Strongest Guard

C1293 A Bargaining Chip

C1293 A Bargaining Chip

Yue Zitong had become a normal person.    


In front of Sui Yueyue and the rest.    


Looking at Yue Zitong, who was sitting upright on top of Sui Yueyue with a reserved and elegant smile, Lee Nanfang couldn't believe that she was that shrew just now.    


An aura wasn't something that could be faked.    


It was formed after standing at a high place for a long time.    


Especially when he had a psychological advantage.    


Therefore, even though Sister Yue had been in charge of the Golden Triangle for the better part of a year, her own queen image was enough to make thousands of her subordinates feel heartbroken and they didn't dare to look her in the eye.    


However, she was always at a disadvantage in front of Yue Zitong.    


This had a great deal to do with the fact that she had worked under Yue Zitong as a customer service receptionist for two years.    


Furthermore, when Sui Yueyue had become the true First Sister of the Golden Triangle, she had also taken a big step forward and become one of the top families in China, with pure blood. This was not something that Sui Yueyue could compare to.    


Not only her, even the ferocious Michel felt a strong sense of inferiority in front of her.    


As for Alice, she hadn't dared to look anyone in the eye ever since Yue Zitong had come in.    


"Sooner or later, I will make you raise your chin and look at me. For the time being, I will let you feel proud of yourself."    


Sui Yueyue's left hand clenched and loosened. She stood up from the sofa with a smile and said to Lee Nanfang: "Mr. Lee, you're here. Please sit down. "Alice, make some tea for Mr. Lee, it's the best."    


Lee Nanfang finally understood why Alice called him Mr. Lee just now.    


It turned out that this was Sui Yueyue's plan.    


These two women were both his women. Although they were a bit unkind, they were unable to conceal this fact.    


What woman would respectfully address her as husband?    


It was all very serious.    


Unless — Unless what, because it should be.    


This was the attitude that Sui Yueyue had used to remind him that the negotiations that he had been waiting for were finally about to begin.    


Since it was an official negotiation and a fight for every inch of it, of course his attitude would be more formal.    


Otherwise, it would hurt their relationship.    


This was like a couple who had been in love for seven or eight years and were finally going to get married. The parents of both parties would definitely discuss carefully about betrothal gifts.    


This one said, "My daughter married your son, and she became a member of your family. As parents, we can't stop you, but you can't make us feel bad. You have to be generous in order to face the hardships of all these years that we've brought her up, right? "    


That one said, "That is only natural. It is not easy for a girl to be raised. But please don't forget that after your daughter came over, every penny she spent on food, clothing, and living were earned by our son. As parents, we should understand a child's difficulties, right? Don't tire my son out because your wedding gift is too fierce. If my son gets tired, your daughter will be a widow, right? "    


Look, the lovers who have been in love for so many years, when they came to proper business, both sides could clearly show that they were ready to fight for more benefits, not to mention Sister Yue, who had the ambition to build a country and needed a large number of support right now.    


Naturally, he temporarily abandoned the so-called love between a child and a girl. One yard for one yard, two yards for one yard.    


Regarding this, the reasonable Mr. Lee understood very well.    


It didn't matter if he didn't understand anyway.    


He was just a bargaining chip between Sister Yue and Yue Zitong. He only had the right to participate, and had no say in the negotiations.    


There was no greater sorrow in life than this.    


"Thank you."    


Lee Nanfang thanked Alice with an indifferent expression after offering her fragrant tea with both hands. However, he couldn't shut his eyes as he looked at her right foot.    


Alice had put on the black silk since she came back from Lee Nanfang's side.    


With the black line concealing her, the green marks on her feet could no longer be seen.    


This also made Lee Nanfang slightly relieved.    


As for her posture when she was walking, it was still a little abnormal, so it could be completely ignored.    


"Director Yue, this is the contract that I typed out overnight. Please take a look."    


Sui Yueyue smiled and raised her left hand gracefully.    


Michel, who was standing behind her, immediately took out a contract from his bag and handed it over to her.    


A very formal contract.    


In triplicate.    


Sui Yueyue and Yue Zitong each got one portion, and the third portion was given to Lee Nanfang, the bargaining chip.    


It was Lee Nanfang's privilege to have such a contract and know the contents of it.    


The rights of citizens were sacred and inviolable!    


Lee Nanfang received the contract with a blank expression and placed it on the table.    


Of course he didn't believe Sui Yueyue when she said that this contract was something she had printed out overnight.    


Based on the contract details, she had prepared for at least a week.    


He even added the idea earlier after controlling Lee Nanfang as a bargaining chip.    


Even though money was something that was always disdained by the upper class, they always called it a stinky copper thing.    


However, no one could deny that without these stinky things, there was almost nothing that could be done.    


Especially for a big project like the founding of a country like Sui Yueyue, using ten million as a unit was extremely petty.    


Three hundred million.    


The contract clearly stated that Sui Yueyue hoped that Yue Zitong, who was rich enough to rule the world, would be able to provide her with 300 million yuan.    


Moreover, the money would have to be paid into the account she had opened in Switzerland.    


In addition to these three hundred million yuan, Sui Yueyue also hoped that Yue Zitong could provide her with the newest individual combat equipment, five thousand sets.    


In addition, Israeli tanks, Russian MiG helicopter gunships and other heavy weapons, also have a certain number.    


Although Yue Zitong was prepared to be blackmailed before coming here, she still couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she saw this. She snorted lightly and threw the contract onto the desk, then raised her head to look at Sui Yueyue, saying in a sinister tone, "Sister Yue, are you treating me as an arms dealer?"    


Yue Zitong really didn't take the three hundred million Chinese currency seriously at all. Who would dare to say such words? She would definitely use her little white teeth to bite him to death!    


Three hundred million, not three hundred.    


Even if Director Yue was currently one of the top families in China and had a solid economy like Kaihuang Group under his command, for her to suddenly take out three hundred million, she would still feel heartache to death.    


Luckily, Director Yue knew very well that those who die because of their wealth were all idiots.    


Therefore, she quickly calculated the amount of money she needed in her private room and ignored the money.    




Sui Yueyue was simply going too far.    


Not only did he use a sharp knife to cut her flesh, he even asked for a weapon.    






He walked past them, passing by them, checking them out.    


This woman was simply too much.    


Not only did she need 5000 sets of the newest individual combat equipment from China, she also needed 30 tanks from Israel and 20 helicopters from Russia. Holy shit, why wouldn't she die?    


Director Yue was such an elegant and noble person, how could he have obtained these things?    


But Sui Yueyue didn't care.    


Faced with Yue Zitong's harsh questioning, she maintained her calm demeanor. She raised her high-end coffee cup, crossed her legs, and leisurely told the girl that she would not give in.    


Since Sui Yueyue refused, Yue Zitong had no other choice.    


After sneering, he picked up the contract again and casually said, "Luckily, you haven't asked me for a missile yet."    


Sui Yueyue immediately said, "There are some below."    




Yue Zitong was shocked. Her hands trembled and the contract dropped onto the table.    


Sui Yueyue said nothing again and began to sip her coffee.    


Lee Nanfang, who had been told that he had no say in the negotiations, looked at the part of the weapon listed in the contract.    


Amazing, amazing!    


After looking through a series of ammo numbers, Lee Nanfang saw the last one. Surprisingly, it was asking Yue Zitong to provide her with fifteen short-range missiles, including a launch device.    


As long as he could reach those that were hundreds of kilometers away, that would be great.    


Sister Yue was a contented person. She only wanted to use these missiles to intimidate her Three Kingdoms. For the time being, she did not plan to provoke America …    


The heck!    


Yue Zitong really wanted to spit those two words out loud and then spit on Sui Yueyue's face.    


But she couldn't do that.    


Because it undermined her dignified Patriarch Yue's dignity, and her dignified and elegant temperament of a proud girl.    


Of course, the most important thing was, even if she did, what could she do?    


Therefore, Yue Zitong forcefully suppressed her anger that was about to burst out and shouted harshly at Lee Nanfang, "Lee Nanfang, look at what kind of women you have raised!"    


Lee Nanfang raised his eyebrows!    


He lowered his head again.    


Yue Zitong became even more angry at Little Nephew's cowardly performance. She couldn't help but raise her hand and bang the table as she stood up.    


The moment she stood up, Michel, who strongly suspected that she had the intention to threaten Sister Yue, immediately took out his gun from his waist. With both hands held horizontally, he yelled harshly, "Impudent —"    


Before Michel finished his sentence, he felt a black shadow flash in front of him, and a loud sound echoed in his ears.    


Before she could understand what was going on, her body flew backward like it had been struck by a mad cow. She crashed into the wall and fell to the ground.    


The pistol in her hand was already in Lee Nanfang's hand.    


Lee Nanfang's impression of Michel was not good or bad.    


Even though he knew that she had threatened Chen Xiao before, he could still understand her "difficulties." After all, she was Sui Yueyue's close henchman, and doing things for Sister Yue wholeheartedly was a duty that she could not shirk.    


However, she should never have pulled out her gun in front of Lee Nanfang.    


No matter how Lee Nanfang tried to find excuses for her, he couldn't tolerate it.    


Did he really think that it was someone that wasn't human? Did he actually use a gun to threaten his aunt?    


I didn't want to argue with you before because Jack had a lot of manpower.    


However, no matter how big a person's stomach was, there was still a limit, no?    


Especially since Michel's dangerous move was in front of Lee Nanfang.    


That's a pistol.    


If Lee Nanfang lost his temper and let his delicate aunt die, he would never be able to find the tone even if he cried.    


Michel's action finally touched Lee Nanfang's bottom line and gave him a good chance to vent his dissatisfaction.    


He immediately attacked, no, he attacked.    


Without any hesitation, he kicked Michel, who thought he was powerful, away.    


Actually, Michel was also very powerful.    


Not only was it powerful, it was also over 1.9 meters tall and weighed over 80 kilograms. It could even be said to be a huge and burly man.    


But under Lee Nanfang's feet, he was no different from a scarecrow.    


Michel, who had always been proud, suddenly flipped and bounced up after falling to the ground.    


As soon as she regained her balance, her right hand reached out to her right leg.    


Over there lay a sharp military knife.    


However, just as her fingers touched the hilt of the knife, she heard a soft 'kacha' sound. Lee Nanfang said coldly: "If you dare to move again, you're dead for sure."    


Michel immediately became a puppet.    


Though she didn't want to.    


However, as a mercenary, he had a keen sixth sense, which clearly reminded her that it would be best if she didn't move.    


Otherwise, in the next instant, blood would immediately splash out.    


She had never felt fear before, but when it spread from Michel's feet, it made her feel cold all over.    


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