Strongest Guard

C794 You dare to Molest Me!

C794 You dare to Molest Me!

Although this aunt in front of him who looked to be in her thirties or sixties had a fiery temper, a pretty face, and was obviously not a good person, she still dared to disrespect Jinghong Ming's existence and helped Lee Nanfang protect Lv Mingliang.    


Moreover, although that kick hadn't hurt her, it had caused her to lose all face.    


Was Auntie someone who could easily kick someone?    


This is f * cking touching a tiger's butt, alright?    


In conclusion, Lee Nanfang decided to forgive her insolence, and once again became a respected junior.    


Arena sniggered. "Hmph. It's fine to hold onto the towel, but you should at least put down the scalpel, right?"    


"What scalpel?"    


Lee Nanfang was surprised, but pretended to be in a daze on the surface.    


After kicking Arena away, Lee Nanfang had just walked out of the bathing pool when he saw a Desert Eagle emerge from the water.    


Facing the threat of such a killing machine at close range, Lee Nanfang reacted out of instinct. With a sweep of his right hand, he caught the scalpel that Arena put on the edge of the bath in his hand.    


Although he wasn't sure if he could use the knife, he was prepared.    


"Little bastard, how dare you play dumb with me?"    


Arena was angry again as she said in a low voice, "You are planning to use the scalpel as a concealed weapon and die together with me, aren't you? I dare to shoot at you!"    




Auntie, you're really wrong.    


If you really dare to shoot, I can guarantee that I will be able to dodge your bullet, but you won't be able to avoid my scalpel.    


"So, it's not that we're going to perish together — with your little skill, you really don't have the qualifications to die together with me."    


Lee Nanfang said this in his heart and continued to smile foolishly. His right hand that was holding the towel loosened and the sharp scalpel fell to the ground with a clank. Then, his horse fawned and rolled away: "Auntie, your eyes are really sharp. I hid the knife under the towel and it didn't escape your notice. From this, it would seem that you weren't inferior to Jinghong's Tenth Uncle back then. This junior is willing to admit defeat. "    


In the middle of the slap, along with Jack, was a reminder to Arena: "I respect you for the sake of Uncle Jinghong and your man. Otherwise, I'll have to hold you in the water today. "Even though you're a bit too old, and I'm a bit sick of knocking you down, it's still possible to viciously beat up your butt."    


Lee Nanfang didn't know that Arena could tell that he had hidden the scalpel under the towel and didn't see him take it.    


Instead, he found that the knife he had left on the side of the pool was gone.    


He also saw that the hand holding the towel was a bit awkward, so he immediately deduced that he had hidden the knife and was ready to die with her.    


This woman had an ordinary temperament and skill, but her observation skills were proportional to her appearance. This was also what shocked Lee Nanfang.    


Arena didn't know what Lee Nanfang was thinking. Otherwise, she would have shot without hesitation instead of sneering disdainfully. She raised her right hand and the Desert Eagle appeared out of nowhere.    


Naturally, he got Lee Nanfang's praise. If he didn't have to pull the towel, he would have given him a thumbs up.    


This way, it would show his admiration towards this Aunt Yang for being able to play a good gun, just like the Yellow River, endlessly talking.    


Women have a problem.    


No matter if it was fifteen or fifty, they didn't have much resistance against a man flattering them.    


Sure enough, Arena felt proud but she pretended to sneer disdainfully. She waded out of the bathing pool with her watery boots and said, "Tsk, Jinghong Ming is nothing. Compared to me and my wife?"    


"Of course, of course."    


Lee Nanfang nodded again and again, but in his heart, he thought: "Hurry up and tell me, who is your wife?"    


"Do you want to know who my wife is?"    


Arena sat on the edge of the bath. When she took off her riding boots to pour out the water, she pretended to be indifferent and said, "Do you know Hu Mietang?"    


"Hu Sha, Second Uncle Hu?"    


Lee Nanfang was stunned for a moment. Then, he suddenly realized something. He raised his hand to cover his forehead with his hand and showed a pained expression.    


He was silently cursing himself: "You are simply too f * cking stupid, you should have thought of who Aunt Yang was long ago."    


Hu Mietang's wife is the only child of the boss of the Russian vampire bat.    


Twenty years ago, in the middle of the night, Qin Yuguan and Hu Mietang had joined hands to break into the headquarters of the Vampiric Bat and started a massacre.    


Arena's father was stabbed in the throat by Hu Mietang and died on the chair that he commanded.    


Of course, Arena had to avenge her father — in the end, she was killed by Hu Mietang before she could avenge her father.    


Actually, at that time, Arena could have easily resisted. She would rather have died than lose her dignity.    


However, at that time, she wanted to take revenge for her father, so Hu Mietang personally told her: "With your little ability, if you want to kill me, it would be like persuading a drunkard to stop drinking. I have an idea, and that is for you to obediently be my wife and sleep with me every day to serve Yours Truly. In that case, you might find a chance to kill me after I've gradually become careless towards you. "    


Of course, for extraordinary people, they had to take the usual route.    


Only an arrogant weirdo like Hu Mietang could come up with an idea to get rid of Arena, who wholeheartedly wanted to get rid of him to avenge her father.    


Arena was not inferior to Lao Hu in this aspect. She really did follow his suggestion of becoming his wife, taking whatever postures she wanted. After so many years had passed, it was unknown whether Arena had found a chance to assassinate Lao Hu.    


All we know is that she gave Lao Hu a pair of twin daughters.    


That pair of twin daughters of hers was definitely a combination of Lao Hu's handsome appearance and Arena's beautiful appearance, making the couple extremely proud.    


Scientific research has proven that couples want to give birth to a beautiful baby, then in that kind of thing, it is necessary to put all your heart and soul into that kind of thing, to maintain the overall happiness.    


He had already given Hu Mietang such a pair of beautiful twin daughters. Was there still any more of Arena's hatred towards him?    


God expressed doubt.    


Xie Qingshang had once told Lee Nanfang about the Lao Hu couple, including the shameful things Lao Hu did when he was young.    


That was why Lee Nanfang knew that the relationship between Lao Hu and Jinghong Ming wasn't very good.    


Jinghong Ming wouldn't have given Lao Hu's cell phone number to him if he wasn't worried about his important position and couldn't casually stretch his hand across the border, as well as having to help Lee Nanfang keep Lao Lv.    


Jinghong Ming didn't really care about Lao Hu.    


However, Hu Mietang was very concerned about Jinghong Ming's business. That was why he called the female hooligan surnamed Su the night he met Yang Xiao.    


Then, Lao Lv's position as dean was saved.    


Lee Nanfang silently cursed himself for being too stupid.    


Only Xie Qingshang's wife and Arena dared to disrespect Jinghong Ming.    


However, before he called Hu Mietang, he never had any contact with Lao Hu, so it was normal that he didn't think of it.    


Now I know.    


While Lee Nanfang was silently cursing himself for being stupid, he was also a bit hesitant: "F * ck, I kicked Lao Hu's wife's butt."    


But very quickly, he found an excuse for himself, "You can't blame me for this. Who told this Aunt Yang to touch me before she revealed her identity? "Even if you're Lao Hu's wife, you can't. Don't you know there's a difference between males and females? Do you not accept it?"    


Arena, who was sitting on the edge of the pool, saw Lee Nanfang's face change rapidly. She sneered and said, "Hmph, you little bastard. How dare you kick my ass and molest Hu Mietang's wife. You are courting death."    


"Unjustly accused, Aunt, how could I dare to molest you?"    


After hearing what she said, Lee Nanfang was completely terrified.    


This time, it wasn't an act, it was from the bottom of his heart.    


"You dare to say that you didn't molest me?"    


Arena suddenly stood up and shouted with her eyes, "Who is the one who is swinging his naked butt in front of me? "Who is it? Who dares to use their feet to kick me? The place where only Hu Mietang can kick me?"    


Trying to reason with an unreasonable woman and leave her speechless was even harder than stopping a dog from eating.    


As smart as Lee Nanfang, how could he not understand this logic?    


"Why aren't you speaking?"    


Arena, who had the upper hand in terms of momentum, sneered again. "Are you thinking about why I've come to find you?"    


"Auntie understands."    


This is exactly what Lee Nanfang wanted to know as well. "Junior is stupid, I really didn't see why you would come to this place to find me, and yet you are so angry. "Could it be that it's because I let Second Uncle Hu come out and save Lv Mingliang?"    


"What the hell is that? At most, we can just give that kid, Jinghong Ming, some face. "    


Arena said as she extended her right hand to her right boot on the edge of the pool. She seemed to be trying to take out a gun. "I came to find you because you have caused irreparable damage to our family."    




Lee Nanfang froze and was about to ask what was going on when a thought suddenly flashed through his mind and he cried out involuntarily, "I know." Venus's casino's backer is Second Uncle Hu! "    


"Little bastard, you're finally smart."    


Arena smiled sinisterly and took out the Desert Eagle from her riding boots.    


The gun was pointed at Lee Nanfang's head, chest, and crotch. He sneered: "Sure, you little bastard. Not only did he kill over ten of my elite subordinates, he even set my building on fire. Plus the chips that the gamblers took from you in the chaos, you can't just let it go without a hundred and thirty million dollars. Anyways, I heard from Lao Hu that you, brat, is the boss of Southern Region of Golden Triangle, and your annual net profit is as high as one hundred million dollars. "    


Pausing, she continued, "Since you have some connections with my family, I'll give you a 20% discount and compensate you with 100 million."    


To be honest, Arena and Lee Nanfang really didn't ask for much when they asked for 100 million.    


Regardless of the lives of Kolbowski and the rest, just considering the fact that Venus's casino building had been completely burned down, the chips taken away in the chaos, and the cost of rebuilding it, the total amount of losses that could not be gambled on during this period of time was already a hundred million dollars.    


It would have been nice if she hadn't said that.    


After hearing what she said, Lee Nanfang, who was hesitating to kick Lao Hu's wife, actually wasn't scared anymore. "Auntie, can you put the gun away first and have a friendly chat with us?"    


"Go ahead."    


With a slam, Arena put the pistol on the edge of the pool.    


Lee Nanfang stood up and walked into the locker room.    


He always talked to the old ladies in his bare ass, and he felt very twisted.    


Macau also had a shop selling Zhongshan clothing. The craftsmanship was not bad. This proved that the 1000 RMB tip that was given to the younger brother of the bathing center was not in vain.    


Lee Nanfang's voice came out from the locker room with the door closed.    


"Auntie, if you came to get even with me because I killed your people and set your casino on fire, then you can go back now. "Please tell Second Uncle Hu that not only will I not compensate you for your losses, I will also kill everyone who participated in the operation to sell Min Rou!"    


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