Strongest Guard

C867 I Want Her to Give Me a Baby

C867 I Want Her to Give Me a Baby

"Who is he?"    


Liszt caught the information in Avril's words. He turned around subconsciously and looked at the signal tower.    


Avril didn't say anything else as she turned around and walked away.    


Liszt let go of Hamm and chased after her. He grabbed her arm and asked again, "Who is he?"    


Avril struggled.    


It was completely ineffective. Only his face was turned to the side, his round chin was raised, and his face was filled with arrogance: "Even if I tell you who he is, so what? Anyway, you're going to die at his hands. Listen up, his name is Lee Nanfang. "    


"Lee Nanfang?"    


Liszt's eyes suddenly squinted.    


This was the second time he had heard this name.    


He could not understand why this Lee Nanfang could give Hamm and Avril such strong confidence.    


Did Lee Nanfang have three heads and six arms?    


Or, he was a superman wearing red pants on the back.    




Liszt admitted that Lee Nanfang, who was hiding in the dark, was indeed pretty good. To be able to kill Bill without making a sound and also get rid of all the lackeys he sent out to watch the wind on the deck, this was something that no ordinary person would be able to do.    


However, no matter how awesome Lee Nanfang was, so what?    


How could he compete with a nation like British Island?    


The Great British Island Empire is so awesome, it is said that in order to save Lord Fei and the rest, they transferred the aircraft carrier to the inland sea, but what about the result?    


The truth is better than eloquence.    


They still wouldn't obediently leave.    


Liszt believed that with Avril's IQ, it was impossible for her to not see this.    


The traffickers had an overwhelming advantage.    


But why was Avril so confident in Lee Nanfang?    


Even if Liszt wanted to ask Beautiful President to give him a child, he would have to get the permission of Lee Nanfang.    


This was simply preposterous.    


Liszt turned around and looked at the signal tower. After a moment, he sneered: "Beautiful lady, are you sure that the Asian man you beat to death isn't your last hope?"    


Avril wasn't sure at all that the unlucky guy who was shot down by the trafficker was not Lee Nanfang.    


However, even if it was Lee Nanfang, she wouldn't admit it.    


In her heart, her subconscious, and her soul, none of them would be able to get rid of Lee Nanfang so easily.    


Thinking back to the time at the Mexico, how Lee Nanfang carried the little princess in his arms, and how he carried the little princess' mother on his back.    


How could such an unparalleled hero fall so easily into the hands of these traffickers?    


The more Avril thought about it, the more confident she became. She shouted, "Just you guys, wanting to beat Lee Nanfang to death is simply a pipe dream."    


Under the lead of Lord Fei, the hostages who were lining up on the gangplank, as well as the traffickers that escorted them, all heard Avril's yell.    


They all looked over subconsciously.    


His face was filled with confusion: "Your sister, who the hell is this Lee Nanfang? "Tonight, I seem to have heard his name for the second time, right?"    


Liszt could take advantage of Hamm's moment of carelessness to steal the fruit of the organization's victory. He was definitely a formidable figure.    


Since it's a formidable person, then he should have the reaction of a formidable person. Hearing that, he rolled his eyes and asked: "Lee Nanfang, what kind of things did you do to give you so much confidence?"    


Avril blurted out an answer. "I believe you should know about the shocking kidnapping case that occurred a few months ago at Mexico? But you definitely don't know, it was Lee Nanfang who carried us and fought his way out from the hundreds of gunmen. Hamm, do you think that your little shrimp soldiers and crab generals are more powerful than Mexico? "    


The disdain in Liszt's eyes finally changed.    


Just as Avril had said, a few months ago, at the Mexico, an earth-shattering kidnapping case shocked the entire world.    


It was also at that time that the Chinese military made the people of the world clearly understand that the Ancient Eastern Kingdom had risen to prominence. No country, no power, was able to contain it.    


Of course Liszt had heard of it.    


Because he came into contact with Lord Fei frequently, he knew more about Muppet Island kidnapping love, inside information, and the truth than the average person.    


"There was once a man who carried the mother and daughter on his back and killed his way out from the hundreds of armed gangsters after the CEO of Yuping Group, Avril, gave birth to him. This was a true hero. Unfortunately, none of us knew who that person was. Otherwise, I will definitely bring out my greatest sincerity and invite him to work in British Island. "    


When Liszt's pupils slightly dilated, he thought of what Lord Fei had told them before.    


A hero is a hero. A trafficker admires him.    


So at that time, when Liszt was listening to Lord Fei talk about this incident, he had even imagined that he would one day meet that hero …    


God, had fulfilled his wish.    


Lee Nanfang, who had once massacred through Mexico and Muppet Island, would appear in front of him without any warning.    


Unfortunately, the relationship between the two sides was hostile.    


"What? Are you afraid?"    


Seeing the fear in Liszt's eyes, Avril instantly felt proud.    


"Yes." "I'm a bit scared."    


Liszt did not deny it, but continued: "But even if he comes, so what? Do you think I'm trash like Zorro? They were holding hundreds of hostages, yet they were blown up by the Chinese people? Are they trying to flee? "    


"I am Hamm. I am one of the most terrible people in the world. Lee Nanfang against me, can only go to his death-- Lady, don't hide. Don't you want to hear why I said that? "    


Pointing his right index finger at Avril's chin, Liszt smiled sinisterly: "I know, the hero in your heart might not really be dead. He was hiding somewhere on this ship, waiting to jump out and rescue you. But that was impossible. Because when we get on the freighter, this ship will rumble. "    


"You, you …"    


Avril's expression changed drastically as she said with a trembling voice, "You can't do that."    


"Why didn't I do it? Hehe. Should I wait for him to suddenly appear and shoot me? "    


After successfully trampling Beautiful President's last hope to the point where it couldn't be covered completely, Liszt was extremely pleased with himself and couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Ha, ha, ha! Your hero is indeed extraordinary. When I went to see God, he was martyred on a luxury cruise ship worth hundreds of millions of pounds, and I was very worthy of him. "    


"Lee Nanfang, run, run!" He wants to blow up the ship, he wants to blow up the ship! "    


Avril suddenly pushed Liszt away and ran towards the cabin.    


As he ran, he let out a sorrowful cry.    


She hoped that Lee Nanfang, who was hiding in the dark, could hear her.    


However, she didn't expect that they were in the sea and that the rescue troops had already retreated. Even if Lee Nanfang wanted to run, where could he expect to run to?    


Jumping into the sea?    


At this time of the year, it would be better to jump into the ice-cold seawat--Liszt had already pointed the gun at his lackeys, so it would be comfortable to shoot them all.    


"Catch her and bring her back!"    


Caught off guard, Liszt, who was almost pushed to the ground by Avril, yelled angrily out of embarrassment.    


A few of her lackeys immediately rushed forward and grabbed her arms at the same time.    


No matter how she jumped and struggled, he would not let her go even a little bit.    


"I've changed my mind. "Before the sun rises, I must f * * k this bitch up!"    


It was because of his standard gentleman's gigolo that Lord Fei called him second mate, Liszt. He raised his hand to wipe his face. When he saw the blood on it, he immediately flew into a rage.    


Earlier, Avril had pushed her right hand towards his face in a panic.    


The sharp fingernails were like sharp knives, drawing a few bloody lines on his face.    


It wasn't just women who valued looks.    


Some men even cherished his pretty face more than women.    


For example, Scumbag Lee, who was hiding somewhere.    


After seeing her boss fly into a rage, two of Avril's lackeys did not dare to hesitate and immediately shouted something. They simply picked her up and quickly walked up the gangplank.    


"Bash that bitch and leave her in my room." Don't forget to give her some kind of aphrodisiac. I want this bitch to give me a baby. "Give me a child, give me a child!"    


How angry did Liszt have to be to shout this three times in succession?    


No one knew.    


However, everyone could see that he was currently in a state of rage, constantly waving his pistol.    


At this time, neither the hostage nor his little brother dared to provoke him.    


It was simply not worth it to lose your life.    


Driven by Liszt's anger, the hostages who were slowly walking up the gangplank all quickened their steps.    


That was it, and it didn't prevent anyone from becoming the victim of his anger.    


A gunshot rang out and blood splattered in all directions.    


Liszt had hit a black clothed waiter who was walking behind him at a close distance on the head.    


Destroying the powerful Desert Eagle would be enough to turn a human's head into a rotten watermelon.    


Red and white brain matter splashed Liszt's face.    


It made him look ten thousand times more terrifying than the most terrifying demon in the world.    


Liszt lifted his foot to stamp the waiter's body off the ship's railing into the sea. The fury from the injury on Liszt's face subsided a lot.    


"The world is so wonderful, yet I am so furious. I shouldn't, I shouldn't."    


Taking the napkin from his subordinate, Liszt wiped his face and showed his standard gentleman's smile again.    


He even placed his left hand on his chest, bent down and raised his right hand, signaling a maid who was walking behind him to go up the gangplank.    


The maid, who had been scared silly, did not dare to slack off in the slightest. She hurriedly ran up the gangplank.    


Under the escort of the four lackeys, Liszt was the last to walk up the gangplank.    


After the cargo crane lifted the gangplank, Liszt looked at the slowly retreating cruise and smiled, "Lee Nanfang, if you don't come out now, you'll never have another chance."    


One of them handed over a remote detonator.    


According to the regulations of the detonation industry, the cargo ship had to leave the cruise ship for hundreds of meters before detonating.    


Otherwise, the explosives that were blown up would fly everywhere and injure the innocent.    


Liszt didn't care about that.    


Especially when he saw a person stumbling out of the cruise ship's cabin, waving his arms with all his might and shouting something loudly, his finger pressed the detonation button: "Lee Nanfang, I wish you a safe journey!"    


His last word was still spinning on his lips when a ball of fire shot up into the sky from the cruise ship dozens of meters away!    


Then, there was a loud bang.    


The water surrounding the cruise ship immediately soared into the sky like a rabbit whose butt was on fire.    


The shattered pieces of the cruise ship whined as they shot out in every direction.    


A plate that was blown away, whined as it flew past Liszt's head.    




Shrill screams rang out from behind him.    


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