Strongest Guard

C1240 National Transport of Confidential Archives

C1240 National Transport of Confidential Archives

Shangdao Xiehee and the others were able to catch up to Yue Qingtian not because they were stronger than him.    


If they could compare to Yue Qingtian, there was no need to hire him anymore.    


The reason they were able to catch up to Yue Qingtian was because the mountain road was heading south.    


Zi Fann was someone who had climbed a snowy mountain before, and everyone knew that not only was he the one with the most experience, he also had the best physical fitness and the most sensitive reaction.    


Because the vanguard must always be tense, in the knee-deep snow, make a safe path for the teammates behind them to follow.    


If he wasn't careful, he might fall into a deep abyss or a snowy hole.    


Therefore, no matter how good Yue Qingtian's martial arts was, or how good his physical fitness was, after becoming the first person on the road, his speed would not be very fast.    


It was very normal for Shangdao Xiehee and the others to catch up.    


Looking at Yue Qingtian, who had climbed to the top of Dragon Horn Mountain, Shangdao Xiehee didn't care about whether or not the shooting would cause an avalanche.    


He immediately pulled the trigger.    


Shangdao Xiehee's marksmanship was very good. He shot Yue Qingtian in the arm.    


When they saw their boss open fire, the other six Eastern Ocean Warriors also followed suit.    


Yue Qingtian, who was on the road, tried his best to reach the highest point of Dragon Horn Mountain.    


Where else would he be able to dodge a few rounds of bullets?    


The only thing he could do was fall back to the ground after responding to the spear. He let out an unwilling and furious roar, then fell head first onto the ground before rolling down towards the valley at the southern side of the mountain, under the Dragon Eye.    


Shangdao Xiehee and the rest were quite lucky. Other than scaring two snow leopards, vultures and other animals, it did not cause an avalanche on the highest peak nearby.    


After exterminating this detestable spy, the seven of them jumped happily to the highest point of Dragon Horn Mountain. Just as they were about to check where Yue Qingtian had died, they clapped in celebration – they were all stunned on the spot.    


They had long since determined that the south side of Dragon Horn Mountain was where the Dragon Eye of the Dragonpulse of the world was located, and it was also a valley.    


But when they stood at the highest point of Dragon Horn Mountain and looked down into the valley, they saw a scene that left them dumbstruck.    


A layer of white fog hung over the dragon's eye in the sky all year round – was … was this an eye?    


Even though this was the origin of the Dragonpulse, the size of the Dragon Eye was still unbelievable.    


This was not a valley.    


It should be called a basin!    


Just like China's Sichuan Basin, it can have tens of millions of people.    


The dragon eye on the south side of Dragon Horn Mountain, no, that's not right, it should be called a basin, it was tens of kilometers long and wide.    


Through the faint white fog, Shangdao Xiehee and the others could see that at the deepest part of the Dragon Eye, there was a faint emerald green color.    


As far as the eye could see, in the vast expanse of whiteness, the only green that could be found was vegetation.    


Furthermore, while Shangdao Xiehee and the rest were stunned, an unknown bird soared from the clouds. Upon discovering these strangers, it immediately shouted, "F * ck you, where did these dogs break into pieces? This is terrifying!" Then, it quickly turned its head and shot down the valley like a crossbow.    


"All the Dragonpulse in the world come out of Karakorum. The source of the Dragonpulse would be the Dragon Eye. "Heavens! Heavens! Heavens!"    


Looking at the big basin under his feet, Shangdao Xiehee's eyes were as big as his mouth. He muttered: "This is where the immortals live, this is where the Dragonpulse of the world comes from, this is what we are looking for! Gentlemen, we have succeeded. Next, let's see if we can successfully find the China's National Fate Dragonpulse. I hope, I hope, that the Emperor will continue to bless us. "    


The fairyland in front of them made Shangdao Xiehee and the others forget about Yue Qingtian.    


But even if they thought of him, they wouldn't think he was still alive.    


After all, he had been shot several times. Moreover, he had rolled down from such a high height. If he hadn't fallen into the abyss, he would have been buried by the snow. This was a certainty, and there was no need to care about a dead person.    


However, for Shangdao Xiehee and the others, it might be because the Sky Emperor was too far away to hear their prayers, so he did not bless them for completing their final mission.    


However, in order to reward them with the courage to seek the truth, the heavens showed them the door to the Dragon Eye.    


"Is there another door to the Dragon Eye?"    


Su Ning asked in surprise when she heard this.    


She was addicted to Lao Qin's words. Originally, she was sitting on the floor, but after she asked this question, she found that she had been sitting in Lao Qin's arms with her arms around his neck.    


"I don't know the specifics either. "Anyway, that's what's written on the file, and it's in the form of a story."    


Lao Qin frowned and replied softly.    


"Yes, yes, this is a story."    


Su Ning deeply agreed with Lao Qin's words. She raised her hand to wipe her mouth and urged him to continue, "Don't be f * cking stupid."    


To be exact, Shangdao Xiehee and the rest did not see two big doors.    


It was actually two gigantic statues that were over a hundred meters tall.    


One was in the east, the other was in the west, separated by several hundred meters.    


On the outside of the statue, there were a series of rolling mountains that resembled a dragon's body.    


These two statues should be the Dragon Head.    


These were two coiling dragons that were guarding the Dragon Eye.    


On the dragon's body, the forest was dense. Precious birds and strange beasts had appeared.    


The distance between the two statues was a few hundred meters, which was naturally formed, or simply called highway.    


It was just that the road was too wide. From behind the two statues, it meandered towards the deepest part of the Dragon Eye.    


The two waterfalls cascaded down from the shoulders of the two giant statues, forming two deep pools and two rivers.    


Two rivers, one headed east and the other west.    


It snaked around like two long dragons before disappearing into the snow.    


This was the source of the mother river, the Yellow River!    


Shangdao Xiehee and the rest stood 100 meters away from the giant statue and tried their best to raise their heads to look at the statue's face.    


The two statues were black.    


It was pure black, as if it was carved by a Black Jade, and it was filled with an eternal mystery, simplicity, and solemnity.    


Men to the east and women to the west.    


Both statues had the body of a snake and the head of a human.    


The body of the snake that was below his waist, after circling around a few times, was connected to the Dragonpulse at his side.    


Perfect, perfect.    


"Do you know who these two statues represent?"    


Shangdao Xiehee, who took out his camera to take pictures dozens of times in a row, finally put it down reluctantly and asked his companions.    


"I don't know."    


The companions answered in unison.    


In fact, even if they knew, they would say they didn't.    


Only this way could it make it convenient for everyone to applaud their boss in admiration after he told them who the two statues were. Only this way could they praise their boss' vast knowledge and talent.    


Shangdao Xiehee was very satisfied with his comrades' conduct. He immediately put his left hand on his waist, pointed his right hand at the sculpture on the east, and said loudly, "He is the Yellow Emperor whom the Chinese call the Ancestral Founder of Humanities, also known as Emperor Xuanyuan."    


Then, the knowledgeable and knowledgeable Highisland Lord pointed to the sculpture to the west and said, "And this one is from the ancient Chinese legends, he once used a Five-Colored Stone to help the heavens and used the clay figurine to create the human Nuwa Empress."    


"Wow, boss, you're so knowledgeable! We didn't even know!"    


The six Eastern Ocean Warriors all raised their thumbs up with sorrow on their faces.    


"Low key, low key, our ancestors said that pride makes people fall behind, only modesty can make people improve."    


He waved his hand and continued to ask, "Then, do you know who carved these two huge statues?"    


Needless to say, the six warriors of the Dongyang Clan, who were purposely flattering him, did not know who could carve such two giant statues in this vast and deep mountain range without the aid of any modern tools.    


Shangdao Xiehee lifted his finger and pointed to the sky after successfully lifting everyone's appetite.    




The other six warriors were somewhat stupefied. They didn't understand why their boss wanted to point his finger at the sky.    


"What's that?"    




"Yes, the Heavens."    


Shangdao Xiehee nodded slowly and said with a serious expression, "These two giant statues are not made by humans, but by the heavens."    


"No, but, yes!"    


When the six warriors heard this, they all shook their heads. If they didn't care about doing this, they would go against their boss's wishes.    


In their eyes, these two huge sculptures, especially the human ancestors of the Chinese people, could only be carved by humans.    


No matter how much effort he put in.    


Even if the boss said that China was like the Maya civilization of South America, there was a great civilization in history that no one knew of that carved these two statues, so everyone would still believe him.    


But the Boss just said something about it being carved from the heavens.    


To put it bluntly, these two huge statues were formed naturally.    


It is true that there are many things in the world that are naturally formed.    


Especially in the jadestone world, the grain of the stone is like a painter's elaborate drawing.    


However, the knowledgeable Six Warriors of the Dongyang Clan would never believe that the heavens could carve these two giant statues.    


That was nonsense.    


The Six Warriors of the Dongyang Clan had always respected the truth. They would rather take the risk of offending their big boss than stay within their hearts.    


Shangdao Xiehee didn't argue with them, he only laughed: "Hehe, believe it or not, it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that we have arrived at the Dragon Eye, and are about to check if the Spirit Qi Dragonpulse in China is repairing itself. I hope not. If it has already been repaired... Brothers, raise up your wise hands and let this sleeping dragon, Hua Xia, continue dreaming! I believe that when it finally wakes up, it will discover that the children it protects have already become slaves to us, the Oriental people. "    




"Blast it!"    


"Kill the chicken!"    


The six warriors were excited by Shangdao Xiehee's words and rushed towards the main road like mad dogs that had been injected with chicken blood.    


"Look, Oshima, there's blood here."    


Just as Shangdao Xiehee and the rest were about to reach the foot of the two giant statues, someone noticed a few drops of blood on the road not far in front of them.    


"It belongs to Yue Qingtian!"    


Immediately, someone reacted and said hatefully, "F * ck, that spy actually isn't dead." "Not only did he not die, he even rushed into the Dragon Eye ahead of us. How dare he do that."    


"He's always going to die."    


Shangdao Xiehee smiled disapprovingly, and said: "Does he really think that he can find the National Fate Dragonpulse and protect us by himself?"    


"Of course, of course. That fellow is simply too naive." "Hehe."    


At this moment, the six warriors of the Dongyang Clan were full of confidence. When their spirits were high, they heard what was said and laughed heartily in agreement.    


However, before they could finish laughing, a sharp voice suddenly rang out from the surroundings, "Volcano, get out of Kunlun."    


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