Strongest Guard

C814 Wang Ling Was Disgusted to Death

C814 Wang Ling Was Disgusted to Death

Yes, we are too incompetent.    


Who would've thought that the way to pry open Wang Ling's mouth would be so simple?    


We truly do deserve the title of the military intelligence elite.    


And in the end, it's even worse than a woman --    


After figuring out what was going on, the assistants looked at each other in dismay. All of them had the urge to run away with their faces full of shame.    


Just then, Wang Ling suddenly raised her head and struggled out of the bed, rolling as if she was looking at a family member. She used her knees as her feet to walk to the iron fence, grabbed onto the iron rod with both hands, shook it with all her might, and screamed, "Go, kill that bitch! As long as you kill her, I'll say whatever you want me to say. "Ugh!"    


Wang Ling had been thoroughly tortured by Helan Xiaoxin. When she finally came to her senses, she had forgotten that she had relied on her life to protect it against justice. She had long since used it to exchange for a condition of not drinking "swill".    


She was determined to kill that b * tch, so she didn't hesitate to take out her biggest bargaining chip.    


When she hissed, she smelled urine in her mouth and couldn't stand it any longer. She opened her mouth to spit out bile.    


Although her pain senses were damaged, her sense of smell, her obsession with cleanliness, they were still there to accompany her, reminding her that she had just been given something to drink.    


"If I knew it would turn out like this, why would I have done it in the first place?"    


Looking at Wang Ling spitting green water onto the ground while propping herself up with her hands, Wang Chenglin smiled contemptuously.    


"Go, kill that bitch!"    


Wang Ling, who was vomiting nonstop, suddenly raised her head, opened her mouth and hissed. Her eyes rolled over as she collapsed limply to the ground. Her body trembled a lot before she stopped moving.    


Her pretty face was pressed against the retched concrete floor.    


Her mouth, half open, faced the vomit, the filth, but there was no movement.    


Just like her widened eyes that were filled with fear, she didn't move at all.    


Half a minute later, one of the deputies held back his nausea and walked to the cell with his left hand covering his nose. He half squatted and stretched out his hand, testing her under the nose for a moment.    


He then stood up and let go of the hand that was covering his nose. He smiled bitterly and said, "She's dead."    


Wang Ling was disgusted to death.    


Wang Yulin was a bit surprised. After a while, he swore without caring about his seating style, "Why is her mental strength so tenacious, don't you think? How could she be disgusted to death by herself? "    


Having strong nerves didn't mean that he would be as outstanding in other areas.    


Just like half a year ago, Helan Xiaoxin, who never thought much of men, actually acted like a child when Lee Nanfang was about to leave. Tears flowed from her eyes as she hugged his arm and begged him not to leave.    


Tell him to stay, to stay with him, to wait for the day of his new life.    


"Witch, are you joking?    


Or is there something wrong with your eyes?    


Otherwise, how could you say that this place is like a fairyland? You want me to stay behind and accompany you as your divine couple?    


Even though there were some sane people who would say that as long as they were together with someone they loved, even if they were in the middle of a world of evil, they would still treat it as heaven, but laozi wasn't an elegant person.    


I am just a living mortal, a Bmw I want to be, a beauty I want to be.    


That's why I'm accompanying you in this damn place, waiting to face your final judgement.    


What's more, Little Rou'er is currently waiting for every second. I should hurry up and appear in front of her on a rainbow cloud. How can I have the time to enjoy the taste of heaven with you?    


Let go.    


Let go!    


If you don't let go, I might kick you with my big foot and slap you with my big face. "    


Lee Nanfang cursed in his heart as he reached out his hand for the eighth time to wipe Helan Xiaoxin's tears. He made his voice as gentle as possible, as if he was coaxing a child.    


"Witch, I remember Teacher Kong once saying that winter is already here, will spring still be far away?" You've got the chance to be born again, and you just have to wait for that moment. I promise that no matter how busy I am, even if I'm drinking tea with King Yama, I will come to pick you up, okay? "    


"Scram your balls. "Teacher Kong, when did you say that?"    


Helan Xiaoxin, who had been coaxed into tears, laughed heartily. She used his chest to ruthlessly wipe away her tears, blew her nose in an unladylike manner, and then wiped it on her nose. "Nan Nan, you've come to see me once with great difficulty. I don't have anything I can take out to treat you with, so just use this as a substitute. "Don't wipe it off, or I'll give you a green hat."    


What else could Lee Nanfang say when he met a demoness who took love in such a disgusting manner? He nodded seriously and vowed to not take a bath for half a year just to preserve the "Bejewelled Nectar Wine" that she bestowed upon him.    


"Lee Nanfang, if I go out and you don't want me, I will become a ghost and not let you go!"    


When Wang Yulin and the others couldn't stand the lovers anymore, they ordered people to put Helan Xiaoxin in jail and dragged Lee Nanfang away, and the witch finally revealed her true colors.    


When she shouted out those words, the two soldiers responsible for holding onto her arms and keeping her in jail were almost broken off by her.    


Lee Nanfang raised his right hand without looking back. He waved it confidently and said, "Ala."    


"Scum, I love you. "Remember, I love you -- wuu.    


As Lee Nanfang walked faster and faster, Helan Xiaoxin's mournful wails finally disappeared behind the heavily closed iron gates.    


"This witch loves to cry more and more. "In the future, your father will have a headache."    


Lee Nanfang, who was carrying Arena while diving, was accompanied by many high-ranking military intelligence officials. He raised his head and looked at the rising sun, sighing with emotion.    


He felt that what he had experienced so far was enough to make a bestseller.    


No, in the short period of half a year after he returned, he would be able to produce a series of big movies.    


Furthermore, the heavens had already decided that his future life would still be filled with ups and downs, and he would still be a peerlessly talented individual.    


"Sigh. Actually, I just want to be a normal person who eats and waits for death. Why do I have to make my life so brilliant? God, you seem to like me too much. "    


Following the example of Hu Mietang and Jinghong Ming, Lee Nanfang also put his hands behind his back and raised his chin 45 degrees as he looked at the bright red sun from afar.    


The sea breeze blew against his pants, causing a slight rustling sound. It gave him the feeling of being blown away by the wind, making him feel like he was like Lao Hu, a master level figure worshipped by his descendants.    


Even though he was bare-chested and had the glittering remains of Helan Xiaoxin on his chest, it had greatly destroyed this feeling of transcendence.    


He didn't look like Lao Hu, who was wearing a green and gray long robe. He looked like he was just casually standing there, giving off the feeling of a grandmaster.    


And Jinghong Ming, even though he wasn't wearing a robe, but was wearing a navy blue middle collar suit that Lee Nanfang liked. But the imposing manner that stood five meters away from Liu Tie didn't lose to him at all.    


Lee Nanfang stood between the two of them. At the beginning, he had the pride of "I'm also an expert".    


However, as the sun slowly rose, Lee Nanfang's pride slowly evaporated.    


The demeanor of a grandmaster was not an act, but a result of decades of erosion.    


However, there were some people who would slowly say that they would become Grandmasters in ten years. Even if they died, they would only be Old Witch — Arena, who was pretending to be a child to play with the water by herself.    


"Lee Nanfang, I will take responsibility for Min Rou's matter."    


Hu Mietang had finally displayed enough of his grandmaster status. He turned around slightly and looked at Lee Nanfang as he spoke.    


"Second Uncle, when you called Auntie, you already said that."    


Lee Nanfang reminded him, but in his heart he thought: "Lao Hu, don't just play around, just do something practical. For example, you personally promised to accompany me to find Min Rou. "Along the way, you were willing to be my underling and let me drive you."    


"I'll say it again, it won't be too taxing."    


Lao Hu's answer sounded so bland and unconcerned that it made Lee Nanfang want to curse, "S-Jinghong Ming, where can I go for a drink?"    


Without even looking at him, Jinghong Ming said in a quieter voice, "I still have work to do."    


"Alright, I'll be leaving first."    


Lao Hu had long been accustomed to Jinghong Ming's cold attitude. He smiled and walked away with his hands behind his back.    


Leaving just like that?    


Looking at Lao Hu's back as he walked away from the beach with Arena's arm around his waist, Jack wanted to jump and swear, "Lao Hu, you shameless bitch, your wife ordered Min Rou to be kidnapped and then set me up, so I almost drowned. You owe me so much, and you don't even say anything about trying to save Min Rou.    


"Arena harmed Min Rou. No matter how skilled Hu Mietang is, he wouldn't be able to find out her whereabouts in a short period of time. "However, he's going to help you get Helan Xiaoxin out of jail as soon as possible."    


Jinghong Ming was obviously cold to Hu Mietang, but he was the one who understood him the most.    


After seeing Lee Nanfang's unwilling look, he couldn't help but try to defend Lao Hu.    


Even though Helan Xiaoxin had done a great service and also had the protection of Wang Yulin and the others, the ghosts all knew that if she wanted to be reborn, there would be a lot of people who would stop her.    


Hu Mietang could only use all of his connections to pull Helan Xiaoxin out before those who wanted her dead could think of a way to stop them. That was exactly what Hu Mietang needed to do right now.    


Arena harmed Min Rou, so Hu Mietang did his best to get Helan Xiaoxin out.    


"I know. Tenth Uncle, I didn't dare to blame Second Uncle Hu. "I was just thinking, 10th uncle, you …"    


Lee Nanfang, who knew what Lao Hu was going to do, immediately became less dissatisfied.    


Of course, he didn't like this kind of trade.    


But whether it was the He Lan witch or Min Rou, they were both his women.    


The back of his hand was made of flesh. Lee Nanfang couldn't tell Lao Hu to save Min Rou first, right?    


Since he couldn't say it like that, then he could only place his hope of finding Min Rou on Jinghong Ming.    


China's Chief of the Supreme Security Office had countless of elite subordinates and fangs, covering the entire world like mercury. As long as they could persuade him to make a move, it would be more professional than Lao Hu searching for him using the blood sucking bat.    


However, just as Lee Nanfang was about to speak of his request, he was interrupted by Jinghong Ming: "I'm only your Tenth Uncle, not your biological father. Someone has already talked things over just because I was able to have a girlfriend for you, and he still wants me to save another woman for you? "    


Sneering coldly for a moment, Jinghong Ming turned around and walked away, "You want me to use the nation's most valuable weapon to help you with your private matters? This is simply nonsense. Lee Nanfang, I find that you're becoming more and more naive, and I'm very disappointed. "    


Jinghong Ming, who was very disappointed with Lee Nanfang, soon disappeared.    


"What the f * * k? Aren't all of them so heartless?" Are you going to treat me like this after you set me up to fight to the death for all of you? This is simply, too disloyal! "    


Lee Nanfang was stunned for a while, then jumped up angrily and started cursing.    


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