Strongest Guard

C735 You Want to Hit Me Too?

C735 You Want to Hit Me Too?

Towards Lv Mingliang's courtesy, Yang Xiao didn't even look at him. He picked up a silver needle and flicked it with his finger. After testing the flexibility, he pierced it into Aunt Min's chest.    


"Shouldn't you be taking off your clothes after acupuncture?"    


Seeing that Yang Xiao didn't care at all, Xiao Meng, who had brought the silver needles, couldn't help but ask Aunt Min in a soft voice after he picked up a needle and stabbed it into her body.    


However, the old Chinese medical doctor acted as if he didn't hear anything. He just stared at Yang Xiao with wide eyes. He quickly pricked the needle and pulled it out. It was like he was embroidering. His eyes were so dazzled that they couldn't see clearly.    


He could be considered an expert in acupuncture. In his decades of life as a doctor, he had attended meetings and sparring sessions of traditional Chinese medicine. He had seen quite a few acupuncture techniques.    


But he had never seen it before — no, he had never heard of it.    


The person who did it, the silver needle, didn't have any trace of smoke or fire.    


Not only was he attracted by Yang Xiao's acupuncture skills, others were the same.    


Looking at Yang Xiao, who was moving like flowing water, an idea suddenly flashed through his mind. He couldn't help but cry out: "Mercury is flowing on the ground!"    


Mercury was flowing on the ground. The original meaning was a very smooth metaphor, meaning that it would be completed in one go.    


However, it was a long-lost acupuncture technique.    


The reason why the TCM could think of this needle technique was because in an ancient book, he had read the sentence that described this needle technique. He said that when the needle user moved, his movements were as smooth as quicksilver, without the slightest stagnation.    


However, this needle technique had very high requirements for the person who performed the acupuncture. The first requirement was to control the wrist strength of the silver needle.    


The silver needle was soft. If a person didn't use a needle to pierce someone, they would only be able to puncture their skin, causing the needle to bend.    


Zi Fann was a Chinese doctor, there was almost no one who could not know how to use acupuncture.    


However, there was no one else who could pierce the patient's acupoints dozens of times in such a short amount of time.    


Not only could he not stop his movements, the silver needle did not bend in the slightest.    


It was as if Yang Xiao was stabbing a piece of tofu instead of Aunt Min.    


It was precisely because this needle technique required too much from a person that it gradually disappeared.    


"Eh, you, a quack doctor, can actually recognize that this is quicksilver?"    


Yang Xiao was also surprised. When he raised his head to look at the old Chinese medical doctor, the acupuncture needles in his hand didn't stop at all.    


"Blind needle, Blind needle!"    


Not only was the old Chinese medical doctor not angry from being scolded by Yang Xiao as a quack doctor, but on his face, a look of crazy worship surfaced and he kept mumbling.    


Lee Nanfang was also shocked and thought, "Holy shit, all the signs indicate that my cheap niece should be an expert in Chinese medicine." "Doesn't that mean I'm rich?"    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, other than the murmurs of the old Chinese medical doctor, the others all shut their mouths tightly, afraid that if they were to breathe, they would be able to affect Yang Xiao's mercury-like needling movements.    


With a hum, a short sound rang. Yang Xiao raised his right hand and the silver needle in his hand trembled rapidly as if it had been electrocuted.    


With a twist of his fingers, the silver needle stopped trembling.    


Yang Xiao casually threw the needle on the chair beside him on the needle belt. His left hand's five fingers opened up and slowly pressed on Aunt Min's chest. The light green veins on the back of his hand suddenly popped and pressed down.    




Aunt Min, who had been lying on the ground with her eyes closed, suddenly turned around and sat up, opening her eyes.    


Younger Uncle, I have already treated her," he said to the stunned Lee Nanfang. However, due to a quack doctor making mistakes, she had to recuperate carefully for half a year, and every day, she would drink a few medicinal herbs to remove dirt and blood.    


"So, just like that?"    


Lee Nanfang's face was filled with disbelief.    


When Yang Xiao nodded, after seeing the lost divine needle, he could no longer control his excitement. He ran over, grabbed Aunt Min's wrist without a care, and checked her pulse on the spot.    


It seemed that the reputation of TCM in the Central Hospital was not low. When he was taking Aunt Min's pulse, even Lv Mingliang did not dare to make a sound. He could only watch the changes in his expression.    


During this time, Prof. Chung, who was thinking about something, sneered. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again.    


It was not that he did not dare to disturb the pulse examination of the old Chinese medical doctor, but he did not dare to disturb the current deathly silent atmosphere.    


It was the same with Aunt Min.    


The old Chinese doctor grabbed her right hand and looked at him with an unsettled expression, not daring to speak.    


The change in the expression of the old Chinese medical doctor could be said to be extremely marvelous.    


At first, he was puzzled, then he was surprised, and finally, he was pleasantly surprised.    


Only when he slowly opened his eyes and gave away Aunt Min's wrist did Lv Mingliang dare to ask in a hoarse voice, "Old Peng, how is the patient's condition?"    




Old Peng smirked a few times and then looked at Yang Xiao: "Although the pulse is light, it is steady and strong. The most important thing is that the stagnation that was present every few seconds has disappeared. "    


Yang Xiao smiled proudly: "Of course I didn't see him. I have already used a silver needle to correct her congenital malformation. "    


"I-I'm done just like that?"    


Aunt Min asked in a low voice, as if she was in a nightmare.    


Yang Xiao had a look of pity on his face: "If you listened to me just now, don't take the black-hearted quack's pills, then you won't need to rest for another half a year. Oh, is that your daughter? She looks pretty good and has a kind personality, but she's just too stupid. "    


Min Rou had never been scolded as stupid by anyone since she was young.    


But now, as long as Yang Xiao could really get rid of his mother's illness, she would no longer have to worry about a heart attack at any time. Forget calling her stupid, even if it was worse, she would still be grateful.    


"Don't say thank you to me. If you want to thank someone, thank me, Younger Uncle. "Hmph, if I wasn't the one who wanted me to save her, I would have ignored it."    


Without waiting for Min Rou to thank him, Yang Xiao snorted coldly and looked away.    


The little girl's attitude was full of anger, but it was not at all pretentious. It was completely natural for her to perform.    


Min Rou's face turned red when she thought about how Lee Nanfang once chased her away, but now, she thanked him with a long face. She quickly looked at Lee Nanfang and thanked him with a mosquito-like voice.    


Of course, Lee Nanfang couldn't bear to see Little Rou'er embarrassed. Just as he was about to say "No need to thank me", a discordant voice sounded, "Humph, do you really think that the patient has woken up?"    


The person who said that was, of course, Prof. Chung, the number one villain of the day.    


He didn't believe that after Mad Women randomly stabbed Aunt Min with a needle, her abnormal blood vessels would become normal.    


He had seen Aunt Min's case film before and clearly saw the location of the malformed blood vessel. Even the most skilled surgeon in the world would not dare to touch it.    


Even though he was Chinese, he didn't believe that Chinese medicine could be so magical.    


Otherwise, why would he have to travel across the ocean to study western medicine so that he could become rich and finally be favored by Deputy Dean Duan, earning both fame and fortune?    


Lv Mingliang asked coldly, "Prof. Chung, what do you think?"    


"Of course, the final conclusion can only be drawn after watching the film. Dean Lv, as a medical personnel, you don't even understand such simple logic, do you? From this, it seems that you being able to become the Principal is purely a kind of coincidence. "    


When Prof. Chung said this, although his tone was strange, there was a certain amount of logic to it.    


Lv Mingliang had no reason to argue with others and immediately arranged for people to take pictures of Aunt Min.    


This matter was definitely the biggest issue for the Central Hospital. The units would not cooperate fully if they were foolish enough to do so.    


Very quickly, the video was brought back.    


Lv Mingliang took it and laughed after a glance. He turned around and raised the film high up and said to Prof. Chung, "Prof. Chung, as a famous surgical specialist in Beijing, you should be able to understand this film, right?"    


Prof. Chung's face instantly darkened.    


No matter how much he was unwilling to admit it, he still had to admit the reality before him — the deformed blood vessel in Aunt Min's body had been restored to its normal state.    


"Hmph, it's just a blind cat running into a dead rat. "Maybe this is someone else's movie?"    


"It doesn't belong to anyone else, it belongs to my mom!"    


Min Rou, who had already sent her mother back to the ward, shouted.    




Prof. Chung was disdainful of arguing with Min Rou. He turned around and said to Deputy Dean Duan, "Dean Duan, it's been a long time since lunch. Should we find a place to eat first?"    


"Alright. If there's anything you need, let's talk after dinner. "    


Deputy Dean Duan was about to find an excuse to leave when he heard that. He nodded and said something before turning around to leave. However, he heard someone say: "Wait."    


She turned around and saw the young man carrying Yang Xiao walking over.    


His proud eyebrows immediately raised as he coldly asked, "Who are you?"    


"Lee Nanfang."    


When talking to someone he disliked, Lee Nanfang would never say anything like 'Mu Zili' when he had to introduce himself.    


"Lee Nanfang? I don't know you. "    


"It doesn't matter if you know me or not. "The important thing is, you've all said that if Aunt Min takes any of your new drugs, you will be responsible for it."    


Lee Nanfang walked in front of Prof. Chung and asked with a smile, "Prof. Chung, do you remember what you said before?"    


"Yeah, so what?"    


Prof. Chung was not afraid of Lee Nanfang, just like how he had completely forgotten that Yang Xiao said that he would get Wu Tie to slap him when Aunt Min was cured.    




Lee Nanfang with the actual action, answered Prof. Chung Qiang's tough attitude of rhetorical question.    


After that slap, Prof. Chung turned into a top and started spinning on the spot.    


As he spun, he spat out something.    


He spat out his teeth.    


Yang Xiao had just invited Younger Uncle, when the mouth of a quack doctor, it is best to beat out a full mouth full of teeth.    


He promised.    


So, of course, you have to keep your promise.    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Lee Nanfang slapped Prof. Chung again without waiting for his body to stand firmly on the ground.    


Immediately, he became a top again.    


But the reverse.    


He kept spinning and spitting at the same time.    


Slapping someone in the mouth may seem simple, but it was actually just a technical matter.    


For an average person, it was impossible to slap a person's mouth full of teeth and not leave a single bite without causing harm to other parts of his body. It would take at least thirty to fifty years for that to happen.    


Lee Nanfang did it easily.    


When Prof. Chung finally stopped spinning and sat on the chair beside him, his teeth were all on the ground.    


His eyes were white, his mouth was wide open, and his head was spinning steadily in a counterclockwise direction.    


It seemed like he wouldn't be able to wake up from his stupor without ten minutes.    


The one who was stunned was not only Prof. Chung, but everyone else besides Yang Xiao.    


They looked at him dumbfoundedly and walked in front of Deputy Dean Duan with bloody teeth.    


"You, what are you trying to do?"    


Deputy Dean Duan backed up subconsciously and moved to the wall of the corridor.    


Lee Nanfang lightly said: "You also said that you are responsible for the patient."    


"You, you want to hit me!?"    


Deputy Dean Duan finally woke up, his towering chest suddenly straightened up as he questioned with a high-pitched voice.    


"Even if it isn't, I still want to. It's a real fight."    


The corner of Lee Nanfang's mouth twitched. He raised his hand and slapped Deputy Dean Duan's face.    


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