Actually, Yang Xiao didn't know that after 8 am, the number of words that appeared now had already skyrocketed on a website that specialized in search engines.    


Being watched, the search index had already entered the top ten.    


"Despicable man, do you think that he is worthy of the word 'love'?"    


When he opened the banner, Yang Xiao sneered silently: "Hmm, let's see how despicable you are and how despicable you are to obtain love. You'd better pray that I don't get too angry. Otherwise, your head will -- "    


After saying that, Yang Xiao could not continue anymore.    


Because the webpage opened, she saw a picture.    


It was a very familiar picture.    


Familiar background. Familiar people.    


The background was the first floor lobby of Seven Stars Association of Jinghua, and the person was Lee Nanfang who her brain had just kicked out.    


No, it should be Scumbag Lee.    


Under the watch of many heads, Scumbag Lee stood on the front stage of the Seven Stars Club Hall, with a despicable smile on his face and raised his left hand, as if he was saying something.    


Below, there was a video that lasted for more than ten minutes.    


In the middle of the photos and videos, there was a description.    


And the person who posted the video and photos.    


This person was an intern reporter from Beijing's Blue Sky Video Interview Department. His name was Bai Xia.    


"I never thought that there would be such a despicable man in our great country that is filled with modern civilization. He treats shame as achievement and lives freely."    


This is the main content of the caption under the photo.    


After quickly reading these lines, Yang Xiao smiled.    


She did not know Bai Xia.    


But she could tell from the "impassioned" passage that this was a female journalist.    


He was still the kind of young girl who had little experience in the world and a sense of justice.    


Otherwise, those veteran reporters who were even more adept than monkeys wouldn't report it like that.    


It wasn't that he didn't know, it was that he didn't dare.    


Yang Xiao did not believe that the reporters who interviewed Scumbag Lee would not know that this fellow was not only the husband of Seven Stars Club's boss, but also the patriarch of the Yue Clan in Beijing.    


To criticize Scumbag Lee with righteous words is to slap Hua Yeshen, to slap Yue Zitong's face.    


Whoever dared to slap the faces of these two women, who were recently at the heart of the struggle, was courting death.    


Those old reporters who knew the rules all knew how powerful this operation was.    


On the other hand, those newborns who were not afraid of tigers and calves would be foolish enough to insist on justice, bravely disclose the truth and criticize Scumbag Lee with sharp words.    


"Well said, well scolded. When I have the chance to meet you again, I'll give you some benefits. "    


Yang Xiao nodded in satisfaction. Just as he was about to open the video, the phone in his pocket buzzed.    


In order to blend into the modern civilization as soon as possible, Yang Xiao was even typing and driving diligently to study. In that case, owning his own cell phone became quite normal.    


Yang Xiao took out his phone and looked at the caller ID. Then, he frowned.    


She didn't want to answer the phone.    


However, after hesitating for a moment, she still connected.    


She did not expect that when people picked up the phone, they would habitually say, "Hello."    


Other than some scum, no one else was worthy enough for her to say those two words.    


The person who had called her also knew his own limits. After waiting for a short while and not hearing any sound from her, he respectfully said, "Your Majesty, I am —"    


After this person said a few more words, Yang Xiao finally responded with a faint "En".    


"Your Majesty, our mission this time has been successfully completed. I have already informed all the brothers that I will be bringing back three hundred pretty girls with me tonight. Rest assured that we have a carefully planned return trip,    


There won't be any loopholes. "    


After this person finished talking, Yang Xiao, who hadn't said anything for half a minute, nodded: "Ok, I understand."    


"Your Majesty, do you have any other instructions?"    


When the person on the other side finally heard the king's voice, he showed a very excited expression, and his voice became even more respectful.    


In the past, Yang Xiao might have felt a little proud when he heard this voice.    


Not now.    


This was because she knew very well that in the entire organisation, other than the Great Elder, everyone else's respect for her was just an act.    


She didn't need to look to know that the person on the other side of the phone would smile complacently after ending her call.    


It was as if he'd just flirted with a beautiful retard in front of many people.    


This clear feeling made Yang Xiao's eyes gradually filled with murderous intent.    


However, she had also learned not to let murderous intent show in her voice.    


Just as she was about to say no, she suddenly thought of something. "Has anyone from Qingshan been selected?"    


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