Strongest Guard

C757 High Heels in the Bloodbath

C757 High Heels in the Bloodbath

Prof. Chung felt ashamed to return to the capital after all his teeth had been pulled out by Lee Nanfang. He could only go back after he had recovered from his injuries and set his teeth on the wall.    


As a partner, Duan Xiangning naturally had to visit him frequently at the Inpatient Department.    


Sometimes he would bring a group of people, sometimes he would come alone.    


When he brought a group of people, it was a routine rounds of the rooms. When he came here alone, he discussed about the cooperation between the two parties.    


The pain from having their teeth pulled out was unable to stop the two of them from continuing to sell new medicines at Qingshan Central Hospital. Guain's profits were too great.    


The Inpatient Department had two floors, one for the sixteenth and the other for the seventeenth.    


However, there were people on both floors that Prof. Chung didn't want to see.    


Therefore, Duan Xiangning arranged for him to stay on the second floor and specially created a room to serve as a temporary intensive care unit.    


When Lee Nanfang came up, Duan Xiangning had just finished looking at Prof. Chung.    


After being frightened by Lee Nanfang, she instinctively ran towards Prof. Chung's room.    


Just as he was about to push open the door and enter, he saw an old thing through the gap in the curtain, changing into a pair of pants.    


She had no choice but to turn around and hide in the public women's restroom in the corridor.    


The public toilet didn't feel good. Dean Duan couldn't stand it anymore the moment he went in. He covered his nose and backed out.    


Fortunately, the scum did not chase after her. Otherwise, she would have dived into the toilet and cried for help without hesitation.    


"In fact, the scum hugged me just now, probably because he thought I was about to fall down the stairs. He had no intention of beating me up again. "However, he played a hooligan against me."    


Duan Xiangning walked to the stairs. As she looked around cautiously for Scumbag Lee, someone suddenly grabbed her wrist.    


Deputy Dean Duan was afraid of Scumbag Lee. Firstly, he was a hooligan who didn't know how to cherish the beauty of a jade and secondly, he couldn't offend Scumbag Lee for the time being.    


But other than Scumbag Lee, who else could Teng Qingshan possibly make her worry?    


Not to mention the two men in black suits, even if Qingshan personally sent Lao Zhou and dared to lay a hand on her, he would not hesitate to give her a slap.    


A single slap from him had completely stupefied that fellow, making him think that it was thunder.    


This was a sign of ear perforation. Duan Xiangning didn't know much about medical skills, but she knew which part of her face she should slap in order to inflict even greater damage.    


Pitiful brother, you only have the ability to capture a dragon and bind a tiger, but today you've capsized from a sewer to a boat, and now you're pierced through the ear drums by Beautiful Young Woman, who looked weak.    


"How can you hit someone!"    


The other black suit did not expect Duan Xiangning to make a move as well. After being stunned for a moment, he flew into a rage and kicked.    




Bang! Duan Xiangning was kicked in her lower abdomen. With a scream, she was pushed back and her delicate body hit the wall of the corridor.    


"Dean Duan?"    


Coincidentally, there were two nurses who had just walked around the corner of the third floor. When they saw that Duan Xiangning had been kicked by someone, they were shocked and immediately shrieked, "Someone, someone is hitting Dean Duan!"    


Humans were one head and two legs. They each had two eyes and one mouth, but their fates were completely different.    


When Scumbag Lee took the opportunity to molest Duan Xiangning on the stairs, no one saw and told him to leave calmly.    


The scene of Duan Xiangning being kicked in the lower abdomen by the black suit was coincidentally discovered by the medical staff.    


Just as if they had been waiting for the two nurses to scream out, more than ten medical personnel suddenly appeared in the corridor on the second floor. As if they had been waiting for the two nurses to scream out sharply, more than ten medical personnel suddenly appeared in the corridor on the second floor.    


"What, this woman is the dean?"    


The black suit that kicked him was also stunned, but soon he sneered. Just as he was about to say something, Sister Wang's sharp voice came from behind him, saying the words he wanted to say, "What happened to the dean? Can the dean throw his shoes downstairs and smash my head off? "    


Sister Wang was quite valiant. After getting her head smashed into a bloody gash by the high heels, she refused Zhan Fei's suggestion of taking her to the clinic in the front to bandage her. She rushed in with the shoe in her hand.    


She wanted to see which woman would dare to break her head with a shoe!    


As soon as he reached the second floor, he saw Duan Xiangning wearing only one shoe.    


With a bang, he threw the shoe in front of Duan Xiangning. He raised his hand and pointed at his own face, which was covered in blood. Sister Wang was like a blood demon that wanted to eat someone.    


If she didn't maintain a bit of rationality, she would definitely pounce on this stinking woman and give her a good beating.    


Sister Wang's appearance also gave the medical staff a fright. They realized that the matter wasn't simple, and naturally didn't dare to stick their heads out before the matter was made clear.    


"What's going on? "Ah, Dean Duan."    


The two security guards also rushed over.    


Seeing the appearance of the armed personnel of the hospital, those medical personnel were full of courage. They all criticized the black suit that dared to lay its hands on Dean Duan, saying that this person was so barbaric, daring to beat up a woman in broad daylight as well as the dean of the hospital.    


"Sister Wang, everyone, please calm down."    


Seeing that the two security guards who were loyal to Dean Duan were rolling up their sleeves and about to attack the man in black suit and a conflict was about to occur, Zhan Fei stood up in time and said loudly, "I think it's just a misunderstanding. Please calm down and let me finish. "    


"Let her, speak!"    


Duan Xiangning gritted her teeth and stood up with the support of the two nurses.    


After all, he was the principal. Regardless of who was in the right or wrong, he couldn't allow such a conflict to occur.    


"Sister Wang, calm down as well."    


After persuading the furious Sister Wang and the limpid Zhan Fei, the two of them explained everything in a few sentences.    


Finally, Zhan Fei looked at the bloodstained shoe on the floor and said to Duan Xiangning, "Principal, I believe you can tell that the shoe that broke my companion's head is yours, right?"    


"It was mine, but I didn't throw it through the window."    


Duan Xiangning's pride did not allow her to deny that it was originally her own shoe.    


Just admit that the shoe is yours.    


Zhan Fei, who had already taken off her sunglasses and was still wearing her mask, sneered in her heart as she lightly said, "Oh, could it be that you, the dean, flew off your feet and smashed my companion's head?"    


"It's Li …"    


Duan Xiangning was about to say Lee Nanfang's name, then she shut her mouth.    


After guarding so many of her men, she didn't have the face to say that it was the shoe she lost when she saw Lee Nanfang being scared, so she turned around and ran.    


Zhan Fei pressed on, step by step, "Principal, may I ask how the shoes flew out of the window?"    


Yes, Lord Dean, how did your shoes fly out and smash a person's head?    


This question emerged in the minds of the medical staff as they all looked towards Duan Xiangning, hoping that she would give an explanation to the crowd.    


"How do I know how shoes fly?    


It must be Scumbag Lee.    


After breaking the woman's head with a shoe, he pushed the blame on me and hid in the dark to watch the joke.    


Scumbag Lee!    


I want to skin you, drink your blood, pull out your tendons, grind your bones and scatter your ashes, so that you will never reincarnate! "    


While Duan Xiangning, who was suffering the most, was screaming crazily in her heart, one of the people she hated the most, the principal of the Central Hospital, Lv Mingliang, appeared along with a few of her trusted aides.    


The cardiologist Chairman Liu, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and the nurse Lü of the intensive care unit were all Lv Mingliang's followers in the central hospital.    


Of course, the struggle of this class did not have much to do with the medical staff at the grassroots level.    


No matter who became the principal, everyone still had to do those jobs. With that bit of salary and after eating their fill, they would stand out clearly to support who was good enough to hide at the side and watch as the dogs bit each other.    


Among Lv Mingliang's three followers, Sister Lü was his fiancée, Chairman Liu, and the old Chinese medical doctor. They could not bear to see what Duan Xiangning had done and would rather not be a minor official than to fight against the evil forces bravely.    


"What's going on? Now that we're all gathered here, do we still need to work? "    


After Lv Mingliang came over, he reprimanded those onlookers in an official tone.    


No matter what, Lv Mingliang was the current head of the Central Hospital. In front of these ordinary medical personnel who had no right to participate in the battle, he still had quite a bit of dignity.    


Thus, after his cold reprimand, the base level employees all scattered.    


"Deputy Dean Duan, what's going on?"    


Seeing that Duan Xiangning was barefoot, with a big footprint on her lower abdomen, the open-minded Dean Lv was secretly delighted.    


"Just a few words, I can't explain it."    


Duan Xiangning could see that Lv Mingliang was gloating. She gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart, but there was bitterness in her tone. She could only reply half-heartedly.    


She couldn't say. Someone would explain it for her. For example, Zhan Fei.    


After hearing it, Lv Mingliang was even happier and immediately had an apologetic look. He introduced himself as the dean and invited the injured lady to the clinic to bandage her wounds. He would then deal with the matter later.    


"Don't worry, everyone. Our Central Hospital will give you a satisfactory answer." He wouldn't wrongly accuse a good person, but he wouldn't let a bad person off either. Whoever bears the responsibility, will have to bear it! "    


From the perspective of an absolute leader, Lv Mingliang took the opportunity to make a generous declaration.    


Duan Xiangning, who seemed to be in the wrong, could only listen with a dark face.    


This was a bloodbath caused by a single shoe. After getting grabbed by Lv Mingliang, the fall queen's grasshopper, he took the opportunity to mock and ridicule her, causing her to lose face once again.    


Sister Wang was quite satisfied with Dean Lv's attitude. She took out her cellphone and took a couple of photos with Duan Xiangning and Duan Xiangning. After leaving behind the evidence, Lv Mingliang personally escorted them down the stairs to bandage their wounds.    


Zhan Fei didn't go.    


She came to the hospital today as a fellow villager to see Yang Xiao, who had just arrived at Qingshan, and was met with a car accident.    


Originally, she had asked Sister Wang and the others to wait downstairs while she went to intensive care unit number 4 on the 16th floor. Who would have known that such a thing would happen?    


Luckily, it was only a flesh wound. In fact, even if Sister Wang had been smashed into a vegetable, Zhan Fei wouldn't have been injured that long.    


Otherwise, the queen will not be happy, the consequences will be very serious.    


After instructing her two bodyguards to take good care of Sister Wang, Zhan Fei walked into the elevator. She took off her mask, faced the wall of the elevator, and began to tidy up her clothes.    


She was going to meet the queen in the most dignified manner.    


Zhan Fei was extremely excited when she thought of how she would soon become the Queen's assistant, the one under Raging Flames, and the one above everyone else.    


The Elevator Door opened.    


Zhan Fei walked out, first glancing around the empty corridor, and then quickly walked to the door of Special Protection Unit 4.    


Just as he was about to knock on the door, he heard a unique chuckle coming from behind the door: "Younger Uncle, did you use that woman's shoes to beat the head off?"    


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