Strongest Guard

C1306 Whose Hand Was That?

C1306 Whose Hand Was That?

A paper that has been impregnated with a chemical and can be examined for the presence of certain substances in a liquid or gas by its color change.    


However, the test paper Shangdao Yinghua took out from the envelope was a test paper used by women to determine whether they were pregnant or not.    


Gala didn't have much culture, but he was a veteran who was very familiar with women.    


Therefore, he was no stranger to the early pregnancy test paper and knew what it was used for.    


However, he didn't understand why Sui Yueyue would send this over to his boss.    


Could it be that Sister Yue was pregnant?    


Suddenly, this thought surfaced in Gala's mind.    


Then, of course, he went on: "Who made Sister Yue pregnant? Other than Boss Lee, there should be no one else. "    


As he thought about this, he quickly glanced at Shangdao Yinghua from the corner of his eyes.    


After the woman carefully examined the test paper, her expression became completely calm.    


However, there was jealousy that was hidden in her eyes.    


The boss' reaction made Gala even more sure that he was right.    


Otherwise, why would the boss be jealous?    


"Fuck, this matter isn't so easy to deal with."    


Gala muttered in his heart, but he was also very curious: "Sister Yue, why did you let the boss know that she's pregnant?"    


Gala, who thought himself to be very smart, cracked his brains. He didn't know why Sui Yueyue would do such a thing.    


He could only continue to think, "Hmm, the significance of a big character doing anything is indeed not something a small character like me can determine."    


While Gala was worrying about this matter, Yue Zitong was also worrying about it.    


She was already in the moonlight in the sea of poppies, her arms folded, wandering along the gravel path for the better part of the night — and no one was paying any attention to her!    


It was just like how no one cared whether she lived or died.    


Sui Yueyue ignored her. Yue Zitong could accept this.    


Alice ignored her and she did not take it seriously either.    


Perhaps Yue Zitong might not even give them any face when these two came over to strike up a conversation.    


But why would Lee Nanfang ignore her?    






Yue Zitong admitted that when she was negotiating with Sui Yueyue, it was indeed because she was too pleased with herself that she ignored Lee Nanfang's feelings. The bit of confidence he had left in himself suffered a heavy blow once again.    


But can you blame her?    


If he had to blame someone, he could only blame her for her pride, right?    


Pride wasn't something that could be easily controlled.    


Sometimes, I really can't help it.    


Since she could not hold it in any longer, what else could she do?    


Lee Nanfang, on what basis did he ignore her?    


No, a cold war.    


Just like a married couple who would start a cold war just because of a little friction.    


Yue Zitong didn't care about the Cold War — the Cold War between young couples, which was sometimes a boost to their relationship.    


But no matter how indispensable the Cold War was, there had to be a limit, right?    


The moon is about to set and midnight is about to arrive, how can Lee Nanfang bear it? I am wandering alone in the fields of hope, like a ghost?    


Did the heartless one completely forget why I was here?    


I let go of the glory of being praised by the people, but I still have to travel a thousand miles to come here by myself. Look at Sui Yueyue's face, isn't it all for Lee Nanfang?    


Why should he ignore this reality?    


No conscience.    


The more Yue Zitong thought about it, the angrier she got.    


When this person encounters an accident, it was normal for him to be self-enlightened. No matter what he did wrong, as long as he could find the most suitable reason, his mood would improve.    


Yue Zitong wandered around in the middle of the night. Not only did she find the most suitable reason to explain herself, but she also found Lee Nanfang's grievance from this reason, as well as the fact that he was heartless.    


In this way, her anger rose from the bottom of her heart.    


She wanted to ask that damned heartless man why he was doing this to me.    


On the other hand, he slept very comfortably in the bamboo tower, leaving his aunt alone in the wild, ignoring everyone else.    


Yue Zitong shuddered all of a sudden when she thought of the words "lone soul and wild ghost".    


This was because she suddenly thought about how many corpses were buried within this Opium Poppy Field.    


He was so angry.    


How could she forget?    


Which one of the people buried here is good enough to die?    


They were all dead.    


Legend has it that the ghosts of all those who died are stuck at the burial site, wailing and crying.    


By midnight, when the yin energy was at its peak, they would take human form and roam around in search of a substitute for it. They would return the favor and search for the killer who killed them.    


A woman with a sinister nature was always the perfect target for a vengeful spirit to possess her body.    


How laughable that I am still stuck here, isn't this intentionally waiting for the ghosts to possess me?    


When she thought here, Yue Zitong, who had just started shivering, felt the hairs on her back stand up. She didn't dare to stay any longer and ran towards the bamboo house.    


With the Opium Poppy Field that took up several thousand acres, it was definitely the best place to take a walk. It would take around twenty minutes to walk from the most east to the most west.    


Yue Zitong had walked back and forth a few times when she didn't know what was going on.    


Every time, she would be able to deeply experience the experience of "swimming in the sea of flowers to the point of satisfaction".    


But now, she was scared to death.    


He wished he could cross the distance of several hundred meters with a single step and jump into a certain window on the second floor. Then, he would hug Little Nephew's masculine body tightly and seek for peace of mind.    


Coincidentally, the moon that was just as clean as it was a moment ago was covered by a layer of dark cloud.    


Another gust of wind blew in from the southern valley entrance, spurring countless poppies to sway to Yue Zitong as if they had souls, as if to say, "Don't go, don't go. Look at the back, at the back. "    


What was behind it?    


Yue Zitong did not dare to turn her head, as all she could hear was Sasha's footsteps.    


It was as if countless ghosts that were buried in the Opium Poppy Field had emerged from the ground.    


All of them had unkempt hair and ferocious looks on their faces. Their mouths were wide open, and their tongues were protruding out as they grinned sinisterly. Their bodies swayed as they were pushed forward by the wind.    


Actually, Yue Zitong knew that there weren't any wandering ghosts behind her back.    


The rustling sound they heard was also the sound of the leaves of the poppy that had been blown away by the wind.    


Furthermore, she was an elite agent who had stayed in the country's security for six years. She had seen all sorts of things, so why would she be afraid of something that did not exist?    


However, there was a saying among sages: ghosts are not scary, but humans are scary.    


What do you mean? There is no ghost in the world, the ghost is in the heart.    


If there were no ghosts in his heart, then he would be in paradise on earth.    


He felt guilty. No matter how brave he was and how equipped he was with this equipment, he would still be scared to death.    


Obviously, Yue Zitong belonged to the latter group.    


As she walked quickly towards the bamboo house, she consoled herself in her heart, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. What the heck? Even if there is a ghost, with my ability, I can make it die again. I'm currently trembling with fear, and I even heard the footsteps of a ghost. All we need to do is turn around and look, and everything will be fine. "    


"I'll turn around and take a look, just from the corner of my eyes."    


Yue Zitong clenched her fists tightly and used her super strong willpower to suppress the fear of the unknown danger in her heart, making her stiff neck finally begin to move.    


Yue Zitong had just turned 80 degrees, which she could easily turn in a day, when she saw something out of the corner of her eye.    


Out of the corner of his eye!    


She saw a black shadow floating over ten meters behind her. The wind was still blowing.    


On the black shadow's body, there was a dark white colored long object that floated up and emitted a rustling sound.    


F * ck.    


Sure enough, there was a ghost.    


When Yue Zitong saw this black and white figure, she felt a huge buzzing in her head.    


His heart seemed to have missed a beat.    


All the blood in his body instantly froze.    


His limbs became ice-cold and stiff in the shortest amount of time.    


Unexpectedly, he was unable to move.    


The black and white ghostly figure did not stop. It still floated over slowly, as if raising an arm.    


When Spiritshadow raised his arm, the white thing instantly expanded by half a meter.    


It was as if countless ghosts were silently howling, trying to break free of the long, white ribbon, and pounce into Yue Zitong's body.    




Yue Zitong could no longer control the fear in her heart as she let out a shrill scream.    


This scream gave her strength.    


Reactivating her stiff body, she dashed forward and rushed towards the bamboo house.    


Her screams echoed in her ears, within her Opium Poppy Valley, and between heaven and earth.    


Other than this, she could not hear anything else.    


He could only run forward at top speed.    


However, after running a few meters, she fell to the ground with a thump.    


Fortunately, when she fell to the ground, it wasn't the pouncing position of a hungry dog. Otherwise, her round, white, and tender chin would definitely have been scraped.    


He might even knock out the small, neat front teeth.    


How did she fall?    


Yue Zitong was not a weak woman, she had been — she was beginning to admit it — an agent who had been in the KGB for six years. She would never make the mistake of tripping her right foot with her left foot while fleeing in panic.    


Then, why did she suddenly fall down?    


It was because she felt something had suddenly wrapped itself around her right foot.    


What could it be?    




Other than the ghosts, what else could possibly stop Yue Zitong's determined steps?    


"Let me go, let me go!"    


Yue Zitong screamed shrilly as she kicked with both of her feet, as if she had kicked something.    


Yes, he did kick something.    


If someone was standing next to her, they would see her kicking at those beautiful flowers.    


After kicking away the ghost hands, Yue Zitong pushed herself off the ground with both of her hands and continued to run.    


However, he fell to the ground once again.    


It was that damnable Ghost Hand again, hugging her right foot!    


"Let me go!"    


Yue Zitong screamed again as her body, which had been thrown to the ground in front of him, suddenly stopped.    


Her chin was almost touching the ground.    


Yet, he suddenly stopped.    


She froze for a fraction of a second, clearly aware of why she had been able to stay in this position.    


Because a hand had grabbed the back of her dress.    


Whose hand was that?    


Yue Zitong's eyes slightly shifted, and she saw the white thing once again.    


It rustled in the wind, striking her left shoulder, her left cheek.    


"I was caught by the devil.    


They're trying to get into my body.    


"Drive my soul away and take this body for yourself."    


Yue Zitong opened her mouth and let out a scream that could shock the entire world.    


Then, she once again reaped a great deal of strength from her screams.    


He suddenly turned around and punched out with his right fist.    


She swore that the punch that she'd thrown would be the fastest, strongest, and most tricky punch she'd ever thrown in her life.    


It was also a life and death punch!    


No one could defeat him.    


Not even ghosts.    


As expected, the ghost that had grabbed her juniors' clothes couldn't dodge Yue Zitong's lightning punch.    




The feeling of his fist hitting his face was so clear.    


Then, she heard the ghost groan, "Uhh!"    




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