Strongest Guard

C863 His Name Is Li Nan

C863 His Name Is Li Nan

David Bai was a fat sheep.    


There was no doubt about that.    


Liszt had already planned everything beforehand. If David Bai didn't offer at least eighty million US dollars, it would be impossible for him to leave this place safely.    


In any case, this plan of his could be considered as offending all the upper echelons of British Island. Hamm would become a street rat that everyone shouted he would beat and lose his place.    


But what's the big deal?    


Didn't the Chinese people always say that the world is big and my home is everywhere?    


As long as he had money, the world was so big, how could he not do business here? Why did he have to be trapped in British Island?    


However, he couldn't not give Hamm face. It was fine if he didn't give it to him, but it wasn't good.    


Liszt decided to give Hamm this face for your own good. "Alright, I can let David Bai and the others go."    


Brother David, who was squatting in the crowd with his head held, was extremely shocked when Hamm pleaded for him.    


He did know Hamm.    


However, all the rich and powerful people here knew Hamm.    


Big guy, we met after we boarded the cruise tonight, okay?    


Then, why did this sexy female puppet insist on giving him a favor?    


Brother David expressed confusion, but he was not stupid enough to ask about the reason. He was just shocked. After seeing Liszt nod his head, his heart was in ecstasy.    


After Thorley's death, everyone in the cabin could see several armed helicopters circling the sea not far away from the window that had shattered the glass.    


This was a brave special task force of the British Island Air Force. After receiving the news that Lord Fei and all the philanthropists were being held captive, they rushed over immediately.    


After Liszt controlled the cruise ship, he didn't send anyone to search everyone's phones.    


They were allowed to casually send a text message to alert the police.    


In any case, he had complete control of the situation. With so many fat sheep as hostages, even if the United Nations sent troops over, let alone the special task force of the British Army, they could only show him their flying skills.    


"I'm finally running away from the tiger, God bless me."    


Brother David raised his hand and made a cross in his heart to thank God. Then, he heard Liszt speak again, "But as far as I know, you don't usually have any special interactions with David Bai. So, I want to know, why didn't you ask me to release someone else and just let this person who was called a fan ghost go? "    


"You're the White Pink Ghost, your whole family is the White Pink Ghost!"    


David Bai cursed in his heart.    


However, he also wanted to hear Hamm's explanation — Could it be that it was my handsome appearance that captivated this female puppet, causing her to plead on my behalf?    


Hamm didn't hide anything: "Because someone captured me and forced me to do this."    


Liszt's eyes flashed. He then asked, "Is he the person who killed Bill?"    


Before Hamm appeared, a lackey ran over to tell Liszt that the three of them had died in front of a certain guest room.    


In addition, the four brothers responsible for keeping watch on the deck had all disappeared.    


There was no doubt that there was someone hiding in the boat waiting for an opportunity to cause trouble.    


This person was most likely one of the bodyguards.    


It was not a surprise to see that there was such an awesome presence in the bodyguards.    


Liszt also knew.    


However, he did not take the existence of that person seriously.    


He only needed to control the cabin and prevent that person from entering.    


When a large number of reinforcements arrived, that person also flew south.    


At this moment, hearing Hamm frankly say that she had been "entrusted" by David Bai, she immediately guessed that he was the man who had killed Bill and kidnapped Hamm.    


Hamm nodded, proving that Liszt's IQ was quite high.    


Liszt smiled again, he looked very calm: "Who is that person? What is his name?"    


"His name is Lee Nanfang."    


For some reason, when Hamm said Lee Nanfang's name, he had the urge to grind his teeth.    


"Lee Nanfang?"    


Liszt was confused. He really couldn't remember that among all the men he had ever heard of, there was one with that name.    


Brother David almost burst into tears from the excitement as he raised his hand to draw the cross again. He was extremely moved in his heart, "Brother Lee, how can I repay your great kindness? My only one is yours, including my woman. "    


Graff was also very excited. She whispered into Avril's ear, "Look, I said he wouldn't let me down, right?"    


But he didn't say anything to Hamm, instead, he just rescued me. Avril grumbled in her heart, turned around, reached out her hand and fixed Graff's dress. With a chuckle, she said, "After getting out of danger, don't tell him that I'm on the boat too."    


From her point of view, Lee Nanfang would leave the damned cruise with the two of them after he had explained things to them through the female puppet.    


But if he found out that Avril, who had fed him with sweet milk at Muppet Island back then, was present as well, he would definitely save her without a care for anything else.    


In that case, he would be in danger.    


After all, Liszt was a very calm person. He firmly controlled the cruise ship and didn't give anyone the chance to take advantage of the situation.    


Without a chance to fish in troubled waters, no matter how capable Lee Nanfang was, how could he save Avril?    


It was also possible that he was also implicated by Liszt's men with guns.    


That was not what Avril wanted to see.    


She loved him — never mind why she fell in love with Lee Nanfang.    


She loved him.    


Whoever objects, go ahead and eat sh * t!    


True love was for the sake of the other.    


Therefore, Avril didn't want Lee Nanfang to know that she was on the boat.    


Graff went blank for a moment, then understood.    


When she looked at Avril again, her eyes were filled with admiration, and she nodded slightly, "Alright, I promise you." But when we get back to the land, I'll tell him. I want him to know that there is a woman who is willing to do anything for his safety. "    


With these words, Avril's face was covered in tears.    


To add a sense of "I am so great" to the pride, no longer afraid of any gangsters, and hurt.    


The two women clenched their hands tightly and chatted softly. Liszt didn't stay idle and asked Hamm about the details of Lee Nanfang.    


"He is a demon."    


Hamm's eyebrows twitched as he squeezed these words out of his mouth.    


However, he was saying in his heart: "Liszt, I won't tell you. In addition to him, there was an even more terrifying demon hiding on the ship. If he wanted to kill you, it wouldn't be so simple. You'd better pray to God not to cause his death. "    


"Alright, now we have to invite the esteemed Mr. David to join his beautiful female companion."    


Liszt was very busy with the current situation. Of course, he didn't have the time to find out what kind of demonic method Lee Nanfang used.    


He only wanted to transfer these big fat sheep to the cargo ships that came to pick them up as soon as possible.    


On that cargo ship, there were 50 of their most elite soldiers.    


The ship was equipped with machine guns, rocket launchers, and other heavy weapons.    


After driving the big fat sheep onto that boat, Liszt would immediately give the order for the boat to move towards the high seas.    


The safest way was to stay away from the British Island and trade with the families of the big fat sheep.    


Under everyone's envious eyes, Brother David slowly stood up from the ground with both of his hands raised high, as per Liszt's request.    


"I'm leaving, you have to take care of yourself. "Don't worry, you'll be fine."    


Tears welled up in Graff's eyes as she gave Avril a light hug.    


Avril didn't say anything and just patted her shoulder lightly.    


Brother David held Graff's hand as they hurried to the deck.    


Through the broken glass window, Avril could see them standing on the deck, waving their arms at the Special Task Force who had come to their rescue.    


Soon, a helicopter flew over them.    


But he didn't dare to land.    


The leader of the squad was truly afraid that the moment the plane landed, a blue flame rocket would explode towards him.    


The commander had already instructed the rescue exercises many times before, so he didn't need to negotiate with Liszt anymore. He just ordered the plane to stay above the deck and lowered the ladder.    


Brother David was wearing a seat belt on the ladder. After buckling his seat belt, he hugged Graff with his left arm and held the ladder with his right hand as he raised his head and shouted something.    


The plane began to fly, and the ladder rose slowly.    


When the plane was more than 100 meters away from the cruise ship, Graff, who had already reached the entrance of the helicopter, suddenly turned around and waved at the cruise ship with all her might, shouting something.    


Avril, who had been keeping a close eye on the scene outside the window, felt her heart tighten. "This is bad!"    


Hamm, who was thought to be a female puppet, had clearly said Lee Nanfang's name when he had spoken his love for Brother David and the other girl.    


So, everyone thought that when Brother David left, it must have been three people.    


But in fact, when the plane was suspended above the deck, it was just Brother David and the others.    


Lee Nanfang, who most of the people present were unfamiliar with, did not appear at all.    


Why didn't Lee Nanfang go with them?    


Was he afraid that Liszt would go back on his word and take the opportunity to stab him with the gun after he showed his face?    


Seems not.    


Liszt had already publicly agreed to Hamm's request. If he went back on his word, then what about his reputation?    


Liszt had lost his reputation, how could the fat sheep believe that he would let them go after getting the ransom?    


Therefore, a smart Liszt would never do something as foolish as throw away a watermelon for sesame seeds.    


Then Lee Nanfang didn't leave because he didn't want to.    


"Heh heh, you want to be a super hero and do it all by yourself. Do you want to save everyone's reputation from my hands? This is too ridiculous! "    


Liszt sneered and waved his right hand.    


Two of his elite subordinates, who were already prepared to be by the window, immediately rushed out.    


He did a beautiful roll forward and collapsed on the deck. Before he could even raise his head on one knee, the assault rifle in his hands had already been pulled off and he was waving at Graff while pointing at the direction of the trigger.    


Da, da da!    


Two strings of eerie blue bullets connected into a line and shot up into the sky.    


This was also the reason why Avril said things were bad.    


Why did Graff, who had escaped danger, wave her hand?    


Naturally, it was Lee Nanfang, who had rescued them. He waved his hand and said goodbye.    


If it was Avril instead of Graff, she definitely wouldn't wave her hand -- That way, it would expose Lee Nanfang's hiding spot.    


Jack was quick to react when something happened, so how could he not see what Avril could see?    


Those who were thinking fast had already thought of this.    


He was also shocked by Liszt's reaction and the performance of his elite subordinates.    


But no one cared about Lee Nanfang's survival -- Who told that bastard to just save David Bai and the others and ignore them?    




Serves him right!    


The moment the gunshot rang out, everyone saw a person fall from the sky.    


David Bai, who was standing at the door of the airplane in the distance, also raised his hand and slapped Graff.    




The man fell from the sky, his body still swept away by the bullets, and landed heavily on the deck outside.    


The heavy sound was like a huge hammer smashing into Avril's heart.    


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