Strongest Guard

C1155 The Fairy in the Desert

C1155 The Fairy in the Desert

As far as the eye could see, the Taklimakan Desert belonged to the Gu Qiang County.    


Since ancient times, this place had been known as the Sea of Death.    


Back in the Han Dynasty, there were still 36 countries in the Western Regions.    


Luo Bu, who was renowned throughout the world for his mysteriousness, was in the depths of the Gobi Desert, along with Lou Lan and the rest of the Western Region's ancient cities.    


In addition, this place was also the experimental site for the nuclear bomb after the establishment of China in the new era.    


Such a vast area was definitely the best place to test a nuclear bomb.    


It was unlike the small countries in the northeast where every time a nuclear explosion was tested, the Chinese people on the northeastern border would panic.    


In this forbidden area, which was large enough for a province, China could only control a small portion of it.    


After all, the vast expanse of yellow sand was not gold. There was really no need to waste too much manpower and resources to develop and protect it.    


Generally speaking, as long as there were no humans, it was a paradise for animals.    


But is this the paradise of animals?    


Probably not.    


On the way here, Chen Wu had only seen thirty-one lizards, twenty-eight rattlesnakes, two camels, and eleven Sand Wolves — other than the blue sky above his head and the yellow sand beneath his feet, he only had four other teammates.    


Traveling across the Taklimakan Desert, experiencing the adventure of living far away from modern civilization and returning back to the ancient era, this was definitely something that every young man who had nothing to do after eating his fill and had nothing to do should desire.    


Crossing the Taklimakan Desert, like climbing Mount Everest and taking one hundred and thirty-eight sleeping pills at a time, is known as the world's three great adventure campaigns against the self.    


It is too cold to climb Everest.    


The key point was that the leader of the five-man team, Chen Wu, had a fear of heights. He was afraid that he would turn around halfway up the mountain, so he yelled 'my mom' and rolled off the mountain.    


Swallowing more than a hundred sleeping pills in one go — only a fool would do that.    


Chen Wu, who wholeheartedly wanted to challenge himself, finally decided to cross the Taklimakan Desert.    


After all, the safest way was to stay on the ground.    


In the legends, though, there are many things that have been spread to evil in the desert.    


For example, everyone might have become a mirror image. When he woke up, he said: "Hey, I'm so good, how come I turned into two Chen Wu?"    


Or you might run into a naked seven-year-old kid walking alone in the desert, luring you to an evil place where you just had to go and never come back.    


However, legend is still a legend. For Chen Wu and his team, who equipped themselves with advanced exploration equipment, it definitely wouldn't affect them in any way.    


Perhaps, after a black storm, they would suddenly discover an entrance to a new world hidden underneath a sand dune that had been moved.    


Groups of dinosaurs were hunting and killing below, and the thirteen crystal skulls left behind by Maya Liar were talking about where life had come from and where it had gone.    


However, it was clear that Chen Wu and the rest had been walking for five whole days and had not seen what they wanted to see the most.    


This could be because he was still at the edge of the desert.    


In order to enhance their physique and the ability to survive in the desert, Chen Wu and the others had put down their cars when they arrived in the county. They were not like the other explorers who would find a guide, ride a camel or simply drive a car.    


That would be boring.    


Whether it was riding a camel or driving a car, they were all blasphemous of the word "adventure", as if they were riding a cloud through the desert.    


The real adventure was on foot from the very beginning.    


"Who would have thought that their lofty ambitions were quickly worn out by the cruel living conditions?    


After five days of work, he had only walked around a hundred li.    


These guys weren't the ones to suffer. "Un, when they wake up, I will have to exaggerate the dangers and make them strongly request for a return trip. I will agree to it in a difficult situation."    


Chen Wu, who was responsible for keeping watch, looked at his companions, who were sleeping soundly with their hats over their faces, and quietly said in his heart. As he took off his shoes and poured some sand, he suddenly heard a faint humming sound from Nanfang.    


The desert at four in the morning, whether it was the air or the light, was much stronger than the mainland.    


Especially Chen Wu and the others, they all had professional infrared high magnification glasses.    


Therefore, when he suddenly heard a wuwu sound, he immediately got up, raised the telescope on his neck, and looked towards the direction of the wind.    


From the sound of it, it was probably the sound of the car's engine.    


Although this desert was far away from civilization and was a forbidden zone for life, there was still a group of people like them that explored this place on their own every month.    


It looked like the wuwu sound that came from the wind might actually be another set of Expedition Team.    


"Crack, what skill is this driving into the desert?" "How can you be like us? If you can't do it, then go back. If you can't, then go back and die."    


Chen Wu twitched his mouth in disdain as he scanned the car in the distance with his binoculars.    




The endless sand dunes blocked his line of sight.    


In addition, the wuwu sound that only sounded a few times no longer came.    


To see what was going on, Chen Wu had to climb the sand dunes that his expedition team used to avoid the wind.    


Chen Xiao raised her head and looked at the sand dune, which was at least fifty meters tall, and gave up.    


At such a high altitude, it was so tiring to climb up that they were half-dead.    


After all, when his companions woke up, Chen Wu hinted to them implicitly that it was time for them to leave.    


Now that he had decided to leave this damn desert, why would he care about others exploring?    


If they really did meet, the other party would only take five days to get this far. They had set up camp at 6: 30 yesterday and were so tired that they had not even lit a fire. They had been sleeping soundly up until now, ready to retreat at dawn.    


It was still secondary to be laughed at for not being firm in their resolve. What if they were angered again and decided to continue exploring, only to end up dying in the desert? What to do?    


"My dad just bought me a luxury car, my mom is preparing to find me a beautiful girl as my wife, and she wants me to inherit some huge business. I definitely can't die here."    


Chen Wu said in silence, put down the binoculars and sat down again. He leaned against the sand dune with his back against the luggage and yawned.    


A wave of sleepiness struck him.    


Chen Wu and the others thought that this expedition was too simple.    


In fact, it was like exploring.    


Only on the road can tourists sleep as they please, without thinking about the dangers that might come their way.    




Da da!    


Tat tat tat!    


Several consecutive sounds suddenly rang out. Chen Wu, who had been sleeping for an unknown amount of time, suddenly opened his eyes as he woke up from the dream of having a beautiful girl massage his body while he was in the hot spring.    


The sun had already risen.    


Actually, it was only 6: 30 or so. The sun had just started its work, so he didn't have any time to fart.    


But there was no doubt that six thirty in the morning was definitely the time when people were the most tired.    


Especially the people on the exploration road.    


Because at this time, the night that danger might appear had already passed, meaning that the day for peace had officially arrived. When one was in the wilderness, one must always be on guard against danger, and they would also take it for granted to relax. Taking advantage of the time usually being 7 o'clock when they were in the middle of an official operation, having a good sleep for half an hour was definitely the most beautiful time.    


Therefore, not only did Chen Wu, who got off work at 6 o'clock, die, even his partner, who was woken up by the alarm clock at 6 o'clock, only lasted less than three minutes before falling back into his sweet sleep.    


Until these clicks were suddenly heard.    


Tap-tap, it was very close.    


On the back of the resting sand dune.    


"What is that sound?"    


The kid who was supposed to be in charge of protecting Chen Wu suddenly jumped up and asked Chen Wu.    


"How the f * ck would I know …"    


Just as Chen Wu said this, he heard someone scream from the sand beam above, "Ah!"    


Chen Wu and the rest instinctively looked up and saw a person screaming as he fell.    


Seeing that person rolling down with the dust, the other three companions asked in unison, "What's going on?"    


"How the f * ck would I know …"    


He raised his head and looked up at Chen Wu. Just as he said that, he saw another person appearing on the sand beam.    


This time, Chen Wu and the others understood. This person was wearing a black sportswear and seemed to be waving a military knife in his right hand.    


However, just as Chen Wu saw that it was a military knife, the clatter sound rang again.    


Next, the person who had already pounced down from the sand beam suddenly trembled as if he had been electrocuted. Bright red blood blossomed out from his opened mouth that was about to scream!    






Tap, tap. It was a gunshot!    


No matter how slow one's reaction was, at this moment, one would realize what had happened.    


Not to mention that the gunshots were getting more intense, and the number of men in black who were scuttling up the sand was also increasing.    


However, no matter how fast these people pounced, there would always be more than one bullet that could accurately kill him.    


The corpse rolled down along the sand dune at a 45 degree angle.    


Two of them even directly rolled in front of Chen Wu and the others.    


With blood on his face and chest, the dead man's eyes were wide open, which allowed Chen Wu to quickly find the perfect way to describe him.    


He died with grievance.    


Chen Wu and the others could be considered extraordinary youths who ate flesh and blood while they were still alive — They were in the western restaurant.    


Chen Wu had a proud record of killing a sparrow when he was nine years old.    


But he could swear to God that he had never killed anyone.    


I've never seen a body that was shot.    


What the hell was going on?    


Chen Wu and the rest looked at the two corpses in front of them in a daze.    


Only their "tiger bodies", which were wrapped in camouflage, could be seen trembling as if they had been struck by electricity.    


Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.    


A second later, as if a century had passed, they were awakened by a faint voice: "Are you guys here on an expedition?"    


Chen Wu suddenly looked up and saw a man standing in front of them with his hands behind his back.    


A man in his forties, under the golden morning sun, looked as imposing as a god.    


"Yes, yes."    


Chen Wu answered in a hoarse voice after putting in a lot of effort to move his head.    


"Cancel your exploration plan, or you'll be in danger. Xiao Jian, escort these young people back as you leave, just in case something happens on the road. "    


The man turned around and said to a few people who were rushing over.    


"Yes sir!"    


The person called Xiao Jian immediately stopped and saluted.    


After seeing the clothes of Xiao Jian and the others, the fear in Chen Wu and the others immediately vanished like smoke in thin air.    


They were soldiers.    


Chinese soldiers!    


The Chinese soldiers would never hurt the Chinese again.    


Once a person stopped being afraid, their thinking ability would quickly activate.    


Chen Wu raised his hand to rub his cheek. Just as he was about to stand up, he saw something he couldn't believe.    


Why were there so many girls in the desert?    


There were a few young and pretty girls, numbering at least a few hundred. Under the escort of several tens of Chinese soldiers, they slowly walked down from the sand beam.    


The wind blew through the beautiful hair and skirts of these girls, as if they were fairies that had descended to the ninth heaven.    


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