Strongest Guard

C713 I Hope This Is a Dream

C713 I Hope This Is a Dream

"Sister Xiao, Sister Xiao."    


In the self-study class at Qingshan Three High School, Chen Xiao was frowning as she bit the pen to show her a math problem. Qi Jun, who was sitting behind her, gently touched her back with his finger.    


"What the fuck? Didn't you see that your aunt is studying hard? "    


Chen Xiao, who was worrying about not being able to solve the math problem, suddenly turned around and shouted.    


The other students who were concentrating on their studies couldn't help but shudder in fear.    


But no one dared to say anything.    


Although Chen Xiao's attitude towards life had changed and she no longer dared to ignore her teacher's existence in class and put on makeup in front of a small mirror, she was still one of the top students in No. 3 High School.    


"Sister Xiao, it's like this. Look, look."    


Qi Jun was also shocked. He smiled coyly and handed the phone over.    


"What are you looking at?" Are you intentionally disturbing your grandaunt's studies? "    


Although Chen Xiao said that, she still couldn't help but look at her phone.    


Inside the phone, a live broadcast of Qingshan Television's News Channel was going on.    


There were a lot of people at the scene. There were a large number of police officers, some pulling the police cordon, some shouting for all the onlookers to back off, while others were at the entrance of the hall to evacuate the staff.    


There was no need for an introduction, just from the many people wearing white gowns, one could tell that this was a hospital.    


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Green Mountain Television Station's News Channel. I am Ye-zi."    


It was unknown how many times the female host of the live broadcast had introduced the camera to him. As she spoke, she slowly moved the camera up and aimed it at the tall building.    


"Holy shit, someone got a sausage?"    


Chen Xiao's interest was piqued when she saw a man wearing a hospital gown being hung upside down at a distance of tens of meters.    


At first I regretted that today was not the weekend, so I couldn't go to the scene to feel this "exciting" atmosphere.    


Just as Chen Xiao was about to enlarge the picture and take a closer look, Leaves' voice rang out, "From what we know, the person hanging upside down is the city's largest real estate agent, Yun World's young master, Feng Yuntine. The person who is trying to commit the murder is the Chief Executive Jack of Qingshan and Nanfang Group. "    




Chen Xiao was stunned. "It, it's Uncle Li?"    


Then, she cheered, "Good boy, Uncle, you are so handsome that you can hang people at such a high place. Aren't you afraid of accidentally throwing him to his death? "No, I have to show Uncle my support, I have to go."    


"I'll go too."    


Qi Jun was now Chen Xiao's shadow. He was originally not interested in studying, so he was eager to skip class and go play outside.    


"Then hurry."    


Chen Xiao, on the other hand, did not mind Qi Jun following her.    


The two of them came out of the back window. Just as they ran into the field and were about to jump over the wall, Chen Xiao's cell phone rang.    


"F * ck, could it be our mother's class monitor? That's why he called me and told us to go back when he saw that I was going to take you out to play?"    


As she cursed, Chen Xiao took out her cell phone and smiled.    


It was Lee Nanfang who called her.    


As soon as the call connected, Chen Xiao chirped like a happy bird, "Uncle, why didn't you tell me earlier when you hung him up? I'll also bring along a large group of relatives and friends to support you and cheer you on. "    


"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you really want to see my head smashed by a sniper?"    


"Wow, it can't be this serious, right?"    


Chen Xiao was shocked and hurriedly said, "What, the police want to play with you for real?"    




Lee Nanfang said depressingly: "I didn't plan to play such a big game. Alright, it's no use talking to you about this anymore. That hacker genius who went with you to cause trouble at the exhibition center last night, can you find him within three minutes? "    


"Hacker genius?"    


Chen Xiao was stunned and then smiled. She raised her hand and hooked a finger at Qi Jun: "Uncle, it'll be finished in a second. "Junzi, get the hell over here right now, my uncle is looking for you."    


Qi Jun immediately ran over and took the phone. His face was full of excitement as he said: "Uncle, it's Qi Jun. "Excuse me, do you have any instructions?"    


Qi Jun did not know Lee Nanfang and had never seen him before.    


But last night, he witnessed Lee Nanfang's power with his own eyes.    


To be able to invite a top supermodel in the world like Croft to participate in an open-air stage show, how could he be an ordinary person?    


If you want to do it, then do it. If you want to do it, then do it.    


This was Qi Jun's view of the world. After returning last night, he had considered how to pester Chen Xiao and asked her to recommend Lee Nanfang to him.    


But now, Lee Nanfang was calling. Someone with the surname 'Dao' was looking for him. The acne on his nose was starting to shine again.    


He nodded his head repeatedly, saying that it was just a small matter.    


"Damn, why did you hang up?" I still haven't asked uncle what's going on! "    


Seeing Qi Jun nod repeatedly and hang up the phone, Chen Xiao was a little anxious. She kicked him, "I'll return my phone to me."    


"Wait, the uncle said to send a video over."    


Qi Jun, who was kicked, remained unmoved. He waited for his phone to ring before returning it to Chen Xiao and took out his notebook from his backpack. "Sister Xiao, hurry up and send me the video. The faster the better."    


"What the hell?"    


Chen Xiao curled her lips in disdain. She opened up the video and only watched for a few seconds before laughing out loud.    


Lifting his hand, he patted Qi Jun's shoulder and said arrogantly: "Xiao Junzi, look good, don't disappoint me. After settling this matter, I will personally take you to Nanfang Group and ask uncle to reward you well. Oh, by the way, can you do a live broadcast of this video? Sigh, not being able to cheer for Uncle on the spot is a huge loss. "    


"It's nothing. Big Sister Xiao, just wait and see. "    


Qi Jun sat cross-legged on the field. He didn't even raise his head as he pointed his fingers at the keyboard.    


"Hurry, hurry!" Why hasn't the camera switched? "    


Chen Xiao held her cell phone and watched the live broadcast of Qingshan Television Station's news. She kept urging Qi Jun to hurry up.    


Invading the live broadcast system of the Green Mountain Television Station's news channel was much more troublesome than invading the system of the exhibition center last night.    


However, it was still quite easy for Qi Jun to get rid of this kind of local television station with average defense.    


After tapping on the keyboard a few more times, Qi Jun raised his right hand and snapped his fingers: "Done!"    


In broad daylight, Lee Nanfang actually dared to abduct Feng Yuntine and hang him on the 17th floor. The incident was broadcast live by the News Channel of Green Mountain Television Station, and it immediately caused a huge uproar in the Qingshan City.    


There was no other way.    


Who told Lee Nanfang and Feng Yuntine to be famous people of Qingshan City?    


Feng Yuntine was the Young Master of the Cloud World, the biggest real estate agent in the city. He could be considered a public figure. Who knew how many diaosi secretly cursed him? He had better choke on his food to death.    


And Lee Nanfang became famous overnight.    


In China, as long as anyone could hire Croft, the top model of the world, to help them and launch a black silk product that the public had never seen before, it would be difficult for them not to become famous.    


Even Min Rou, who was far away on the banks of the Yellow River and was in charge of the construction of the new factory, knew about it.    


Although Min Rou was far away from downtown and almost never came back, it didn't mean that she didn't care about those people in the city, those things.    


She was concerned about everything that had to do with Yue Zitong and Lee Nanfang.    


However, she wouldn't tell anyone. She would just hide in her office and enjoy the world that belonged to her.    


Last night, she had watched Nanfang Group's show live through a video posted on a forum in this city.    


No one knew that Min Rou, who was now called Deputy Director Min, was very happy to see Croft and the others actually showing Lee Nanfang their skills.    


It was just like how she felt anxious when she accidentally saw the live broadcast of Qingshan Television Station's News Channel when she was taking a break from work this afternoon: "Lee Nanfang, are you dumb? How could he do such a thing! This is simply too much nonsense. This is to smash apart the great situation that was created last night. "    


Min Rou's first reaction was to immediately rush back to the city center to the scene of the central hospital and help the police do Lee Nanfang's work. She wanted him to immediately put down his butcher knife and immediately turn into a Buddha.    


However, just as he reached the door of the temporary office, he stopped.    


She suddenly realized that by the time she arrived at the scene, the incident was already over.    


There were only three results.    


First, Lee Nanfang let go of Feng Yuntine and was obediently taken away by the police.    


Secondly, he got rid of Feng Yuntine, but got shot in the head by a sniper in the police station.    


However, based on her understanding of Lee Nanfang, the probability of either situation was not high.    


The third possibility was that Lee Nanfang was able to escape before the police could take action against him after releasing Feng Yuntine's kite.    


If he ran, then he was running for his life.    


They were going to run for their lives.    


What do people who run away need the most?    




While she was thinking, Min Rou had already opened up the bank on her mobile phone and checked her savings.    


100,000 points.    


Seeing this number, Min Rou's gaze dimmed, and the image of her father appeared before her.    


She sighed and shook her head vigorously. Min Rou tossed her father's shadow out of her mind and opened WeChat.    


Previously, she had sent Lee Nanfang a cellphone and applied for a WeChat for him, binding her bank account and using her own ID card.    


It was just that she didn't expect Lee Nanfang to use that WeChat signal to add Yue Zitong and then start his absurd journey.    


Min Rou didn't want to think about that anymore.    


She only felt that once Lee Nanfang escaped, all of his bank cards would immediately freeze.    


Since Lee Nanfang didn't have any money to spend, he should be able to think of the WeChat card that Min Rou gave him along with the bindings.    


She transferred the 100,000 yuan into the bank card that was bound to WeChat.    


"That's all I can do to help you. If you're smart enough, you'll keep this card from getting exposed. That way, I can give you money every month. "    


After a girl falls in love with a man, infatuation can trample reason to the point where she can't finish it. Therefore, even if she knows that there are some things she can't do, she will still rack her brains to do them.    


After the transfer was successful, Min Rou suddenly felt extremely tired. She slowly sat down on the chair, wanting to close her eyes and have a good night's sleep.    


How she wished that after she woke up, everything between her father and Lee Nanfang was just a dream.    


But she couldn't sleep.    


She had to constantly pay attention to the path that Scumbag Lee, who was about to die, would take in the end.    


When he opened Green Mountain Television's news channel again, the host, Ye Wen, was in the middle of reprimanding Scumbag Lee righteously on behalf of the seven million people of Qingshan.    


Suddenly, the scene changed.    


It was still at the central hospital crime scene, but the image suddenly changed from looking up to looking down.    


Hanged upside down, Feng Yuntine shouted with a ferocious look, "Lee Nanfang, I don't want you to save me, let go of me!"    


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