Strongest Guard

C1343 She Wasn't Dead

C1343 She Wasn't Dead

Originally, Yue Zitong could have called him Brother Fusu for the rest of his life.    


However, under the instructions from his mother and the pressure from his sister who had exhausted her blood and sweat for him, he chose not to act like Brother Fusu for Yue Zitong.    


When people choose which path to take, they will carefully consider it.    


Since he had already chosen which path to take, he no longer had any hopes of being able to admire the scenery on both sides of the other road at the same time.    


This logic was very simple.    


Holan Fusu understood, as did Yue Zitong and Yue Qingke.    


Right now, he was admiring the scenery on both sides of the road.    


This road was the only way for Yue Zitong to return to her country.    


Because the subordinate who had long snuck into the Golden Triangle had already called him half an hour ago, saying that Yue Zitong had already set foot on this road.    


Those men were very smart and capable.    


Not only did it determine Yue Zitong's return route, it also reported who she was travelling with.    


There was only one person accompanying Yue Zitong back home.    


Lee Nanfang.    


Yue Zitong went to Golden Triangle by herself, but did not come down from Southern Beijing by herself.    


Accompanying her was more than ten of Patriarch Yue's personal bodyguards, including Wang Yang, who was the highest on active duty.    


These people were all elites among the bodyguards.    


But what of it?    


Now was not the time to rely on one's fist to be tough, but on someone's fist to be tough.    


No matter how high your martial arts were, could you block a short range killing machine like the rocket launcher?    


At that time, all he had to do was pull the trigger, and with a loud bang, all the powerful martial arts masters would be reduced to a pile of minced meat.    


Therefore, Yue Qingke did not put Wang Yang and the others in his eyes.    


Lee Nanfang actually didn't put them in his eyes, which was why he made them return home earlier this morning.    


He was the only one who drove back with Yue Zitong in a car.    


Why did Lee Nanfang do this?    


With his intelligence, after learning of the upheaval in Beijing, he shouldn't have considered Yue Zitong who fell off the cliff and survived. Could he have met with an accident on his way back?    


He would definitely think of it.    


However, he still allowed Wang Yang and the others to return early.    


In the eyes of a normal person, leaving separately with Wang Yang despite knowing that the journey back was full of dangers, was simply courting death.    


Yue Qingke didn't think so.    


If Lee Nanfang was really someone who was courting death, then he wouldn't be alive right now.    


But he was still alive.    


What did this mean?    


This could only mean that he didn't care about someone trying to kill them on the way at all.    


Why was he so confident?    


They must have made meticulous arrangements and made ample preparations.    


Lee Nanfang had a strong confidence that the person who tried to destroy them would be met with a devastating blow the moment he showed his face!    


Yue Qingke and the rest did not even have the chance to pull the trigger.    


"Blue sky, blue sky. I am White Cloud. I am White Cloud. If you hear this, please answer."    


Yue Qingke narrowed his eyes and scanned the terrible road. He couldn't see the two sides of the road where a pedestrian was walking. While he was analyzing these questions, he heard his men's soft shouts from his Bluetooth earpiece.    


"I'm Blue Sky."    


Yue Qingke raised his hand to support his left ear and asked plainly, "What's the matter?"    


The subordinate immediately replied, "The target has appeared. It's a black SUV. The target was less than three minutes away from the location of the ambush. Bai Yunlai, do you wish to act according to the original plan?    


Yue Qingke didn't say anything, he continued to slowly scan the two sides of the road.    


On both sides of this road constructed with Last Century was a seemingly primitive forest.    


From time to time, a hare would jump out from the tall weeds and quickly burrow into the bushes on the other side of the road.    


In the depths of the forest, all kinds of bird cries could be heard. They never stopped.    


Everything that Yue Qingke saw seemed very normal.    


In the forests on both sides of this terrible path that led to Golden Triangle, other than the people he brought along to ambush, there should be no one else.    


Once the target appeared in the ambush, the four rocket launchers would launch at the same time under Yue Qingke's command!    


The large black SUV would immediately turn into a ball of fire and soar into the sky.    


This was exactly what Yue Qingke wanted to see the most.    


As long as Yue Zitong died here, his father, Yue Lincheng, would be the head of the Yue Clan.    


As long as Lee Nanfang died here, the green hat on his head would be removed.    


But — was it really that simple?    


Was there really no one in the forest on both sides of the seemingly peaceful road?    


Lee Nanfang, would he be stupid enough to take their lives for a joke?    


Just when Yue Qingke suddenly felt that there were too many murderous intents hidden in the dense forest on both sides, Bai Yi's order came again: "The target has entered the ambush circle! Baiyun ask blue sky, do you want to start the operation? The ambush chance is fleeting. Please give your instructions! "    




Yue Qingke suddenly raised his hand and paused for a moment before saying, "Terminate."    


"Please confirm your orders, Blue Sky!"    


"Action, stop. Everyone. Immediately drop his weapon, retreat from the ambush, and split into four groups to return to Beijing. "    


After Yue Qingke clearly said that, he immediately closed his Bluetooth earphone. He turned around and said to his two nervous subordinates: "Stand back 30 meters." Without my permission, no one is allowed to act rashly. "    


"Yes sir!"    


"Yes!" The two underlings replied, turned around and quickly ran into the depths of the forest.    


As they turned to run, Yue Qingke could hear their long sighs of relief.    


No matter how much of a confidant they were, they had to bear a lot of psychological pressure when they tried to assassinate the Patriarch of Yue Family.    


Who could guarantee that once the operation started, they wouldn't be silenced afterwards?    


The two lackeys had just arrived at Yue Qingke's designated location when they heard a rumbling sound outside.    


Yue Qingke ordered his men to retreat, but he did not move.    


He was still standing behind a tree about ten meters away from the roadside, looking coldly out of the window.    


Bai Yunlai was right. An opportunity to ambush a target was definitely fleeting.    


On such a potholed road, the off-road SUV with good performance was like injected with chicken blood as it skittered past Yue Qingke.    


It was summer, and it felt good to have the window down while you were driving and let the wind in.    


Thus, when the car bounced up and down and sped past Yue Qingke, he saw the car.    


He saw the scumbag wearing the hat holding the steering wheel with one hand and laughing arrogantly, while his other hand was blocking Yue Zitong who was sitting on the passenger seat. The scumbag wanted to squeeze his ear and curse him for slowing down.    


Yue Qingke suddenly regretted.    


He regretted that he didn't give the order to attack after entering the ambush.    


From the relaxed expressions of Lee Nanfang and the other disciple, it was clear that they didn't look like one at all. It was either that they didn't look like one, or that they didn't have any defenses in place!    


They were just singing the empty strategy.    


Making use of Yue Qingke's suspicion and intentionally putting on such a nonchalant attitude, he made him suspect that they were already prepared for this.    


Yue Qingke closed his eyes in pain as he suddenly came to his senses. He raised his fist and punched the tree.    


There had been an opportunity in front of him, but he had not cherished it.    


If the heavens gave him another chance, Yue Qingke would order his men to open fire without hesitation!    


If he had to say it so many times, he hoped it was a thousand times.    


What a pity.    


Many opportunities to change fate were fleeting.    


And after it was gone, it would never come again.    


Just as Yue Qingke had ordered, those subordinates who had thrown away the rocket launchers to retreat immediately turned around and picked up their weapons again — could they catch up to the SUV that was getting further and further away?    


Of course, they were still thousands of miles away from the capital.    


Along the way, Yue Qingke still had a lot of time to replan his plan of attacking them.    


However, no matter how much time he had, it was already too late.    


Since Lee Nanfang and his partner weren't dead people, they could always wait somewhere and kill them easily.    


"I'm so f * cking stupid."    


After punching the tree trunk again, Yue Qingke looked up at the sunlight shining through the layers of leaves. He took a few deep breaths and took out his phone.    


The fact that he could show weakness to Loong Chengcheng and endure in secret for so many years proved that he wasn't the kind of fool who couldn't let his guard down just because he could.    


Yue Qingke would regret falling for the trap.    


However, the time to regret would never exceed one minute.    


Within a minute, he would quickly collect his thoughts and recover his sanity. He would think about what to do next.    


Almost as soon as Yue Qingke dialed that number, the call connected.    


Yue Lincheng's nervous voice urgently sounded: "How is it?"    


"She didn't die."    


Yue Qingke said slowly.    


Before he received the call, Yue Lincheng was sitting in the same chair as last year, discussing something with Han Chengdong and the others.    


After hearing his son say these four words, Yue Lincheng's entire body tensed up.    


His blood also seemed to stop flowing.    


The phone in his hand fell onto the table with a thud.    


The sound of his phone dropping on the table woke him up.    


He immediately picked up his phone.    


The quality of the phone was truly quite good. After it landed on the table, it maintained its normal state of communication.    


Yue Lincheng picked up his phone and put it behind his ear. He said in a high-pitched voice: "Why didn't you kill her?"    


Yue Qingke didn't say anything else.    


After the call ended, a beep came out of the phone.    


"Why didn't you kill her? "Why, why?"    


Yue Lincheng, who kept muttering to himself, instantly aged a lot.    


The phone once again fell from his hand and crashed onto the table for the second time.    


The screen immediately cracked.    


He squatted heavily on the chair, as if all the strength in his body had been sucked out of him.    


Ye Zichen stared lifelessly at the green brick floor, while he continued to mutter to himself.    


Han Chengdong and the others were also shocked.    


Compared to Yue Lincheng, who could not take the blow from the fact that Yue Zitong was still alive, the injuries they had received were much heavier.    


After Yue Lincheng failed, the worst he could do was to leave the Yue Clan Old Residence and from then on become a carefree crane that didn't care about worldly affairs.    


At most, he could no longer command anyone, but he could still enjoy wealth and prosperity to the point of being old.    


But what about them?    


Their lives weren't in danger. After all, now wasn't the feudal society where they would be annihilated if they failed to betray the sect.    


However, their official lives had come to an end.    


Not just them, but their families, their families.    


Zi Fann was in the same circle as them, and they all hated each other.    


If Yue Lincheng succeeds, Han Chengdong and the others will definitely reap great benefits from it.    


As for the aversion of others, it was nothing compared to the actual benefits.    


However, Yue Lincheng failed.    


Even a fool would be able to guess how Yue Zitong would deal with Han Chengdong and the others when she returned.    


At that time, it would be the time for the wolves to pounce on them and feast on them.    


"Why is this happening?"    


Yue Lincheng murmured. When he raised his head, he found that there was no one in front of him.    


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