Strongest Guard

C1327 The Demon of the Beheading Operation Smiles

C1327 The Demon of the Beheading Operation Smiles

Sui Yueyue was sure that Lee Nanfang didn't recognize her.    


Not only had the color of his eyes changed, but his appearance, temperament, and even his thoughts had changed.    


It was no longer the Lee Nanfang she was familiar with. He was indecisive, arrogant and boastful on the surface, but he was kind. He hated girls crying the most.    


Otherwise, he wouldn't have made so many people jump out to protect Lin Wanqing when all the Wealthy Class families were working together to force her into a corner, fighting against all the Wealthy Class families.    


Sui Yueyue saw Lee Nanfang's kindness, which was why she went to Qingshan to find him when her parents died and Sister Lian persecuted her.    


Although at that time, she was also very clear about Lee Nanfang's impression of her.    


But she went to him anyway.    


It was because she firmly believed that Lee Nanfang's kindness and the hidden anger, or rather righteousness, deep down in his bones, would help her.    


Just as she expected, Lee Nanfang took her in.    


Whether he looked down on her or not, he had taken her in and provided her with a safe haven so that she no longer had to worry about being hurt by anyone.    


At that time, Sui Yueyue was sincerely grateful towards Lee Nanfang.    


He swore several times that he would repay him well.    


Use her body, everything she has.    


Because of the gratitude in his heart, when Jinghong Ming had found her, he hoped that she would come to Golden Triangle and take over from Lee Nanfang. That was why he agreed without hesitation and came here.    


The environment can change people.    


When Sui Yueyue arrived at the Golden Triangle and was supported by Lee Nanfang to become the queen of the opium poppy, she suddenly realized that this was actually the paradise that she had dreamed of.    


Therefore, Sui Yueyue's ambition rose up from the ground and eventually grew into a towering tree from a small blade of grass.    


Especially after the news of Lee Nanfang's death overseas came out, Sui Yueyue made the decision to change her fate again after suffering excruciating pain.    


She, was not only going to become the opium poppy queen of Golden Triangle, but she was also going to create her own country!    


No one could understand why a woman's ambition could grow so big.    


It was enough to shock everyone.    


More importantly, Sui Yueyue's ambition was not only big, but also very creative.    


In other words, the possibility of her achieving her dream of building a country was very high.    


The truth had proven that before the Black Dragon Group's flag suddenly fluttered in the night sky of Golden Triangle, Sui Yueyue's beautiful dream had always been slowly unfolding according to the plans she had made.    


The only thing that she did not expect was that after Yue Zitong was shot down the cliff by Great Coler, Lee Nanfang had instantly turned into a demon.    


However, she wasn't too worried.    


She thought Lee Nanfang was only going crazy because he was heartbroken over Yue Zitong's death.    


So be it. How long can he send it?    


He couldn't go on like this forever.    


According to Sui Yueyue's psychology in university, Lee Nanfang would wake up after he got tired of killing or losing consciousness from the heavy blow to his head, and things would return to normal.    


Even though she noticed that Lee Nanfang was going crazy, he seemed to be different from the psychological cases she had studied at the police academy.    


It was not only the excessive grief that led to the loss of one's mind.    


Instead, it was as if he had turned into a terrifying demon. The brutality that was hidden deep within his bones all exploded out.    


Sui Yueyue also felt that she could finally use her tenderness and the child in her womb to help Lee Nanfang slowly recover to his normal state.    


But when the elite middle army of the three kingdoms led by Camon and the Black Dragon Regiment that was guided by Ye Xiaodao appeared before her, one after the other!    


Sui Yueyue suddenly realized that whatever she thought and did, she believed herself to be flawless. It turned out to be under the close supervision of some old cunning fox.    


However, not only did those old foxes not expose her, they even cooperated with her at every turn, helping her to keep increasing her confidence. Step by step, she walked towards her highest goal.    


The old foxes were only doing this to use her ambition to fulfill their long-cherished wish of helping China reclaim its homeland.    


Sui Yueyue suddenly thought through all of this. What kind of feeling did she feel?    


It was impossible to say.    


Anyway, when Michel was trying his best to stop her from going towards Lee Nanfang, she pushed him away.    


When her wild laughter brought Lee Nanfang, who had already turned into a demon, to the front, Sui Yueyue understood as she stared at his pair of eyes that were glowing with a bewitching blood-red light.    


After discovering that she was originally a puppet supported by the old foxes, she was unable to accept this cruel reality and only wanted to die.    


He died at the hands of Lee Nanfang.    


Sui Yueyue would only feel at ease if she died in Lee Nanfang's hands.    


She killed Yue Zitong and then was killed by Lee Nanfang. This was what she could think of, the best way to atone for her sins.    


She hoped that Lee Nanfang wouldn't blame her too much.    


He hoped that because of her death, he would treat her as the little sister at the front desk who, when they met for the first time, was flirting with someone while smiling faintly.    


At that time, Sui Yueyue should have been Lee Nanfang's favorite, right?    


However, she wanted Lee Nanfang to kill her before he did!    


It didn't matter if he tore her into pieces, or used his head to smash her beautiful Tiny Skull into a rotten watermelon.    


He only hoped that he would be able to recognize her!    


This was enough.    


This could also be considered Sui Yueyue's last wish.    


Because of this, she bravely faced Lee Nanfang and asked, "Lee Nanfang, do you still know who I am?"    


Could the current Lee Nanfang still recognize her?    


Can you?    


Lee Nanfang answered her question with a smile.    


Lee Nanfang, who was covered in blood, finally laughed after killing countless people, revealing his white and neat teeth.    


Red body, red face.    


Red eyes, but white teeth.    


His mouth was especially white, especially when compared to the blood-red color.    


Only devils would smile at people like that.    


Since Lee Nanfang revealed the smile of a demon, it proved that he did not recognize Sui Yueyue.    


Just as he was about to start a massacre of the Black Dragon warriors, he suddenly heard Sui Yueyue's wild laughter. The reason why he let those people turn around and walk over was not because he recognized her, but rather, it was because he recognized her.    


Just because she was a woman.    


She was still a beautiful girl.    


Devils also have a certain sense of beauty, and will be interested in beauties.    


Perhaps, when Lee Nanfang stared at Sui Yueyue for a moment, he was thinking about what method he should use to kill her!    


Lee Nanfang laughed. He tilted his head slightly and looked at Sui Yueyue again, which made her heart go cold.    


Her heart was cold, of course, not because she knew she was dead.    


It was because Lee Nanfang still couldn't recognize her even after seeing her like this.    


"Why not kill me while you're awake? It was truly a pity. Oh, but it doesn't matter. You'll always know that I was killed by you, won't you? That was enough. I hope that I won't be such a woman in my next life. Best not to be a woman. To be a man, to be your brother. "    


The disappointed Sui Yueyue sighed and slowly raised her right hand to caress Lee Nanfang's face.    


When she said these words and did this action, her gaze was gentle without any impurities, just like the most virtuous wife in the world. She wanted to wipe the dust off her face for her husband who had just returned home from work.    


Lee Nanfang did not make any dodging movements.    


However, his blood-red eyes continued to stare unblinkingly at her raised right hand.    


A slight devilish roar emitted from his throat.    


The smile on his face widened slightly as his teeth turned even whiter.    


Anyone who saw them could clearly feel that when Sui Yueyue's fingers finally touched Lee Nanfang's face, he would grab her hand, pinch the back of her neck with his right hand, bend over, lower his head, and bite her fair and slender neck with one bite!    


Weren't the werewolves in the western sci-fi movies like this when they transformed into devourers on the full moon night?    


The werewolf seemed to be especially interested in beauties as well, just like this moment, where the moon was the most round and bright.    




Just when Sui Yueyue's five fingers were about to touch Lee Nanfang's face, a man's shout came from the direction of Camon's corpse.    


The man's stern voice was filled with vigor, bringing with it the winter and the month of Xiao Sha.    


Just from this loud shout, he was able to deduce that this person was extraordinary — Lao Xie liked it when others praised him the most.    


Especially his wife, Xue Xinghan. Every time she praised him like this, he would get more excited.    


But now, Lao Xie didn't want others to praise him.    


Even if all the beauties under the age of thirty-eight of the entire world were to stand in a line in front of him, naked, and praise him as amazing, he would not care for them.    


He only hoped that his harsh words would be able to stop Sui Yueyue from bringing about her own death.    


The best thing would be to get that little bastard out of the devil's clutches.    


Lao Xie was sincere. No, it should be Lao Xie and the others. He really didn't want Sui Yueyue to die.    


If Sui Yueyue died, then all the efforts that the big guy had previously put in would be for naught.    


For the start of today's operation, they had already begun preparing in silence over twenty years ago.    


Right now, the two large dragon armies active in South America, Africa, and the Middle East have all rushed to the Golden Triangle, and used the method of "Elite Armaments" to sweep through the scattered elites of the three nations that were killed by Sui Yueyue's loyal subordinates. Next, the mighty Sister Yue, under the assistance of the two great dragon armies, will, in the shortest amount of time, re-recruit troops and train an army that was not inferior to the elites.    


With the assistance of the two great dragon armies, Sister Yue's new nation would resist all foreign invaders and be founded amidst the rumbling of artillery fire.    


It looked like Sister Yue was about to fulfill her great wish.    


How could she die?    


Seeing her reaching out her hand recklessly to touch Lee Nanfang's cheek, Lao Xie and the other two, who had just arrived, were so anxious that they wanted to curse.    


Only then did Lao Xie yell, hoping to stop Sui Yueyue's idiotic suicide.    


Sui Yueyue froze as she was about to touch the five fingers of Lee Nanfang's face.    


Then, she looked towards Lao Xie.    


At the moment, Ye Xiaodao was in front of the three of them, using his fastest speed to narrate Lee Nanfang's current situation.    


These three people didn't dare to come over without permission.    


It had to be known that Lee Nanfang had gone completely crazy. He didn't even know his own women, how could he know his teachers and uncles?    


If they dared to come close, he would immediately pounce on them like a demon.    


Lao Xie and the other two were rather confident — Are they confident?    


Lee Nanfang could no longer be considered a human, he should be able to be dealt with by normal people, right?    


Don't look at Lao Xie and the other two, they had already dominated the world more than twenty years ago.    


Unfortunately, Hu Mietang wasn't present.    


If he was here, the four of them together should be able to deal with Lee Nanfang.    


Otherwise, once the three of them fought Lee Nanfang, it would be a situation where the only outcome would be death itself.    


In other words, after a bloody battle between the three experts and Lee Nanfang, Lee Nanfang would definitely die of exhaustion at the end of the fight. After a moment of clarity, he would die with his eyes wide open in regret.    


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