Strongest Guard

C718 Please be Prepared to Die

C718 Please be Prepared to Die

The location of the ambush was chosen by Lin Yiting.    


She felt that even if a dog was carrying a rocket launcher, once Lee Nanfang's car turned a corner and the body of the car appeared horizontally, as long as the trigger was pressed, the rocket would automatically hit the car and blast that guy into the sky.    


Her carefully chosen subordinates should be smarter than dogs, much more capable, right?    


But why was it that when he pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher, he shook the blue flame rocket and flew back 45 degrees, drawing a beautiful arc in the night sky before landing on the barren hill that was over 100 meters away from the road?    


After the rocket exploded, the flames were very beautiful, like fireworks.    


Lin Yiting spent a lot of time and effort to get this rocket launcher to snipe Lee Nanfang.    


She desperately wanted to see Lee Nanfang fly into the air along with the car.    


Instead, stand under the moon and look at the fireworks!    


"What's going on!?"    


Lin Yiting went blank for a moment. At the same time that she shouted in a low voice, the black suit beside her also let out these words.    


According to Lin Yiting's plan, she and her black suit stood at the top of the hill.    


Below them, in the weeds, which were two meters higher than the highway, were three men.    


One of them had a rocket launcher on his shoulder and pulled the trigger, sending Lee Nanfang and his car flying into the air. When they landed, the other two would quickly run over to repair their wounds.    


What if the guy didn't die?    


When she was sure that Lee Nanfang was dead, she would take another look at this boring world and commit suicide by swallowing a gun.    


But why did that idiot shoot the rocket high?    


Not only that, it was a little too high.    


How could Lin Yiting not be shocked when the opportunity to assassinate Lee Nanfang passed in an instant?    


Before she could finish her sentence, the black suit beside her that was about to pounce down to see what was going on suddenly let out a blood-curdling scream, and fell back into the weeds below her feet. With both hands clutching at her throat, her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as she screamed out with great difficulty: "El-Eldest Miss, quickly, run!"    


Under the bright moonlight, Lin Yiting could clearly see the blood flowing out of the gap between the hands of the man in the black suit and his neck.    


In the past, Lin Yiting had seen people die countless times in movies.    


However, in reality, she had never seen a person whose body violently twitched after being stabbed by an iron rod.    


She was scared silly.    


She really didn't know what was going on.    


"El-Eldest Miss, let's go!"    


The loyal black suit once again forced out these words before it finally straightened its body and stopped moving.    




Lin Yiting finally snapped out of her daze after being drenched in blood. She covered her ears with both hands and let out a shrill scream.    


Amidst her screams, the white Bmw s that were supposed to be blasted up into the air by the rockets sped past her on the road below.    


Lee Nanfang definitely saw the Faint Blue Ballistic Missile that was pulled into the air and also saw her miserable scream. However, he didn't stop at all and increased the throttle as she headed straight into the city.    


"Ah, ah!"    


Lin Yiting screamed twice before her subordinate who was carrying the rocket launcher stood up and turned to look at her.    


The muzzle of the rocket launcher on his shoulder was pointed at her.    


Under the moonlight, he could clearly see the curls of green smoke coming out of the mouth of the tube.    


Lin Yiting's screams came to a screeching halt, as if her screams had been cut off by a knife.    


No one dared to move an inch in front of the rocket launcher.    


She saw him.    


This was not one of her carefully chosen subordinates.    


Even the combined eyes of her subordinates were not as terrifying as this person's.    


What kind of eyes were these?    


Looking into those eyes, Lin Yiting thought of the leopard on the African Great Prairie.    


She had been to the African savanna several times, once at night.    


The moonlight at night on the African Great Prairie, which was basically free from industrial pollution, was much brighter than the moonlight on the green mountain. It was as bright as day, so Lin Yiting could see a ferocious cheetah suddenly pouncing out of the grass.    


Lin Yiting was shocked when she threw herself against the window of the rebar.    


That time, she firmly remembered the leopard's eyes.    


This person's eyes emitted the vicious light that only cheetahs on the prairie would emit.    


There was also a lust that made her heart tremble.    


Who is he?    


When did he sneak into my hands, under my nose?    


What about my three men?    


Lin Yiting instinctively thought this as she blankly stared at the pair of eyes.    


"Aren't you curious about why I suddenly appeared here?"    


As if that person knew what Lin Yiting was thinking, he chuckled softly and asked.    


Lin Yiting nodded her head subconsciously. "Yes, yes." "You, why are you here?"    


When that person laughed again, his voice became much louder. "I won't tell you."    


"Where are they?"    


Lin Yiting asked again.    


She really wanted to find out where the three subordinates who were so close to her had gone to.    


Why didn't they notice this person? Without making any noise, the rocket launcher was taken away by someone. After releasing the firework, the rocket launcher was aimed at her.    




Wu Tie lowered his head and looked at the three corpses on the ground. He smiled proudly and said, "Miss Lin, no wonder Lee Nanfang said you are the dumbest woman in the world. You have grown a pretty skin for nothing. So it was like that. Look at the way you've chosen Death Soldiers, each one of them more stupid than a donkey. When I crawled out of the grass, they didn't even notice. "    


To Ye Xiaodao, getting rid of a few death warriors of Lin Family who only followed Lin Yiting's orders and tried to "kill the innocent", meant nothing to him.    


As Qin Laoqi's student and senior gold medal killer of the OF International Killer Platform, it wouldn't be difficult for Ye Xiaodao to kill a few of her underlings under Lin Yiting's nose.    


Who told these people to focus all their attention on the Lee Nanfang who was about to appear, but to forget that the greatest danger was always by their side?    


It was impossible for them to survive.    


After hearing Ye Xiaodao mention Lee Nanfang's name, Lin Yiting suddenly understood and shouted, "You, you are Lee Nanfang's man!"    




Ye Xiaodao was unhappy and retorted, "I'm not such a beautiful woman like you, so I can't say I belong to that bastard. I am an upright and pure man, Master Dao, and have no interest in the style of sleeve breaking in the Jin Dynasty. Alright, Master Dao, I'm still busy. I don't have time to grind my teeth here with you, so I might as well send you on your way. After that, we have to go back and see Croft's long legs. "    


As Ye Xiaodao spoke, he pointed the muzzle of the rocket launcher at Lin Yiting and muttered, "Miss Lin, please get ready to ascend to heaven. I advise you to open your eyes wide. So that you can see how you were hit by a rocket. "    






Facing the black barrel's opening, Lin Yiting wanted to shout out the word.    


However, her mouth moved a few times but no sound came out.    


Under the extreme fear, she was so scared that she lost her voice.    


"Are you ready?"    


Ye Xiaodao's right finger hooked onto the trigger of the rocket launcher, aimed at the muzzle on her chest, and raised it slightly to aim at her face that was paler than moonlight: "I count three two one. By the time you count down to the last digit, you will be able to ascend to heaven happily. Sigh, honestly speaking, I can't bear to blast such a beautiful Tiny Skull into pieces. But who told you to die? "    


As they chatted, Ye Xiaodao started to count.    


Lin Yiting's thoughts couldn't help but go along with his nagging. Her brain automatically came up with the miserable state of having been blown into smithereens.    


She wanted to close her eyes.    


However, her eyes were closed, and she couldn't control them. She could only hear him say the last number as he pulled the trigger.    




When he pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher, it made a sound that was much louder and stronger than a handgun's.    


"I'm dead."    


The instant the sound of the trigger rang out, Lin Yiting finally closed her eyes and said those three words in a low voice.    


What would it feel like to have one's head exploded into pieces by a powerful rocket launcher?    


Lin Yiting couldn't say anything. All she knew was that she died after the trigger was pulled.    


The feeling of being dead should be because time had frozen, his mind was blank, and his life would be formalized from then on.    


A cold wind blew from the valley of the mountains, stirring up Lin Yiting's long hair. It rustled on her face as if it hurt a little.    


"Ha, do you really think you're dead?"    


The man's hateful voice sounded in her ears.    


Then, her round chin was slowly lifted up by a cold finger.    


Instinctively, she opened her eyes.    


Then, he saw a pair of eyes like a cheetah and a painted face.    


She was not dead.    


There was no ammunition in the rocket launcher.    


Ye Xiaodao carried the rocket launcher and pulled the trigger as if he was trying to scare her half to death.    


The bastard's prank worked.    


It was a great success. Lin Yiting was already sweating profusely. Large beads of cold sweat dripped from her smooth forehead and dripped down her pale cheeks onto the down jacket.    


Ye Xiaodao wanted to scare a beauty like this the most.    


Then, when he did something bad to her again, she would be more obedient and obedient.    


"Tsk tsk tsk, this little face is really smooth." Scumbag Lee didn't lie to Master Dao this time. Your chest is really as big as 36E. What's even more remarkable is that you are still an original. I like it, hehe, I really do. "    


Ye Xiaodao chuckled lewdly. He reached out his hand to pull the rope on her down.    


Beneath the black down jacket was a tight white woolen sweater.    


With the woolen sweater propped up, he didn't even need to use his hands to feel it. He only needed to use his hands to know that it would feel indescribably good.    


"Standing on the moral level and using the most manly method to punish beautiful women is definitely the greatest joy in life."    


Ye Xiaodao licked his upper lip with the tip of his tongue. Suddenly, the night wind blew into Lin Yiting's arms.    


It made her shudder and wake up.    


Her right hand, still in the pocket of her down jacket, was holding the Thunder-Palms.    


Although the Thunder Palm was small in appearance, it was still very easy to punch a hole in the man's head.    


Lin Yiting suddenly laughed. She took her right hand out of her pocket and pointed at Ye Xiaodao. "Bastard, go to hell."    


Ye Xiaodao tilted his head and looked at her hand: "Do you think that your cute little hand is a gun?"    


Lin Yiting's heart jerked as she looked towards her right hand.    


It was just a small white hand, how could there be a gun?    


"Are you thinking why your gun is gone?"    


Ye Xiaodao raised his right hand and placed his delicate palm on Lin Yiting's chin. He said lightly, "Take it off."    


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