Strongest Guard

C868 The Absolute Man of the Night

C868 The Absolute Man of the Night

Just like crossing an intersection, if you don't follow the traffic regulations and run a red light, you might get hit by a car.    


When Liszt detonated the powerful bomb under the cruise ship, he did not abide by the relevant rules and let the cargo ship retreat to a relatively safe distance before detonating it again.    


When he saw someone running out from the cabin, he laughed sinisterly and pressed the detonator.    


As a result, a dinner plate that had been blown up flew over like a bullet.    


Fortunately, his reaction speed was very fast. He tilted his head -- but one of his lackeys who was surrounded by a crowd did not have his nimble reaction speed.    


The rapidly spinning stainless steel plate directly sliced the man's head into two halves. He didn't even have the time to let out a scream.    


The one who screamed was his lackey who had half his head cut off, and the lackey behind him.    


Stainless steel plate, after cutting off a head, friction resistance, speed seriously slowed down.    


Even so, it was still able to ruthlessly pierce into the chest of a second lackey and directly cut open his abdomen.    


Just by looking at it, he was going to die.    


Liszt looked back and immediately squatted down smartly.    


All sorts of plates, forks, and broken glass shot out in all directions with the cruiser as the center, following the incredibly powerful shockwave.    


It took a full three seconds for the glass rain to stop.    


On the cargo ship, there were already seven to eight subordinates, and their hostages were already dead and injured.    


Fortunately, it was his lackeys who died, not the fat sheep.    


Little brother, as long as you have money, you can have as much as you want on that barren piece of land in Africa.    


Big fat sheep weren't easy to find. If one died, it would cost tens of millions of dollars.    


Looking at his younger brother who had his legs cut off, Liszt was slightly regretful. He was in too much of a hurry.    


However, to be able to kill that Lee Nanfang, no matter how many subordinates he had with him, it was worth it.    


"It's already like this. If you can still come out of the sea and save Avril and the rest, I'll really admire you." Will willingly let you clean up. Unfortunately, you no longer have the chance. Heh, heh. I want that noble and elegant bitch, no, the CEO, to give me a child. "    


At this moment, Liszt was like a demon suffering from a sickness. He wholeheartedly wanted Avril to give him a child. Looking at the burning cruise ship, he slowly sank into the water. With a cold smile, he turned around.    


Compared to the gorgeous cruise ship, this freighter was like a beggar on the streets.    


There were no high, ornate floors, or decks for passengers, and there were rattan chairs for them to sit in when they looked out over the sea with red wine in their hands.    


There was only the smell of rust on the mottled deck and the stench of alcohol, fish, and urine.    


However, this cargo ship was able to travel far across the ocean, heading to the other side of happiness.    


It didn't look like that luxurious cruise ship at all. When the big waves hit it, it could quickly roll over.    


On the deck of the cargo ship, there were only two levels of cabins.    


On the deck, there were many mottled containers.    


The containers that were securely secured to the deck were essential for traffickers to relocate their base camps to Africa.    


For example, a large amount of firearms and ammunition.    


A broken family was worth tens of thousands of years.    


What's more, the human traffickers' base was not too shabby.    


Dozens of elite underlings, who had come to rescue them, were all holding assault rifles as they stood high above the cabins, staring at the hostages like tigers and dragons.    


Looking at his subordinates, Liszt was full of vigor and quickly walked towards the largest container.    


So the beauty of Europe, when there is no action before a generous speech, is like the Virgin Mary.    


Standing on the container, Liszt received the trumpet from his subordinates, and started to do the mobilization before the match, no, before leaving: "Brothers, do you know why we left to raise our land and travel to foreign lands to set up camp?"    


"Because those hateful bureaucrats and capitalists, step by step, are devouring the space of our activities!"    


All his brothers roared in unison.    


They didn't lie.    


That was the truth.    


If it weren't for the fact that in recent years, British Island, and even the entire European and American regions had gradually increased their strike on human trafficking, causing a certain amount of casualties in Hamm's underground kingdom, causing her to feel a strong sense of crisis, she would have been foolish and come up with today's plan three years ago.    




Liszt nodded his head, "Our ancestors lived for even longer than this country. We were the ones who existed first, why did they chase us away? What if you want to kill us all? It's not fair, it's not fair at all. "    


The lackeys roared in unison, "Unfair, unfair!"    


"We're going to raise our iron fists and smash this injustice."    


Liszt waved his right hand forcefully in the air and shouted, "But, our power is too insignificant. All these years, in order for us to survive, I've had to hide. That's it, they don't want to let us go yet. We have to be like puppies, wagging our tails to please them. They said if they want me to donate, we have to. "    


"On what basis?"    


Liszt waved his fist again and roared, "I just want to ask them why they are taking away our hard-earned money with just an invitation!"    


"Ask them, ask them!"    


At this moment, all the lackeys felt their blood boiling. With red eyes, they looked at the fat sheep.    


The fat sheep were all shivering. No one dared to raise their head, let alone utter a single word.    


"We are forced to live only if we have traveled to a foreign land. This, this is all done by this group of people. "    


Liszt pointed at the fat sheep and loudly said, "But tonight, we are going to smash this injustice. We want to be masters. We will make these old haughty lords prostrate themselves at our feet, trembling. We have to get back the money they took from us! We must, after drinking three cups of wine, ride their women and gallop to our heart's content! "    


Liszt's last sentence completely ignited the evil fire in his lackeys.    


Da, da da!    


A gunshot rang out.    


Dozens of his lackeys raised their guns at the same time and swept them towards the night sky.    


They were celebrating, and at last they were able to turn the tables and sing.    


The boss had said that after drinking three cups, he would be able to ride those old masters' women and gallop to his heart's content.    


Liszt was indeed a formidable person. He clearly knew what to do in order to win over the hearts of people as soon as possible and make these fugitives follow him wholeheartedly.    


Money, a beauty.    


Since ancient times, these two methods were the best way to win over heartfelt subordinates.    


Even though he was very clear that his men were still free to enjoy the sea when the cargo ship hadn't left the area controlled by British Island, he became a little anxious.    


However, he really wanted to replace Hamm.    


He really wanted Beautiful President to give him a child.    


Especially the latter wish, which was like a demonic hand that tightly gripped his heart and lungs, prompting him to arrange the defense work and increase the horsepower as he headed out to sea. He was somewhat impatient.    


Tonight was a long night.    


When Liszt, who had finished arranging his defenses, waved his hand, the ten subordinates that were eager to give it a try immediately put down the guns in their hands and pounced towards those noble ladies with an evil grin.    


In front of Man, they were like fierce wolves as they threw those women onto the ground.    


Despite their screams and struggles, they tore off their clothes and untied their pants.    


Lord Fei and the others' eyes were about to pop out of their sockets -- but what the hell.    


If glare could kill, then Liszt would have died at least eight thousand times.    


Liszt laughed out loud as he saw his ten lackeys pouncing on the bodies of those noblewomen and moving around with all their might.    


So far, he had seventy subordinates, including the captain.    


Seventy people could be divided into seven groups to discuss the mysteries of life with those noble women.    


Ten people doing homework, sixty people being on guard. It was enough to prevent any accidents that might happen at any time.    


After arranging for his assistant Tom to patrol the entire area, Liszt hurriedly walked out of the container.    


According to his orders, Beautiful President and Avril from Yuping Group had already been carried into the cabin by his two lackeys.    


Liszt was a cultured person, of course, he wouldn't be like those lackeys, who would do those unworthy things in front of everyone on the deck.    


He was even more disdainful of sharing a woman with his little brothers.    


Boss, of course there are benefits to being the boss.    


On the deck, there were seventy subordinates who were matched with a dozen women. On average, six of them had one woman.    


Liszt, on the other hand, had two women.    


And these two women were both of the best quality.    


One was his eldest brother, whom he had been drooling over for a long time. It was said that he was still a virgin.    


He was supposed to give it to God, but he ended up giving it to God for free.    


Liszt's heart started pounding when he thought of how it felt to be able to ride on the back of his boss, who could only look up at him in the past.    


However, he did not plan to go to Lucky boss first.    


That was because there was still an even more coquettish coquettish horse that needed him to conquer.    


Compared to Hamm who came from the underground world, Beautiful President and Avril from the Yuping Group were definitely existences like White Peony.    


Dealing with Avril would definitely make him more proud than dealing with Hamm.    


Therefore, he decided to look for Avril first.    


"I want her to give me a baby."    


Liszt muttered to himself as he walked quickly to the door. He said to his two trusted henchmen in front of the door in a cold voice, "I don't want to be disturbed while I'm working."    




The two lackeys, of course, nodded their heads.    


One of them hesitated for a while and said, "Boss, there is no 'Supreme Celestial' in the items we have prepared."    


Supreme Celestial was not an immortal, but a aphrodisiac specially used by Hamm Group to deal with strong women.    


It was said that Supreme Celestial's formula had been passed down for thousands of years, that it was green without any side effects, and had an especially overbearing medicinal effect. Even if Iron Man consumed it, he would have to shout "Holy shit, I want it!"    


When Liszt told his two lackeys to escort Avril to the cabin, he specifically asked for some of these things for her.    


The cold and elegant CEO Avril suddenly turned into a slut and asked to have sex with someone. Liszt was a little disappointed, but he forgave his two trusted aides generously, "It's alright. "Conquering a strong horse with a temper will give you a greater sense of accomplishment."    


Looking at the other guest room, Liszt smiled and opened the door.    


The other woman, Hamm, was in that room.    


As a precaution, Liszt decided that after enjoying her, he would immediately kill her.    


"I'm sorry, I didn't want to kill you, but you had to die."    


Tonight's absolute male lead, Mr. Liszt, silently said in his heart and walked into the room.    


In the room, there was a large bed.    


There was a woman lying on the bed.    


A woman's hands and feet were tied to the end of the bed.    


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