Strongest Guard

C874 Water Sacrifice

C874 Water Sacrifice

Facing such a huge wave, no matter how good Lee Nanfang's water performance was, he had lost all hope.    


If he was alone, he still had a chance to fight.    


Just find a wooden barrel or something from the ship, tie yourself to it with a rope, take a deep breath, close your eyes, and let the wind blow, and I'll stand still — like a dead fish at last, washed ashore.    


After waking up, he untied the rope, spit out sand from his mouth, patted his butt and happily left.    


But the problem was, he wasn't alone.    


He was not fighting alone!    


Oh, that's not right. He is not just a burden.    


He had just walked onto the bow of the ship and discovered that he was very lonely. Hamm, who needed someone to accompany him to the blissful world, had also woken up. He raised his hand and threw away the red dress that covered his chest, shaking his super beautiful buttocks, and when he ran to Hamm's side, he fell onto the deck with a thump, but just in time to reach out and grab his legs.    


He even called out hoarsely, "Lee Nanfang, take me with you."    


Fuck you.    


Lee Nanfang looked down at the woman's face, which was covered in tears. He really wanted to kick her into the sea.    


If it wasn't for this woman, he would be living a carefree life as a prince and princess in the mountains with his aunt.    


It was because this bitch sold Min Rou from Karawich that he was forced to come here to British Island, to find out who the real Hamm was.    


In the end, it turned out like this.    


It's all this bitch's fault — well, it doesn't seem like a man's doing to complain about other people at this time.    


Moreover, Hamm was not the only one who wished for Lee Nanfang to be brought along.    


Yang Xiao, who used to be so awesome and powerful, was clearly a man who killed to death, but now, he was even inferior to a woman. He hugged Lee Nanfang's arm and almost hung his entire body.    


As for the lively White Peony, she stuck to his back like a plaster, wrapping her arms around his neck and wrapping her two long legs around his waist, wishing that they could become one with each other. She even muttered something about how he was her supreme hero, whether he was going to heaven or hell, she would follow him wholeheartedly, sharing life and death with him.    


"I don't want to go to heaven or hell. I just want to go home."    


Lee Nanfang, who was trapped by the three of them and unable to move a single inch, looked at the giant wave that was hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye. Lee Nanfang, who was at least 20 meters tall, and was held tightly by the three of them, and after muttering a few words, realized that he had to say goodbye to his aunt.    


The howl was like a weeping cry, similar to the cry of a dragon.    


However, there was an excitement on his face that even he was unable to comprehend.    


It was as if he had waited hundreds of centuries for this day.    


Ka-cha! *    


A clap of thunder, as if it were about to split the sea in half, suddenly exploded above the freighter.    


Anyone who had the slightest knowledge of life would know that when thunder struck, there was first a flash of lightning before the sound of thunder could be heard.    


This was because the speed at which sound travelled through the air was many times slower than light.    


However, this explosive clap of thunder seemed to be produced by lightning and thunder at the same time.    


The lightning that split open the thick sky suddenly expanded for tens of thousands of meters, appearing like a giant dragon in the blink of an eye.    


A bolt of lightning rapidly struck down from the bow of the ship, smashing into the sea.    


A blue fireball several meters tall suddenly rose into the air with a boom.    


However, before the blue flame from the fireball could rise up, it was instantly extinguished.    


However, there were drops of rain that were even bigger than soybeans falling down from above in a hurry.    


However, Lee Nanfang didn't see it.    


He closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and continued howling.    


Therefore, he did not see Yang Xiao, who was beside him, violently quiver when the lightning struck him. Just like when the lightning struck him, Yang Xiao opened his mouth and let out a shrill scream, as if he was tied by a rope around his neck and then tied to a high-speed train that was running at over 300 knots per hour. Yang Xiao did not even give him a chance to react.    


Someone had fallen into the sea.    


In a very strange way, he suddenly flew forward five meters before suddenly falling down.    


Lord Fei and hundreds of hostages saw this scene clearly.    


Seeing the incoming wave, Lord Fei and the others turned into the most pious believers. They knelt on the deck, placed their hands in front of their chests, lowered their heads and closed their eyes, and started reciting the 'Book of Songs' loudly. Oh, no, it's the 'Bible'.    


They hoped that God would forgive them for the sins they had committed in this world, forgive them, and lead them through the gates of heaven.    


However, at the moment of their death, they managed to achieve Heaven Man Unity, no longer fearing, no longer panicking, their hearts calm. There were even some who had a happy smile on their face as they prepared to wait for the summons of the angels, but instead, a long, mournful howl shattered their paralysis, dragging them back to the cruel reality.    


It was just like the roar of a dragon. The tip of a needle was like a spike, stabbing into their eardrums. It was very painful.    


More unbearable.    


It was as if the roars of the sea had already disappeared from this world. Only the roar forced them to open their eyes and look at the bow of the ship.    


He looked at the four people.    


Four people were entangled together.    


Two men, two women.    


Three of them were dressed.    


The moment they saw these four people, they saw one of them float into the sea.    


"Water Sacrifice!"    


In a flash, Lord Fei, who had loved wild history since he was young, thought of this phrase.    


According to some wild history, when the ancient people were angry at the sea and wanted to devour everything, they would throw a living person into the sea.    


This was called the offering of water, and it was also called the offering of the sea.    


As for whether or not the sea quelled its anger after throwing him into the sea, there is no record of it in the history of the wild --    


Lord Fei, who had read a lot, knew about the situation of the Water Sacrifice.    


The most famous one was none other than the legend of First Emperor Qin.    


It was said that one year, when Qin Shi Huang was playing in the lake, there was something wrong with some of his nerves. Suddenly, a monstrous wave was raised, and a strong wind blew, making it seem as if the boat was about to capsize. He hastily took out the hereditary Imperial Jade Seal, shouting for the Lone King to be here, and threw the Imperial Jade Seal into the lake.    


The moment the Imperial Jade Seal entered the water, the huge waves disappeared, the dark clouds dispersed, and a bright moon hung in the sky. The moment the Imperial Jade Seal entered the water, the great waves disappeared, the dark clouds dispersed, and a bright moon hung in the sky.    


Ten years after this event, an emissary walked into the night and passed by the lakeside. Suddenly, someone held a jade wall in his hand and stopped him.    


He asked the emissary to give this piece of jade to Haochi, saying to the emissary, "This year, the Ancestor Dragon died."    


The envoy was baffled and hurriedly asked him what he meant.    


However, this strange person no longer gave any explanation. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the night.    


The confused envoy brought the jade wall back to Xianyang and immediately reported it to Qin Shi Huang.    


When the First Emperor heard this, his first thought was that this was the phrase that referred to him as the "Ancestral Dragon". He was silent for a long time before he said, "Mountain ghost, you can only know a year's time."    


It meant that the strange person the Night Emissary met was just a mountain ghost.    


As for the Mountain Ghost, he only knew about it for a year at most.    


However, this jade wall was thrown into the water ten years ago during the water sacrifice. How could the mountain ghost know about it?    


The way Qin Shi Huang said this, he was obviously being stubborn. He did not believe that he would die this year.    


As a result, the First Emperor died that year.    


The story seemed to have gone a little too far, the book returned to its original topic.    


The shrill and excited dragon's roar awakened Lord Fei, who was pious and repentant towards God. He and his companions saw with their own eyes a person flying from the bow of the ship into the sea in a strange way. They immediately thought of the term "Water Sacrifice": "Could it be that this person is the reason for the sea's anger?"    


Just as this thought surfaced in his mind, Lord Fei couldn't help but laugh: "Hehe, how can I think that way? Sigh, he was poisoned by the Chinese culture. Never look at those books again — ever again? "    


Thinking about this, Lord Fei became sad. "Even if this person is the reason that the sea is angry, he has already fallen into the sea to sacrifice himself for the sea. But, who can stop this tsunami that is going to bring about huge difficulties to the British Island? "    


"What is this person's name again?" Do you think that just by shouting so harshly, you can calm the anger of the sea and let us escape this calamity? "    


When Lord Fei looked at Lee Nanfang again, the mournful howls became more and more ear-piercing, forcing him to cover his ears with his hands. Just as he was about to let out a furious roar to comfort everyone, an unbelievable scene happened.    


It seemed like the ship would be swept away in less than ten seconds!    


Unexpectedly, it stopped.    


Who would have thought that when the huge wave, which was more than twenty layers high, was about to pounce on them from a hundred meters away and fiercely beat the ship that was already tilting down to the bottom of the sea, it would suddenly stop. It could no longer move forward, and it would suddenly stand erect on the surface of the sea just like that?    


It was as if there was an invisible high wall that stood a hundred meters away, completely unmoving even under the hysterical pouncing of the enormous waves.    


After pouncing for seven or eight seconds, the giant wave disappointedly landed on the two sides of the invisible wall, which was a few hundred meters left and right of the cargo ship. It raised its angry head and pounced towards the coastline.    


The wind was still howling.    


The rain continued to fall!    


A white mist rose from the front of the wave.    


The freighter that should have capsized was constantly swaying left and right due to the impact of the huge waves crashing from both sides.    


Slowly, it began to rapidly spin on the surface of the sea.    


In the hands of the sea, a cargo ship that could discharge thousands of tons was like a toy.    


It was spinning faster and faster, but it was no longer falling left or right.    


"What's going on?"    


Lord Fei and the rest held onto the fence tightly as they looked at the unbelievable scene in a daze.    


"God has appeared! God save his poor people! "    


It was unknown who suddenly shouted.    


After that, everyone drew a cross in their hearts. Their eyes were fixated on the man in the bow who was tightly embraced by the two women. They questioned in their hearts, "Is he the God who came to protect us from this calamity? When he shouted, he was accusing the sea. Shouldn't he take us with him? Otherwise, why would the huge wave be blocked in front of the cargo ship? "    


Although the tsunami was terrifying, it did not last for long.    


It was just a matter of the past few rows of waves.    


However, the destructive power caused by these waves was something that humans could not stop.    


After the towering waves had passed, the rest of the waves were ordinary.    


Of course, this was only true when compared to the monstrous waves.    


The incoming wave was also a few meters high.    


But for ships that emit thousands of tons of water, it is no longer fatal.    


The fatal thing was, Lord Fei and the others who were staring blankly at Lee Nanfang were frightened as they found out that the hurricane had arrived.    


From the opposite direction of the wave.    


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