Strongest Guard

C665 Everything Is for the Sake of the Son

C665 Everything Is for the Sake of the Son

As the sun slowly climbed over his head and yawned as it was descending towards the west, a shiny black car slowly stopped at the foot of a mountain.    


On this side of the mountain, far away from Beijing, was a beautiful scenery with a wide field of vision. If one stood at the foot of the mountain and raised their head slightly, they would be able to see the Mausoleum of Books.    


After the car had driven onto the road from the main road, there were only a few pedestrians left. Other than the nearby fruit farmers, there were almost no other tourists.    


After all, all the visitors that came from this direction were basically heading towards the thirteenth mausoleum.    


However, even if they were here, they would not be allowed to approach the hill.    


When he was 500 meters away from the stone path at the foot of the mountain, he was stopped by a person who had suddenly appeared from the forest nearby.    


They will politely tell visitors that this is a private place, please stop.    


A tactful tourist would stop and take a stroll elsewhere.    


But there were also those who didn't know how to be tactful.    


For example, two years ago, a certain young master of the North District's bureau was so interested that he had to run up the mountain to hit a rabbit.    


His legs were broken.    


However, it was not the person blocking the way, but the young master of the bureau chief.    


After the young master's leg was broken, his family's old man flew into a rage.    


It was said that after finding out that his grandson had trespassed into that nameless mountain, the old tutor almost peed his pants. He couldn't care less about his seventy years and ordered his two sons to bring him here immediately.    


Oh, don't forget to bring along the popinjay who was trying to kill his whole family. You're not allowed to bandage his broken leg.    


The bureau chief's father was so scared. When Guain was young, he was once a guard for the old man who lived on that mountain.    


Because of this relationship, the old man didn't blame Director Si's father. He only said plainly that the child was a good child, and that his father, who had taught him, was too much of a bastard …    


Since then, no one dared to trespass into this nameless mountain anymore.    


It was also Loong Chengcheng's first time coming here, and it was only then that she realized that the legendary elder was living in such a desolate place.    


Loong Chengcheng, who was familiar with recent history, knew very well that some of the elders who had contributed too much to Huaxia did not like living in the downtown area and chose a quiet place to spend the summer.    


On top of the mountain, there was a small courtyard, just like the usual one. The courtyard was surrounded by fruit trees, and from a distance, people would think it was a fruit farmer's house.    


But no one knew that when the old man who lived here was young, he had once dominated China, and he was hailed by the Western countries as China's toughest Hawk representative.    


Loong Chengcheng, whose belly was already beginning to show, followed her grandfather, who was being supported by her secretary, along the limestone path and arrived at the gate of her own small courtyard.    


Even though it was a small courtyard, it actually didn't have a gate. It was just a fence that was used to encircle three tiled buildings.    


In the yard, there was a small vegetable patch with white radish, green cabbage, and other dishes.    


A tall elder stooped down to pick up a shovel and was preparing the soil for the cabbage.    


There was a middle-aged man in his forties who was also wearing ordinary clothes. He squatted on the ground and helped Bai Cai to grind the soil with his hands.    


The middle-aged man was wearing glasses and looked to be the old man's secretary of life.    


The old secretary looked up and smiled at Elder Loong before he continued to work hard.    


The old man acted as if he hadn't heard the dog. Seeing the stranger barking, he continued to lower his head and focus on his work.    


Elder Loong gently freed himself from the secretary's support. His already bent body suddenly straightened up like a javelin, and he walked into the wattled fencing as fast as he could. He casually touched a shovel leaning on the wall, spat on his hands, and started working.    


Looking at her grandfather who had suddenly stopped being old, Loong Chengcheng suspected that her eyes had gone blurry.    


Before she came, Elder Loong had told her clearly who he was meeting.    


However, she still did not believe that her grandfather, who would catch a cold when Ming Zhu coughed, would be "full of energy" helping the old man with the farm work.    


From their tacit cooperation, she could see that the two old men, when they were young, had definitely worked together to grow land.    


After Elder Loong joined them, the secretary left the vegetable patch. After washing his hands, he started to make tea on the stone table in the yard.    


"Sigh, I'm old."    


More than ten minutes later, the elder let out a soft sigh and stood up while leaning on the shovel. He looked back at Elder Loong and said with a smile, "Xiaolong, you are old too. "Time, you won't forgive me."    


With a "pa" sound, Elder Loong kicked the old man and gave him a standard military salute. In a choked voice, Elder Loong said, "Reporting to Battalion Commander, Iron-Blood Three has sent many long dragons to light up. They are here to report to you."    


Many people thought that when the older generation saw each other, they would salute with their previous military positions. There was a certain degree of suspicion.    


However, this was not the case. Those who had these thoughts would never understand how deep the emotions of their comrades who fought side by side and survived in that warring era were.    


Slowly raising his hand, he returned the greeting before saying, "Come, let's drink some tea over there."    


"City, come over here quickly. I'm here to pay my respects to your Grandpa Hua."    


Elder Loong nodded in agreement. Then, he turned around and whispered to Loong Chengcheng.    


Loong Chengcheng immediately walked forward obediently, placed her hands on her hips and bent her knees in salute.    


The old man especially liked the younger generation, so he bowed to him respectfully.    


This was not to say that he was old and feudal, but it was because this old etiquette gave him the illusion that he was still very young.    


An old man who had contributed too much to the people was qualified to enjoy this seemingly ridiculous illusion.    


"Little boy, you are very handsome. That's right. It's just that there are more Evil Qi s between your brows, so it's not beneficial for the child in your stomach. "    


The old man looked Loong Chengcheng up and down before he said indifferently.    


Loong Chengcheng didn't raise her head, but she could clearly sense that when the old man said those words, a sharp, icy light had once flashed through his cloudy eyes.    


For no reason, it seemed as if his heart had missed a beat, and his back was covered in sweat.    


The old man could actually see from between her eyebrows that there was a Evil Qi that was detrimental to the fetus in her womb.    


Obviously, Loong Chengcheng had concealed these words of Evil Qi well, how could he tell at a glance?    


Without waiting for Loong Chengcheng to say anything, the old man lifted his foot and walked towards the stone table.    


Elder Loong also didn't say anything. He stood to the side and waited for the old man to walk past before following him.    


Loong Chengcheng, who was usually smart and understanding, was now at a loss on what to do. She didn't know if she should follow him or wait here, so she could only look at the old man's secretary quietly.    


The secretary who was giving the old man water was currently facing away from Loong Chengcheng. However, as if he knew what she was doing, he secretly pointed at the entrance of the fence yard with his left hand hidden behind his back.    


What he meant was, Xiaolong, you don't have the qualifications to stand here. Listen to what the two elders have to say, so you should quickly go outside and wait.    


Loong Chengcheng immediately felt as if she had been granted amnesty. She quickly nodded her head in thanks, turned around, and walked out of the small courtyard.    


Loong Chengcheng let out a long sigh of relief after walking to a fruit tree. She lifted her hand and patted her plump chest.    


She didn't know why, but when she was standing in the yard just now, it was clearly just a small yard with two old men who were about to die, but she felt like she was in a tiger's den, and if she was even the slightest bit careless, she would immediately be crushed into dust by some invisible air flow.    


She knew that this was the legendary killing intent.    


This kind of killing intent was many times stronger than any killing intent she knew. It was boundless and boundless, making her feel extremely small and pitiful.    


The killing intent of a hundred men beheading a killer, the killing intent of Loong Chengcheng while she was scheming to harm him, when compared to this killing intent, was definitely the difference between a firefly and Haoyue.    


This was the murderous intent that only those with the flag, who had tens of thousands of children, and who wielded steel spears like fierce beasts and stepped on the dead bodies of enemies and comrades everywhere, and swept towards the enemy's position, was qualified to have.    


There was no other person in China that possessed such killing intent.    


The old man's surname was Hua and he was Elder Loong's old superior.    


It was said that Hua Yeshen from the Seven Stars Club seemed to have something to do with him.    


However, no one dared to prove it.    


Loong Chengcheng didn't care too much about the relationship between Hua Lao and Hua Yeshen.    


This time, the reason why she came with her grandfather to meet Elder Hua was because she did not care about her status and was kneeling on the ground, begging with all her might.    


Ever since she knew that Lee Nanfang had offended Lin Family, she knew that he was going to suffer.    


If not for the fact that she was pregnant with him, even if Lee Nanfang's head was twisted off by someone from the Lin Family, she wouldn't care that much.    


She really didn't want her son to have a father when he was born.    


Or perhaps, his son's father was a fugitive who had been chased to the ends of the earth by Lin Family.    


It was all for his son.    


For the sake of her son, Loong Chengcheng dared to fight a lion with her bare hands — that was no exaggeration.    


Men could never understand how strong, selfish, and great a mother was.    


The Beijing Lin Family was an existence that was as famous as the Pearl Loong Family. After Lee Nanfang had offended them this time, if Loong Chengcheng wanted her son to be born with a father, she would be forced to lend a helping hand.    


She didn't dare to ask her father for such a favor.    


Begging was useless.    


After all, she was pregnant with a vile child, and her father wanted to kick her into an abortion and kill Lee Nanfang along with his Lin Family, so how could he help her out?    


Therefore, she could only beg Elder Loong, who did not care about worldly matters.    


Elder Loong's awareness was much higher than his good-for-nothing son. After seeing that his granddaughter really wanted a child, he had no choice but to agree.    


Elder Loong was a person who had come alive and kicking. Even if he promised his granddaughter to pull Lee Nanfang over, he wouldn't be stupid enough to let Loong Family out.    


He thought of Hua Lao from the nameless mountain in Beijing.    


If it was said that Old Lady Lin had survived to become one of the top aristocrats by virtue of her ability, then Hua Lao was like the needle that could freeze the sea.    


In all of China, only Hua Lao would not buy Old Lady Lin's money.    


Old Lady Lin might still dare to put on airs in front of Elder Loong, but in front of Hua Lao — wherever it was cool, go and stay there.    


How could an old woman of all ages live on a dog compared to a man who had made great contributions to the people?    


If it was just for his granddaughter, Elder Loong wouldn't dare to disturb the old Battalion Commander.    


He had heard that Old Lady Lin had been scolded by Hua Yeshen to the point that her head had been drenched in dog blood. After a long moment of silence, he finally made his decision.    


Loong Chengcheng didn't know any of this.    


"Scum, do you know that in order to help you, I have already repaid home 70% of the funds that I control free of charge? "In the future, if you don't love my son, and I become a ghost, I won't let you off."    


Just as Loong Chengcheng was gently stroking her belly with her left hand and looking in the direction of the thirteenth mausoleum, the sound of footsteps rang out from behind her.    


Watching Elder Loong walk down the mountain with the support of Loong Chengcheng, Mr. Hua slightly narrowed his eyes and said lightly, "Jin, Wang Lu Yang is still working at the People's Day News, right?"    


The secretary stepped forward and said softly, "Yes."    


"Let him send someone to Qingshan."    


Hua Lao sneered slightly, "Now, there are some people who, after living for such a long time, have already forgotten how this world came about."    


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