Strongest Guard

C801 A Worthless Plan

C801 A Worthless Plan

The battle for Wang Ling had begun several months ago.    


In order to ensure her position as the leader of the satellite system area, America had sent out their most elite agents in an attempt to fish her out.    


However, it was very obvious that their America were influenced by their own Hollywood blockbuster. They really thought that if their secret service agents could sweep the world, a hero could handle a large number of enemies, and in the end, their goal of protection would be to return home successfully. Standing on the stage, they kowtowed, gave a cool salute, and said in a deep voice, "I've completed my mission —"    


In fact, in this battle that spanned several months, there were at least thirteen elite agents whose America had sunk into the sand.    


For this reason, dozens of informants were exposed, and they were all killed one by one by the Chinese agents.    


America saw that something was wrong, why was it completely different from what they imagined, wasn't Chinese people too awesome?    


This quest was a bottomless black hole. No matter how many people came, they would devour them without hiccups.    


No, this loss was unacceptable. He might as well change saving the soldiers and saving Wang Ling to assassinating her.    


Anyway, what I can't get, I can't let you get.    


If everyone couldn't get it, then that was the good.    


Thus, from the beginning of last month, America saving Wang Ling, became an assassination attempt.    


Assassinating a target was many times easier than saving her.    


After all, the ways to kill a person were endless, no matter what methods one used.    


Sure enough, after the America changed its strategy, casualties began to appear on China's side, which had the advantage of being the host.    


Furthermore, in the decades that the America had been in operation, many traitors had appeared in China. The most dangerous was when a prison's Deputy Warden turned traitor. If not for the fact that Wang Ling's personal bodyguard was clever enough, he would have been plotted against.    


The Chinese side could see that something was wrong. If this went on, we would always be on the defensive. We must think of a good way to solve this problem.    


Thus, after detailed consultations among the members of Wang Ling Event Group, a detailed plan was finally drawn up.    


The plan was to send her to Macao's Red Bean Prison because Wang Ling believed that America would fish her out and refused to believe that America would silence her.    


Before Wang Ling was sent here, all the personnel of Red Bean Prison, including the Warden, were replaced with the elite soldiers of the Thirteenth Division.    


These soldiers were all qualified for a political trial. Their fighting prowess was high, and thus, the chances of them betraying the nation and people were zero.    


Wang Ling was sent to the red bean not in secret, but in full display. Otherwise, the Macao police who were riding on their motorcycles wouldn't casually tell passersby that the person being escorted was Female Prisoner.    


Welcome to Red Bean Prison jailbreak!    


This was the powerful declaration the Thirteenth Branch of the Chinese Military Intelligence Bureau had made towards America agents.    


and expressed a certain meaning: "If you can snatch or kill Wang Ling from the Red Bean Prison, then we will be the losers in this confrontation. This was the final battle. If they were to accept the challenge, they would have to invite him in. We wait on the couch. "    


MI13 let Wang Ling know through a very clever way when it passed this message outside.    


This way, when an agent with America suddenly appeared in front of her and wanted to take her away, that would gain her trust.    


However, they weren't sure if this painstakingly planned plan would succeed in getting rid of what Wang Ling had to say.    


After all, this woman had been through hundreds of interrogations over the course of several months, and she had developed quite a wealth of judgement. She had the ability to retort, and she was not someone who could be easily fooled just by putting on a show.    


But it was necessary.    


If he didn't try any plan, how would he know if it would work?    


In order to ensure the authenticity of the plan and move Wang Ling, the head of the Thirteenth Bureau of the Military Intelligence personally paid a visit to the Chief of the Supreme Security Office and requested for the most critical amount of assistance.    


There was no other way, because the key person to carry out this plan had to be a foreigner.    


That way, it would be more effective in reducing Wang Ling's suspicion of the identity of the person who saved her.    


However, how could there be foreigners in units like the Thirteen Divisions of the Military Intelligence?    


Even if there were people from ethnic minorities, such as the Russian and Mongolian soldiers, would they have such skills?    




Then, under the helplessness of being forced to do so, the Thirteenth Department of the Military Intelligence could only ask for help from the Supreme Security Office.    


Although they also knew that among the experts in the Supreme Security Office, there were no "foreigners" who could take on such an important mission, but who told Jinghong Ming to have such a wide social network?    


For example, he and Hu Mietang, the boss of the Russian vampire bat, were old friends.    


As for Hu Mietang's wife, Arena, she was a genuine beauty from a foreign country …    


If the couple joined hands, they could dive two hundred meters deep into the sea, slip through some fatal flaw in the Red Bean Prison, and during the process of rescuing Wang Ling, they would be discovered. Countless soldiers who were guarding the prison would drive their submersible vehicles to catch up, and Hu Mietang would be forced to cut off the rear and "sacrifice his honor" to protect Wang Ling from being taken away by Arena.    


In the end, when the Chinese military sent out a large number of people to kill them, Arena brought Wang Ling back to Russia through the retreat route that was already planned long ago, back to the headquarters of the vampire bat.    


Inside the base, there would be the America 'CIA agents' that Jinghong Ming had arranged beforehand. They would take out a check with 10 million USD in real gold and silver and ask her to state the password.    


The whole plan was worthless if it was broken.    


However, if it turned out to be an actual operation, Wang Ling would be the one who would believe it, even if it was anyone else.    


Especially since Wang Ling was a medical staff member, she knew better than ordinary people that when humans don't need to borrow diving equipment to dive two hundred meters underwater, they would simply be courting death.    


Even if the military was acting, no one would be willing to become an actor.    


After thinking for a long time, the head of MI13 finally chose Hu Mietang as the candidate.    


Jinghong Ming also considered for a long time, so he called Hu Mietang and invited him to meet with Hua Xia.    


Due to some historical reasons, Hu Mietang had always felt guilty towards Jinghong Ming. As long as it was something he instructed, even if Lao Hu didn't want his head anymore, he would still do it.    


Therefore, after they received his call, Lao Hu and his wife brought a pair of precious daughters and came to Beijing as guests.    


After listening to Jinghong Ming's introduction, Hu Mietang agreed without thinking.    


This was Hu Mietang.    


He clearly knew that the probability of helping Jinghong Ming complete the mission wasn't high, but he still agreed immediately.    


Because he was willing to do anything for the benefit of China.    


It was just like how he had always been proud of himself as a descendant of the sun.    


But Arena didn't agree.    


The reason was simple. Lao Hu had just had an appendectomy – no matter how good his martial arts was or how strong his body was, he would still get sick.    


His wounds had yet to heal. Not to mention the fact that he was not wearing any diving equipment, he was already two hundred meters underwater. Even if he wore a diving suit, it was very likely that he would appear under strong water pressure.    


If that was the case, then he would have to die there with his ten lives intact.    


After hearing Arena's words, Jinghong Ming was stunned for a moment, but he did not say anything.    


Between men, there were some things that didn't need to be said. The two of them already knew what each other was thinking.    


There were two reasons why the CIA's leader chose Hu Mietang.    


Firstly, he was the Unrivaled Expert. He could do things that others couldn't.    


It might not be a big deal to be able to dive two hundred meters deep with your bare hands, but the key thing was to sneak into the Red Bean Prison. Through a U-shaped tube, it was a way for the prison to discharge household trash outwards, and every thirteen hours, the pipeline would open once every thirteen minutes.    


Each time, it was opened for a period of 100 seconds.    


The infiltrator had to swim through the U-tube within the next hundred seconds.    


Otherwise, he would be trapped inside the steel wire net, which he would have to buckle back after finishing his work.    


Being able to pass through the U-shaped tube was not considered a hero.    


If necessary, he could sacrifice a few soldiers. As long as he could gain Wang Ling's trust, no matter the cost, it would be worth it.    


Not only did he have to bring Arena with him to a depth of 200 meters, he had to protrude the U-shaped tube within a hundred seconds, and even had to contend with dozens of special forces in order to successfully protect Arena and Wang Ling's escape.    


This mission was not an ordinary one.    


The military leaders thought over and over again, and felt that only this Unrivaled Expert, Hu Mietang, could complete this mission.    


Moreover, there was the second most important point.    


That is, the person who escorted Arena down and also escorted her out of the city safely must have the determination to protect her at all costs!    


Other than Arena's husband, who else could ensure that they wouldn't abandon her after an uncontrollable crisis?    


However, Hu Mietang's wound —    


Jinghong Ming started to blame himself. If all these years he hadn't been pestered by the secular world and couldn't progress in his martial arts, then he would personally carry out this mission.    


He was certain that regardless of the success of the plan, he would protect Arena's safe return at all costs.    


After a long silence, just when Jinghong Ming picked up the phone and was about to call the head of MI13 and say that this plan would fail, Hu Mietang suddenly said: "Wait a moment, I have a candidate."    


"Who else can it be other than you?"    


Jinghong Ming slightly frowned and after pondering for a moment, he said: "Among the younger generation in China, the most famous people to advance later are Duan Chuhuang and Holan Fusu. They might be able to complete this mission. "But I can't guarantee …"    


Hu Mietang interrupted him: "Other than the two of them, there is another person. It was also a difficult task for me to dive two hundred meters into the water and do my job. But that person, in this aspect, has something that none of us can compare to — the Golden Finger. "    


Hu Mietang used the word "golden finger".    


Jinghong Ming immediately understood: "You mean, the guy with a black dragon inside his body?"    


Hu Mietang smiled. "The Mountain and Sea Scripture says that dragons are born in the sea, ascended from the sky, and buried in the Heaven Lake at the West Kunlun. Dragons were not meant to leave the water. Besides, I really admire this kid's foolish, reckless way of protecting women. "If he was the one protecting Arena, I would be at ease.    


"You're right, perhaps."    


Jinghong Ming nodded slowly: "But, is he willing to do it? After all, no one can guarantee that he will be able to stay rational after his devilish character is revealed. "    


"You have to try everything."    


"We have to tell Lao Xie about this."    


Jinghong Ming thought about it and said, "I also need Lao Xie to personally step in and do his ideological work. He's a big boss now, not a national staff member. He has the power to refuse. "    


Hu Mietang laughed sinisterly: "Yes, he has the right to refuse. However, we also have the same intellect. "    


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