Strongest Guard

C1341 Expensive Appearance Fees

C1341 Expensive Appearance Fees

Lao Xie's meaning was very clear.    


If Yue Zitong insisted on taking advantage of the fact that she almost died for her country, Helan Xiaoxin would die.    


Helan Xiaoxin would have survived if she had carried on with her lofty awareness that it was her duty and duty, including her, to return the dead to the nation, and talked about the advantages and disadvantages.    


After she understood what Lao Xie meant, Yue Zitong became anxious: "Lao Xie, you can't do that!"    


Lao Xie immediately rolled his eyes and restrained the smile on his face. He said coldly, "Why can't we do that? Could it be that just by calling me Lao Xie, we have the obligation to guard your home? Patriarch Yue, if you think so, then you are very wrong. I think you know exactly what kind of person Hu Mietang is. Therefore, his appearance fee is very high. "    


Indeed, no matter who came to take care of Hu Laoer, they would have to pay a very high appearance fee.    


In order to protect Helan Xiaoxin's safety, Hu Laoer, a person who loved to cause a ruckus, decided to stay in Beijing and secretly protect Helan Xiaoxin's safety.    


But he had to hold it in.    


This was because out of the four Avians of the Soaring Dragon, he was the most appropriate person to do this.    


Jinghong Ming had an official background, so it was inconvenient for him to offend the Yue brothers and Helan Qunxing.    


Lao Xie and Lao Qin, as well as the carefree, wild, crane-like citizens of China, were happy for their own little days. Of course, they didn't want to offend these heavyweights.    


Lao Hu didn't care.    


He was the boss of the Russian vampire bat, a famous black sheep all over the world – he could not only protect people, but he could also offend people.    


Since when did someone as inhumane as Lao Hu start to do business that was losing money?    


In order to protect Helan Xiaoxin, they had offended the Yue brothers and Helan Qunxing. Would there be any benefits?    


Not only did he need it, he also wanted it to be extremely important!    


Don't think that just because Helan Xiaoxin is Lee Nanfang's woman, Lao Hu won't kill her.    


Perhaps he really couldn't bear to part with her, but he could completely abandon her and allow Helan Qunxing to kill her as she pleased.    


No matter what, in front of the interests of China, it wasn't considered anything -- Lao Hu was just that serious.    


"Supposedly, this fellow loves to kill beauties or watch beauties die helplessly."    


Lao Xie flicked the ash off his cigarette and said to Yue Zitong, whose expression was changing, "That's why I advised Patriarch Yue. You'd better consider this before you answer my question."    


Yue Zitong smiled.    


However, this smile was uglier than crying: "What are you thinking about? Of course I can't just watch her die. "    


Lao Xie nodded with a look of deep thought, "I told Lao Hu that you would definitely choose to do so."    




Yue Zitong sighed, "Fourth Uncle, no wonder Sui Yueyue called you a sly old fox. So it was like that. All of you are the ones who planned before making a move. Before I came to the Golden Triangle, I had already predicted that something would happen and started making arrangements in advance. "I truly admire you all so much."    


After saying that, she imitated the way a man should be. She cupped her hands in a salute, tilted her head, and nodded a few times at Lao Xie.    


Lao Xie immediately replied humbly: "No, no, we just ate a few more years more than you. If we do not take into consideration Zhou Quan, then wouldn't we have lived all these years for a dog? "    


Looking at Lao Xie's humble expression, Yue Zitong really wanted to say, "You guys are dogs."    


However, seeing how Huaxia respected the good traditions of respecting the elderly and cherishing the young, she swallowed her words that had already reached her throat.    


He changed his mind: "Fourth Uncle, if I don't agree, will you really kill her?"    


Lao Xie knew what she wanted to say and nodded seriously: "I believe you won't tell this to Nanfang, right?"    


Yue Zitong's mouth twitched as she nodded dejectedly.    


If she really didn't care about Helan Xiaoxin's life, then Lao Hu and the others wouldn't care.    


In any case, it wasn't them who wanted to kill Helan Xiaoxin.    


However, if Lee Nanfang knew that Yue Zitong ignored Helan Xiaoxin's life and death, insisting on asking for benefits, what would he do to her?    


Therefore, Lao Xie and the rest wouldn't tell Lee Nanfang, and Yue Zitong didn't dare to tell him.    




Seeing that Yue Zitong's mood was really bad, Lao Xie sincerely said: "Actually, your Golden Triangle trip this time has already yielded quite a bountiful harvest."    


"It's nothing more than letting Hua Yeshen leave Lee Nanfang and grabbing onto Sister Xin's life."    


Yue Zitong curled her lips and said dispiritedly, "Other than this, what other benefits would I have?"    


Lao Xie lightly said: "Why don't you think about how some people will react if they find out that you're not dead?"    


Yue Zitong's eyebrows slightly twitched as she understood.    


This time, when she came to Golden Triangle, someone had thought that she had died there and had brazenly launched a counterattack, so of course he had to have a few strong supporters.    


These few supporters of a certain someone were exactly the ones who would normally disobey their master, Yue Zitong.    


Yue Zitong had wanted to suppress them long ago, but she couldn't find a good opportunity.    


This was an excellent opportunity.    


Yue Zitong firmly believed that as long as she returned to the capital, there would be no need for her to say anything. Someone who had attacked the Yue Clan and expelled Helan Xiaoxin would take the initiative to leave the Residence dejectedly.    


Of course, Yue Zitong wouldn't chase after the poor bandits.    


After all, the noble blood of the Yue Clan flowed through everyone's bones.    


They could be heartless and unintentional, but the kind-hearted Patriarch Yue would never do anything to stop them.    


However, those few people who had followed the poor bandits — hehe, their fates were simply too good.    


"Alright. I've already said what needs to be said. I still have things to do, so I'll head back to work first. "    


Seeing that she understood, Lao Xie stood up.    


Yue Zitong, who was still deep in thought, gave a noncommittal response.    


He didn't even raise his head.    


The shelves were too big.    


But when Lao Xie walked to the door, she suddenly thought of something: "Fourth Uncle, do you think that after someone learns that I'm not actually dead, they can let me go back to Beijing alive?"    


Lao Xie was stunned and asked, "That's your problem, why are you telling me about it?"    


Yue Zitong's face immediately fell.    


Lao Xie chuckled, "Of course, if Patriarch Yue is worried about your safety, we can send someone to escort you back."    


Yue Zitong bitterly asked, "Is it true that you need to pay a certain amount for your appearance?"    


"What's wrong with that?"    


Lao Xie spread his hands out, as if it was a matter of course: "For big figures at our level, other than making contributions to the country free of charge, can you just work for others? Of course, since we're all familiar with each other, the salary can be reduced by 30%. "    


Yue Zitong didn't say anything else. She just raised her hand and gestured for them to enter.    


Obviously, Lao Xie was disappointed because he couldn't earn the appearance fee and left bitterly.    


The moment he closed the door, Yue Zitong grabbed the cup on the table and smashed it onto the ground. "You old fox!" she cursed in a low voice.    


Before the sound of the glass shattering could be heard, Lao Xie's complacent laughter could be heard coming through the door.    


Faintly, he was still talking, "Humph, just be content with what you have. It's just that I'm soft-hearted and won't lower myself to the level of a junior. If Qin Laoqi was in his place, you wouldn't be able to return to Beijing safely if you didn't spit out twice the benefits. Do you really think that we are good people? "    


Look, this is a bunch of proud birdmen who don't see themselves as good people.    


Even if it was Sui Yueyue, no matter how wily she was, she could only obediently submit to such cunning Avians.    


However, it was precisely because of the large number of people like Lao Xie that China could bravely resist the invasion of the foreign forces and then help the Divine State rise from the ruins. For 5000 years, it had always been the east laughing at the world, watching the other three ancient civilizations become an eternal legend.    


The moon was round tonight, the wind was light, and the scent of poppies was particularly good.    


When they strolled in the sea of flowers again, Yue Zitong's mood was already very different from the previous few times.    


She felt that she had matured a lot.    


She was no longer the ignorant Young Women who could make some kind of decision when her brain got hot.    


Otherwise, she wouldn't have negotiated with Lao Xie to try and gain some benefits for the Yue Clan.    


In fact, she didn't want to.    


It wasn't Yue Zitong's style to want to take advantage of the country everywhere — she and Lao Xie were at loggerheads because she was the Yue Clan's patriarch.    


Every head of a wealthy family in China has the responsibility of taking the most benefits from the country.    


Similarly, Lao Xie didn't see her as a junior and instead treated her as the Patriarch of a Wealthy Class.    


Only then would he be able to bring down his pride and fight with her using wits and courage, not allowing even an inch of dirt to fall.    


This was also a task that had to be completed by Lao Xie, who had to carry the heavy responsibility of negotiating with Patriarch Yue.    


Neither of them had done anything wrong.    


It was because the two of them represented their respective interests at that time.    


Therefore, when Yue Zitong walked out of that room and walked in the sea of poppies, her depressed mood immediately vanished into thin air.    


As long as Lao Hu was there to protect Helan Xiaoxin, then the counterattack from some members of the Yue Clan would be a joke.    


As for the possibility that Yue Zitong would be attacked by someone on her way home, that was even less of a matter.    


Why didn't Lao Xie care?    


With Lee Nanfang here, what was there to worry about?    


If Lee Nanfang couldn't even protect his own fiancee, then he might as well die.    


Therefore, Yue Zitong really shouldn't have been in a bad mood.    


He could finally calm his heart and enjoy the night on Golden Triangle.    


Actually, she could also go and find Lee Nanfang.    


But she didn't want to go.    


I won't go to his room tonight.    


Tonight, Lee Nanfang belonged to Sui Yueyue, Shangdao Yinghua, and Alice.    


Yue Zitong was slightly surprised when she thought of this.    


When was she big enough to ignore other women and share her man?    


Could it be that all of this was because he had become the Patriarch?    


Or was it because she knew very well that even if she cared, it would be useless?    


It should be the latter.    


Sui Yueyue and Alice were both figures who secretly supported Lao Xie. The meaning behind Lao Xie's words just now was something even deaf people could understand.    


Everything was for the benefit of the country.    


For the sake of the country, not to mention letting Lee Nanfang be shared with other women, even if he had to die, Lao Xie and the others would not hesitate to kill him!    


Not only would they treat Lee Nanfang like this, they would also treat themselves in this way.    


In modern times, many people who picked up chopsticks to eat when they were hungry, cursed when they had eaten their fill, and complained about having special privileges when they were dissatisfied with society.    


But they would never wonder why these people enjoyed such privileges.    


Like the man standing in the distant moonlight.    


Yue Zitong lowered her head as she was thinking about something. She unintentionally raised her head to take a look, but then she stopped.    


The man stood motionless, his hands clasped behind his back, watching her silently.    


It looked like a sculpture.    


It had been tens of thousands of years since he had stood there.    


Their gazes met for half a minute, separated by tens of meters, before Yue Zitong sighed softly and looked back quickly.    


In the far distance, the lights in Lee Nanfang's room were still on.    


Yue Zitong slowly walked towards that person. When she was about three to four meters away, she stopped and said, "So, you're here."    


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