Strongest Guard

C720 Behind Him There Was Someone

C720 Behind Him There Was Someone

Whether it was Ye Xiaodao or Holan Fusu, they were both top experts in the world.    


Especially when the two of them were working together. Amongst the hundreds of militants, they were able to kill three times in a row without suffering any injuries. That was impossible.    


However, even if they were to place a knife on their necks, they would never believe that someone would be able to quietly abduct Lin Yiting, who was kneeling at a distance of over ten meters away from them, in front of them.    


But that was the truth.    


None of them noticed when Lin Yiting had disappeared.    


She wouldn't slip away on her own.    


This was because even a blind person could see that she only had eyes for Holan Fusu when he appeared.    


Hugh had let her slip away on her own. Even if she was beaten up with a stick, she wouldn't leave.    


Furthermore, she did not make any sound when she strangely disappeared.    


It was as if she was suddenly swept into another space by the night wind, which was getting colder and colder.    


This wasn't science fiction, so of course that wouldn't happen.    


So, where did Lin Yiting go?    


Whether it was Ye Xiaodao or Holan Fusu, both of them tensed up when they realized that Lin Yiting had "disappeared without a trace."    


Ye Xiaodao suddenly took two steps forward and started to fight alongside Holan Fusu. His gaze was fixed on the weeds in front of him.    


Holan Fusu took a deep breath and took half a step to the left.    


Don't underestimate this half-step.    


After he took half a step to the left, his body formed a triangle with Ye Xiaodao, who was also slightly tilted.    


The triangle often represented an unbreakable seal.    


It was the same with the positions of the experts when they joined forces.    


Ye Xiaodao walked over first before moving to the left. This proved that his sensitivity towards danger at this moment was slightly lower than Ye Xiaodao's.    


This kind of invisible yet realistic sense of danger made these two top experts subconsciously form an alliance.    


After the triangle was formed, the two of them became wooden stakes and didn't move an inch.    


It wasn't that they didn't want to move.    


He didn't dare to move.    


They clearly didn't see anyone, but they could clearly feel that if they moved even a little bit more, destroying this unbreakable triangle, there would be an unimaginable danger falling from the sky.    


The wind was getting stronger and stronger.    


It was getting colder and colder.    


The moon in the sky seemed to be unable to bear the winter cold and sneaked into the clouds.    


The entire world suddenly turned dark.    


The temperature here was even colder.    


However, cold sweat slowly emerged on their foreheads.    


An indescribable chill rose from behind the two of them, slowly spreading to their limbs and bones like tens of thousands of needles, gently piercing them.    


This sort of feeling was indescribably unbearable. He only needed to move his feet, or swing his hands, to get rid of it.    


No one was moved. They could hear their comrade's heavy breathing.    


Their breathing became more and more difficult. The injured Holan Fusu's clenched fists were already trembling.    


"Don't move."    


A voice entered Holan Fusu's ears. It was very soft, but it was warning him to be careful and not to move recklessly, lest it reveal the flaws of being attacked by enemies.    


Ye Xiaodao lightly said those two words and gave Holan Fusu a little bit of calmness. He slightly nodded and replied in a soft voice, "I know."    


Ye Xiaodao, who was staring fixedly at the scene in front of him, suddenly shook and returned to his original state.    


Holan Fusu was also staring in front of him. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Ye Xiaodao's body tremble. When he was a bit confused, he heard Ye Xiaodao say hoarsely, "Holan Fusu, I-I didn't talk to you."    




When Holan Fusu was stunned, he heard that voice again: "He said he didn't talk to you."    


Behind him, there was someone.    


The person who told Holan Fusu not to move wasn't Ye Xiaodao.    


That voice came from behind them.    


They could clearly feel that they had never encountered such a dangerous situation before, and it was only because they were ten meters away in the underbrush that they were able to swiftly join hands and form an unbreakable triangle, staring at that direction.    


But how was this possible? Someone was speaking behind their backs?    


Behind him, there was clearly no danger.    


Could it be that the source of their sense of danger was a ghost?    


The two men who had not shown any fear when facing hundreds of armed gangsters were now feeling suspicious.    


"Are you afraid now? Because, you can only feel my existence but not see me. "    


The man's voice that came from behind was very gentle and elegant.    


"What am I afraid of!"    


Ye Xiaodao let out a loud roar, and when his right foot was suddenly thrown backwards, he still tilted his body to the side and threw a punch to the right.    


According to his judgment of the source of the voice, the man speaking behind them should be at nine o'clock.    


No matter who it was, when they spoke with pretence and elegance, they would feel slightly relaxed.    


Ye Xiaodao was able to grasp this fleeting opportunity. With a loud roar, he decisively took action, blocking off two of the man's retreat directions and forcing him to fight head on with him.    


In a head-on battle, Ye Xiaodao had never been afraid of anyone.    


Even if it was a ghost, he would still dare to provoke it.    


Just like a twin brother, when Ye Xiaodao shouted and pulled back his right foot, Holan Fusu did the same thing.    


However, he had used his left foot to move backwards and blocked the six o'clock direction on the left side with his left fist.    


The two of them attacked at almost the same time. Their movements were almost the same, but their angles were different. This perfectly matched the principle of being opposite of each other, and their coordination could be said to be flawless.    


The person behind him, unless he was a ghost.    


Otherwise, there was no way he could have dodged the two experts' full strength attacks.    


That person didn't dodge. When the two of them turned around at the same time, the triangle formed by them instantly changed to the opposite direction, and they squeezed through the gap between the two of them.    


This was the real moment.    


For example, how fast could an expert like Holan Fusu turn around at full speed?    


It should be fast to the point that no water could reach it.    


However, this person was faster than them. Not only did he dodge their combined attack, he even took the opportunity to pat them on the shoulder.    


It was as if they were electrocuted by a high-voltage wire. Ye Xiaodao and Liu Yi both felt numb on their halves. They staggered a few steps to the left and right before regaining their balance.    


When they regained their balance, the "high voltage" around their bodies disappeared.    


Then, they saw a person.    


A very obese person.    


No, it wasn't bloated. It was because this person's right shoulder was still carrying someone.    


If it wasn't Lin Yiting, who had suddenly disappeared, then who could it be?    


"He actually managed to squeeze between us while we were fighting back with all our might, even though he was carrying Lin Yiting on his back.    


Both Ye Xiaodao and Ye Xiaodao stared at that person blankly. They felt disheartened as all their fighting spirit slowly dissipated.    


The two of them could be considered experts in close-combat, but they were also very proud. Other than a few seniors, they had almost never placed anyone else in their eyes.    


Especially when they were working together.    


However, the appearance of this person had shattered their pride.    


To be able to carry a person on his shoulder with such calmness.    


What if he put Lin Yiting down?    


Ye Xiaodao did not want to think about it any longer, so he lowered his head and looked at his right shoulder.    


The moon seemed to know he needed light, and came out of the clouds.    


Under the moonlight, Ye Xiaodao could see a thin needle that was about ten centimeters long, and it pierced his shoulder.    


There was no need to ask. It was this needle that pierced his shoulder. It made him feel as if he had felt high voltage and his body was numb.    


The corner of Ye Xiaodao's eyes jumped as he looked at Holan Fusu.    


Holan Fusu's right shoulder was also pierced by the same needle.    


Not only did the man manage to avoid their combined attacks while carrying Lin Yiting, but he also managed to squeeze between them. He even managed to stab each of them in the shoulder with a fine needle.    


What kind of martial arts was this?    


He shouldn't be human.    


It should be ghosts.    


But he had a shadow.    


Under the mercury-like moonlight, his reflection was clear.    


It allowed Ye Xiaodao and the old man to clearly see his appearance.    


The two of them stared blankly at this person, unable to believe that such a handsome man existed in this world.    


The appearance of this man was even more shocking to them than his ghost-like skills.    


Regardless of whether it was Holan Fusu or Ye Xiaodao, they were both people who were quite conceited.    


Whether it was in terms of martial arts, character, or appearance.    


Especially Ye Xiaodao, who boasted to Lee Nanfang many times that he was the second most handsome man in the world.    


Who is the First Marshal?    


No matter how bold Ye Xiaodao was, he wouldn't dare to compete with his more narcissistic teacher for the title of number one handsome guy in the world.    


However, when he saw this man-- After being stunned for a moment, he automatically made himself the number three marshal of the world.    


"Who are you?"    


Just as Ye Xiaodao was struggling to decide whether to honor the fact that he had put this man on the top pedestal or to continue Qin Laoqi as "Courtesan Belle", Jack spoke.    


"Yang Xiao."    


The man's voice, simply did not sound pleasant at all, "Yang Mu's Yang, the carefree Xiao."    


"Yang Xiao?"    


Holan Fusu and Ye Xiaodao looked at each other and slowly shook their heads in unison, indicating that they had never heard of this name before.    


Yang Xiao spoke again: "My name, does it sound nice?"    


If he did not reveal his astounding ability, Ye Xiaodao would definitely have sneered: "Good to hear? "A nice ball."    


In Master Dao's eyes, it was quite shameful that he still tried to take advantage of his opponent even though he knew he wasn't a match for him.    


Moreover, he was disdainful of lying, so he nodded his head and said, "Good to hear."    


"Ha, I think so too."    


Yang Xiao was very happy: "Then you guys can talk about it again, am I handsome?"    


Suddenly, an outrageously pretty guy appeared out of thin air. His martial arts skills were outrageously high, and one could not tell if he was a human or a ghost. He should have been a frightening person, but he acted like a child and asked them if they were handsome or not.    


Ye Xiaodao flexed his right shoulder and did not find anything strange: "Can I say that he's not handsome?"    


The smile on Yang Xiao's face immediately vanished: "No way."    


"Damn you." Since that's not possible, then just say that you're the number one commander in the world, do you still need to ask us? "    


Ye Xiaodao cursed in his heart and slowly raised his right thumb: "You are the most handsome man I've ever met. More handsome than my teacher. "    


"Who is your teacher?"    


Yang Xiao asked curiously.    


"Even if I told you, you wouldn't recognize me."    


"Yeah, you're right."    


Wu Tie nodded, then suddenly asked, "Then let me ask you guys again, am I more handsome than Lee Nanfang?"    


"He knows Lee Nanfang? "F * ck, don't tell me this monster is here for Lee Nanfang and I just happened to bump into him?"    


Ye Xiaodao thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Although you are handsome, but you are still worse off than Lee Nanfang."    


Master Dao came to help Lee Nanfang solve Lee Nanfang's problem tonight, yet he met with big trouble. If he didn't find him some trouble, he would feel bad.    


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