Strongest Guard

C871 Smell Death

C871 Smell Death

"Report, tsunami, tsunami!"    


After the captain pushed open the door to the meeting room, he shouted at the general who was in the middle of a meeting.    




Major General Scott was shocked. With a "pa" sound, he dropped the magnifying glass on the table.    


This is on the aircraft carrier Elizabeth of British Island.    


Last night around 2100, Major General Scott received an urgent call from his country saying that Lord Fei was organizing an annual charity collection on his luxury cruise when he was kidnapped by the notorious trafficker Hamm.    


By the time Major General Scott received the news, about a hundred hostages had been killed on the cruise ship.    


Most of them were bodyguards brought by philanthropists. There were also a few crew members on the cruise, including the captain who was loyal to Lord Fei.    


The Secretary of Defense ordered Wandering Spear's Elisabeth, who was in the ocean beyond the England, to head back to the sea at full speed, in order to prepare for the upcoming battle.    


Don't say that the hostages were the hundred over nobles of British Island, and Lord Fei included.    


Even if these people were civilians, the Secretary of State for Defence would issue this order, and Major General Scott would strictly enforce it.    


Immediately, the aircraft carrier turned around and headed toward the coast at full speed.    


However, although Hamm's speed was fast, he was not an airplane. Plus, he was far away from the sea, so he would need at least ten hours to get there.    


No one thought about how long it would take.    


Having received the order, the aircraft carrier Elizabeth only needed to return at full speed.    


However, on the way back, he received a call from the Secretary of Defense, requesting Hamm to stand by and deliver the criminal cargo ship's radio channel. After deciphering it, connect it to this side.    


"If necessary, it is free to act on its own and there is no need to consult the ground headquarters that was urgently formed in connection with the case. But the priority must be to ensure the safety of the hostages, especially Lord Fei. "    


This was what the Secretary of State for Defence had repeatedly stressed to Major General Scott.    


Major General Scott, when it comes to dealing with matters like these, you can say that he has a lot of experience.    


Upon receiving the clear instructions, he immediately ordered the carrier fleet to stand by and send electronic technical experts to decode the radio channels used by the criminals in the hope of getting in touch with them and engaging in "friendly" negotiations.    


Unfortunately for the Major General, although they had already deciphered the cargo ship's radio channel and repeatedly tried to contact the criminal, the signal they sent out was as if a stone was dropped into the ocean, and there was no response at all.    


Liszt didn't care about the official decryption of their radio channel. As long as he ignored them and followed the pre-planned route, he would head out to the sea at full speed.    


There was nothing Major General Scott could do about such people. After reporting to the Secretary of State for Defense, he could only gather the high ranking commanders of the fleet to negotiate on an urgent basis for the next plan of action.    


Where will the freighter go once it is out of the inner sea?    


This was the problem that Major General Scott and the others were currently pondering over.    


Just as everyone was discussing the matter, the captain suddenly pushed open the door and entered, shouting that a tsunami was approaching.    




Major General Scott's expression changed drastically as he asked with a cacophony, "How far is the center point of the tsunami? What was the level of destruction? Previously, did the Army and Sea Center send out any warnings regarding the tsunami? "    


In fact, as far as Scott knew about the captain, he knew from the look of horror on his face that something was wrong.    


British Island, a nuclear aircraft carrier that could discharge up to a hundred thousand tons of water, was definitely a giant ocean existence.    


In a normal stormy sea environment, it would only be considered as a piece of cake.    


But that was only in ordinary circumstances.    


If they were to encounter a tsunami with a strong destructive power, the possibility of the aircraft carrier being overturned was even simpler than a child wiping their snot on their face.    


A tsunami with a powerful destructive power would form a water wall of ten to fifty meters, or even higher, when it erupted.    


This kind of terrifying power was absolutely invincible.    


Tsunami waves can travel at speeds of more than 700 kilometers per hour in the deep sea, easily synchronizing with the Boeing 747.    


Tsunami waves, which were hundreds of meters high, could spread over a distance of a few thousand kilometers, but the energy loss was very small.    


Using America's Nimitz class aircraft carrier as an analogy.    


The Nimitz class aircraft carrier was the most powerful sea monster in the world's navy. The flight deck was twenty meters above the water, thirty meters from the baseline, and seventy from the baseline to the top of the mast.    


However, if it were to collide with the terrifying force of the tsunami, the only result would be a huge wave crashing into the ship, causing it to sink into the deep sea.    


In the face of nature, human strength was still too insignificant.    


A Nimitz class aircraft carrier, when it encountered a tsunami, it was already being brutalized by the sea like a Stinky Sock, not to mention that in every aspect, it was inferior to its Elizabeth?    


That was why Major General Scott panicked and questioned the captain.    


"We've already detected the center point of the tsunami. It's less than 300 miles away from us."    


Perhaps it was because of the panic in Major General Scott's heart, but he was actually calm on the surface, the captain also quickly calmed down, his mouth full of bitterness as he truthfully replied, "The Tsunami's Destruction Level, is at Scarlet Level. Until then, we have not received any early warning from the Military Command Centre on Land and Sea that the outbreak of this tsunami was abrupt. "    


Without a doubt, no matter how advanced a human was, their ability to warn of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, as well as other devastating natural disasters, could not even compare to the premonitions of certain animals.    


Especially in this deep sea far away from land, forget about being able to accurately detect the activity of the earth's crust, even the creatures at the bottom of the sea have only been able to do so in recent years.    


Major General Scott, you really can't push the responsibility of the carrier fleet, which is about to face a devastating blow, to the relevant early warning departments.    


When he heard the captain say the word "crimson," the corners of his mouth twitched.    


The Scarlet Tsunami was similar to the S rank arrest warrant issued by Interpol when a felon was being apprehended.    


It was the most serious kind.    


"Can our fleet avoid the disaster in time before the tsunami arrives?"    


This was Major General Scott, something that he desperately needed to know right now.    


As for the freighter that was still moving at top speed away from the British Island, Lord Fei, and the lives and deaths of hundreds of philanthropists — well, in the face of national interests, the life and death of any individual was insignificant.    


"The fleet must now move at full speed towards the Cape of Good Hope, with a 60% chance of surviving the tsunami."    


Just as the captain finished speaking, Major General Scott slammed the table and shouted, "Quick, quick, full speed!"    


"Full speed!"    


"Full speed!"    


A mournful alarm rang under the repeated orders to vomit.    


All the officers and soldiers on the aircraft carrier fleet immediately started running.    


He ran back to his position as fast as he could.    


After Major General Scott ordered his deputy to report this matter to the land command center, he led a few subordinates and quickly ascended the highest observation deck of the aircraft carrier. They raised their infrared night vision binoculars and looked to the west.    


Although he was equipped with advanced instruments to monitor the state of the ocean, Major General Scott was still used to seeing this Scarlet Tsunami with his naked eye.    


"God, please protect your people from this tsunami."    


Through the telescope, he saw a dazzling wall of water coming toward him from the west at a speed that could topple mountains and overturn seas. He quickly drew the cross on his chest with his right hand.    


The one who drew the cross was also the woman with the most authority in British Island.    


Though only symbolic.    


However, none of her people would forget that it was due to the hard work of her ancestors that she was able to create an empire in the world that was once strong to the point where the sun did not set.    


She hadn't closed her eyes since last night.    


He stood by the window all the time, looking to the west. He did not speak a word.    


Her husband, in that direction, was suffering from fear.    


She couldn't help him at all.    


Now that she knew the full details of the shocking kidnapping, she knew that her husband had made a terrible mistake in selecting his subordinates.    


But she did not blame her husband for it.    


Because she knew that her husband had been working hard for charity all these years.    


She only hoped that her husband would return safely.    


Next year at this time, hold another charity fundraiser.    


The arrogance of the criminal, after a moment's success, would never stop the royal family's steps towards philanthropy.    


From the moment she received the news, she had already ordered the crown prince to personally prepare the ransom.    


A hundred million pounds should be enough to satisfy those traffickers, she thought.    


The Crown Prince's ability to work made her feel gratified. In just two hours, he had already raised a hundred million pounds.    




The new situation had once again pushed this elegant woman into a corner.    






There was actually a Scarlet Tsunami that roared over from hundreds of miles away from her husband, just like a demon.    


With a speed of 700 kilometers per hour and a speed comparable to that of a Boeing 747, it was enough to smash the cargo ship to the bottom of the sea.    


Everyone on that ship was destined to perish together.    


Her husband would never come back to her, take her hand, and reminisce about the happy days of his youth.    


Of course, in addition to the freighter, there were also many other ships that would suffer the devastating impact of this tsunami.    


Who knew how many people would die under this tsunami?    


After the news of the tsunami came in, there were no more calls from the Congress, nor from the military.    


The woman knew that there was a lot of work waiting for them in the current critical situation.    


For example, try to keep the carrier fleet that was coming from the outer seas as safe as possible.    


Ding ling ling.    


The phone finally rang.    


The secretary, who had been accompanying her the whole time, immediately picked up the phone.    


The call was from the Secretary of Defense, who told her in a quick and clear voice that the Elizabeth carrier fleet was moving at full speed in the direction of the Cape of Good Hope, and that there was a 60 percent chance that they would be able to avoid the tsunami.    


The woman heaved a long sigh of relief.    


A probability of 60% meant that he would be able to safely escape danger.    


That 40% probability of success included uncertainties. For example, there was a new tsunami that would erupt in the midst of a tsunami.    


However, that kind of situation was extremely rare.    


But he couldn't relax.    


Ding ling ling, the phone that had just been put down by his secretary rang again.    


"Hello, Linda. It's Jack."    


When Lord Fei's thick and low voice came through the phone, the woman could no longer hold back her tears.    


Linda was her breast name.    


Jack was her husband's name.    


But when they grew up, they never used those two names again.    


You have to scream, or you can — when two people, Yin and Yang, are separated.    


"Jack, how are things on your side?"    


After hearing his wife's still elegant voice, Lord Fei, who was hiding behind the container, smiled and said, "Very bad. I, have already smelled death's scent. "    


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