Strongest Guard

C1310 What Are They Plotting?

C1310 What Are They Plotting?

The sky darkened once again.    


Lee Nanfang didn't even know how he had passed today. It was as if he had just opened his eyes in the morning and said a few words to Yue Zitong before the sky turned dark.    


When he felt that the time passed extremely quickly, he was either in a very good mood or in a very bad mood.    


Being in a bad mood didn't mean that it was only those that looked like their parents had died that were considered bad.    


Contradictory mood, absent-mindedness, mental disorder, are all bad.    


Lee Nanfang's mood today was exactly like this.    


Just as Yue Zitong had said, when he woke up in the morning and looked out of the window, he was praying that Shangdao Yinghua would not come.    


The feeling of not wanting to come to the island was different from the feeling of not wanting Yue Zitong to come.    


He didn't want Yue Zitongli to come. It was because Lee Nanfang felt embarrassed and worried that he would be looked down upon in the future that he wanted to escape.    


He didn't want to come to the island because Lee Nanfang didn't want the grand image in his heart to collapse with a loud bang.    


Lee Nanfang was not too worried about his grand image collapsing on the island.    


After all, he wasn't the type of person who cared too much about face.    


What Lee Nanfang was really worried about was that after Shangdao Yinghua personally saw his downfall, her mental state would undergo another subversive change!    


Since she could make the first qualitative change, then there would be a second time.    


If there really is a God in the world, then Lee Nanfang is Shangdao Yinghua's God.    


It was this man who changed her from a submissive woman to a murderous god who the entire East Ocean underworld dared not to look at sideways, allowing her to experience the sense of accomplishment of having the right to kill with an awakening palm.    


That was why she treated Lee Nanfang as a god, worshiping him, following his orders, never considering betraying him, and so on.    


But now — would she still treat Lee Nanfang like a god?    


Was there a God in the world who had been run over by a woman?    


And this woman was one of God's most unremarkable lovers.    


If Sui Yueyue could handle Jack and make him submit to her, who could say that Shangdao Yinghua couldn't?    


Compared to someone who had been ambitious for a long time, someone who had just risen to prominence due to the fact that he had been submissive for too long, was someone who had greater ambitions.    


A change in nature would make her feel, "Ah, I didn't even know that I was actually this powerful."    


A person who finally realized that he was very powerful, was there anything else he didn't dare to do?    


Would she still be willing to submit at the feet of a man who had already surrendered to another woman?    


Eighty percent chance, yes.    


Don't forget, the blood that flows in Shangdao Yinghua's bones, which nationality she belongs to.    


Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, turning hostile towards others and devouring the benefactors was the greatest characteristic of this race.    


Its bloody history had proven that when it was weak, it would flatter the strong as much as it could.    


He would not hesitate to sacrifice anything in order to become stronger.    


As its strength increased step by step, so would its ambition.    


His inflated ambition began to bewitch those who were stronger than him, and he hoped to be able to experience the sense of accomplishment of trampling those who were stronger than him.    


Although Shangdao Yinghua was not a country.    


Moreover, even if she was considered to be from a country, if she wanted to be in the downfall of Lee Nanfang, she would still suffer a devastating blow if she stepped on him.    


However, Lee Nanfang really didn't want to. She could do that.    


Besides not wanting to become enemies with Shangdao Yinghua, he also didn't want to lose the annual astronomical profits of the Dongyang drug market.    


No one was willing to give up the chance to earn astronomical profits from the actions of those people that were plaguing them.    


To sum it up, Lee Nanfang really didn't want Shangdao Yinghua to see his current sorry state.    


If his aunt saw this, he would always mock her in the future.    


It was better to be sarcastic than to lose a piece of flesh because of that. In any case, she was still pressed down by him when he slept at night …    


However, if Shangdao Yinghua saw this, things might turn out as he feared.    


Taking a step back, even if Lee Nanfang could bear to lose the East Ocean Market, would he be able to stop the drugs that flowed out of the Golden Triangle and then flow from the East Ocean into China to poison his compatriots while making a bigger profit?    


Don't mention Lee Nanfang, as long as he grabbed hold of the source of the Golden Triangle drug, East Ocean Drug Market would dry up.    


The current Golden Triangle was no longer something that he could decide.    


Only then would she give up on the biggest market in Asia.    


It was highly likely that these two women were in cahoots with each other and were in the same interests. One of them was here to establish a country, while the other was here to consolidate the status of drug boss.    


However, how could Shangdao Yinghua's arrival be left and right of Lee Nanfang?    


Obviously not.    


That was why he was in a bad mood during the day. After leaving the bamboo house, he sat by the stream by himself and stayed there until nightfall.    


When the stars started to blink, Lee Nanfang's mood finally improved a little.    


Because no one went to the river to disturb him.    


This proved that Shangdao Yinghua hadn't come.    


If she really did come, she would definitely ask to see him.    


Although she hadn't come today, that didn't mean she wouldn't come tomorrow either — one day, one day at a time.    


This was the typical state of mind for escaping.    


Lee Nanfang lazily returned to the bamboo house after the moon had climbed up to the treetops.    


It was rare for Yue Zitong to not bother him even now.    


It was unknown what he was doing in the room.    


This made Lee Nanfang a little surprised and also a little disappointed: "Why didn't she come to find me? Shouldn't she cling to me like a piece of leather plaster? She didn't bother me. What was she doing hiding in her room? How could she not come to me? "    


While asking himself these questions in succession, he didn't realize that Yue Zitong had already become his spiritual support.    


He thought that he had been annoyed by Yue Zitong, and had had the urge to strangle her to death many times since she had arrived.    


However, he also clearly understood that in the entire Golden Triangle, only his Little Aunt was the only one who would definitely not harm him.    


Who would not be with absolutely trustworthy people in this desperate environment?    


"Maybe I should take the initiative to talk to her."    


After the tasteless dinner, Lee Nanfang laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a long time before muttering to himself: "Although she likes to brag a bit, but she will always mock and ridicule me. But no matter what, she came here for me. I should be able to let her clearly feel that as long as I am by her side, even if she finds herself in a tiger's den, she will still be able to sleep peacefully. "    


After finding a reason to find Yue Zitong, Lee Nanfang got off the bed.    


He lived on the east side of the bamboo building.    


The room that Sui Yueyue had prepared for Yue Zitong was on the west side of the bamboo building.    


Sui Yueyue's office, bedroom and a small gym were separated by two rooms.    


Alice and Michel lived on the first floor.    


After Lee Nanfang opened the door, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside.    


It was Michel.    


She was walking back and forth in the hallway in front of Yue Zitong's room.    


From a distance, after seeing Lee Nanfang leave the room, Michel's actions clearly became stiff. He lowered his head, walked to the window at the end of the corridor and looked outside.    


Michel's attitude towards Lee Nanfang was absolutely filled with fear and hatred.    


She was afraid that he would be able to easily get rid of her terrifying martial power, so she hated him for destroying Bates's head with a single shot yesterday.    


That was her comrade and lover.    


However, it was obvious that she could only suppress her hatred towards Lee Nanfang deep within her heart.    


If she dared to reveal even a tiny bit of it, Sister Yue would make it so that she would never hate anyone ever again.    


After death, people no longer hate others.    


How could Lili bear to see Bates die, if she could only help Jack to regain some confidence?    


In Golden Triangle, other than Michel, everyone else, including Alice and Big Little Coler, did not know what position Lee Nanfang occupied in Sui Yueyue's heart.    


Sui Yueyue could kill anyone to curry favor with Lee Nanfang!    


Perhaps it was not flattery, but a perverted love.    


Therefore, Michel hoped that Sister Yue's plan could be realized as soon as possible.    


That way, Lee Nanfang could get out of the Golden Triangle earlier. Every time he saw him, he would have the urge to pull out a gun and shoot out his head.    


With him here, Michel could hide as far as he wanted.    


If he couldn't avoid it, then he might as well pretend not to hear his footsteps and look out at the scenery.    


Michel didn't want to face Lee Nanfang, but the latter shamelessly walked up to her and handed her a cigarette. "Tonight's moon is so bright."    


What a load of crap, the moon hasn't risen yet.    


Michel didn't even want to see Lee Nanfang, let alone talk to him.    


I can't say it.    


Otherwise, Mr. Lee would be unhappy.    


Michel could only nod. He forced a smile and said, "I don't want to smoke."    


"Take one, the two of them have a better smell of smoke."    


Lee Nanfang's right hand that was holding the cigarette was right in front of Michel, so he didn't take it back.    


Michel was about to refuse when he saw Lee Nanfang frown.    


She didn't dare to refuse again. She could only take it and put it in her mouth.    


Lee Nanfang helped her light it up before asking casually: "Why are you here?"    


Michel being here could only mean that Sui Yueyue was in Yue Zitong's room.    


Sure enough, Michel replied, "Sister Yue and Miss Yue were talking in the house and told me to stay here and not let anyone in to disturb me. Mr. Lee, I'm sorry, I can't let you in. Please don't make things difficult for a small character like me. "    


"Did I say I was going to her house? It's really weird. "    


Lee Nanfang's face was filled with unhappiness. He glared at Michel and lost the interest to continue chatting with her. He turned around and walked towards the stairs.    


After entering the Opium Poppy Field, Lee Nanfang looked back and cursed in a low voice: "Damn, that demoness already knew that I wanted to go in, so she intentionally made Charcoal stand guard at the door and say those words."    


However, Mr. Lee, who was humiliated to this extent, would never shamelessly insist on going in.    


He would only sit on the chair under the Sunshade and casually pull out a thin blanket to cover himself.    


Sui Yueyue definitely knew that he had been bitten by mosquitoes the previous night. That was why she had prepared a blanket for him in advance and hung a few mosquito extinguishing lights under the Sunshade. She had also lit up two plates of mosquito incense on the table.    


At least that woman had some conscience.    


However, Lee Nanfang liked her to get rid of these, so he asked her to go to Yue Zitong's room to listen to what they were talking about.    


Women have their own curiosity, but so do men.    


Moreover, his curiosity was even greater than a man's.    


Of course, Lee Nanfang wouldn't admit that he was curious.    


He would only come up with an excuse for himself: "Although my aunt seems to be very smart, but in front of Sui Yueyue's scheming eyes, she's just a naive little girl. And she likes to be flattered, so she would help people with their money. I just want to go in and remind her not to fall for Sui Yueyue's tricks. "    


"What are they talking about?"    


Lee Nanfang muttered to himself as he raised his head to look towards the bamboo house.    


It was as if he could see from the curtain that the two heads were together and plotting a plot.    


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