Strongest Guard

C795 To Make a Deal

C795 To Make a Deal

Lee Nanfang was no longer afraid after figuring out that Arena was here to settle the score.    


He knew very well that based on Hu Mietang's overall situation, no matter how shameless he was, he wouldn't come and settle the score because of Min Rou being tied up by Lee Nanfang after destroying Venus's casino.    


This matter, Lee Nanfang stood on a moral level.    


He did not care who was backing Venus's casino.    


No matter who it was, as long as they broke the rules, after extorting 8 million yuan of loan sharks and then swindling Min Rou to Macau and selling her in Europe and the United States, Lee Nanfang would use cruel means to let these people understand how severe the consequences were for breaking the rules.    


Don't say Arena came here in the name of Hu Mietang.    


Even if Lao Hu came personally, Lee Nanfang would still say that.    


And still do it!    


Those who participated in the operation to sell Min Rou to Europe and the United States could not all have been burned in the fire.    


But he would die at the hands of Lee Nanfang.    


Wherever that man fled to.    


Even if he went to Mars, Lee Nanfang would still ride a spaceship and chase after him.    


There was only one way to stop Lee Nanfang's insane revenge, and that was to kill him.    


But, did Arena have the ability to do so?    


Even if there was, did she dare?    


Hu Mietang still felt a faint pain from slapping her on the roof of the building.    


While Arena sighed in her heart, Lee Nanfang, who had put on his clothes, walked out of the locker room. He turned his arms in front of her and asked with a smile, "Auntie, I'm wearing this, am I handsome?"    


"Not as good as my family's Lao Hu Shuai. Back then, when he was young, he liked to wear these kinds of clothes with Qin Suo Bao, Jinghong and his wife. Only when they wear the middle mountain uniform will they show the iron bloodedness and elegance of Chinese men. "    


Arena curled her lips in mock disdain and said, "After you wear it, it's best to use your country's idiom to describe it."    


This time, Lee Nanfang's reaction speed was very fast. He asked unhappily: "Are you trying to make things difficult for me?"    


Arena nodded.    


After beating Lee Nanfang, her mood improved a little. She stood up with her arms crossed and walked a few steps back and forth. She pretended to be indifferent and said, "How about this. Let's make a deal."    


Lee Nanfang's eyes flashed. He finally understood.    


Making a deal with him was Arena's real intention in coming to find him.    


Previously, Arena had shamelessly teased him by wielding a knife, using a gun, and even intentionally flying and kicking him. However, she was almost kicked to Mars — including the compensation she had just claimed — all for this deal.    


Before Arena could reveal her deal, Lee Nanfang spoke up first, "Auntie, I won't treat anyone, especially the girl I like."    


Arena's expression changed as she said coldly, "You can make an exception in anything."    


Lee Nanfang shook his head.    


Arena's expression changed again. "Shaking your head, what do you mean?"    


Lee Nanfang spoke very slowly, but he said very clearly: "I'm shaking my head to tell auntie that I will never make an exception on this matter. Anyone who was involved in the trafficking of Min Rou had to die. No matter who he is. "    


Arena's brows were twitching. Her right hand, which was hugging her chest, was slowly hanging at her leg. She asked in a deep voice, "If, I say, I'm also involved in selling that Min Rou. Do you dare to kill me?"    


"Of course I don't dare."    


Lee Nanfang glanced at Arena's hand on her right leg and said lightly, "But I think Second Uncle Hu will give me an explanation for this."    


After Lee Nanfang mentioned Hu Mietang, Arena lowered her right hand's five fingers and slowly retracted them.    


This proved that she no longer had any intention to pull out her gun.    


Women were used to bowing before the enemy when negotiating conditions with men.    


First come first serve.    


If the hard one didn't work, then the soft one.    


This was the origin of the idiom "soft grind and hard talk".    


Arena was a woman, so she was also used to using this method.    


Sighing softly and gathering her emotions, she softly said, "You are right. No matter what you do, we will give you an explanation. I want to make a deal with you because one of the people involved in this trafficking operation is a distant relative of mine. His name is Walter, I saw him grow up with my own eyes. When I was young, I even stayed in my house for a while. is a good friend of my two daughters -- "    


According to Arena's description, after this Walter grew up, in order to gain experience with him and become a useful person for the gang as soon as possible, he was assigned to the Macau Venus Casino to work as Karawich's assistant.    


Venus's Casino had already started its business of trafficking in human beings many years ago.    


Opening a casino was already a windfall, but Arena hoped that this place would provide her with more financial resources to help her nurture a large number of young talents within the association.    


These young talents would only be loyal to Arena.    


When they became talented, Arena would slowly deploy them to the important positions in the gang by blending the sand.    


Currently, almost all the people in charge of all the important positions in the association were absolutely loyal to Hu Mietang.    


Arena hoped that within a few years, she would be able to gradually replace the talents that she had painstakingly nurtured.    


Only this way could she completely control the Vampiric Bat.    


Her distant relative, Walter, was one of the most outstanding young talents she had painstakingly nurtured.    


Many people thought that Kolbowski was Karawich's successor in Venus's casino.    


In reality, the real successor was Walter.    


Bears like Kolbowski, who had strong limbs and a simple mind, were like a bunch of bears in a vampire bat. No matter how hard he worked, he was only used as cannon fodder by Arena to confuse Hu Mietang.    


This time, Kolbowski provoked the God of Slaughter, resulting in the burning of the casino. More than ten casino staff members, including Karawich, all died, but this Walter escaped in time.    


If she hadn't been slapped by Hu Mietang, Arena wouldn't have realized that the God of Slaughter she provoked wouldn't have calmed down just because Karawich's group died and the casino building was burnt to the ground.    


Lee Nanfang, kill everyone who was involved in Min Rou's scheme.    


Really "very coincidental" ah, Walter is Venus casino planners to sell beautiful girls to Europe and the United States.    


Lee Nanfang was in a hurry to save Min Rou, so he didn't have the time to care about it.    


However, he would definitely kill these people one by one in the future.    


Arena was sure that Hu Mietang would never care about Lee Nanfang settling the score with these people.    


With Lee Nanfang's ability, no one in the Vampiric Bat could stop Hu Mietang when he stood idly by the side and watched.    


It was very possible that this scene would replay the tragic scene of Qin Yuguan and Hu Mietang massacring the vampire bat 20 years ago.    


Someone as awesome as Lee Nanfang definitely had two or three friends who were equally awesome, right?    


The more Arena thought about it, the more worried she became. That was why she sent Hu Mietang to investigate the whereabouts of Lee Nanfang and came to negotiate a deal with him.    


Seeing that Lee Nanfang didn't seem to be moved by her words, Arena raised her voice: "Don't tell me, you're just going to watch as that Min Rou walks to her death?"    


Lee Nanfang's eyes narrowed: "Auntie, what do you mean by that?"    


"Let Walter go. As for the others, you can kill them however you want."    


Arena gritted her teeth and said, "In exchange, I'll tell you which route Min Rou came from and which ship she rode. It was sold to Europe and the United States."    


Suddenly, Lee Nanfang hated Arena.    


"What's wrong?"    


Noticing Lee Nanfang's cold gaze, Arena frowned and asked, "Don't you want to make this deal?"    


"Do it."    


Lee Nanfang's expression suddenly calmed down.    


"That's right. In fact, it was a misunderstanding. If they knew Min Rou was your woman, even if they had the guts, they wouldn't have dared to have any ideas about her. Furthermore, we have paid a heavy price for this. "    


Arena smiled happily as she opened her leather pocket and took out a folded piece of paper.    


She must have had the foresight to put on a pair of leather pants in advance because she knew Lee Nanfang was going to kick her into the water.    


The waterproof ability of her leather pants pocket was quite good. Despite staying in the water for so long, this piece of paper wasn't wet.    


This was a map of the sea. It was probably a temporary simulation by Arena, using an eyebrow pencil.    


It was simple, just a curving line, an arrow.    


Needless to say, the starting point of the line was Macao, and the arrow pointed to a certain country in Europe.    


On both sides of the curved line, there were many other points.    


These points do not represent islands, but ports.    


To travel from Macau to Europe, it would take about a month or so for the slower cargo ships to arrive. Along the way, they would have to pass by many ports, but they would not always stop when they met a port.    


At the bottom left of the paper, there was a picture of something that looked like a boat. The name of the boat was written on it. It was called the Little Conch.    


The name of the human trafficking vessel was indeed very tasteful, but it was a pity that it was doing something so vile.    


Of course, Lee Nanfang wasn't stupid enough to ask Arena for that detailed map of the sea.    


That was the lifeline of a smuggler's ship. Back then, they had paid an unimaginable price to secure this route.    


"So many ports, even that ship docks?"    


Lee Nanfang looked at the map carefully and raised his head to ask.    


"Maybe not."    


Arena hesitated for a moment before answering.    


Lee Nanfang laughed. "You didn't answer my question."    


"Sigh. But what I said was the truth. "    


Arena sighed and explained, "It's like when you're driving a stolen car on a road. If you see a police officer checking a car, will you change your route or find a random station to hide?"    




Lee Nanfang stared into Arena's eyes and said coldly, "After I learned that there was a police car inspection, not only will I temporarily change the route or stop at the station, I might even change my license plate."    


Arena clapped her hands with a happy expression. It was clear that she was imitating Arena from more than thirty years ago. "Yes, you're right."    


Lee Nanfang understood and the corner of his mouth curled up. He casually threw the simple sea map into the bath.    


He was tricked by Arena.    


However, Arena had not deceived him completely. At the very least, he had copied the route map and the name of the ship that sold Min Rou to Europe and America.    


The only drawback was that if the little conch sensed any movement, it would immediately change its route, change the name of the ship, and take out the full set of "passports" to ensure its safety.    


Therefore, even Arena did not know where the little conch had gone.    


She traded a piece of scrap paper for Walter's life.    


This business was worth it.    


"In the future, if I have the chance to go to Russia, I must play with you, Second Uncle Hu. Or else they would look down on us. "    


Arena smiled elegantly. When she waved at Lee Nanfang to leave, her phone rang.    


Arena took out her cellphone and put it beside her ear. She smiled and asked, "Darling, what can I do for you?"    


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