Strongest Guard

C790 You Should be Glad I'm a Good Person

C790 You Should be Glad I'm a Good Person

Although the smoke was thick, the blue sky was wider.    


The higher the sea breeze was, the greater the sea breeze would be.    


As the thick black smoke rose to the height of the ninth floor, it was pushed to the north by the sea breeze.    


The rooftop was actually the safest building that was surrounded by thick smoke and fire. Unless the fire could burn down the entire building, Karawich would just have to wait for help.    


However, he no longer had any reason to continue living.    


He felt the same way.    


On the surface, he was the boss of Venus's casino.    


However, Kolbowski, who had already gone to hell, was very clear that Karawich was only the spokesperson of the Russian vampire bat lady. However, Kolbowski, who had already gone to hell, was very clear that Karawich was only the spokesperson of the Russian vampire bat lady.    


It was difficult for Kolbowski, who had been hugely popular with his wife in recent years, to find an opportunity to replace him.    


For more than twenty years, Karawich had almost never made a mistake.    


Only this time, under Kolbowski's persuasion, they violated the rules of the casino, provoked a person they should not have provoked, and committed a grave mistake that they could not make up for.    


Therefore, even if Karawich could quietly sit on the rooftop and wait for help, he wouldn't survive even if he was saved.    


Didn't anyone have to pay the corresponding price after doing something wrong?    


However, before he died, Karawich wanted to give his big boss a call and explain the situation in detail before repenting sincerely and apologizing with his life.    


Big Boss' phone was quickly connected.    


It was as if the big boss had already known that he would be calling at this time and was waiting for him.    


The moment the call connected, Karawich, who was looking down, immediately stood up and raised his chest. He didn't care about the demon in the backyard, whether or not he would get shot in the head.    


The height of the casino building was much higher than the building itself. The average height of the casino was five meters per floor. As a result, the total height of the rooftop was about forty-five meters.    


A distance of forty to fifty meters was nothing for a Desert Eagle with a long range and great killing power.    


It was easy for Lee Nanfang to shoot Karawich, who was already standing in front of the fence.    


But no bullets flew over.    


It was as if Lee Nanfang knew that Karawich knew he had no hope of surviving and didn't want to waste anymore bullets.    


Or perhaps, the arrival of the Macao police had intimidated him and he had lost the opportunity to shoot in the middle of chaos. He could only stand there and watch him make the phone call.    


Anyway, when Karawich spoke to the man on the other side of the phone in a respectful tone, not a single bullet flew over, "Hello, sir."    


The man's voice on the other end of the phone was very calm. It wasn't like salt, but there was a hint of coldness in it, "I'm not good. If your property is consumed by fire because of someone's folly. If you train your men for years and scream in the fire, would you feel better? "    


"It's my fault. Sir, I have failed to live up to your expectations of me, and my years of cultivation. Please forgive me. "    


Karawich, who had a straight chest, was full of reverence when he spoke to this man.    


If there really was a God in the world, then this man was Karawich's God.    


That year, he was the one who sent Karawich, who was originally from a small mountain village, to Russia's ace Special Forces. After seven years of tempering, he was finally allowed to come to Macau to be the boss of Venus's casino.    


All these years, Karawich has always been grateful to you for your dedicated work attitude, which has created the greatest profits for you, under the premise of strict compliance with your rules.    


To this end, he was also highly praised by his husband, who was prepared to transfer him to a more important position in the coming year.    


However, this year, Kolbowski, who had been reprimanded by his wife, was becoming more and more powerful. He couldn't wait to take over from Karawich and become the boss of Venus's casino tomorrow.    


When Karawich reported to the Mr. General on his work routine, he had also mentioned this matter in a euphemistic manner, implying that Kolbowski's wanton violation of the casino's rules would cause devastating harm to the casino sooner or later.    


But the teacher just smiled bitterly and didn't say anything.    


Karawich shut his mouth wisely and stopped mentioning it ever since.    


For he knew very well that the gentleman, with a wry smile, had also hinted to him that he must strictly abide by the rules, that he must understand the "political struggle" and use certain means to suppress Kolbowski, so that the casino could function properly.    


At the same time, he also knew that in the eyes of the tens of thousands of Vampiric Bat Gang members in Russia, there was no doubt that this God existed and had already made light of many things.    


Add to that the fact that the Missus is becoming more and more obsessed with power, gradually nibbling away at her husband's rights in the form of boiling frogs in warm water, to increase her prestige in the vampire bat — and as she grows older, the Missus, who has become more and more concerned about her family, has her eyes open and her eyes closed, allowing her to slowly replace her.    


Karawich was very clear that Mister was preparing for his complete retirement in the future.    


Mister is tired of his current job and just wants to be a good man at home.    


However, Mr. Liu had also hinted that before he retired, he would place Karawich in an irreplaceable position.    


However, at this critical moment, something happened at Venus's casino.    


The casino, which Russia's vampire bats have painstakingly operated for more than two decades, was burnt to ashes today.    


This caused Karawich to feel ashamed of himself. He could not redeem himself even if he died.    


It was precisely this feeling of guilt that caused Karawich to muster up the courage to call his mister before he died and apologize to him.    


After half a minute of silence, he said softly, "I forgive you."    


"Thank you, thank you! "Thank you, sir!"    


Karawich's entire body shook violently, then he cried tears of joy.    


It was Karawich's greatest and ultimate honor to be able to obtain Mister's forgiveness.    


The teacher asked indifferently, "Your daughter just graduated from university this year, right?"    


Karawich's daughter, who was previously studying at a famous school in the United States, was his only child and also the apple of his eye.    


After graduating from college, his daughter stayed in one of America's famous laboratories as an assistant doctor.    


Karawich didn't want his daughter to have anything to do with the gang, so he didn't ask her to come back.    


After hearing Mister mention his daughter, the elated Karawich suddenly jumped and asked with a trembling voice: "First, Mister. "What do you mean?"    


"I mean, I'm going to treat her like my own daughter."    


After hearing what Mister said, Karawich's knees bent and he kneeled on the rooftop. At that moment, tears covered his face as he sobbed in gratitude.    


Always a man of his word, sir.    


It is said that he did not lie even in the most dangerous moments of his life.    


Now that Mister has promised to treat Karawich's daughter as his own daughter and raise her, Karawich felt that it would be worth it even if he were to die a hundred times.    


"Get up."    


Mister seemed to see Karawich kneel on the ground, and lightly sighed from the other side, "Ai." To tell you the truth, I'm the one who's sorry. I ignored Kolbowski's influence on you, which led you to a dead end. "    


After Hu Mietang said this, he closed his eyes.    


His current location was at the business building 200 meters west of Venus's casino. He could easily see the casino that had already been engulfed by the huge fire from his position in front of the railing of the rooftop that was over a hundred meters high.    


There were at least seven or eight fire engines in the front street and back yard of the casino.    


The firemen were spraying water into the windows on all levels of the building.    


It was just that the decorative materials used to decorate the interior of the casino were of a highly combustible nature. When water was poured on it, not only did it not extinguish, it even fuelled the fire.    


This gave the firemen a headache, and they had to hurry and deploy the foam fire engines.    


The people on the other side were in a state of chaos, but the scenery here was unique — — the sea breeze blew Hu Mietang's green gray robe, the sexy figure beside him, the middle-aged beauty's long golden hair, it looked like both husband and wife were about to leave on the wind.    


However, the beautiful woman's face was rather unsightly.    


Her pair of blue eyes were also filled with rage and ruthlessness.    


She wanted to find the bastard and the Level 3 guy in the ground crowd two hundred meters away.    


Her marksmanship was equally accurate.    


It was due to her influence that Kolbowski and the rest of his trusted aides loved powerful pistols like the Desert Eagle.    


She really wanted to kill Lee Nanfang, who had caused her so much loss.    


She had used the Desert Eagle for many years, right on her right leg. All she had to do was lift her skirt and reveal her beautiful black legs, and she could pull out her gun and shoot it — but she didn't dare.    


Because she could see that her husband was angry.    


At this moment, if she dared to disobey his orders and kill Lee Nanfang, Hu Mietang would really kick her down from the 100-meter high balcony.    


When Hu Mietang was angry, not to mention his wife, he even dared to kill the gods!    


When Hu Mietang opened his eyes, Karawich's even more respectful voice came from the phone, "Mister, I want to ask you a question —"    


Without waiting for him to ask any questions, Hu Mietang interrupted him and said, "If I were to fight Lee Nanfang one on one, I can't guarantee that the last survivor would be me."    


The beautiful woman's body suddenly trembled as she turned her head to look at her husband.    


As Hu Mietang was someone who had been with her for more than twenty years, she knew better than anyone how terrifying her husband was. Especially when he was mad, it would not be wrong to call him Unrivaled Expert.    


Even Qin Laoqi and the others, who swept the world in the past, were very afraid of him.    


But a powerful existence like this, shouldn't he see who was annihilated?    


How was this possible? He had personally said that the person who would live after meeting Lee Nanfang would be him?    


"That brat surnamed Li, is he really as scary as you said?"    


After Hu Mietang finished talking, Arena couldn't help but ask Karawich.    




Hu Mietang answered his wife's question with a resounding slap on the face.    


Ever since the birth of the twins, Hu Mietang had never hit his wife. He had always doted on her and allowed her to do so. No matter how much mistakes she made, he would still smile without denying it.    


With such a large background, he could just let this prodigal woman do whatever she wanted.    


But today, he made his move.    


Arena was beaten senseless. Her face was filled with disbelief as she stared blankly at her husband. She slowly raised her hand and covered her delicate face, which had a few finger marks on it.    


"You should be glad that I am a good person now. Otherwise, I'll kick you out of here. "    


Liu Tie smiled, and then walked to the door of the roof with his hands behind his back: "This slap is for Karawich. "If you didn't tell that idiot Kolbowski to use your banner to compete with him, how could he have made the mistake he did today?"    


"Arena, I don't understand. "Since we are husband and wife, I am yours, and you are mine, why must you have all the rights in your hands?"    


Hu Mietang walked to the door and looked back at her. He said lightly: "Could it be that I am too old to be of use anymore and have made you feel guilty?"    


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